Chapter 804

Cluster shield wave, cluster gun wave, two technologies are promising.

For several days, Shen Cong was experimenting with these two technologies and trying to extend more methods of operation. It really gave him a new method of operation. He not only separated the two transition methods, but also recombined them. After experimenting with a large number of combinations of different proportions, he developed a special combination of directional beam gun waves.

The directional beam gun wave can achieve the effect of collapsing in the same direction by delaying the collapse speed of the active waves in different directions, thereby only destroying the active waves in one direction.

The previous cluster gun wave was scattered blasting; the current directional cluster gun wave was fixed-point blasting.

The total energy released is the same, but the damage caused is absolutely different.

Power greatly increased.

While experimenting with the Resonant Active Wave technology, two other new combination tanks that make up a small number of Big Macs have also been built.

Three combined tanks appeared.

You can experiment with wind shields and storm sword rain, but Alice has not cooperated, and would rather die than be a giant, detained for a few years before releasing.

“This is a bit entangled, am I being too good to talk?” Shen Cong asked himself, it seemed that he hadn’t used cruel methods to treat the interrogated for a long time.

The previous interrogators, as long as they are under his coercive impact, will soon tell the truth and be at their mercy.

“It’s getting late. It’s December 7th. Brother Dao has already captured all the other combined chariots. Chen Xiuni has also successfully installed the invading pile, the deformed Vajra is completed, and she is adapting, and will lead the flying team to come here. Yes. They are here to deal with it, I don’t need to delay.”

“I will interrogate for the last time and use cruel methods. If the other party still doesn’t follow, then…” Shen Cong took a deep breath, “directly obliterate her existence.”

Walked into the prison.

The sexy carcass came into view. Shen Cong looked at Alice’s body for the last time. After ten seconds, he said: “Alice, last chance, make your choice.”

“kill me.”

“you sure?”

Alice sneered: “Do you think I am a coward who begs for mercy in those movies? Since I killed the first person, there has been no one in the world who can shake my determination. You don’t have to bother and lose. I have nothing to say to you, but I am not as strong as people, so I changed myself.”

The tone was quiet with a downplay of life and death.

Shen Cong felt a little in his heart, and eliminated a lot of Alice’s negative senses.

This is indeed a spoiler who has thought about hurting himself, but he is undoubtedly a strong man who has come to the forefront of mankind, whether it is body or mentality.

Sometimes in Shen Cong’s distorted senses, he even agrees with such a strong person, who is of the same kind as himself: “To survive and Death, you choose Death. This requires a lot of determination. If it is me, I am afraid that I will choose to become a giant. Wu Hao, because the body is not important, the important thing is self-existence.”

Alice’s eyelids moved: “What is self… I used to believe in Catholicism, but now I don’t believe in anything. I am me, my body is me, my mind is me, the robot is not me, and Transfiguration Vajra is not me.”

“What I understand is-the body carries the brain, the brain produces and passes consciousness, and consciousness becomes the self.”

“So consciousness is not as important as self?”

“Awareness is the basis of self-existence.”

“According to your statement, doesn’t it mean that when consciousness is changed, the ego is no longer there. Then the brain is the basis of consciousness. How can the brain exist after it has changed consciousness? The body is the basis of the brain. How can the body still exist after the body has replaced the brain?”

“In fact, in the new world, the replacement of the body does not affect the brain… to be precise, it does not affect the evolved superbrain. And the existence of consciousness is not only in the own brain, but the core of the vehicle can also produce and destroy consciousness. Having self is fixed, this is the eternal only.”

“Ridiculous thought.” Alice sneered. “The body can be replaced, and the brain can be replaced. Why do you say that your present self will be your future self. Why do you say that you are still you!”

“Of course I am me.”

“Prove it to me.”

Shen Cong said seriously: “There is no need to prove it to anyone. My ego is consistent. It has continued before the end. I am still this ego. I have not been changed by this world.”

Alice rolled her eyes and suddenly asked: “Did you kill before the end?”


“Do you dare to kill?”

“Don’t dare, it will break the law.”

“Have you killed anyone now?”


“Now I tell you, once a person kills someone, he is no longer the same person as before. People will change, and so will the self. I am not the former naive Alice, you It wasn’t like it used to be… Neuropathy, yes, you know it’s neuropathy.”

Shen Cong shook his head and sighed, he rarely sighed like that.

