Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1330: Shenlong shocked

These Qin Feng, which Shenlong said, already knew that the look was very calm and the dragons watching were depressed. Book fan

"Qin Feng, have you listened to me? Now the Chinese secular world is going to be chaotic, and the hero city is too fast to keep up. Are you still the same as a nobody?"

Qin Feng smiled and smiled: "Dragons and seniors, don't worry about it... I knew that the door was out, these **** dared to attack my hero city, disturbing the stability and harmony of the world, I am the peace ambassador of China, naturally Will not lighten them..."

Shenlong slammed and said: "Is the peace ambassador of China not me?"

Qin Feng disliked his eyes and swept his eyes: "You are old, you can be a disciple and you can abuse you. You are a peace ambassador who is shameful..."

Shen Longqi’s mouth slammed, and he wanted to swear by Qin Feng, but when he thought that he had beaten Qin Feng, he had to blame.

"You don't swear," the group of people in the door are all abnormal. They stay out of the world and concentrate on the way. Even if you shoot, you don't necessarily have to fight..."

Qin Feng smiled and said: "Then you can make a mistake, I am looking for a revenge for the disciples, and then kill one!"

Qin Feng broke through the three-layer realm in World of Warcraft overnight, and this thing is completely unknown.

In the view of Shenlong, Qin Feng is now at the top of the four-layered realm of hard-fighting, but he will not be embarrassed when he jumps out of the five-layered atmosphere.

But there are a lot of four layers of true gas in the disciples, and there are many five layers of true gas. There are even six layers of infuriating, and this is exactly the case. Shenlong is not very optimistic about Qin Feng.

"This time, don't pretend to be big with me. The absolute disciple is definitely several times stronger than you think. I am not the opponent of Twelve Shangfeng. You want to shock the disciples, I can't see the reality... ..."

Shenlong and Qin Feng are now brothers, and there is nothing to say.

Qin Feng grinned and said: "That can only say that you and the Twelve Peaks are too weak now, and you need to speed up the improvement!"

"Hey? You can rise up to this kid, believe it or not, let Cher leave you!"

Qin Feng has a confident smile: "Snow can't listen to you. He is a family with me now. Besides, your strength is really weak. Don't you tell me the truth?"

"Bad boy, I have to look at it, how many days have you not seen how powerful?" Shenlong was anxious, and a palm shot toward Qin Feng.

Now he is stepping into the second floor of the infuriating, but it can burst out of the three-layered power of the infuriating, and the villas that bring the wind and the earthquake are shaking.

However, seeing Qin Feng grabbing it, he broke the dragon's move directly, and complained with no anger: "To fight outside, don't collapse my villa..."

Shenlong suddenly stunned, where there is still a mind to fight again, incredulously humming Qin Feng said: "You, you broke through? What is the realm now?"

Qin Feng broke the strong offensive of Shenlong with one hand, which really scared the dragon.

"I just broke through the five layers of infuriating, and now I am invincible in the six-layered atmosphere..." Qin Feng and Shenlong do not have to hide, truthfully speaking.

Shenlong almost fell, this Qin Feng breakthrough speed is too fast, right?

He still remembers that Qin Feng first climbed to Shenlong Mountain for more than half a year ago, and he was violently ruthless. As a result, the current Shenlong can only look up to the realm of Qin Feng.

Even if Qin Feng has systematic help, but he also has it now...

"Hey, I am going, brother-in-law, how did you break through? Let me give pointers!" In front of the interface, even the generation of heroes of Shenlong has changed their appearance. Qin Feng is abandoning.

"I went to World of Warcraft a few days ago and found Lingquan. I spent a night in the pool of Lingquan." Qin Feng said everything about World of Warcraft, and also killed the disciples of the spirits and the fight. The thing that ran for nine days was said.

Shenlong is so shocked that he has a feeling of dreaming!

Some time ago, he and Qin Feng had a battle with Ling Jiu Tian in the vicinity of Neilwo, South Africa. The two of them had not played for nine days. Now, how long has it passed, and Qin Feng has run away with Ling Jiu on his own strength?

Shenlong suddenly got excited. He grabbed Qin Feng’s arm and shouted: “Quickly, take out the hidden springs of your hiding, I know that you must have extra.”

Qin Feng smashed the arm of Shenlong and said: "That Lingquan should rely on the source of the spirit to store the aura, and it will not take away..."

Shenlong looked frustrated, but soon excited again: "Then you take me to the place of Lingquan, I have to break through..."

"The aura of the Lingquan is limited. It has been almost absorbed by me. It will take at least three months to recover. Let's talk about it later..."

Shenlong stared straight at Qin Feng, wondering if he was lying, deliberately hiding good things and not sharing them.

Qin Feng was looked at by the dragon's eyes and looked like a goose bump: "I said everything is true, you won't even believe me?"

Shenlong naturally believes in Qin Feng, but his heart is somewhat depressed. His realm is getting farther and farther away from Qin Feng, and he can’t wait to catch up.

"You are now entering the five layers of infuriating, and there is indeed the enthusiasm of the disciples who are slamming the door. It is not too late. I will go to the 12th peak to explain the situation."

