Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1384: What is this ghost?


In a sudden time, a huge real handprint was condensed on the void, and the speed of the handprint was not too fast, but it seemed to cover half of the sky, and it was not urgent to move toward Duan Yutou.

Under the handprints, there were four winds, and an extremely strong death scent shrouded the earth. Qin Feng and Duan Yu’s look are all dignified. Qin Feng shouted to let Duan Yu avoid it. Duan Yu also wanted to dodge, but he felt that his feet were heavy like lead. The speed did not even have the real handprint of the landing. fast.

Seeing that the fingerprints have been hung on the top of the head, it is bound to be unable to dodge, and Duan’s reputation is full of blows. The **** are constantly pointing to the void, and thousands of swordsmanships are shot from his fingertips. This mysterious swordsman makes the round abbots The eyes are bright.


Jianmang hits a huge infuriating handprint and makes a violent explosion.

Duan Yu pointed out that the swordsmanship that was shot was the fierce blow of the six-layered instinct. Now thousands of swordsmanships are falling, but they have not penetrated the palm prints, but they have already condensed. The general palm print is illusory.

"Duan Yu, run fast..."

Qin Feng couldn't help but scream, and the voice just fell. There was a loud explosion on the plain of the area. The true gas palm print completely landed, and a huge pit was shot within a hundred meters. The reputation was even true. The six-layered kendo master can't stop the fierce palm of the round.

"Hey! The six-story trail in the district is also dare to make a move in front of the old man. It is simply not self-reliant!"

The round face was cold, and I didn’t give it to Duan Yu’s way, and my palms rose again. The explosions in the air continued one after another. This time, hundreds of palms were shot, and the speed was fast. They instantly fell into the deep pit, and the deep pit was deeper.

The Orc Legion in the distance just came, and the goodness and the round end of the face stood proudly. The rounded abbots all shot, and the two of them did not worry. It has been determined that Duan Yu died in the pit.

"Hey? That kid is not dead, his breath is gone?"

Half of the round move, suddenly screamed, scared the goodness and the round and finally stood up.

"The abbot, that kid is killed by you, the breath is naturally gone." The good looks are somewhat puzzled, and the end of the circle is also confused, I don't know what the abbot is.

Seeing the more empty look, he became more and more suspicious. He jumped into the huge pit dozens of meters away, just breathing moments and jumping out of the deep pit: "No, that kid didn't die, he ran away... ..."

When the words were round, the words of goodness and roundness were terrified.

They saw that Duan Yu was photographed underground, and the fierce attack followed by the abbot of the round and empty, even if the seven-layered strong esteem could not hold back, how can the six-layered boy in the district survive? Not to mention running away...

"Abbot, are you mistaken? That kid must be blown into **** by you," said the end.

The round air screamed at the end of the round, but there was no more nonsense. He personally went to see the crater, how could he look away? His look changed, his body suddenly disappeared, and he came to Qin Feng.

"Bad boy, are you hiding the guy?"

The end of the circle and the round good incredible look at the abbot, and even suspected that the abbot is old confused? Qin Feng is very difficult to protect himself from serious injuries. Can he hide the kendo master?

Qin Feng's look was dignified. Duan Yu was indeed taken back by the system. He did not expect that the abbot of Wuliangshan saw the stupidity. In the face of the strong respect of the invisible strength, Qin Feng felt that there was no chance to shoot. .

"Your boy doesn't say anything, anyway, it's all dead!"

Suddenly lost the patience in the round, the thin palms in the robes have been photographed, and the time is raging. Qin Feng feels an unprecedented pressure. He does not dare to hesitate, his thoughts are fretting, and the loud noise is in his body. Blast it down.


The palm prints fell, but they took an empty space and fell into a huge pit on the plain.

There was no figure in Qin Feng in the huge pit, but there was a huge weird machine. When I saw this strange machine in the sky, I was blinded. I obviously never seen it.

"I rely on! Abbot, this, what is this?"

"Well, it seems to be high-tech outside, like a car..."

The round good and the round have also arrived, and suddenly they were shocked by the black dragon chariot in the giant pit.

The three people are the strong esteem of the vast mountains of Shenzhou. They usually stay in the martial art and practice quietly. Even if they went to the Chinese secular world several decades ago, they have never seen such a domineering car like the Black Dragon chariot. Which is the car, this guy is a body with the tank.

When I heard the end of the circle, I screamed in a round: "Short! How could it be the outside world? Here is the land of China. Only when we can go out, people from outside can never enter..."

The circle finally woke up and nodded, but in the moment when the three were surprised, the huge strange machine suddenly moved.

"Not good abbot, that thing is moving..." Round good scared back two steps.

The sound of the end of the circle was also a little trembling: "This, this thing looks so good, I, do we want to leave here?"

