Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1162: Use strength to conquer

Qin Feng was scared!

This is the 60-year-old exercise of the family. It’s wrong. It’s a virginity. How can this be accompanied?

"Cough... I let you go this time, you quickly leave, and then stay at your ice lake in peace!" Qin Feng was a little empty, and went up to prepare for the thousands of fantasy children. ?ranwe?n??. ?

"You don't let me go, you just let go of my rope, I immediately go out to kill!" Thousands of illusion children suddenly yelled, as if the anger of a stomach must be vented.

Qin Fengyi can't understand this old woman on one side, can't you let me go? Is it necessary to kill you?

"Since you don't know how to repent, then I will kill you now!" Qin Feng looked cold and wanted to scare and scare thousands of children, and scared the old woman away.

Thousands of illusion children are not afraid at all, barely leaning their heads up, revealing the white neck and the delicate collarbone: "You killed, even kill your flesh in my stomach..."


The grief of Qin Feng hanging in the air suddenly landed, and with his eyes and a chin.

Qin Feng is really scared to death, this old woman said really fake?

Thousands of fantasy children secretly observed the change of Qin Feng's look. Seeing that Qin Feng was made up of his own lies and stunned, there was a thrill of revenge.

Thousands of illusion children continue to lie and say: "How come you don't do it? You kill us both!"

Qin Feng does not know the true and false, where is still going to go, go up and grab a thousand magical children's wrists, the look suddenly changed: "Well, you an old woman, you dare to play with the uncle, see I will not kill you!"

Qin Feng was a Chinese medical doctor. After detecting the pulse of the thousands of children, she knew that she was telling lies, and immediately angered, and the sorrow of the moon on the ground was about to fall.

Thousands of illusion children are still there, but they don’t know what they are thinking. Seeing that Jianguang has been hung on the top of the thousands of fantasy children, Qin Feng suddenly stopped.

"Let's go, I won't kill you!"

Qin Feng’s big hand waved, and the grief of the moon disappeared. He stood back and no longer watched the thousands of children.

The rope of the thousand illusion children has been cut off by Qin Feng. She looked at the back of Qin Feng with some strangeness. Just a death scent shrouded thousands of illusions, she thought that Qin Feng would kill the killer, but Qin Feng still received Hand, this makes the thousands of fantasy children suddenly have some warmth...

"Qin Feng, you want to let me go? I am going to kill the woman named Xu Ruorou!"

Thousands of illusion children disappeared as a shadow, she did not know why she had to fight against Qin Feng, but did not do so, thousands of fantasy children feel that the feelings of grievances have nowhere to vent.


The powder flashed, and the next moment, Qin Feng returned to the cave with the body of thousands of fantasy children.

Xu Ruorou is the reverse scale of Qin Feng. He suddenly became angry and shouted, throwing thousands of magical children on the ground and shouting: "Old woman, if you dare to make trouble, I will never spare you!"

Thousands of illusion children have also come to the temper, everyone is a woman who has been played by Qin Feng, so what is Qin Feng like that? Is it so fierce to yourself?

"If you want to kill, you can do it quickly. If you don't dare to kill, don't stop me from killing the little monk..." Thousands of fantasy children don't back down, as if death has been decided.

Qin Feng was really helpless by this old woman, her body shape flashed, the long sword in her hand disappeared, but she hugged thousands of children.

"You woman is unreasonable, and the uncle will use a special way to punish you..."

Qin Feng’s voice just fell, and the sound of tearing clothes was heard in the cave. Thousands of illusions were shocked. After returning to God, I found that my robes were ripped into pieces and not covered.

"Qin Feng, you are a beast, you let me go..."

Thousands of fantasy children are full of anger, she did not expect Qin Feng to dare to come, but today's thousand fantasy children are no longer Qin Feng's opponents, let her struggle, but they can not escape the embrace of Qin Feng.

The long-lost wildness came again, and the struggle of thousands of illusory children gradually disappeared. Halfway through, the thousand illusion children stopped fighting and held Qinfeng tightly and shouted: "You go down, I want to be on it..."


The sound of the cave was constant, and many of the warriors who were practicing in the cave of Shengxian were frightened. Xu Ruo Xiaoli went back to the hero city for a circle and just saw Qin Feng and the thousands of magical children walking out of the cave together.

Thousands of illusion children changed their new robes, and the red light on their faces did not retreat. Xiaoli and Xu Ruorou suddenly understood what had just happened...

"Qin Feng!" Xu Ruorou just reunited with Qin Feng today, and did not want to leave Qin Feng at all times, this will come back and immediately ran to Qin Feng to hold his arm.

Thousands of illusion children have been slightly lowering their heads. It seems that they are a little embarrassed. Xu Ruoxiao Xiaoli feels that this woman has undergone tremendous changes, but in the end how it changed and could not be said.

"Master, you, are you this?"

Xiaoli looked at Qin Feng and thousands of fantasy children standing side by side. This woman is not almost poisoned. Does the owner seem to punish her?

Qin Feng understands Xiao Li’s mind and puts his hand in his hand and says: “The past things have passed. If you are in the future, if you are soft, you will stay in the hero city. Your three women will help me develop and expand this hero city...”

