Chapter 872 Free Labor

The existence of the first ice continent opened up a new situation for Shen Cong’s journey of searching for resources in ice hockey. No more ramming like headless flies, just dig holes in the ice.

The volume of the ice ball is indeed one or two thousand times larger than that of the earth, but most of the volume is the gaseous part. The real ice layer and the rock core are not as huge as imagined.

This reduces his workload.

He swallowed all the fire fragments unearthed from the first ice continent on the way to explore, and strengthened his own fire. At this time, Shen Cong is no longer a Universe Tinder who has just entered the dwarf star.

In the memory of Phantom Wings, there has been knowledge about dwarf stars.

Roughly from dwarf star to Star level, it can be roughly divided into five stages.

It has just entered a short star from the Planet-class internal combustion. At this time, the fire can be called the initial temperature state, the temperature inside the fire is not high, and the intensity of the mimic nuclear reaction has not reached the limit value.

After the initial temperature state, there is a high temperature state. The mimic nuclear reaction produces a large amount of energy, so that the temperature inside the fire can reach billions of trillions, or even billions of trillions. Once such a fire explodes, it is absolutely terrifying, and can even blow up a small planet.

Regardless of whether it is the initial temperature state or the high temperature state, it is the mimicry of the Star inside the fire, but it does not release energy to the outside, and all energy only supplies what it needs.

Before ice hockey, Shen Cong was still in the initial warmth.

Now that it has swallowed the fire seed resources of the ice continent, the internal combustion has accelerated, and it has smoothly entered a high temperature state. Of course, there is no obvious boundary between the initial temperature state and the high temperature state, but an artificial form of division.

After the high temperature state, the fire has new properties.

This stage can be called the degenerate state, and the accurate description should be the mimic electronic degenerate state. At this stage, the internal pressure of the fire will change, after a series of quantum effect changes, and finally compressed into a low-energy sealed state, which is equivalent to the electronic degeneracy in physics.

After reaching this stage, Tinder has the basic conditions for supernova explosion.

The degenerate state is the most basic state of the dwarf star to the Star class.

After the degenerate state, it is the neutrino state. At this stage, the fire is on the edge of the supernova explosion at any time, and the fire begins to further collapse and shrink, and at the same time spray neutrinos to the outside. A neutrino is a kind of lepton, which can freely pass through most matter. It is a very tiny particle, similar to invisibility.

The fire in the neutrino state carries a huge amount of radiation and is very unstable.

This is also the most critical stage of the Dwarf Star Universe Tinder. If you are not fully prepared at this stage, the supernova explosion will be detonated in advance at any time, which will fall short and lead to the failure of the evolution of the Star class.

After the neutrino state is the real breakthrough stage of evolution, this stage is called a supernova explosion.

Supernova explosion is the supernova explosion of a mimic Star, but it is relatively minor and does not yet possess the properties of a complete mimicry. In fact, if you want to evolve, you have to perform another mimicry, a real supernova explosion. Therefore, the breakthrough of the dwarf star is an explosion, and the breakthrough of the star is an explosion.

Whether it is an explosion or an explosion, it is a process of fire breaking and reorganization.

Struggling over, Immortal forever.

Struggle can’t pass, inherit the legacy.

After reaching the high temperature state, Shen Cong’s body became bigger and bigger. Fortunately, although ice hockey does not have many metal elements, it can still be deprived of metal materials to supplement the iceland hammerhead snakes and mushroom insects.

“The metal is obviously not carried by hammerhead snakes and mushroom insects, and no metal elements have been detected in the ice. Obviously metal elements are hidden in the rock core. There should be metal mines here… Unfortunately, the pressure on the rock core is too great for me to go deep. , Once trapped in it, it is very likely to die.”

Shen Cong is indeed getting stronger and stronger, but the gravity and pressure of a planet’s core are absolutely unimaginable, and it is not impossible to kill him.

He would not take such a big risk for a little metal mine.

Prudence is a character in his bones.


The drill bit broke through the ice, and another ice continent appeared in the field of vision.


Shen Cong quickly perceives that there is a powerful active radiation source in the distant unknown space. And the active radiation source is still moving, and the moving speed is very fast.

Perceived from radiation, this is a metal life form with a talent of over ten.

“Super ten talent, very strong living body, what will it be?” Shen Cong quickly rushed to the active radiation source. The surface of this ice continent was slightly potted and there were few geysers. Flying all the way, he didn’t even see a geyser, nor did he feel the high concentration of fire energy.

Only a faint fire energy escapes in the air.

I feel a little strange.

This does not prevent Shen Cong from catching up with the constantly moving active radiation source a day later. It is indeed a metal life body, like some kind of multi-tentacled starfish.

The body is huge and has an unforgettable margin.

Surrounded by the tentacles, there is a sharp big head, which again resembles a big octopus, but without eyes and other organs. There are spiral grooves on the surface of the skin, just intercepting one of them, it looks like a thread, which is quite similar to the deformed drill before Shen Cong.

Shen Cong, who was in stealth, approached this huge monster quietly.

He didn’t alarm the opponent first, and started observing the monster as he observed the mushroom insects before. The monster seemed to vaguely perceive Shen Cong’s approach, the huge flat body, and many tentacles, suddenly contracted inward, twisted together, and turned into a pencil-like snake-shaped body.

Then, the monster plunged into the rocky surface and hibernated quietly.

“Pencil octopus? Pencil starfish? Tentacle pencil? Tentacle rag…” Shen Cong stayed invisible, observed quietly, and named it leisurely, “I don’t believe in Daya very much. It is still called a drill octopus, with more tentacles and big heads. , Can burrow, or rotate and burrow, very suitable for this name.”

The drill bit octopus stayed under the surface for a few minutes, and suddenly broke out of the rock. It seemed that no danger was found, and it changed into the original flat multi-tentacled body.

Tentacles buckle the ground, crawling extremely fast.

Shen Cong followed closely, walking in an unknown direction one after another. After walking about three miles away, a geyser was in sight. When Shen Cong’s eyes lit up, he saw the drill octopus rushing towards the geyser, turning his body into a drill bit, and going in along the spring. After a short while, he rushed out and continued to walk.

At this time, the geyser has been destroyed, and under the strong squeezing force of the surface, it slowly healed, leaving a pothole.

It is more active than the surroundings and gradually diluted.

“It turns out that it’s not that this iceland has no geysers or spark fragments. It’s that all the geysers were destroyed by the drill octopus, and the fire fragments were swallowed.” Shen Cong waited for the drill octopus to walk away and quickly broke the location of the original geyser. , Digging a bit, no tinder fragments were found.

However, the remaining activity and fire energy proved that fire fragments did exist before here.

The conclusion is obvious, the tinder fragments were snatched by the drill octopus.

“The survival method of the drill bit octopus is very interesting. It is better to use it to take out all the fire fragments in the ice continent, and then I will snatch the fire fragments from it.”

Thinking of this, Shen Cong made a decision.

He is not afraid of the fire fragments falling into the hands of the drill octopus. After all, the fire fragments are not a life body that has not yet grown into a Universe fire, and can be swallowed quickly.

Even if it is swallowed, it doesn’t matter. After killing, the tinder particles can still be recovered.

“Free labor, don’t use it in vain.”

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