Shenlong quickly returned to the business. Recently, the high-level Chinese high-level was made a headache by the disciples. When they saw the situation, they could not stand. They could only use the hot weapons to repel those people, but they did not expect Qin Feng to kill halfway.

"The Shenlong predecessors helped me out the list of the disciples who have offended the hero city. I have to teach them one by one..."

The look of the dragon was in a hurry, and he left in a hurry. He had just left for a while, and Zhang Keke’s pretty appearance jumped in.

"Qin Feng brother, I want it!"

When Zhang Keke entered the house, he began to undress. When he arrived in front of Qin Feng, it was already light.

This girl is the most lively and cheerful in all the women. She has always dared to try new postures. Qin Feng has no way to take her.

Without Qin Feng doing anything, Zhang Keke had already sat on his body. Qin Feng enjoyed it while looking at Zhang Keke’s body. Before the hoe, he accidentally drank the ancient giant beast gene solution, and the body seemed to live with a beast. As usual, Qin Feng can't keep up...

"Cocoa, have you had any abnormalities in your body recently?" Qin Feng asked as he did.

Zhang Keke looked satisfied with the color, and tightened Qin Feng’s neck to his ears: "Qin Feng brother, I have nothing unusual, that is, the strength becomes great, the body defense becomes stronger, and the sisters are not now. I’m going to talk to me about martial arts. I’m going to get hurt when I shoot...”

Qin Feng’s heart was speechless, but it was the genes of ancient behemoths. Even Qin Feng did not dare to fight with this Nizi, but also the women who suffered from Beibei.

"The genetic fluid you drink is very strong, and the body will become even more powerful in the future. Now that World of Warcraft is mine, if you tickle, go to World of Warcraft and beasts, don't bully them." Qin Feng ordered .

Zhang Keke moved faster and faster, and his voice changed: "Ah... I, I know!"

When the two were in a fierce situation, Qin Feng’s mobile phone rang. He did not intend to pay attention to it, but found that it was a phone call from the East Qingxue.

"Qing Xue, what happened?" Qin Feng opened the sound, and then whispered in the ear of Zhang Keke: "You are screaming, don't bark!"

Zhang Keke blamed Qin Feng for a look, as if he deliberately screamed like a child's temper.

The house was full of ups and downs, and Qin Feng was shocked.

There was no sound at the end of the phone. After a while, the roar of the oriental snow was heard: "Qin Feng, which woman are you fooling around? Ye Beixuan killed the Oriental family. You can do it yourself... ”

The phone has been hung up, Qin Feng suddenly lost interest.

Last time he ran Ye Beixuan, the guy dared to go to the Eastern family to make troubles. Obviously, he was prepared, and he could not keep Ye Beixuan with the hands of the Oriental Ming Wang.

"Coco, I am going to the Oriental family." Qin Feng took Zhang Keke away from his body.

Zhang Keke grinned and looked unhappy: "No, no, I want to..."

Qin Feng can't have time to talk to this girl, so she is serious: "I have important things, you obey."

Although Zhang Keke is eccentric and arrogant, he is still very sensible before the event. He screams with a small mouth: "Then I will go with Qin Feng brother!"

Qin Feng's current strength is more than Ye Beixuan's strength, and he is not afraid of any mistakes in the middle. He will take Zhang Keke together and take her to play.


At this time, a large group of people gathered in the courtyard of the Oriental Family of Kyoto.

One side is a child of the Eastern family headed by the Eastern Ming Dynasty, and the other side is standing with the Ye family and several old men dressed up.

Ye Beixuan stood in front of the Ye family, and several younger brothers and an elder who stood by Xuanbingmen. Since the last time the family was beaten by Qin Feng, Ye Beixuan has been thinking about coming back for revenge.

"Oriental Ming Wang, hurry up and hand over the stinky boy, or I will kill you full of doors..."

Ye Beixuan stood in front of him and shouted as a man in the door. How arrogant he was, screaming at the mouth, or destroying the giant family.

The oriental Ming Wang’s old face is blue, and the oriental family guards behind him are also looking good.

It’s just that they never dared to make a difference. The last time Ye Beixuan showed his strength was too strong, and he obviously moved the rescuer this time. God knows how many men are standing next to him.

"Qin Feng is not here, you have to go out quickly, the Oriental family does not welcome you..."

The Eastern Ming Wang did not dare to act rashly. He had already let Qing Xue go to Qin Feng to ventilate the letter, and now deliberately delays the time.

Ye Beixuan's face was cold, and his patience was completely exhausted: "Hey! That kid was not quite mad a few days ago? Now when the turtle is shrinking? Then shout out the oriental snow, I said that your granddaughter is going to marry the leaves. Home, I am in a hurry, even if my cousin Ye Zhenlong is dead, then marry your granddaughter to me..."

Dongming Ming Wang brows tightly, he has already given Qing Xue to Qin Feng, and apart from Qin Feng, the Oriental Ming Wang can not see, even if Ye Beixuan has no door.

"Don't think about it, Qingxue is already married. If you don't leave, don't blame me. You really want to eat dry rice?" The Oriental King shouted like a sneak!

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