Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1067: I promise

Originally, Yan Feng had no choice but to see Qin Feng also care about his promotion, and his heart was warm and flowing. Later, Qin Feng lifted Liu Bingbing up, which made Yan Wushuang start unhappy.

The twelve peaks are the insights of Qin Feng's strength. Not only is the martial arts realm powerful, but the thickness of the skin is also extremely strong. These twelve old fritters are afraid of Qin Feng. After the promotion of Yan Wushuang and Liu Bingbing, I immediately found The excuse was to leave first.

However, before leaving, the representative of Twelve Shangfeng said to Qin Feng: "Qin Feng Shaoxia, you will continue to meet again. When you have time, please come to our office. We have something to do with you. Say!"

When the 12th peak went, the seven dragons and one phoenix also left!

The stronger the strength, the more important the burden on the body!

The Huaxia Jiulong Five Tigers are the strongest in the secular world. They all have important tasks in their bodies. It is very difficult for them to take time to celebrate Qin Feng.

"Bad boy, I am waiting for you for three days, you still don't come to my Oriental Court to raise a relative, I will take your granddaughter to go to your Qin House to raise a relative. When you are the son-in-law who is going to the door, the child must change his name to the East, and you are afraid of not afraid. ?"

Before the Ming Dynasty King left, he dropped a few words. Qin Feng was really scared. He planned to finish the Kyoto side in three days, and then fled back to the hero city to avoid the limelight...

Several big men have left, and the sense of oppression in the hall is much less.

The ordinary members of Longmen are completely released. In the past, the members of the four groups of the Tiandi Xuanhuang were not pleasing to each other, and the internal struggles were very serious.

Now because of the strength of Qin Feng, and the promotion of Yan Wushuang and Liu Bingbing, the four groups have already opened up the barriers. The members have been drinking and chatting with each other. The team leaders and instructors of the four groups have also gathered together to brag.

The interior of the gantry has changed tremendously, from the battalion to the unity, and all these changes are due to Qin Feng!

"Qin Feng, where are you going?" Yan Wushuang chased the door, she saw Qin Feng ready to go.

"Twelve Shangfeng is looking for me, I will go and see, you will continue to play here, I will come over to find you!" Qin Feng took a picture of the unparalleled shoulders of Yan.

The original indifferent geese are unparalleled. Because Twelve Shangfeng recognized her relationship with Qin Feng, she became somewhat confused with Qin Feng. Yan Wushuang is somewhat shy and does not know how she has become like this.

"That's good, you go to work!" Yan Wudi said faintly.

Qin Feng smiled and did not dismantle the unparalleled mind of the geese. All the way to the room of the Twelve Peaks, pushed the door and went inside.

"Qin Feng Shaoxia, you are here!"

Qin Feng entered the house. The 12 peaks that had been meditation on the knees opened their eyes to Qin Feng. The last time Qin Feng came here was at night. It was also the first time that Qin Feng saw the peak of Longmen. Qin Feng was nervous and depressed. Once again, the status of the two sides has undergone tremendous changes.

Qin Fengchong nodded and then walked to the stone chair directly above the room to sit down. Twelve peaks did not say anything.

"What are you doing with me? Just say it, I am very busy!"

Qin Feng is surrounded by the leisurely surroundings. This room is very simple. There are a few tables and chairs on the table. The rest of the place is empty. It looks like the room where the twelve peaks usually practice.

The representative of Twelve Shangfeng smiled and said: "Qin Feng Shaoxia, remember the task that we asked you to go to the martial arts conference before? This time you successfully completed the mission and returned with the title of the martial arts lord, we all feel for you. Happy and proud..."

The representative of Twelve Shangfeng came up first, and Qin Feng waved his hand: "Okay, everyone has contradictions before, but the previous things are written off. Now we are all colleagues of Longmen. What are you saying? No problem!"

In front of the twelve peaks to help Yan Wushuang and Liu Bingbing to upgrade the position, Qin Feng is still very satisfied, he is not difficult for the twelve peaks, after all, Yan Wushuang and Liu Bingbing will be mixed in the Longmen, Qin Feng no need to put everyone The relationship is stiff.

The representatives of Twelve Shangfeng are not nonsense. They directly said: "Qin Shaoxia, know why we let you go to the Wulin Conference? It is not really trying to suppress you. In fact, we are eager to win the position of the martial arts lord, you soon Before defeating the dragon, I must have told you about the martial arts chaos 20 years ago..."

"At that end of the chaos, Shenlong defended China for more than 20 years. The secular world and the foreign martial arts were safe, but this was only the surface calm. According to the recent intelligence investigations by the gantry, some forces in the foreign martial arts began to move around again. Twenty years passed. They are still thinking about the peerless treasure."

"In the past 20 years, there have been too many strong people in the foreign martial arts. The warriors in the secular world have long been not rivals. If our Longmen and Shenlong have been guarding, I am afraid that the martial arts has already been chaotic again."

"This time we are looking for you, not to arrange a task for you, but to ask you to accept a task. You are now a martial arts lord. Can you unite the forces of the foreign martial arts and let them be safe? If you can return to our gantry, then it is Ok..."

The representative of Twelve Shangfeng has already indicated his intentions. Qin Feng’s heart is full of waves. He did not expect the martial arts to be chaotic again, and he seems to be the most important key figure in the foreign martial arts and the secular world.

