Chapter 813 Inspiration Comes Fast

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The sudden attack of the Jackknife Federation caught the new government by surprise.

The new government will naturally not shrink and retreat, even if there is only one flying formation here, the rest are the evolutionaries of the incorporated Scimitar Republic. But with the particle-level Chen Xiuni and the second-level Dao brother, the confidence will not be lost.

The battle has already begun to sublimate.

Shen Cong stood by. He was observing the daring group of the Jackknife Federation, what on earth he relied on that even the messengers he sent dared to humiliate at will.

“As a predator, I still don’t have enough deterrence. I failed!”

Shen Cong has always upheld the attitude of not offending me and me, and treating everything outside of his world indifferently, even though he has already bid farewell to his original cautious style. Growing into a second-level particle, the most powerful evolutionary entity known on Earth, he still maintains a considerable “low-key”.

Low-key did not benefit him.

Even the most basic predator deterrence cannot be guaranteed, which is very embarrassing.

His eyes are like a knife.

Shen Cong used the sky-eye radar to observe the two sides at war.

The particle first-level Chen Xiuni has a very sturdy fighting style. Qilin wields a big sword in her arms, making tigers and tigers vigorous; the particle second-level four-clawed king-robot, fighting like a mad dog, coming and going like wind, without fixed routines. .

However, the more Shen Cong looked at it, the more surprised it became.

Because the new government did not win one-sidedly at this time, on the contrary, it was still very embarrassed. Under the attack of the storm and rain, it could not be cool.

On the edge of the Toronto settlement, the nine combined chariots of the Jackknife Federation, in groups of three or three, are supporting the wind shield, one by one, like the super machine with its own tornado BGM. Look at the momentum of the wind shield, far more than the wind shield presided over by Queen Scimitar Iris.

Every sword rain of Storm Sword Rain seemed to solidify into a solid, and its damage was very powerful.

“Shen Cong, hurry up and help, get some ideas!” Brother Dao’s Sky Eye Radar also has a wide line of sight, making it easy to spot Shen Cong standing in the distance.

Shen Cong ignored Brother Tao’s request for help.

The situation seemed dangerous, but Shen Cong knew that neither Chen Xiuni nor Brother Dao received any physical damage, but were caught off guard by the storm, sword and rain.

When he drove the six-armed Tianzun-Sky-Snatcher, he encountered Alice and was beaten a little by a storm of sword rain.

But quickly adapt to the rhythm, everything is over.

“The wind shield of the Jackknife Federation is obviously stronger in core technology, and even Iris hasn’t really mastered it… I need to fight them directly, and then carefully understand the mystery.” Shen Cong’s sky-eye radar active wave cannot really get close. Windshield, that will be shredded.

Only by going deep can it be deciphered.


The eyes of the six-armed Heavenly Sovereign-Snatching the Sky Chariot ignited with red light, which was the light blooming from the divine fire, representing that the body was already in a state of high energy storage.

The original fire covering the surface layer gradually converges, and the original fire cultivation method has ceased.

Shen Cong must devote himself to a battle.

A battle that can stun the entire Folding Knife Federation has a painful lesson for these North American evolutionists who do not know the heights and heights of the world, penetrates the bone marrow deeply.

“George Charles needs to pay the price of provoking me!”


The six-armed Heavenly Sovereign-Sweeping Crane takes a step, and the earth shakes the mountain; one step faster than one step, the earth trembles like a landslide and the earth cracks. Soon from a few kilometers away, he rushed into the battlefield where the active waves were intertwined like a storm.

Super eight one-handed shield opened.

The Super Eight Demon Emperor’s sword swung, and the green light flourished.

The four Qilin arms on the back opened together, and the four big swords each flashed green.

When the Six-armed Heavenly Sovereign-Sky Snatcher came out on the battlefield, the focus on the battlefield automatically shifted to it. The sixty-meter-high robot painted in black, white and red is even more shocking than the deformed Vajra. It looks a bit wicked, not as decent as Optimus Prime, but more powerful than Megatron.

Especially the red flames in his eyes, flashing with the cold silence of death staring.

Compared with Chen Xiuni’s slenderness and the hideousness of the robot dog, under Shen Cong’s fine-tuning of the sky-sweeping vehicle, the sculpture has the same indifferent and solitary style as his own.

