Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1392: Find the entrance

In the vast living room, a dozen beautiful women gathered together, and the women looked at each other stupidly. Many women met for the first time.

As a representative of the foreign martial arts hero city, Xu Ruorou introduced Xiaoli, Qiuya and Qiandiao nursery rhymes. Xueer represents the hero city of Weicheng and introduces Lin Beibei's daughters.

When everyone knows each other, there is a shock in the beautiful world. They have long known that there are many women around Qin Feng, but only now they have seen the meaning of the word 'multi'.

Now the situation is urgent, but the women have no intention to complain about Qin Feng's heart, and they have a worried look on their faces. Xu Ruorou has already opened his mouth.

"Sisters, you suddenly found it, is there something wrong?"

Xueer said: "If you are soft, I know how to enter the door."

Xu Ruorou’s daughters slammed and looked at Xue with a look of excitement. Like the women in Weicheng’s Hero City, they missed the safety of Qin Feng every day, but they didn’t know how to enter the door. Otherwise, I have already searched for it.

"Snow, you mean that you know the entrance to the door?" Thousands of children said in a hurry.

"My brother said that the entrance is near the ice lake, can you take everyone to the ice lake mountain?" Lin Beibei said.

Thousands of illusion children squatted, she thought that Cher, these people really know the entrance to the door, listening to Lin Beibei said she lost interest.

She was the great elder of the original Binghu Mountain, and when Zhao Lingxian had just disappeared some time ago, she also took Qin Feng to look around the ice lake, and did not find the entrance to the door.

"We have known this information for a long time, but there are four hills in the ice lake, how big each hill is, and the array that enters the absolute situation is still randomly changing. We can't find it..."

Thousands of illustrious children know that this is a blow to people, but she has to say it.

The appearance of Lin Beibei’s female gods has changed greatly. The hope that they will only be angry in their hearts will be shattered.

"You don't have to worry about finding a door to the door. I have a way to do it!" When the girls were disappointed, they saw Cher's face confident.

Thousands of illusionous children looked at her suspiciously and said: "What do you do?"

Cher really has a way, she is the owner of the supreme star system, in order to enter the door, this time she worked hard to complete the task, not long ago in the system to exchange a battle finder, but the secret of the system she promised No one in Qin Feng said anything, and there is no way to explain it to these sisters.

"In short, I have the right way. Do you believe in me?" Xue looked at the girls with a serious look.

Lin Beibei thought that Qin Feng had lost her sense of reason. She didn’t care whether Cher said it was true or not. She must try it.

"Snow, you will take me to find the way to enter the door. I will see Qin Feng now." Lin Beibei said that his eyes were moist.

Cher smiled and touched her head, Xu Ruorou also opened his mouth: "Well! Since everyone is a woman of Qin Feng, that is a family, Cher said there is a way, then we must believe her..."

"Yes, I also believe in Cher!"

"Then don't say more, let's go to the ice lake now..."

The girls stood up and stood up, and finally decided to go to the ice lake and look for it. The thousand magical nursery rhymes led the team. This group of beautiful women walked in the outer martial arts and caused an uproar. Many martial arts disciples were fascinated by their beauty. Live, but when I heard that these beautiful women are Qin Feng’s women, they scared everyone to roll away...

The Qingsong is flourishing on the ice lake, and everyone has not found any way to go around the whole hill.

"Snow, have you found the entrance?" The girls looked at Cher.

Cher took out the array of detectors from the system, a toy-like thing.

"Sister Cher, what is this?" Lin Beibei looked confused.

All the girls were surrounded, and they did not know the ancient compass that Cher had in his hand. This thing was not made of any material. It was engraved with some ancient runes and patterns, like some ages.

"This seems to be a compass for measuring feng shui. Can it be used to test the array?" Even the thousand-eyed virgins, the inner door, couldn't understand the ancient compass.

Cher didn't really understand it. The thing was that she bought it from the system with a star point. It took her 50,000 stars, but she saved it for more than a year. However, Cher does not feel bad. If this ancient compass can really find the entrance, it is worth it...

"On the other side, let's go to the opposite hill!"

In the hands of Cher, the pointer on the Gu Luopan suddenly moved. She quickly took the girls down the mountain. When everyone came to the opposite west, the reaction of the ancient compass became strong. If the disciple of the land of China saw the Cher The ancient compass in his hand must be amazed. Isn't this a hunting device used to find hidden arrays in the Holy Gate? How can it be in the Chinese secular world?

Although the girls said that they believed in Cher, they still had some concerns in their hearts. Now they see that the ancient compass really responds, and everyone’s excited heart must jump out of the eyes of the blind.