“Thirty seconds ago, I had some regrets in my heart because you were going to die. I feel that in some aspects, it’s not about character, cognition, and behavior… We are very similar, we are a temperamental person. But now there are no regrets. , You think I am insane, I think you are sick, and you are still very sick.”

Alice laughed: “Are you kidding me, I mean someone else is crazy?”

Shen Cong said calmly: “Don’t say anything about it. I know that many people think I have a mental illness behind the scenes. I have heard people say that I am persecuted with delusional disorder, or my personality is split, or I am mentally confused.”

“It seems that I am not the only one who understands.”

Shen Cong ignored Alice’s ridicule. It was rare for him to open his arms and say his own thoughts: “I am cautious and guard against the slightest failure to survive. Many people are accustomed to reacting when danger comes, but it is too late. I choose to defend in advance so that I can avoid danger as much as possible.”

Alice didn’t speak, her eyes turned up, she didn’t know where she was looking, and she didn’t know if she was listening.

Shen Cong opened his head, but couldn’t stop.

“Comparatively speaking, my method is definitely easier to survive. But it looks weird to other people, and they will think you are a persecuted delusional patient. In fact, they don’t want to admit that they are afraid and afraid. When he acted maliciously, he was knocked down first.”

“So they established a set of rules, and there were laws that regulated human behavior.”

“You see that lions never have laws. They must hide away or take the initiative to deal with threats. The same is true for tigers. They live cautiously. Any animal or person who dares to enter its territory will be attacked. They are nature. The evolution of predators, their behavior represents survival.”

“Humans say they are out of this framework. They are no longer beasts, but civilizations, but humans are 10,000 times crazier than animals when they kill each other. I have no intention of distinguishing between civilization and beasts and who is more suitable. Humans dominate. In a society where I abide by the law, even if I feel threatened, I will not easily touch the law.”

“But at the end of the world, humans are no longer able to dominate society, and the natural laws of survival of the fittest and The Weak are Prey to the Strong re-dominate society. At that time, anyone who is malicious to me, or anything else, I will take the initiative to attack. Eliminate all hidden dangers of threats.”

“I survived and grew up as a predator, a predator at the top of the food chain.”

“The new government is my territory, and the survivors of the new government are the resources in my territory. But after all, I am a predator, like a lion. I never control the development of the territory, as long as the resources are enough for me to eat. . So you see, such an incredible existence as deformed Vajra, I took the lead in realizing it.”

“Others, who are still struggling, fantasize about working hard, and they will become stronger one day.”

“And I am about to rush out of the earth and travel the universe.”

“That’s why I said, I am not sick, what I see is the essence of survival, and predators are the goals I set for myself. Others are still looking forward to a society where the people are free, and they are looking forward to safety in this society. Security and resource enjoyment. They live in the world they imagined, and they just get sick.”

“They have lost themselves, just like the people in The Matrix… One day they will wake up from their dreams and arm themselves to survive freely.”

A long story is finished.

Shen Cong’s eloquence is so-so, and the content is dry.

But this is the portrayal of his heart, what he thinks.

Alice was silent for more than a minute, then looked at him again, and then asked, “Did you figure it out by yourself?”


“Do you have a girlfriend?”

Excluding those dolls: “No.”

“Do you have any relatives?”

“My parents had a car accident when I was young.”

“Do you have friends?”


“I see. No wonder you feel like a priest in a church when I was a child, holding the Bible and telling me about God… Everyone says that a genius is a lunatic. I’m so unlucky that I met a crazy strong man. Oh, Fack, I really want to have four or five days of love with you, it’s so exciting!”

Alice burst into foul language.

Obviously, Shen Cong was not persuaded.

Shen Cong cleaned up his emotions, his eyes restored the calm of Gujing Bubo. Thinking slightly, the door of the prison slowly closed. Inside, Death was about to be executed.

Turning to leave, Shen Cong said something inexplicable to himself.

“They roam between the stars in this kind of shell, and they no longer build Universe spaceships. They are already Universe spaceships themselves.”

“But the century of’machine entities’ is quickly over. In their continuous experiments, they know how to store knowledge in the structure of space itself and condense their thoughts into light grids forever. They can become radiant creatures. , And finally get rid of material control.”

If Brother Dao is here, he can definitely shout: “2001: A Space Odyssey!”

Brother Dao is not here.

Shen Cong closed his eyes and continued to mutter: “The human body is really a makeshift monster. There are organs that don’t work. It is not always successful to change the function—even there are still discarded parts (such as the cecum). ), these parts are even worse than useless.”

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