Chapter 909

The whirring wind blew on the face, making the eyes of the weeds unable to open at all, and even the mouth could not be opened. Once opened, a mouth of sand would inevitably be poured into it.

This is Shen Cong taking it to fly.

Previously, it used a humble posture of “five-body throwing on the ground” and asked Shen Cong to save the ball-killing man. But Shen Cong didn’t react at all, grabbing it directly, and started asking the direction of the Takulam tribe, and then flew directly.

The Takulam tribe is not far away from the Manmantu tribe.

Approximately the distance from Beijing to Nanjing.

Arrived in a moment.

Find the entrance and enter the dungeon of the Tak Ulam tribe. The leader of the tribe here knows the weeds, so the meeting went smoothly. After knowing the identity of Shen Cong, the leader of Takulam, “My bird is full of feathers”, is also the same as the weeds, and he is courteous to the alien Shen Cong.

Hope that Shen Cong can take action to save them.

Therefore, to fully cooperate with Shen Cong’s request, not only called on all the tribes to transport the buried poisonous stones, but also packaged the science and technology they mastered, and gave the limited historical data to Shen Cong in detail.

There are not many historical data, just a little bit more than the Manmongtu tribe.

It does not involve the history of rough people making Universe spaceships.

Afterwards, Shen Cong, accompanied by rough people such as the birds and weeds, went to the deeply buried Valian circle center.

This was originally the deepest trench in the sea of ​​extinction.

Dig the rocks and find the monuments.

After more than a hundred years of scouring, the underground ruins of Valian’s circle center have already been weathered into fossils. However, under Shen Cong’s continuous combing, some still-preserved antiques were still unearthed.

The technological level of these antique items is obviously much higher than the current earth technology.

It can be inferred that the crude civilization of the peak period is higher than the human civilization of the earth. These antiques containing a civilized technology, Shen Cong quickly packaged them, dispatched dozens of clones to fall, and packaged the antiques to own onto the steel planet for storage.

Save it for later and study it slowly.

Among this batch of antiques, there is a book similar to that in which the information Shen Cong wanted-astronomy finally appeared.

The book tells that the rough people at the time had understood that Arcturus became a red giant, so they wanted to escape, so they conducted Universe observations to find a habitable planet. One of the planets, judging from the data, we can know that it is Mars in the solar system.

“The book was written about 600 years ago, which is more than 160,000 years ago on Earth. They observed Mars and believed that Mars was in the habitable zone of the solar system. But they could not observe the Earth, and they did not observe it on Mars. The atmosphere and life, so the possibility of Mars immigration is ranked at the back.”

Look at the contents of the book.

Shen Cong can basically judge that there is no connection between rough people and human beings.

It’s just the advanced intelligent creatures developed by the two rocky planets, and the rough man can’t even calculate the model data of the Universe spacecraft.

And there is another judgment, that is, the physiological structure of human beings on earth is different from that of rough humans. The internal organs of a rough person are very complicated. There are five of the heart alone, which supply blood to the limbs and the brain.

Their blood is light yellow, and uses copper as a carrier to transport air, metabolizing ammonia, not oxygen. So their blood has a pungent taste and smelly.

Human blood is red and uses iron as a carrier of oxygen.

Of course, this does not necessarily negate the relationship between the two. An orange grows in Huainan as an orange, while in Huaibei it is an orange. Perhaps the seeds of life evolved into the current human system in order to adapt to the new environment on the earth.

“But in any case, there is no evidence that the vulgar man is the source of human genes. It can be basically concluded that life on earth is a civilization that was born and grown on earth and is a civilization with great evolutionary potential.”

Tinder grain resources have been collected.

History has also been investigated.

Shen Cong’s actions in killing the ball are very relaxed, and his communication with rough people is also very fresh. The civilization here has given him a lot of inspiration, some of which are very good.


He decided to take a shot to help kill the rough guy in return.

“It’s impossible to help the rough guys migrate to the earth… The extinction ball itself is actually pretty good. All that is needed is to push it to a farther orbit. When it cools down, the environment will recover sooner or later… It’s a pity that the red giant star Only a few million years will release excessive mass cooling into white dwarfs.”

In other words, even if Shen Cong moves the ball to a new orbit, it will still be destroyed in the future.

Moreover, the red giant star may explode from time to time in the process of releasing its mass. In other words, it may be tens of thousands of years before the Arcturus suddenly erupts once, lasting for several hundred years, and destroying the ball means running farther orbit, the same. To be killed by Star Wind.

This is the existence of no solution.

“But if you can fight for tens of thousands of years, it’s already rough enough to grasp the opportunity and find a way to leave the ball.” Shen Cong is not a nanny, and being able to help is already a huge rate of return.

Let him patiently help the rough guys find a habitable planet and ship them in batches, which is unrealistic.

Think properly.

Shen Cong slowly opened his mouth in the expectant eyes of little birds and wild grasses: “I can move the ball out of the orbit by half an astronomical unit, which can reduce the surface temperature of the ball by about 20 degrees Celsius…”

Half an astronomical unit is approximately equal to the closest distance between the Earth and Mars.

It is equivalent to pushing the earth into the orbit of Mars.

He continued: “…Once the temperature is successfully reduced, the ecological restoration of the ball is just around the corner. After all, the water in the ball has not been evaporated. But it is worth paying attention to that the Arcturus is a red giant, and a stronger Star wind may erupt at any time. Kill you all at once.”

Hearing that Shen Cong could push the ball out of the orbit by half an astronomical unit, the rough people such as the bird were all stunned.

They originally hoped that Shen Cong, the alien, could take them away from the extinction ball and go to an alien planet to become a slave or colonize, etc., in order to survive and multiply. However, he never expected that Shen Cong opened his mouth, just to kill the ball as a ball, kicking away 50 or 60 million kilometers away, and cooling down again.

“This… Master Universe, is this really okay?” Weeds were also dumbfounded.

“There is nothing wrong with calculating the gravitational system of the Big Horn Galaxy. I can distort the time and space to push the ball to a new orbit. But you need to be prepared. After the orbit changes, the ball may not be too much for a while. Stable, earthquakes and volcanoes will happen frequently.”

Distorting time and space, using gravity to pull, will inevitably cause the shock of annihilating the ball.

“As long as it is not at the level of exterminating the world, our Zaire has thick skin and can resist it, no problem!” a crude scientist yelled.

It knows that this opportunity has not come easily.

Once the ball can be restored to its original ecology, civilization has the hope of rejuvenation, tens of thousands of years, enough to develop the technology to escape from the ball.


“Then, you go to prepare and build a refuge. After 17 days of annihilation, I will come back and push the annihilation to a new orbit.”

After Shen Cong finished speaking, he returned to the main iron planet with the fire seed resources.

Then he hovered on the ball-killing orbit, swallowed resources, strengthened himself, and marched toward a stronger state.

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