Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1387: Lingxian City

Standing on the edge of the crater for a while, the round suddenly burst into laughter.

He had already feared this Black Dragon chariot in his heart, but he did not expect that Qin Feng himself would play the car and kill himself.

"Ha ha! The stinky boy, without this pile of rotten copper scrap, I see how you fight with me..."

Round has jumped into the crater, he can feel the breath of Qin Feng still, this guy is not dead, but the breath is very weak, not far from death.

Just jumped down, and grasped the big hand, and even grabbed the Black Dragon chariot and threw it into the open space outside. Qin Feng lay on one side, smashed his clothes, **** and scarred, and looked like a dying.

Without the Black Dragon chariot, the defense in the round hollow suddenly dissipated. Looking at Qin Feng, who was difficult to stand up, he couldn’t help but laugh.

"Your kid turned out to be an outsider. How did you get into the land of China?"

Yuankong did not rush to kill Qin Feng, because he still has a lot of doubts to ask.

Qin Feng's eyelids shrugged and the breathing was a little difficult. After a while, he said: "I am indeed from the outside world, and I am coming back with the disciples."

Hearing here, the look of the sky changed, and he exclaimed: "I know, you are the first person in the world of China's secular world, Qin Feng? Now the entire gate of the land of China is in the middle of you, this old man can be developed. As long as you catch you, the reward is very rich!"

Yuankong was originally angry because of the death of the four sects, and now he is excited!

Qin Feng is a foreigner from the land of China. Nowadays, all the holy gates have come out with the baby to go to Qinfeng. As long as someone grabs Qin Feng, all the treasures that come out of the holy gate belong to that person. I want to call out with excitement.

Only he laughed halfway, his eyes suddenly burst into horror, and a strong sense of crisis rushed. He saw Qin Feng’s hand holding a cool blue bow, and the bow was without strings, but pulled out. Dark blue electric light...

It’s awkward!

When Le Mang came out, the air around him suddenly burst.

The Thunderbolt had already landed on the empty abdomen and directly slammed him into the night sky. The blue current was as thick as an arm, as if the thunder fell, and a thunder sea was blown up in the void.

This gun swayed the entire valley violently, and the Qiao Shi people looked at it and thought it was the thunder of the sky.

The round body was in the middle of the Leihai. At this moment, the body had already been blown up and crushed. At this point, the abbot of Wuliangshan and the four guardians died in the hands of Qin Feng.


The turbulent night sky gradually subsided. After Qin Feng extinguished the round, he collapsed to the ground. The last trace of infuriating in his body was completely used up. It was also the last light enemy of the round to kill himself.

The battle at the entrance of the Far Ice City is still going on. There are only eighteen arhats in the Wuliang Mountain that lead a small group of hard battles. The eighteen arhats are also the strong five-layered strongmen. Those small pipa are basically three or four layers of infuriating. The general formation can not be underestimated...

"My abbot of Wuliangshan has destroyed your main battle and advised you to surrender quickly. Otherwise, the abbot and the four masters will return, and you will all die..."

Eighteen arhats stared at Qiao Shizhong, and after a fight, both sides were killed and wounded, and this would be in a confrontational state.

The violent movement in the distance just made the disciples of Baguashan think that it was made by the rounded abbot. Even the people of Qiao Gong thought that it was made by Bagua Mountain. They all knew that Qin Feng was only the realm of six layers of truth. It was impossible to cause that. A sensational picture.

"Joe brother, we are here, we are going to bring other people to save the Qin Feng Beastmaster..."

The Qiao family was eager to think that Qin Feng was in danger. Qiao Shi had already planned this and immediately left with a large force.

Eighteen Arhats were flashed and blocked in front of Qiao’s people. They sneered: "I don’t think you should go, your leader has long since hanged, and advised you to surrender quickly, so you can keep a small life."

The Qiao family was full of worry about Qin Feng's safety. When he heard the enemy say so, Qiao Shi was furious and rushed on three ice wolves. The ice wolf spurted several ice spurs in the air.


As soon as the ice came out, the temperature around it suddenly plummeted, and a layer of ice was formed on the ground. The eighteen arhats were frozen by the ice and became the eighteen ice sculptures.

The roar of the Orc rang and rushed toward the enemy. The little donkey of the Eight Diagrams Mountain was scared to escape by this fierce battle, but it just ran halfway. He heard a loud noise behind him, and the ice on the Eighteen Arhats burst. They all bloomed in golden light and became the real eighteen golden body.

"Don't run, the brothers have activated the undefeated golden body, let's go back!"

"As long as we persist for a while, the round abbot and the four masters will come back. This far ice city will be the site of our Wuliangshan..."

The small shackles who fled halfway and rushed back, and the eighteen arhats had already attacked, and the copper squadron rushed all the way, as if entering the land of no one.

The unbeaten golden body of the Eight Diagrams Mountain is also strong and fierce. The Eighteen Arhats became the iron-clad, ignoring the flames of the Orc. Even a few beasts hit them and they did not see any reaction.


