Chapter 905 Gravitational Waves Distorted Cannon

What is the structure of life?

Human beings are composed of various organs and tissues. Each organ and tissue is composed of countless cells. Cells are the smallest unit of free existence except viruses.

The genetic information of life is DNA; what constitutes life activities is protein.

DNA is composed of four kinds of deoxynucleotides, and protein is composed of various amino acids. Simply put, in a civilization dominated by humans on earth, the structure of life is like this, derived from the combination of amino acids.

Therefore, human beings on Earth have searched for aliens for thousands of years and searched for a planet suitable for gestating life. The first thing to do is to investigate whether there are amino acids on this planet. With amino acids, it is considered that this planet has the most basic elements of life evolution, and vice versa, even the origin of human beings was originally considered to be extraterrestrial amino acids that fell on the earth.

Of course, having amino acids does not mean that there is life. When NASA explored Mars, it analyzed the rocks on Mars and found several amino acids, but no life was born on Mars.

Some meteorites also contain amino acids, and these meteorites are also unlikely to breed life.

Only when amino acids are in the right environment can organic compounds be born, and then organic life can be evolved.

This is the structure of a kind of life.

Another category is Universe Tinder.

The origin of the Universe fire is unknown, but Shen Cong has speculated that it roughly originated from the violent movement of celestial bodies such as the sun and black holes, which produced a large number of fire particles. By coincidence, it constituted the most primitive Universe fire.

After countless millions of years of development, a terrifying metal civilization has been developed.

The composition of Universe Tinder is a combination of countless tinder particles. Tinder particles are isotopes of metal elements. The number of neutrons inside the atoms is very different from normal metal elements. It is this chaotic number of neutrons that brings the breath of life to the fire seed, extending countless changes.

“The number of neutrons in different fire particles is different, and there are endless changes, forming a magnificent DNA map of metal life. Perhaps this is the reason for the future of supernova explosion, which is guessed as neutron level.”

What is the end of Star’s life?

Three theoretical results are known. The low-mass Star extinguishes into a white dwarf, and the white dwarf gradually solidifies into a black dwarf; the high-mass Star explodes through a supernova to form a neutron star; the high-quality Star may form a quark star; the higher-mass Star , And even form a black hole.

“But the Universe is constantly in motion. So far, no white dwarf star has reached the end of life and formed a black dwarf star; it is also impossible to find what the end of life of a neutron star is. object.”

When Shen Cong studied the Tinder particles, he combined the knowledge he unearthed from the Wings of Phantom and his own discovery.

He guessed that the neutron star might really be the mimicry that the Star-level Universe fire will experience. At that time, the fire particle probably needs to remove all protons to form a neutron-level fire composed of pure neutrons.


The foundation of Universe life is the fire seed, and the basis of the fire seed is neutrons. As for what the basis of neutrons is, there is no point in pursuing them anymore, and that is no longer the category of life.

“The activity of protein relies on DNA to compile, then, what does the activity of tinder particles rely on to compile?” Shen Cong probed.

Eventually he discovered that it might be fire energy.

There are two forms of materialization and energization between fire grain and fire energy, which are essentially the same content. The materialized fire particles constitute all the elements of metal life; the energetic fire energy, infiltrates the vehicle, transmits information, and maintains the genetic compilation of metal life.

“Energy… Matter… This is the most basic structural form of metal life.”

If the structure of organic life is complex, it represents the degree of complexity that the universe can form.

Metal life represents the purest composition law of the Universe, one is matter and the other is energy. The friction between the two produced metal life, represented by the Universe fire, which has been passed down to this day.

But after studying the black cloud ball.

Shen Cong discovered the third form of life.

“The black cloud ball is not a life, but just a structure of a life body. The whole black cloud is a complete life body… It is amazing to have such a strange life form. Perhaps this is life in breadth, like that The behemoth of the sea of ​​stars is probably a life in this kind of breadth.”

The results of the study show that the structure of the black cloud ball is very simple, it is a kind of rock star with weak magnetism inside.

A single black cloud ball has nothing to do with the eight poles of life, there is no sign of life activity, and it is almost the same as an ordinary stone.

But when several black cloud balls gather together and cut each other’s magnetic fields, a weak current can be generated.

