Chapter 833

In the laboratory, the mechanical bug was repeatedly studied by Shen Cong.

He can be sure that this is indeed a metal life, with a magic fire system, but without brain fire, so it is impossible to communicate with cicadas. Its mouthparts can emit shock waves, which is a simple way of using active waves, which is probably needed for communication.

It’s just the specific communication method, because there is a lack of more samples to compare, so I can’t figure it out.

“Talent 1.256H, Lv4-Nebula era, it is not clear whether male or female, and the way to sustain life, whether to eat or absorb fire energy… There is no fire energy distribution on the surface of the moon, no oasis, and no volcanic activity. It is completely extinguished.”

Relative to the earth, the moon is a barren and silent planet.

Scientists have speculated that there had been volcanic eruptions on the moon, but in the past billion years, there has been no volcanic activity. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there will be volcanoes in the future. In fact, the formation of the Moon Sea, some scientists have speculated that it was caused by a volcanic eruption. It’s just that the moon is not as powerful as the earth, and it may not be shot out.

The magma can only slowly diffuse from the inside to the surface, forming a huge flat Black Tortoise rock.

Such a place where birds do not shit, obviously no life can survive, even if it is metal life, it needs nutrient supplement.

“This mechanical bug obviously needs to eat. Now there are two hypotheses. The first is somewhere on the moon, where spark fragments landed, forming an oasis, and the mechanical bug ran from there; second The species is on the moon, there is no oasis, but there are substances that can be eaten by metal life.”

Shen Cong decided not to be busy dissecting the mechanical bug for the time being. He planned to release the mechanical bug, let it escape, and follow it to find a place where there might be an oasis or food.

The mechanical bug can burrow into the ground, and its six air-cushion-like feet can shrink so that it can easily penetrate into the soil. What Shen Cong needs to do is to stuff its air-cushion feet with metal sheets. In this way, it can’t shrink the air-cushion feet, so it can’t get into the soil and can only run on the surface.

Make all preparations.

The mechanical bug was thrown outside by Shen Cong. As soon as it hits the ground, the mechanical bug wants to burrow, but the six legs on which it burrows become air cushions, and it cannot break the soil at all.

Shen Cong released the coercive force to drive away a little bit, and the mechanical bug ignored the burrowing and started running directly on the surface.

Six-armed Heavenly Sovereign-Snatcher followed it in stride.

Through the pheromone, the blackhead perceives that the mechanical bug is running, and immediately makes a comment with disdain: “Weak bugs, fight the five scum, blackheads fight two!”

“I thought you were going to hit ten each.”

Shen Cong drove the six-armed Tianzun-Sky-Snatcher, followed behind the mechanical bug without hurriedly, watching the mechanical bug run at super high speed. This speed reaches at least two hundred kilometers per hour, which shows that although the mechanical bug is only more than one meter long, the energy contained in the body is very powerful.

If it is a blackhead, there is absolutely no such speed.

An hour later, with the study of the crooked running track of the mechanical bug, Shen Cong gradually found a clue: “The mechanical bug does not run blindly, but has a predetermined direction… This direction seems to be the same as what I am looking for. Are the eight knots in the same direction?”

He is currently located in the western part of Tranquility Sea, and the mechanical bug runs northwest, which is the direction of Qi Sea.

“Wherever you go, keep up.”

The desolate Black Tortoise rock plain, the color is monotonous, the temperature is high, the mechanical bugs run tirelessly, and Shen Cong also tirelessly runs. After chasing and turning around, three hours have passed, Tranquility Sea has been crossed by him, and now he has come to the crater zone between Tingjing Sea and Qi Sea.

Except for the Black Tortoise Rock Plain and the Moon Sea, the surface of the moon has large and small craters.

Because there is no barrier from the atmosphere, all celestial bodies can directly fall on the moon, forming craters.

After crossing several large craters and entering Qi Sea, the mechanical bug is still running tirelessly. I don’t know how it has such a long-lasting energy in its small body. It has been running for four hours. This is not the limit, because Qi Sea has also been crossed and six hours have passed.

To the northwest of Qi Sea is the Apennines.

The Apennine Mountains are the largest mountain range on the surface of the moon. It is 1,000 kilometers long and 3,000 to 4,000 meters above the moon’s sea level. There are many peaks that are four to five kilometers high. Scientists guess that the Apennines are the fault zone formed during the rain-sea impact event, and the rain-sea was formed by a meteorite hundreds of millions of years ago.

The true or false is still unknown, but when Shen Cong’s Sky Eye radar swept across the Apennine Mountains, his eyes suddenly flashed like two laser beams.

“The fire energy here is dissipating, and the field-formed active wave of super seven knots of gold begins to condense here. If my perception is correct, the super seven knots of gold will be in the Apennines…to keep up with the mechanical bug , It definitely has something to do with Super Seven Gold!”

The six-armed sky-snatcher quickly advanced and stepped onto the largest mountain range on the moon.

The mountains looked like ridges and mountains, but they were all monotonous. The bare blade of grass did not grow, and even the color did not change much—all of them were gray, but some were darker and some were lighter.

Mechanical bugs scurry around among the mountains.

The six-armed Tianzun-the sky-snatcher chased after him.

It took about an hour to come and go. Finally, Shen Cong no longer needed the help of mechanical bugs to lead the way. His Skyeye Radar spotted it in the depths of the Apennine Mountains, close to Chenghai, and saw the target of the trip.


The mechanical bug was caught by the virtual super-eight knot gold, and was locked in the laboratory again.

The Six-armed Heavenly Sovereign-Sky-Sweeping Chariot started to set off towards the goal: “In the blurred vision, that is a valley. The valley is different from other places in that there are objects of special shapes piled up, and there are small things walking, which feels like It’s the same kind of alien life as the mechanical bug.”

As the distance shortens, the blurred horizon gradually becomes a clear horizon.

At this time, Shen Cong saw thoroughly what his goal was.

“This… is the corpse of an alien life?” The mood fluctuated violently, and Shen Cong was severely suppressed, and in a calm state, he slowly approached the remnant that looked like an alien corpse.

On the whole, the alien corpse looks like a huge bug, but it has a humanoid structure.

It has a body structure in the same style as a mechanical bug, which is a structure in which metal lines are twisted together, like a braid. Or in other words, it’s much like human muscle structure, but more complex and entangled.

There is a head, no facial features, but a pair of tentacles, and huge black fly eyes.

There are four wings on the back, symmetrically distributed. However, the wings have “rotted”. It is not accurate to say that the wings are rotted.

There is a torso, a human-like torso, but there are barbs on the torso. And there is no belly, the belly is supported by the spine structure, which is very small.

There are hands, both hands are as sharp as bird claws.

There are legs, but the legs are anti-joint.

The total length of the alien corpse is about 300 meters, which is several times larger than the Duke of Yellowstone. There are already many parts of the body that have been eaten by mechanical bugs. And there are many mechanical bugs coming in and out around the corpse.

“This is an alien?” Shen Cong felt the live waves of the alien corpse, frowning, “A corpse, where did it come from? Why did it fall here? What happened?”

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