Unparalleled momentum.

Brother Dao saw that the Six-armed Heavenly Sovereign-Sweeping Sky Chariot finally rushed over, and barked happily: “Haha, Shen Cong, you are finally here, hurry up, hurry up, our brothers have two swords together!”

“You are here.” Chen Xiuni struggled to support under the storm and sword rain. At this time, she couldn’t help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

The three sets of wind shields had to be separated into one set to face the six-armed Tianzun-Sky-Snatcher.

“The counterattack begins.”

Shen Cong responded briefly.

Attention is focused on the set of wind shields in front of him.

Ling Ling’s storm sword rain had already landed on the armor layer, the violent active wave gasified, consuming a large amount of the activity of the six-armed Heavenly Sovereign-Sky-Snatcher. But the last time the Six-armed Heavenly Sovereign-Sky-Snatcher would be suppressed by Alice’s Storm Sword Rain, this time he did not move in the face of a stronger Storm Sword Rain.

The battle experience is more abundant, the field activation wave is more familiar, and the particle poisonous touch is strengthened more widely. These are the breakthroughs and changes of the six-armed Tianzun-Sky-Sweeping Chariot.

Shen Cong will not fall down twice in the face of a problem.

“It has a very powerful attack range, and the application of field-based active waves has reached a more subtle level. I need time to experience the subtleties… let the storm come more intense!”

The Six-armed Heavenly Sovereign-Skip the sky standing still at the station, relying solely on the strengthened armor layer to resist the storm and the rain.

Lightning is densely covered in the original fire, and the sparks of thinking are constantly shooting.

The field-based active wave information is transported through the Shenhuo system, and the analysis data flashes quickly one after another, just like a high-speed computer.

Calculate the most correct result.

“Commander-in-chief, here comes another Tin Man!” the adjutant reported.

George Charles sits in the command center, in charge of the overall situation, directing this war. He is very excited by the feeling that one person has mastered the elite combination of several teams.

Especially when the opponent’s deformed Vajra is suppressed to the point where he can’t raise his head, and the victory is always in hand, this feeling is even better.

Adding a deformed Vajra does not dispel his excitement.

While guiding the battle of the combined tank, he ordered: “Let the cyclops solve it!”

Cyclops is a commander, and his video communication soon came: “Charles, I think something is wrong. The Tin Man I dealt with is a bit weird.”

“Why weird?”

The only remaining eye of the Cyclops is green eyeballs, and his voice is loud and loud: “It looks like it can be immune to the attack of Storm Sword Rain. I have blessed Storm Sword Rain to its maximum attack power, but I still can’t suppress it. It stops. There, there was no movement at all.”

George Charles dissatisfied: “Jarvis, you and I are old opponents. Why can’t you even deal with a tin man? You can’t serve as the rotating chairman of the Folding Knife Federation. If you want to take my seat, you need More proof.”

Cyclops coldly snorted: “Don’t irritate me, I naturally know what I should do, now I will let you know… No, the Tin Man moved, it rushed over… Oh, my god… …”

The cold snort of the Cyclops only hummed half of it, and then began to panic, and then the communication directly hung up.

Because the six-armed Heavenly Sovereign-Sky-Sweeping Chariot, which had been passively beaten before, suddenly started, facing the storm and the rain, it rushed to the wind shield in just a few seconds.

Then the Super Eight Demon Emperor Sword slashed with one sword, and split the windshield solidified like a wall with one sword.

The chaotic resonant active waves exploded again and again, and all the surrounding signals were disturbed and messed up. Only the six-armed Heavenly Sovereign-Sweeping Sky Chariot still stood high, lifted the sword and slashed again.

While slashing, Shen Cong in the car sighed with emotion: “The subtlety of field-based active waves turns out to be just a balance of forces. It can be achieved by disrupting the balance of moments to achieve the use of various field-based technologies… inspiration comes from Too fast, or war is more conducive to the development of science and technology.”

“In that case!”

“The battle continues!”

Puff, the Super Eight Demon Emperor Sword pierced directly and pierced a combined chariot. Stir and cut, the combined chariot smashed into pieces.

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