This current becomes the existence that carries life information.

When Shen Cong started to capture black cloud balls wildly, more and more black cloud balls gathered together, and the electric current carrying life information became bigger and bigger, and finally a trace of emotion was born from the electric current.

Very simple, very fragile, very small emotion-hunger.

Magnetic cutting to form an electric current requires energy consumption. Where the energy comes from, it can only continuously swallow matter. The living body that can transform between matter and energy is its best nutritional supplement-food.

Shen Cong is obviously such a big piece of fat.

Of course, now, its teeth were broken by Shen Cong, and it is facing the crisis of being massacred.

“What a magical Universe, it shows endless possibilities in front of me. Even these small celestial bodies can generate wisdom and become life when they are gathered together.” Shen Cong couldn’t help but fall into contemplation, “What is life? , The life I see is life, and the life I can’t see, why is it not life?”

Black clouds are of course life.

But every component of it, understood by any means, cannot be life.

After a long time, Shen Cong recorded own research and wrote own judgment: “Your name is Heiyun. Now, I plan you into the third form of life-celestial life.”

Celestial life, as the name implies, is the life composed of celestial bodies.

By the way, he also classified the Star Sea Giant Beast into this category. In the memory of Phantom Wings, the Star Sea Giant Beast slaughtered by the Rage Starbreaker, the body is a huge planet.

It is not much different from ordinary planets, but it has become a kind of life.

I think it is also that the magnetism inside the stars cuts each other, generating electric currents, and nurturing life information.

“Earth is also magnetic and can cut magnetic fields to generate electric current. Is it possible for the earth to become a giant star and sea?” Shen Congfu thought of an unknown science fiction novel he had read before.

As mentioned above, every planet has wisdom.

It’s just that it takes tens of millions of years for their thoughts to turn, so it is difficult for mortals to notice that the earth on which they live is actually a living “mother”.

Convergent and divergent thinking.

Shen Cong began to think about how to deal with black clouds.

The combat power of the black cloud is still very powerful, the movement of countless small celestial bodies, the distortion of time and space, and the chaotic magnetic field can cause huge destructive power.

“Compared with the powerful celestial beings like the Star Sea Giant Beast, the black cloud appears weak and small. You shouldn’t bother me to search for the violent starbreaker’s legacy. Unfortunately, you don’t have enough wisdom to understand what power is and choose to escape… Therefore, such a wonderful life is destined to wither.”


with full force.

The steel planet quickly transformed into the Universe Heavenly Sovereign, with a Planet destroying cannon imitating Emperor Universe on his face, which was extended on display. This is the secret weapon developed by Shen Cong innovatively-the gravitational wave twisting cannon.

The name is the principle.

This is a cannon that uses the distortion effect of time and space to accelerate the fluctuation of gravitational waves, thereby destroying the stable structure of time and space. It is currently Shen Cong’s most powerful means of attack. At the level of Star-level, it would destroy time and space at will, and the effect would be stronger than any material attack.


The gravitational wave twisting gun itself has no sound effects, but Shen Cong dubbed it.

A shot was fired, taking the Universe Tianzun as the origin, and the huge space-time of a cone was quickly shattered in the distortion and turbulence, and the invisible space-time cracks wanted to cut into nothingness.

The cone is getting bigger and bigger, and after seven minutes and twenty-six seconds, it descends into the void area where the black cloud is. The next moment, the space-time affected by the black cloud, collides with the space-time when the cone is broken. A variety of peculiar phenomena arise-distortion of latitude, expansion of space, tiny wormholes.

When the chaotic space-time is smoothed by the influence of the black cloud, more than two-fifths of the black cloud ball can be seen, disappeared, or broken into interstellar dust.

With just one shot, Shen Cong killed Heiyun’s half life.

The mass of the black cloud covering four astronomical units is no worse than that of the giant star beast, equivalent to the mass of several earths. But the scattered black cloud balls could not form a real synergy.

The power was too scattered, and the result was that Shen Cong was bombarded with dregs.

“Don’t give up?”

Seeing the black cloud regrouping again, he rushed towards him again, Shen Cong shook his head, the gravitational wave twisted the cannon, and once again aimed at the shrinking black cloud.

“This one will send you to eternity.”


It is also eternal.

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