In fact, there are some bottomless hollows, but they are forced to calm down: "Two wastes, a pile of broken copper and iron in the district will scare you into this, the guy must hide in this pile of scrap iron... not good He wants to run away."

When I said that half of the sky changed, I quickly took a shot.

Hundreds of small handprints suddenly fell, as if the arrow flew out, but the palm prints were shot, and the black dragon chariot made the horses fly away, like a rocket flying fast.

"I drop a trick, what the **** is this? The speed is too fast."

"The abbot is careful, that thing can kill people."

The round good and the round quickly evaded, and the rounds were scared to retreat a few steps. He just stood firm at the foot, and the Black Dragon chariot flew out of the giant pit, rubbing his head and rushing over the void.

"What is the ghost thing for him? Give me a fight, and I still don't believe it. Even two six-layer garbage can't be destroyed?"

The air feels like being beaten, the white air of the air is floating, and there is always a taboo in the heart of the round and the heart of the round. The abbots are all ordered, and they can only keep up with the scalp.


When the chariot landed, the plains of the earthquake were shaking!

The orc army that had just rushed to the scene was on the spot. The Qiao family looked at the giant car that was galloping on the plains. I felt that there was something wrong with this style. Here is the land of China...


The roar of the Orcs was earth-shattering, and they were also shocked by the appearance of the Black Dragon chariot.

Many Orcs even began to retreat, staring at the strange things running around, Qin Feng is inside the chariot, the space inside is huge, it is more spacious than the RV, the console is similar to the Black Dragon tank, no He will study thoroughly in a moment.

"Little Xiang pig, Duan Yu is all right?"

Qin Feng escaped from the dead and asked the case of Duan Yu while driving the Black Dragon tank.

“The owner is relieved that Duan Yu has only suffered some internal injuries and can be recovered after a few days of nursed back to health.”

When I heard the little pig, Qin Feng’s heart was calm, but he raised his eyes and scared almost to drive the Black Dragon chariot into the deep pit. Joe Gong was leading an orc army to pursue him.


The fireball ice came all over the sky, and it fell around the chariot. There were still a few thunders. Qin Feng felt like he was taking another war film. He was driving in a military camp where the off-road vehicle was going to enter the place...

There are a lot of fireballs and ice hobs in the body. Every time they fall, the chariots are shaken a few times. However, the material of this black dragon chariot is extremely hard, and there is no damage under the gunfire.

"Father, don't hit me..." Qin Feng quickly shouted with the megaphone inside the car, and suddenly the whole plain echoed his voice, which was even stronger than the real air amplification.

The Qiao family slammed into it, and several people fell directly from the Orcs. They were incredulously watching the Big Mac running across the plains. Is this Qin Feng?

"Qin Feng Nuwa, are you in the car?" Qiao Gong asked with some uncertainty.

"It’s my father-in-law, you are going to hold the entrance to the Far Ice City, just hand it over to me!”

The layout of Qin Feng is fast, and now the strong esteem of Wuliang Mountain is here, and only some disciples are left at the entrance. The orc army led by Qiao Gong is not resistant to the three people. They are going to clean up the disciples of Wuliangshan. Yes.

Qiao Gong everyone hesitated, they know that they should obey Qin Feng's words, but they are also worried about the safety of Qin Feng, how powerful the three people are, and keeping Qin Feng alone is definitely a lot of fierce.

"Qin Feng..."

"Don't talk about my father-in-law, as I said, I won't be in trouble... I won't go back, Far Ice City will be compromised." After waiting for Joe Gong to go on, Qin Feng's tone is unquestionably ordered.

The Qiao family gnawed their teeth and the Orc Legion fiercely killed the entrance. On the vast plain, there were only three people and Qin Feng and the domineering Black Dragon chariot.

"Stinky boy, it really is that you made a ghost, I don't care what you are, I am going to smash you with a palm..."

Jumping into the black dragon chariot, the big hand fell, and the real gas was shot on the roof.

This is a storm of seven layers of infuriating, as if a mountain fell from the sky, the violent vibration caused Qin Feng to roll a few laps in the car. Just waiting for him to stabilize his body and stunned, he looked at the roof of the Black Dragon chariot and found that he had not been cracked, but a small depression.


The roof of the car once again came a loud noise, and the madness of the top of the bang was shot. He was very shocked at the moment. It was really impossible to make this ruin. What kind of thing was used to create it, even he couldn’t shoot it?

"Master, I will take the guy off, although the Black Dragon chariot is extremely hard, but it can not withstand the continuous attack..." Xiaoxiang pig's anxious voice came, Qin Feng had already sat down at the console.

Looking at the top of the beloved chariot, there were several potholes, and Qin Feng’s anger was burning.


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