Chapter 890

Not everyone is like Shen Cong. There is only solid eternity in their hearts, and wind and snow are the pursuit of most people. Even if metal is used as the body’s Universe fire, in the past hundred years, it has produced a unique enjoyment and spiritual pleasure.

Shen Cong did not refuse to enjoy, but his mind was very clear and his attitude was very clear.

The earth is the cornerstone of his plan. This is a fertile barren field that needs to be cleared of weeds. We should not leave the weeds on the land just because the weeds are flourishing and beautiful.

During the dinner.

Shen Cong didn’t speak much, and only briefly mentioned the process of his journey in the Universe-following the clues left by Phantom Wings, he found three life planets and saw some extraterrestrial life.

Some information does not need to be announced to the public.

Enough enjoyment.

He looked at this group of corrupted metal supreme, and said: “Everyone here is the top decision-making level of the Earth Community. Tomorrow, when Chen Xiuni and others arrive, we will hold a meeting. I have some ideas and plans. I need to rely on you. To implement and promote.”

As soon as these words came out, the metal sages who were still chatting happily quieted down immediately.

Liu Yiwu asked with a smile on his face: “Shen Cong, is it convenient to reveal what the plan is? We also have a good idea in our minds and think early. After all, you have been away from the earth for more than a hundred years and you still don’t know the development of the earth very well.”

“The plan says tomorrow, I am now to prepare you mentally to cooperate with me. From the Eastern Theater to the Provisional Government, the routine of cooperation is basically the same as at that time, and I have not sorted out the specific content and details.”


Gu Huachun coughed again: “Shen Cong, this is not the first few years of the catastrophe. I think you have just returned to the earth, and you may not have adjusted your own state. It is better to rest for a while, and then we will come to discuss what we should do. Cooperation, and your position on the planet.”

As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Weiliang and others agreed.

Shen Cong raised his hand slightly to stop everyone, and said, “The plan is impossible to change. You should prepare and discuss it at the meeting tomorrow.”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for everyone’s reaction, he left the clubhouse.

He is going to take a walk on the streets of Beijing City and feel what life is like in the new era of the earth.

Wait for Shen Cong to leave.

In the clubhouse, the atmosphere is not very good.

“You have seen that, as it was more than a hundred years ago, he did not participate in any politics in name. But no one can object to what he said. To this day, he still has his original attitude. I don’t know what you think. , I think it’s time to eliminate differences and unanimously.” A metal supreme said.

Metal Supreme is not a monolithic one. It is vaguely divided into several factions, but they belong to one class. On the whole, the interests are the same, and cooperation is more than disagreement.

The biggest difference is between the metal supreme who started the family and the metal supreme who did not start the family.

A huge family needs more resources, and the total amount of resources is just that little. Some people occupy more, and some people naturally occupy less. Contradictions are inevitable.

Gu Huachun glanced at the talking metal supreme: “The earth’s political system is balanced, at least relatively balanced. Therefore, if you want to maintain this balance, certain external factors cannot easily intervene in this balance. Otherwise, the earth’s ecology will be affected. Breaking is a situation we don’t want to see.”

“What does Secretary Gu mean?”

“Comrade Nanqu has just said it, and I will repeat it again. At this time, we should eliminate differences and unanimously externally… We have not yet figured out the purpose and reason of Shen Cong’s return to the earth, but we are all too familiar with this person’s behavior and style. Yes, he hasn’t changed yet.”

After Gu Huachun finished speaking, Liu Yiwu added: “I also support the elimination of differences and unanimously externally. However, in principle, I hope that we and Shen Cong can live together peacefully, without hindering the political balance of the community, and even we can give him Qualifications of the Enforcer Sequence.”

“Like Chen Xiuni, Dao Ge, Shen Xiyi and Huang Daxian?”


“But Premier Liu, please don’t forget that Chen Xiuni, Dao Ge, Shen Xiyi, and Huang Daxian are all closely related to Shen Cong. With the arrival of Shen Cong, I am afraid that he will condense this scattered sand into a new force. ”

“not necessarily.”

Hu Wei, who once fell to Shen Cong, has already started the metal family at this time.

He squinted his eyes and said, “Shen Xiyi is probably a steadfast follower of Shen Cong, and he will definitely fall to Shen Cong; although Dao Brothers clamored to be the brothers of Shen Cong, he is not to be afraid of it. There may be an ulterior relationship between them, but Huang Daxian and Shen Cong didn’t deal with it, and the relationship was very poor back then; as for Chen Xiuni, it’s hard to say.”

Another said: “In fact, we have always overlooked one point, that is, Shen Cong’s strength, how far has it grown in this long period of more than 100 years?”

“From what he said, he probably hasn’t found a better way to evolve in the past hundred years, otherwise he won’t come back, and he will even have to cooperate with us to continue to help him evolve.”

“Not necessarily! Shen Cong is a selfish person and a total egoist. He will let go only if he doesn’t want things. He has swallowed all the important secrets. You see, sublight flying technology, violent broken star The clues to the scholar, and the “Amaterasu Jing” he gave us. Do you believe that is all?”

“Minister Li’s statement makes sense. This person exists and did contribute to the development of the earth’s civilization in the early days, but he is also rooted in the earth and absorbing a lot of earth’s resources. Now his appearance obviously does more harm than good. We have to be fully prepared.”

“Are you looking for someone to test his combat effectiveness?”

“It’s not right, it’s too fast, it’s not enough to turn your face right now.”

“It’s just a test of strength. If he is still standing at a height that we must look up to, I feel that no matter how much he sits here, the total is empty.”

Hear the words.

Gu Huachun knocked on the table: “It seems that some people have not escaped from Shen Cong’s shadow. One hundred and sixteen years ago, he could control anyone at will, but now…in the sixty-third year of the new calendar, when The information from the Spirit Orb satellite is coming, don’t forget, what plans have we implemented!”

Someone looked excited: “1215, how can I forget this!”

“With 1215, there is really no need to worry about Shen Cong’s strength, but if the matter is resolved, 1215 must be destroyed! We can’t let the weapons that can destroy us exist!”

Gu Huachun nodded: “Of course.”

Zhang Changde, who has rarely spoken, snorted after hearing the words: “I can agree with you to exclude Shen Cong. His character is really not suitable for politics. However, 1215 is still not a good idea. We cannot use this method to deal with the past. The patron saint of mankind!”

Someone immediately retorted: “Oh, why, the rabbit and the fox are sad? Yes, you also got the god-level title, sea god, and sympathy. There is also Chen Xiuni on the moon, the girl God of War, the space brother, the god, of course, Hu Wei is also the Iron God. Iron God, do you also cherish Shen Cong?”

Hu Wei smiled and said, “How come. The title once was not the method of your old foxes. The front is okay, and only a few of us are behind. The particle level is enshrined in the back. The intention is so obvious, who Not stupid.”

Nan Qu glanced at Hu Wei, not knowing whether it was satire or self-deprecating: “Humans are animals that are good at forgetting. We have become the kind of Universe, but we still can’t get rid of forgetfulness and sorrow.”

“Nanqu, what do you mean!”

“Do you not understand what I mean?”

“All right!”

Gu Huachun knocked on the table: “Don’t make any noise, the 1215 plan is the last precaution, no one will start it lightly until that step! It’s getting late, go back and think about it tomorrow. The position has fallen apart.”

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