Under the guidance of the ancient compass, the girls finally stood on the top of the mountain, with a cliff in front of them, and the pointer of the ancient compass did not move, pointing to the position under the cliff...

"Snow, how did this ancient compass not respond?" Lin Beibei hurried.

Xu Ruorou’s face was dignified: “I don’t think the compass is responding, but it has clearly pointed out the location of the entrance, just the space in front of us.”

The girls screamed and were scared by Xu Ruorou!

There is a cliff in front of you. Where is the entrance? If you jump down, you have to smash it.

"If Ruo is right, the space aura in front of everyone is a little strange, and I suspect that the formation is in that air..."

Thousands of magical virginity are the most powerful existence among the women. Now they are firmly in the realm of the true spirit. Her sense of aura is more sensitive than everyone else.

Suddenly quiet on the top of the mountain, only the wind whistling, the girls staring at each other and looking at each other, I don’t know how to be good for a while.

"Because it is really the entrance to the door, then I am the first to go in..."

For a moment of silence, Lin Beibei suddenly jumped and leaped. Her upper body was hanging outside the cliff, but she was pulled back by Xu Ruorou.

"Babe, don't worry, this law doesn't know what the situation is. Let's talk about it first." Xu Ruorou was afraid after a while, if she was a second later, Lin Beibei would hang up, if she waited for Qin. Maple came back to know this and didn't know how much fire it was going to make.

Lin Beibei cried in anxiously, and all the girls showed a look of distress. They finally found the entrance to the door, but found it difficult to enter the door.

"Sisters are watching, the compass is turning again..."

Cher suddenly screamed, and all the girls were confused. The pointer on the ancient compass suddenly pointed to a cliff next to it.

Thousands of illusion virgins first came back to God. She stayed in the hidden door for decades. She knew more about the tactics than other women: "No, this door is really a mobile array. The law will move every once in a while. After you find the entrance, you must decisively enter..."

The depressed beauty is even more helpless, can this move still move? How do you get in here?

Everyone sat on the top of the mountain and had no countermeasures for a while.

Cher took the compass and watched it. After two hours, she figured out the law. The array of the entrance door changed position once every three minutes. The position after each transformation was irregular, probably near the previous position. It may also be hundreds of meters or even kilometers apart.

"Since the formation of the entrance to the gate can be determined, there is still a chance to go in, you all go back, I go to the door alone to see ..." After a long time, the thousand magical nursery rhymes suddenly stood up.

The girls looked at her and Xu Ruorou said with a brow: "When you go, go, how can you make a risk for yourself?"

Thousands of magical virgins look incomparably dignified: "This is not a hero. Since it is a method of entrance to the door, the law must be very powerful. So, do you want to go in and go in?"

"There is a violent airflow wave in this transmission array method. You don't even step into the real atmosphere. I am afraid that it has died in the middle of the road without passing it to the door. I don't want Qin Feng to blame me after coming back." ......"

Thousands of magical virgins know more about martial arts than everyone else, and her words suddenly awakened the girls.

Busy for a long time, the original entry into the formation of the law requires high strength and strength? Just look at Lin Beibei, these women, most of them began to cultivate, the strength is generally on the four layers of the internal gas, where can withstand the airflow collision in the array method...

"Thousands of illusions are right, everyone goes back, I will go with the thousand illusions to see." Xu Ruorou made a decision.

Qiu Yali also stood up: "I also stepped into the infuriating layer not long ago, I have to go."

Xiaoli stood up and said, "I am a ghost repairer. My body is very special. The airflow collision does not hurt me much. I can go."

Looking at the four women in the heroic city outside the martial arts must enter the door, Lin Beibei they are not eager to do, they began to blame their own strength is low, I know that it is right to work hard day and night.

Seeing that Zhang Keke suddenly jumped out: "Then I will go with you as the beauty representative of Weicheng City Hero City..."

Xu Ruorou immediately refused: "No, your strength is too weak. Going to death is in vain. I don't want Qin Feng to be sad after coming back."

Zhang Keke was not happy at all. He raised his little pink fist and said: "You said that my strength is too weak? It is not cocoa to talk big, and the four of you can't stop me from punching."

Xu Ruorou four people turned their eyes, they have already looked into the women who came to the city of Heroes in the city. The highest strength is Su Qiuyue, but she is only seven layers of internal gas. As for Zhang Keke's internal gas fluctuations are very weak. It seems that there is only the inner level of the inner layer.

Xu Ruorou thought that Zhang Keke was eager to see Qin Feng and deliberately lied, and then persuaded her to say: "Cocoa, this can't be played, you still go back first... Cher, your ancient compass is first used for us."

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