Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1138: Battle open

When Qin Yi heard the Amethyst Dragon Palace, he suddenly became crazy and pointed to Han Yingying’s roar: "Smelly girl, you shut up to Laozi, Qin Feng will lose this time, my Qingmen’s power has already In attacking your hero city, what other self-confidence do you have? When Laozi completely wins the hero city, the first one will turn you over..."

"Family! I am your big sister, you dare to say this disrespectful words, this time Qin Feng is coming, I will not let him light you..."

Han Yingying was also irritated, and his face was cold and icy.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps in all directions. It seems that a large group of people are coming over here.

"Ghost face Yin Wang, not good, we ambush..."

The original person was a disciple of the Qingmen faction who captured the hero city. In all directions, more than 400 Qingmen disciples came and all were wearing black robes. The scene was very spectacular.

"Is ambushing? What is going on?"

The Qin dynasty changed dramatically, and the feeling of uneasiness in my heart became more and more intense. Without the answer of the Qingmen disciple, there was a loud noise in the void.



A white shadow came from the north, a white coat, a long hair flying, one person and one sword flying fast on the roof.

He is known as the generation of the sword **** Ximen blowing snow, the ordinary simple Wushen sword in his hand slashed half of the sky.


Sword is raging!

It seems that there is a squally sword rain. Under the sword rain, the disciples of Qingmen have no resistance. In an instant, dozens of people fall into a pool of blood.

The Ximen blowing snow in the north has just stabilized, and there is a burst of sound in the south.

A black robe, full of evil Ouyang Feng roared, the two giant fists waved, the infuriating shape formed, a few snakes rushed into the crowd, wherever they went, a burst of explosions. A young disciple who was escaping from Qingmen was blasted into the blue sky.

Ximen Blowing Snow and Ouyang Feng both fell in front of the flower louver, but there was a figure coming from the west.

Hua Tuo holds a medicine gourd. The gourd doesn't know what medicine is in it. The gourd opens, and a smog of smoke comes out. It instantly covers half of the hero city. The disciple of Qingmen can't open his eyes in the smoke, but he will not fall for a while. After a piece, the skin on the body turned into a colorful color, and the mouth was still spitting white foam, which seemed to be a strange poison in the body.

All three heroes came, and they were the nine peaks in the inner layer. Two infuriating layers, just three people appeared, and they were flustered by hundreds of disciples in Qingmen. Even the thoughts of rebellion were defeated. .

Lin Beibei's daughters are all plain, as if they knew that Ximen Blowing Snow would come.

And the Qin dynasty and the ghost face Yin Wang standing on the roof had long looked dumbfounded. They thought that they would capture this hero city, but they found that they were in the middle of the calculation.

"Qin Wei, you idiot, how did you inquire about the enemy in the past few days? Why don't you say such a powerful three?"

The wow face of the ghost face is screaming, and one can’t wait to pinch the posture of Qin.

Qin Lan had long been scared to say nothing, but he carefully lurked in the hero city for half a month, but he really did not see Ouyang Feng three.

This is the arrangement before Qin Feng left. He found that there was a problem with Qin Yu, and he left the three heroes of Ximen Bingxue to guard the hero city, and told the three people to hide in the mountains. There is no need to come out when the hero city is not killed.

Qin Lan has never seen these three people, but the three have always guarded the hero city. Today, they found that the hero city is in trouble. They immediately eliminated the enemy.


In addition to the three heroes hiding the mountains, the two war pets have also been hidden in World of Warcraft.

There were two roars in the distance. There was a flying flame in the air. The golden flames flew away, and the air spurred a flame on the roof of the Qin and the ghost face.

The ice sheet snow shovel flew over the land, and several ice flying, has frozen more than a dozen Qingmen disciples into ice sculptures.

"Wow, haha! People and beasts are all together, and finally they can start playing. Cocoa is about to die..."

Everyone has already known Qin Feng’s plan. The front is just playing with Qin Yu. Seeing that Qin Zhen really has a disagreement, everyone is extremely disappointed.

Zhang Keke jumped on the back of the ice sheet, and drank the ancient giant beast gene solution. Zhang Keke didn't feel bad about it every day.


Icefield Snowman jumped into the crowd of Qingmen disciples instantly. Zhang Keke didn't know where to get a baseball bat in his hand, and swayed at the crowd. Her power was amazing and comparable. Ten powers of strength, even Ouyang Feng looked at the heart and chill.


The loud noise continues!

The Qingmen disciples who were photographed by Zhang Keke were instantly smashed into flesh and blood. This **** and violent scene screamed the girls, but Zhang Keke had fun, and the baseball bats in his hands all took turns. It is.

"You monster, today I will blow you snow in the West Gate!"

The battle has begun!

Ximen blows snow and white shadows, and the long sword in his hand has already fallen hundreds of times. The sword is overwhelming, and the Qin and the ghost face are covered in the moment. The ghost face is nowhere to go, and a strange smile is shot in the air. Go and go.

"Hey! I didn't expect you to see through our plans long ago, but what about this? Qin Feng is not here now, you still have to die!"

The ghost face of the yin-faced yin king, and the raging swords that Ximen blows out of the snow swallowed away instantly. He faced the heroes of the hero city, but he did not care at all, and his eyes sparkled with scorn.

Ghost face Yin Wang is the realm of the ghost layer, comparable to the three-layered martial arts, the highest strength of the hero city is only a layer of infuriating, completely unable to enter the ghost eye of the ghost face.


The yin wind became a group, and suddenly a small hurricane was condensed, and a palm was randomly shot. The hurricane shot like a lightning bolt to the west gate, and the Ximen blows the snow out.

"Monster, dare to hurt my brother, I will come to you!"

Ouyang Feng’s screaming, suddenly exploded, directly into the state of madness.

The name of the Western poison Ouyang Feng is not empty. After the madness, the body smashes the evil spirits, and the evil spirits of the Qingmen are shocked.


Just blink of an eye, Ouyang Feng has come to the front of the ghost face Yin, Ouyang Feng is a ghost of both inside and outside, a fist to pull out the strength of the outside world, the air bursts instantly, the violent breath is almost the same The yin king goes away...

"Hey! I can dare to challenge this seat and get out!"

Such a strong punch, the ghost face Yin Wang does not hide or shine, and the palm of the hand flies out, the air in front of the body changes instantly, the yin wind rises, the cold meaning erodes Ouyang Feng's body, making him feel falling into the hail And the momentum in the boxing wind has long since dissipated, and it has been swept away by the shadows...

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