Chapter 826

The first-level dragon blood tree of particles did not stop Shen Cong. After a brief observation, he continued to fly to sub-Saharan Africa.

He saw an elephant with a particle level, waving a huge nose, directly rolling up a tree several hundred meters high, and then forcibly stuffing it into his own mouth. He went down and said hello. Elephants have become intelligent creatures, but their wisdom is still naive, they have no contact with humans, and their social experience is zero.

Asked what he didn’t know to answer, but irritably let Shen Cong go away.

“I think Africans have low IQs, but African animals have low IQs…” Shen Cong had no choice but to drive the Yinglong-Shunting Crane and continue on his way.

In the oasis around the Congo, there are lions fighting with packs of wolves.

The lion is a single male lion, the pinnacle of nuclear level; the strongest of the pack of wolves is only the ultimate, but the victory lies in teamwork, and the formation of troops is quite structured. The final result was that the pack of wolves defeated the lion at the cost of half of them killed in battle.

Shen Cong followed them to the nest and saw a little wolf who had just opened his eyes in the nest.

This little wolf was covered in black hair, and was already completely golden.

“Wolf cubs just born?” Shen Cong saw the hunting joy, exerted pressure to frighten the pack of wolves, came to the lair, and checked the little wolf. “After the Lv4-Nebula era is completed, basically metal life is already there. It’s hard to give birth. I didn’t expect these two wolves to give birth to wolf cubs.”

Whether male and female wolves have entered the Lv4-Nebula era, Shen Cong knew at a glance that they have entered the Lv4-Nebula era for at least half a year.

The little wolf is definitely pregnant after the Lv4-Nebula era.

The reason is simple. Shen Cong’s inspection found that although the little wolf is small, it is completely a product of the Lv4-Nebula era. It already has a perfect super brain.

After the examination, I looked at the wolf who was crawling on the ground but roaring low.

Shen Cong said in Chinese: “The times are evolving, and the reproduction of life does not know how it will change. As a wolf pup who follows the reproductive behavior of the old age, cherish it.” The Nebula era is not impossible to fertilize and reproduce, but It is very difficult. The change of the metal base leads to the upgraded of DNA, which leads to reproductive isolation.

Therefore, it is difficult for people or animals to give birth to the next generation in the Lv4-Nebula era… Even the new government encourages ordinary people to reproduce their offspring and expand the population base before solving the problem of evolving fertility.

if there is time.

Shen Cong really wants to study the problem of reproduction. Reproduction is a very intuitive manifestation of evolution. However, he does not have much time to stay on the earth to do research. He has more important goals, waiting and brewing.

Yinglong-Sky-snatcher lifted off.

Continue south, cross the Congo region, and fly slightly in the direction of the Great Rift Valley. The Great Rift Valley of East Africa is a fault zone created by the separation of plates. I don’t know what will happen here after three major earthquakes.

Wait until the sky over the Great Rift Valley.

Shen Cong found it surprisingly.

The Great Rift Valley of East Africa no longer exists-it has changed from a rift valley on land to an endless ocean.

“This is definitely the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, and the Super Thunderwave navigator can’t go wrong…” The Yinglong-Sky Sweeping vehicle kept flying along the ocean, black sky and white night.

Finally, the north side of Wang Yang is connected with the Red Sea.

Ethiopia was divided by the vast ocean formed by the Great Rift Valley, and the eastern half, together with Somalia, became a large overseas island. The width between the mainland and the big island is more than ten kilometers at the narrowest point and more than two hundred kilometers at the widest point. There are many islands in the vast ocean, and the largest ones remain when the plates are broken.

Wang Yang extends south, basically taking the Congolese border as its western coastline. It was supposed to be most of the land of Kenya and Tanzania. It has sunk into the sea. Lake Victoria, once the largest in Africa, has also been swallowed by the sea. There are only a lot of broken islands, telling the grandeur of the land in the past.

The southernmost point of the west coast is Lake Mawela and the Zambezi River. Lake Mawela is also annexed by the ocean, as is the lower reaches of the Zambezi River. Mozambique shattered into islands, still retaining most of the land, not completely sinking into the sea.

“The Great Rift Valley of East Africa has been connected with the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Indian Ocean, and the Mozambique Strait. It presents a band-like oceanic division as a whole… It is better to call it the East African Fractured Sea.”

A new sea was born like this.

In a short time.

Shen Cong couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “If all of this comes from the comet fire… If the comet fire is just a metal life remaining from a certain super eight talent, then how terrible is the super eight talent? A broken fire can change a planet. What is a complete fire?”

Bow your head.

Lost in thought.

“I don’t know if I can reach such a strong level. Although it feels very difficult, this is exactly what I should strive to do to become a predator, not only on earth, but also in the universe!”

Observing the East African Fracture Sea, Shen Cong continued to fly to the south without delay.

In Southern Africa.

He finally discovered the human survivors, with tribes as a unit, and baobab trees as their habitat, thriving or lingering.

These simple-minded and well-developed black shochus have almost no iron men. They are all golden men. Among them, more than 90% of the golden people have chosen to become Titan giants and live on the Baobab tree.

One is to shelter from the wind and rain, and the other is to resist evolutionary beasts.

Compared with the evolutionary beasts, the black broomcorns with well-developed limbs are really weak and pitiful.

Fortunately, Shen Cong had no hope of obtaining evolutionary technology here. He was mainly interested in observing the diversity of the earth. At this time, he was attracted by the huge and strong baobab trees.

Baobabs are very strange trees.

The trunk is as thick as the radish exposed on the ground, and the crown and the trunk are very shabby when compared. The current Baobab tree, Shen Cong observed the largest one, the diameter of the trunk reached a terrifying 400 meters. Even the first-level Dracaena of particles before, the trunk is far less terrifying.

This baobab tree has been hollowed out, and a tribe of black shochu called “Karpi” lives in the trunk. The number of them is more than 25,000, and there are 400 evolvers. The chief is a 7.2-meter tall Titan, and the ultimate name is “Magnificent Morostegg”.

This is the local aboriginal language, and Shen Cong knows nothing. He can only use the language of cicadas to simply communicate with this group of unsound brains.

After the end.

The survivors of the black broomcorn millet took the unusually strong baobab tree as their new home for the first time, where they lived and resisted natural disasters and attacks by evolutionary beasts.

The hollowed trunk does not affect the growth of the baobab tree.

Baobab trees produce huge spherical fruits called baobabs, which contain sweet juice and pulp. The 25,000 survivors rely on this tree and the five surrounding baobab trees to live up to now. Of course, today’s baobabs can no longer be eaten by ordinary people.

As the Baobab tree enters the Lv4-Nebula era, the whole body turns into Mouton, and the fruit becomes metal food.

Shen Cong exchanged a baobab fruit and tasted it.

The sweet and sour tastes good.

“Yes, it’s delicious. I buy a ton of baobabs and give me some bags of seeds.”

The chief understands Shen Cong’s power. Just the transformable robot made him stand in awe. At this time, he begged: “The great powerhouse…baobabs are given away for free…please do it…a group of monkeys often Harass us…kill a lot of people…please kill them.”

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