Qin Feng did not rush to promise, and thought deeply for a while and said: "In the end, I am only a person's strength. The martial arts lord is nothing but a fame. The foreign martial arts are divided into hidden doors and implicit doors. The real foreign martial arts masters are all inside. In the hidden door, I can stabilize the power of the hidden door. As for the implicit, I dare not say anything..."

"Why didn't you see the Wushu Alliance? This institution is the most important bridge connecting the secular world and the foreign martial arts. Longmenda can let the Wushu Alliance stand up and work together to stabilize the forces of the secular world. I believe that it can still keep the hidden door. ......"

The previous Qin Feng still couldn't see the situation, but after the martial arts conference, Qin Feng saw more than anyone else.

The foreign martial arts that the secular warriors often say are actually the external sects. They rarely touch the hidden door, and the implicit is the real strong sacred place. Don’t look at Qin Feng’s defeat of the implicit five. The disciple of Ba is the main position of the martial arts league, but it is only a young warrior under the age of 35 in the hidden door. As for the realm of the old monster in the martial art, Qin Feng can’t guess it...

The twelve peaks are the same, and they are all frowning.

"Qin Shaoxia, Longmen also wants to unite the alliance of warriors, together to safeguard the peace of the Chinese secular world. Unfortunately, we have misunderstood at the beginning. The alliance of warriors is now vast and has existed beyond the gantry. They do things their own way, the ally of the warrior alliance. I didn’t even show up, we didn’t see anyone on the 12th peak.”

"And according to the information collected by the gantry intelligence team, the Wushu Alliance has been doing some big moves in recent years. They are not standing on the side of the Chinese government, nor are they standing on the side of the outer martial arts, as if they were independent and want to form The situation of three legs!"

Regarding the internal affairs of the Warrior Alliance, Qin Feng knows very little about it. He did not expect this institution to be so arrogant. In the secular world, Lishan is king. Has it reached the point where the gantry is not in the eye?

"I said that you old people are too soft-hearted? The military alliance is not obedient, you let the country hit him, just pull the troops of several divisions, scared to scare the alliance of the military alliance."

Although Qin Feng Xiu Xiu Tao, but always feel that it is still 21 time machine technology era, cultivation is just to strengthen the body and protect their lives, if the Chinese government really started to fight, pull out tanks and even missiles, the military alliance is a fart. ?

Twelve Shangfeng was amused by Qin Feng, and smiled bitterly: "You are talking about simplicity, it is impossible to implement it!"

"China's development has been so far, and there are many strangers, but compared with the population of more than 1.5 billion people in China, it is still a very small part. Just like our warriors, except for the people of the Chinese secular warriors, we know this identity, ordinary people have nothing. I don't understand."

"Huaxia needs stability and prosperity. Now is not the era of war. If it is such a big squad, it will not scare the billions of ordinary people. How can the government explain it? Say to suppress the Chinese compatriots. A group of warriors? Who knows this truth?"

"Moreover, you are now the first person in the Chinese secular warrior. You know the power of the military. The general guns have no threat to you. Can you not use the missiles to attack the alliance?" After all, the need to deal with the warriors Secretly, it is necessary to suppress the martial arts masters..."

The head of the twelve peaks said that the head is the road, Qin Feng feels like this!

This Qin Feng was depressed. I thought that I would have been sheltered by the government when I joined Longmen. Later, the worldly customs were running side by side. As a result, a military alliance was now emerging, which was more powerful than Longmen.

The most important thing is that Qin Feng is also going to find the owner of the Warrior Alliance to ask the mother to fall!

I thought that with the status of Huaxia Qinglong, the ally of the martial arts alliance should also banquet to receive themselves, and then sneak out the things that are known. Now, it seems that Qin Feng thinks that he wants more...

"Say so much, what do you want me to do?" Qin Feng pulled the subject back.

Twelve peaks on the peak of the frowning face, smiled and looked at Qin Feng said: "It is not a big task, just want you to break into the inside of the military alliance, find out the behind-the-scenes plan of the military alliance, it is best to put that mysterious The lord grabbed it and helped us tie him to the tree and slammed it with a violent meal. That's it..."

Qin Feng has seen shameless faces, but he has never seen such a big age and is so shameless.

The ally of the Warrior Alliance is Ling Jiutian, the master of Shenlong. Can the realm of strength be low? This kind of cow is not dare to fight, so let Qin Feng go to the people, this group of old guys is shameless.

"Sorry, since it is such a simple task, you should send others to go, or you can complete it yourself. I believe that with the strength of the twelve peaks, you can hang the mysterious lord in minutes!" The nose is smashed.

Twelve Shangfeng smiled brightly, and the old face of laughter was stiff: "Hey! Qin Shaoxia, we were just joking. This task is actually very difficult. You just need to find out the behind-the-scenes plan of the Wuren League. As for the mysterious lord. Even if we are, we are all people with identity. If the gentleman does not move, why bother to kill and kill?"

Twelve old man's face is faster than flipping a book. Qin Feng thinks that they are really suitable for sitting on the top of the Dragon Gate. This kind of leader needs them to be so smooth and shameless...

"Okay, I promised!"

Qin Feng was quick to agree, because the system sent him a serial task of the sss-level warrior alliance very early!

The task of the task of the first line and the second Qin Feng have been completed, the main task is to find the general leader of the Wushu League behind the scenes, to find out the purpose of the existence of the Wushu Alliance!

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