Eighteen people took advantage of the wind, and the intensity of the attack was also enhanced. The Qiao family were all spiritual beasts, their strength was not strong, and they could withstand this fierce attack.

"Don't fight the beasts, first destroy the enemy forces, without their control, the group of animals is not afraid..."

Someone in the Eighteen Arhats shouted and found the key to breaking the enemy.

Everyone immediately chased the Qiao family to launch an attack. This is the 18-strong instinct of the five-layered infuriating. After the unbeaten defeat, the strength is much improved. The Qiao family have retired all the way and have no power to fight back.

"Can't go back, the enemy has to enter the far ice city..."

Qiao suddenly stopped, riding on three ice waves and standing on the entrance border. The Qiao family stood behind him. Although he knew the strength of the 18-year-old Luohan, no one took a step back.

"Qin Feng Beastmaster ordered us to hold the Far Ice City, and we can't live up to his trust even if we die in battle!" Someone shouted and everyone shouted in unison.

The Wuliangshan people have been surrounded, and the Eighteen Arhats are sneer, and they have not put Qiao Shi and others in their eyes. Suddenly, the palm prints are coming. The eighteen arhats clapping at the same time, the air in front of them suddenly bursts, as if hundreds of sharp arrows Flying and whistling.

The Orcs began to roar and used their bodies to resist the fierce palm prints. The Qiao Shi people looked anxious and wanted to play, but the body of the eighteen Arhats could not be approached.

There was a sneer on the face of Wuliangshan disciples, as if this far ice city had been taken by them. Just a moment later, the smile on their faces slammed hard, and everyone looked up at the night sky. There were two groups of flames floating, as if several Between the breaths, they have come to their heads from a few kilometers away.

"The abbot and the four masters are back!" someone shouted excitedly.

But see the eighteen Arhats look dignified, this is where the abbots are, obviously the enemy's young warrior.

"Not good, the enemy leader is back, everyone is careful..."

There was a roaring scream, and everyone looked like a big change. Looking back at the sky, the people were really not abbots. The next crowd exploded and the enemy’s leader came back? Was he not killed by a few abbots?

Just as the disciples of the Wuliangshan were surprised, the sky suddenly condensed a rainbow of mans.

Before they could see what it was, thousands of guns fell from the sky like a sharp arrow. After Qin Feng stunned for a while, he woke up and immediately rushed back to the entrance, and saw the scene. He didn't even think that it was a shot, just a shot, and instantly pierced the golden body of the Eighteen Arhats...



The loud noise on the top of the mountain was shocking, and the red guns were constantly shot down.

The Joes on the ground have long been watching, and the eighteen golden body Lohan, which is difficult to defeat in their eyes, is easily smashed like a tofu block under the Qin Feng gun.

Eighteen Arhats died, and the subsequent rushing Xiaoyan was scared to turn around and ran away. Not waiting for Joe and others to return to God, Qin Feng’s big hand waved, the rainbow magic storm gun turned into a golden phoenix phoenix sword, Jinfeng fell, suddenly Condensed hundreds of meters long knife mans, landing a row of deserters instantly blasted.

Under the strong command of Qin Feng, the top of the mountain has long been unrecognizable. Many gravel rolls fell to the bottom of the mountain, and the continuous explosion of sounds was difficult to stop.

The forces of the Bagua Mountain that came to attack the Far Ice City have not survived. This battle has already won, but the Qiao Master has not yet recovered.

"Father, are you all right?"

Qin Feng took up Jinfeng and strode to the crowd.

The people suddenly woke up, but there was still a trace of shock in the depths of the eyelids. Qiao Shi grabbed Qin Feng’s arm and shouted excitedly: “Qin Feng, son-in-law, you are so powerful, where is your infuriating six? The layer is almost fiercer than the seven layers of true gas... Right, how many people of the abbot of Bagua Mountain have been destroyed by you?"

The Qiao family all looked at Qin Feng, and when he nodded, he was shocked and full of skin.

It must be said that Qin Feng had just destroyed the eighteen arhats. Everyone could barely accept it, but he even gave up the abbot of the Eight Diagrams Mountain and the four masters. That is the strong seven or even eight layers of strong ah...

"Father-in-law, after this war, I believe that there will be no more holy gates to spy on Far Ice City and Meteor City. These days, you will fully stabilize the internal dispersion of the two cities and build a group of powerful forces as soon as possible."

After this fierce battle, Qin Feng was a little weak.

Qiao Shi quickly helped him to sit down: "Well, I must do this well, right, what is the name of the new power?"

Qiao Shi knows that Qin Feng wants to build his own power in Yuanbing City and Meteor City. The names of the six sects such as the Spirit Beasts can no longer be used. Qin Feng pondered for a moment and said: "It is called Lingxian City! ”

Qiao Shi naturally listened to Qin Feng's arrangement and had no doubt about the name.

In this land of China, all rules are based on fists. When a certain party takes down the city, it has the right to change the name of the city. Now Qin Feng has won two cities at a time. He plans to merge the two cities and has a new name, Lingxian City. The purpose is to let Zhao Lingxian know that he has come to the door...

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