Chapter 503: Evolve at Full Speed

The theory of Mushroom Sword is correct. After Shen Cong simply designed the sample, the result was not satisfactory.

The biggest difficulty is that he needs four natural vehicles to be able to bionic the active waves of sharp, round, long, and flat mushroom spores by themselves. Only in this way can we freely manipulate the big Vajra and guide the mushroom sword to produce life-like water waves. Otherwise, he will not be able to use energy weapons.

In response to this point, Shen Cong experimented many times and finally solved it.

The solution is to establish a spore bank.

He filled each natural vehicle with a mushroom spore, and then guided the natural vehicle and the active wave of mushroom spores to entangle together to form a fixed bionic wave. It is a kind of interference to guide the active waves of natural vehicles, but now it is just turning the dominant side of the interference into mushroom spores.

With the spore bank, the natural vehicle can continue to be bionic without Shen Cong’s manipulation.

It’s just that this entanglement will decay over time, about every 12 hours, it will get rid of the entanglement and restore the original active wave of the natural vehicle.

In other words, Shen Cong needs 12 hours intervals to restore the entanglement to the best state.

“The spore bank guides the natural vehicle, and the natural vehicle is always bionic. That is to say, the mushroom sword is always exciting the active light wave, which will consume a lot of activity, even if I have the see-saw tri-nucleus graph accumulation activity, it will follow Not much consumption.”

To solve the problem of active light wave bionics, Shen Cong found another place to be modified.

The active light wave is powerful, but the consumption is also huge. This is when the spore powder is burned, all the activities are released at once to have such power.

The mushroom sword is designed, it may consume the active energy in one minute when it is opened, and the amount of activity absorbed by the natural vehicle in one hour.

Naturally, it cannot be turned on all the time.

The solution is also difficult for Shen Cong. After a little thought, he has already given an improvement plan: “As long as the active light waves are not combined and the original spore active waves are maintained, the active waves will not be consumed in large quantities. Therefore, I only need to add When the hole is closed, the mixing path of the active wave of spores is cut off, and then it can be closed.”

With Vajra’s current variable steel properties, Shen Cong can make a lot of changes with a single thought, closing the hole, it’s really simple.

All ideas are perfect.

The sample is also made immediately.

Four natural vehicles that established a spore bank were extended and embedded in the tube extended by the large Vajra, and a rough mushroom sword was born.

The active water wave turned on, and Shen Congdang was about to open the hole.

Suddenly, I saw the mushroom sword as if it flickered with a white glow. This is a brief release of active light waves to the outside, resulting in a strong light phenomenon, accompanied by a large amount of activity being consumed.

“Okay, the mushroom sword appears perfectly!”

“It’s time to try the power!”

Shen Cong immediately found out a super golden core whose shape was not suitable for weapon building, and threw it at the mushroom sword. The mushroom sword is a melee weapon. The radiation range of the active light wave is only a few tens of centimeters.


As if cutting a piece of flakes, the golden core of the super golden beast, just hitting the mushroom sword, was corroded into a huge gap, which only lasted for a second, the gap was completely melted, and the golden core was broken into two pieces.


The upper half of the gold core fell to the ground, and the fracture was corroded and broken.

The effect is very gratifying.

“It’s not bad. The effect of dealing with the super gold core has reached my expected value. This effect can easily damage the gold of the ultimate evolution beast. I will try the gold of the unparalleled gold beast, can it be corroded.”

The best thing about the Wushuang Golden Beast in Shen Cong’s hands was the duck feathers and bones pulled off from the fat duck.

He tried duck feathers first, and the duck feathers were also easily divided into two by the mushroom sword.

At the duck bone, there were some twists and turns, and it took five seconds to fuse a duck bone. Bone gold is second only to gold cores. Now even the bone gold of Wushuang Evolved Beast is difficult to fuse easily. The effect of this mushroom sword is greatly reduced.

“If it is a snail traveler’s volute, I am afraid it will be difficult to pierce through it easily. The power of the mushroom sword is between the mushroom cannon and the thick mushroom cannon.” Shen Cong thought of the night encounter and the thickness of Artai and others. Mushroom cannon, blast the volute to bleed, and the effect of mushroom sword is not as good as the thick mushroom cannon.

“Need to continue to improve.”

“The reason why the effect can’t keep up is that the natural vehicle’s active release rate cannot reach a higher standard… That is to say, I should evolve these four natural vehicles once… the meteorite fragments are irradiated once, the fire spirit medium Strengthen once, it should be able to double the effect.”

The four natural vehicles have an activity limit of about 1H.

After being irradiated with fire fragments, it can probably increase to about 1.4H, and then use fire psychics to strengthen it, and it is estimated to be about 2H.

By 2H, it is basically close to the The Underworld planting on Shen Cong. The Underworld planting has an activity limit of 2.2H, and the throughput rate is much stronger.

“Wait for the 2H activity on the natural vehicle, and the power of the mushroom sword can definitely pierce the snail traveler’s volute within a second, and deal with nuclear-grade gold cores. Waiting for me to complete the evolution of talents and transform Vajra. The fortress is the moment when the mushroom sword really comes out!”

On April 13, Shen Cong’s talent increased from 4.394H to 4.467H.

The speed of devouring the fire spirit medium has not slowed down at all, and has not yet felt the bottleneck of the talented Ascension. The surviving fire spirit heart is still shining, and the hunger in his thinking is even more intense. Shen Cong can feel that it is weakening, but it has not weakened to a certain extent, and it is difficult to establish a heart mark for the time being.

At the same time, the four-legged dragon continued to devour the fire psychic. This time it was restricted to one cube and one cube by Shen Cong to prevent another coma.

A Vajra ant worker with a talent of 0.634H was fed a fire psychic about the size of a fist by Shen Cong to observe whether it reacted.

The mechanical vine responsible for providing metal seeds for the strong plant armor was also buried with a fire psychic in the flowerpot. He tried to make the mechanical vine Ascension talent. The current mechanical vine talent is 0.421H, which is very low.

On April 14, Shen Cong’s talent increased from 4.467H to 4.539H.

The first batch of pure metal materials, about 20 tons, was pulled back from Mushroom City by Shen Cong and alloyed onto the large Vajra to keep the active wave intact.

However, the part of the new alloy still changes to iron, not to steel. Shen Cong needs to swallow the blood of Vajra and complete the evolution.

In this regard, Shen Cong was not very satisfied: “If the transformed steel cannot be produced by myself, can I still not do without Mercury Lake? If every time it is damaged, there will be no way to maintain the transformed steel after the alloy. This effect is not good… I need to find a chance to re-study the blood of Vajra and find out the cause.”

There are many things that need to be done, but when it comes to evolution, Shen Cong is not sloppy at all.

The four-legged dragon has digested one cubic meter of fire psychic, and with the medicinal effect of C2-A144, its talent has jumped from 3.378H to 3.541H. Its appetite has greatly increased, and cracks have formed between the scales on the body’s surface, and new scales are sprouting. Going around all day, unlucky.

“Bobo… Little Four… Powerful… Powerful…”

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