Chapter 501 Hero Banner

Let Mushroom City send people to blast furnace steelmaking to obtain pure metal.

With live pearls, yogurt balls, and newly harvested mushroom spore powder, Shen Cong drove back to Huangqian Town, and at the same time brought a group of people there, dragging the corpses of those behemoths lying on the battlefield back to Mushroom City for sale. Lose.

Leading the team is Wang Yajun who stayed behind in Mushroom City, this super iron man, who admires Shen Cong very much.

This era is the era of the strong.

When seeing a large number of Death golden beast corpses, and then perceiving the talents of these golden beast corpses one by one, Wang Yajun was shocked to say incompletely: “Commander…you killed these golden beasts?” He watched. On the corpse of the golden beast, many fatal injuries were caused by mushroom weapons and nuclear weapons.

And all this is obviously left by Shen Cong.

Shen Cong couldn’t say no, he was too lazy to talk to them too much, and didn’t enjoy the admiration of others, so he directly asked them to drag the golden beast’s corpse away. Huang Qianzhen is Shen Cong’s sphere of influence, and he will stay here for a long time, and he doesn’t want anyone to disturb him.

Soon, Wang Yajun left Huangqian Town with a large number of golden beast corpses.

With the advent of the Lv1-Pure Gold Age and the Lv2-Pure Black Age, most parts of the evolved beast have turned gold and are no longer edible. But becoming gold itself is a good material for changing arms. Even if it is mashed and made into gold, it can also be used as fertilizer for iron fruit.

Huge fat ducks, super long boa constrictors, one-legged owls, big goats without horns…a super, ultimate, nuclear-level golden beasts will be transported back to Mushroom City with the convoy.

More than 40,000 survivors in Mushroom City were all stunned by this spectacular scene.

After inquiring around, I realized that these were hunted by the patron saint, and brought together the golden beasts who came to pick things up. Although one person killed so many golden beasts, it was incredible, but it was not unreasonable at all to have seen Shen Cong’s survivors turn the tide. In their hearts, Shen Cong is already number one in the world.

In this mysterious new world, personal strength can surpass everything.

“That’s a boa constrictor, destroy the boa constrictor in the settlement of Yiyang Town!”

“The commander killed the boa constrictor and killed both!”

“Long live the patron saint!”

Countless survivors, surrounded by golden beast corpses, ran to the slaughterhouse from the gate of the city. Then they gathered in the Mushroom City Square and cheered in front of the marble statue just erected.

The marble statue is lacquered black.

The shape is exactly according to the sculpture of Shen Cong’s The Underworld plant. It is a one-to-twenty large sculpture. Shen Cong is wearing The Underworld plant. , As if looking down on sentient beings.

At the base of the sculpture is a square platform.

Around the square platform, there are carved five things-the big Vajra, the four-legged dragon, the snail traveler and the locust tree locust each occupy one side, and there are many sculptures of ants around it.

These are the impressions of Shen Cong from the survivors of Mushroom City.

“The patron saint’s car, the patron saint’s battle pet!” An ordinary person clenched his fist with an exhilarated expression, “there is a patron saint, no demon ghost can stop it, he will protect us!”

Ordinary people cheered.

At the slaughterhouse, Huang Caishan, who was watching the golden beast’s carcass, heard cheers. As a senior in the Eastern Theater, he naturally knew the true situation of Shen Cong, not guarding humanity as ordinary people cheered. On the contrary, although there is no definite confirmation, Shen Cong’s spirit must have certain problems.

He didn’t even consider himself a member of the Eastern Theater, leaving Juchao District without saying goodbye, renewing Hefei without saying goodbye, leaving the Eastern Theater without saying goodbye, and sooner or later from Mushroom City.

Come alone, and go alone.

Huang Caishan often feels about this. If Shen Cong is normal and can serve the Eastern Theater with all his heart and contribute to the reconstruction of his homeland, the development of the Eastern Theater will definitely be faster.

However, he also agreed with what Liu Yiwu said to him in private: “If he is not mentally problematic, how can we dare to hold him so high.”

People are ambitious, especially in this new world that is still the last days.

When strong personal strength can override the organization, it is estimated that no one will not breed ambition. It is very possible that a normal Shen Cong did not allow the war zone to follow orders from the Military Commission in this way, but played the dictatorship alone. When others can’t beat him, and can’t kill him, why does he still listen to others’ noise?

It is precisely because of understanding Shen Cong’s character that, although he does not obey any management, he never insists on fair dealing and insists on acting alone because of bullying. Liu Yiwu was assured of pushing Shen Cong to the highest position in the eastern theater, becoming the number one in name and the patron saint respected by everyone.

The top leader Shen Cong, indifferent to government affairs and power, has always been just a symbolic meaning. It won’t have an impact on the war zone, on the contrary, it can still fetter him one or two.

Indirectly contribute to the war zone.

Moreover, with Shen Cong, the strongest man in humanity, sitting in the Eastern Theater will not only inspire people, but it will also be a binding force for other evolvers.

The most powerful human being the leader, who dares to show off his own ambition in front of him.

That is to say, Shen Cong is a big banner, so that the eastern theater will not be reduced to a place for power struggle and intrigue.

Therefore, when Han Shoucheng was rebuilding the Mushroom City, he did not hesitate to agree that others wanted to build a statue of Shen Cong. Because he also understands the meaning of Shen Cong’s banner, as it was often said in ancient times that a country cannot be ruled out for a day. With the monarch, the country will have cohesion, and with Shen Cong, the war zone will continue to be stable.

“Chief of Staff, this fat duck, with a talent of 5.347H, a nuclear-level golden beast, is extremely terrifying!” Wang Yajun didn’t know that Huang Caishan’s thoughts had drifted away for a while, and he was still immersed in shock and couldn’t help himself.

Although he had seen a 300-meter-long humpback whale while wandering at sea, the humpback whale just passed by, and the LN did not dare to provoke these behemoths.

On land, the LN has become an industrial base.

These super iron men have also begun to hunt down golden beasts. The more they fight against golden beasts, the more they can feel that hunting golden beasts is not easy.

For them, it is simple to team up to hunt the super golden beasts, and to hunt the ultimate golden beasts, there is hope.

But nuclear-level golden beasts are another category, and they can only run when they encounter it.

“I am afraid that the strongest mankind is not enough to describe him. I think it is the strongest on the earth.” Huang Caishan smiled.

“I don’t know how talented the commander is and how he evolved. He was able to hunt these nuclear-level golden beasts. We almost failed to hunt the ultimate golden beast and sea crocodile together.” Wang Yajun continued to admire, “but it must be super Four, his vehicle is too big, at least the talent of Super Four can support it.”

Huang Caishan shook his head slightly: “Innate talent is one aspect. The strength of Commander Hu is not only because of his talent, but also because of his many secrets… what is shown before us is probably only the tip of the iceberg.”

When he said this, he thought of the battle report that he had read only yesterday.

It records that Shen Cong is not afraid of mushroom weapons at all. Even nuclear-level golden beasts can be injured by mushroom weapons, but Shen Cong is indifferent. Huang Caishan immediately guessed that Shen Cong must have mastered the secret of mushroom weapons, or found materials that can defend against mushroom weapons.

However, whether it was him or Han Shoucheng before, they didn’t know it.

No one dared to ask him for secrets.

All know his character.

“We can only let the laboratory hurry up and study, or, when he leaves, leave a secret like in New Hefei…”

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