Qin Feng’s words made Xu Ruo’s soft Xiao Li’s heart marvel!

The thousand magical children are old women who have been poisoned, and Qin Feng now means to believe in thousands of fantasy children, which makes the two women's hearts somewhat uneasy...

Thousands of illusion children can naturally see the thoughts of the two women, but she did not say much. Just now Qin Feng was once fierce and wild, completely conquered the thousands of fantasy children, before the thousand illusion children were forced by Qin Fengqiang And hate Qin Feng, but she wants to open all of them now, and she followed Qin Feng, the young and promising ally, who earned it!

"Thousands of fantasy children, you should go to rest first!" Qin Feng suddenly said.

Thousands of illusion children glared at Qin Feng’s arm, and some said: "I am not tired, I am spending more time with you."

Qin Feng suddenly became cold and angered: "Let you go to rest, don't you listen to me?"

Qin Feng suddenly got angry and frightened Xu Ruo Xiaoli. The thousand illusion children were not angry at all. They also smiled at each other: "Okay! People go to rest, what are you fierce? Hate. ......"

Thousands of illusion children, a 60-year-old old Daogu, showed the shame and coquetry of the 16-year-old girl in the flower season, and suddenly Xu Xu was soft and small.

Looking at the thousands of fantasy children who are far away, Qin Feng secretly wiped the cold sweat, he was scared to death by the change of this old woman.

Just after the battle in the cave, the thousand illusion children became like this. The complete Qin Feng Bai Yishun, Qin Feng has always been strong and calm, he is somewhat afraid...

After the thousands of illusion children left, Qin Feng let Xiaoli also retreat, and then accompanied Xu Ruorou alone in the hero city, the two have not been so carefree to walk together for a long time, feeling a bit unreal.

"Qin Feng, your change in this year is so great... How did you jump from a big boy to a martial arts lord?" Xu Ruorou is like a cute little girl, always asking questions.

Qin Feng all the way to Xu Ruorou's small waist, patiently answered her every question.

After telling his own story, Qin Feng asked about Xu Ruorou. He learned that Xu Ruorou was basically retreating in a quiet year, and he did not eat anything. Qin Feng finally put down a stone.

"For Ruorou, do you know the address of the major sects?"

Qin Feng came to the martial arts this time. One is to find Xu Ruorou, and the other is to punish those self-righteous implicit sects.

When the secret sects, the gantry, and the Chinese-family family fought **** battles at the Qingmen base, these implicit sects pretended to see the appearance of the secret golden light, which made Qin Feng very angry.

"After I entered Jingjing, I calmly took me to a lot of implicit sects. I generally understand them." Xu Ruorou nodded.

"That's good, I will call the martial arts meeting tomorrow morning. When these implicit sects don't come to suffer, then I will go to the ‘visiting’ in person!” Qin Feng said coldly.

Xu Ruorou felt the fire in Qin Feng's heart, and some nervously grasped Qin Feng's arm: "Qin Feng, are you going to be an enemy with the hidden door?"

"I am not an enemy of them. They want to be enemies with me. This time I encircle the Qingmen I issued a martial arts secret order. If the secret gates are not seen, if they don't suppress them anymore, I really don't know how high the earth is!" Qin Feng looks firm.

Xu Ruorou is no longer the weak and timid Xu Ruorou. She is now a master in the early nine layers. Although she looks at the whole martial arts, the inner nine layers are not too much, but Xu Ruorou is younger than Qin Feng, waiting for her. Development for a few years, definitely not to be underestimated.

"I also heard about the martial arts secrets. When everyone encircled the Qingmen cult, I was being shut down in the attic to stabilize the strength. If not, I will go with the sorrowful sister, for these evils. It must not be light..."

Xu Ruorou looked at Qin Feng with a look, she regretted that she did not fight with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng hugged Xu Ruorou and suddenly bowed down on her seductive lips.

The two had been away for nearly a year. Although they had seen several times during the period, Xu Ruorou’s memory was not there at the time. It was impossible for Qin Feng to pull down her little hand. Now the two are tightly embracing each other and stalking under the floral green willow. I hope that time will be at this moment.

"Qin Feng, I want to..."

Kissing into the depths, Xu Ruoqi can't help but bite Qin Feng's ear!

Qin Feng looked at Xu Ruorou, who was charming and tender in his arms, and couldn't wait to solve it on the spot, but he quickly calmed down, Xu Ruorou recovered his memory, and the two talents met again. Qin Feng wanted to give each other some time and relive the old dream...

"You are a little color girl, it is broken!" Qin Feng removed his mouth and smiled at Xu Ruorou.

Xu Ruorou’s exquisite and innocent face appeared on a blush, and beat Qin Feng’s chest and complained: “You are in front of Qianshan’s nursery rhyme, and I ask for it... you, you still say this.”

Qin Feng was amused by Xu Ruorou's shy look, but confused and stupid said: "What happened to me with thousands of fantasy children? We haven't happened anything. For Ruorou, the Shengxian Cave we went to is a good place. There is a large array of geocentric and a large array of spirits. Let’s go there and practice...”

Qin Feng quickly opened the subject, pulling Xu Ruorou to run!

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