Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1460: Different fires

"Leather, Pippi... Leather."

After Xu Ruorou was taken out of the sand, Qin Feng found Pikachu in her arms. At this time, Pikachu was tanned with black hair, a look of tired and thirsty, and even its mantra was incomplete.

Qin Feng quickly took out the kettle from the emerald ring, poured a half cup of water next to Pikachu, and the little guy made a crazy madness directly into the small head.

Qin Feng did not care about Pikachu, the little guy is a beast, and his vitality is tenacious.

He quickly got some water to feed Xu Ruorou, but found that if he was unconscious, he couldn’t drink. Qin Feng will drink a fresh water on her own and put it on her lips so slowly.

In the past, one minute and one second, Qiu Ya and Qian Huan also came over. When the second woman saw Qin Feng find Xu Ruorou, the tears of excitement filled her.


Xu Ruorou, who was lying in the arms of Qin Feng, suddenly coughed a few times, followed by frowning and slowly opened his eyes.

Qin Feng three people looked at her excitedly, Xu Ruorou's weak voice came: "Qin Feng? Qiu Ya? Thousands of illusions? You are all ah... I am not dead, you must be an illusion."

Qin Feng's distressed Xu Ruorou hugged some, helping her to wipe off the fine sweat on her forehead: "Don't talk, you are my Qin Feng woman, no one in the world can make you die."

Qin Feng’s voice lingered in his ear, and the familiar temperature in his body was rippling in his nose. Xu Ruorou suddenly widened his eyes and stared at Qin Feng. She found that Qin Feng is not Qin Feng, but the appearance of Qiao Feng.

If you say that you are really dead, you will definitely see Qin Feng, but how is it happening?

"I, I am not dead? Qin Feng, is it really you? I finally found you..." Xu Ruorou suddenly shed two lines of tears, she thought she would never see Qin Feng again.

Qiu Ya and Qian Huan couldn't help but cry. The three women looking for Qin Feng's road this time can be described as hard and bumpy. Now everyone is a big reunion, they are left with tears of joy.

Qin Feng wiped the tears of the three women, and Xu Ruorou rested on the sand for a while, and his physical strength gradually recovered. Qin Fengqi helped her to get up, and the four men looked at each other and laughed. It was a kind of smile that could not be said after a long reunion.

"Qin Feng, let's go back to Lingxian City?" Qiuya suggested that she can't wait to go back immediately to meet the girls.

Thousands of illusions and Ruorou also mean this. Qin Feng would have to leave the hot land with three women. A loud noise suddenly spread under their feet. The sand was deep and the four fell into the pit. in.

The three women are unprepared and scared and screamed again and again!

Qin Feng's look is extremely dignified. He looks down at his feet. He is a deep pit that doesn't bottom out. I don't know where the bottom of the pit is. He tried to fly the deep pit with the flying sword and the whirlwind gold wheel, but found that there was strong gravity in the black hole, and they pulled them in hard.

I don't know how long it has been falling, and the foot is finally shining. With the appearance of the light, everyone felt a hot breath rushing from the bottom of the earth. If it wasn't for Qin Feng to condense the ice with the ice, everyone would be forced to be melted by this hot.

"Qin Feng, how is this going?" Qiuya asked anxiously.

Qin Feng has not yet figured out the situation. At this time, they finally landed, but they found that the ground is where the ground is, but a piece of molten sea, but everything that falls into it will instantly vanish.

The reason why the four people have not been melted is that Qin Feng is fully urging the ice ice magic core, constantly condensing the ice layer to protect everyone, but how strong the fire in the molten mud is, constantly melting the ice layer...

Qin Feng just stood on the melt for more than half a minute and was sweating. He even felt that there was some shortage of infuriating in the body. He is now a real nine-layer environment, and he is so strong. This shows how terrible the melt under the ground.

"Master, go to Shenxian Island, or you really want to hang up." Xiaoxiang pig anxious shouts came, Qin Feng did not want to motivate the idea.


After a strange array of fluctuations, the scenes of the four people suddenly changed, and the sensation of being thrown away by the sun in the scorching sun disappeared. The spring breeze in the fairy island burst into the air.

Qiu Ya and Thousand Magical Nursery Rhymes have been to Shenxian Island, and they have a long sigh of relief. However, Xu Ruorou came for the first time and was shocked by the pleasant scenery in front of him. She was still in the meltdown of the melt before the second, and this feeling is the same as crossing.

"If you don't worry, this is my secret base, we are safe for the time being!" Qin Feng saw a strange look of Xu Ruorou, and comforted a few words.

Xu Ruorou still has some resentment, and looks incredible to the fire demon tree and three huge beasts. Qiu Ya and Thousands of Magic have pulled her to the side of the Qingquan pool to prepare for a bath, Qin Feng sitting under the fire tree, the brows are not wrinkled.

This fairy island has a total of three entrances to the array, one in the mind of Qin Feng, moving with his movement. One place was placed in the Lingxian Gate, and there was a place where Qin Feng was not used.

The array on his body is very easy to use, and it can solve the urgent need. However, this array has some loopholes. When he sends it in, he will be sent to that location.

Although Qin Feng and the three women are temporarily safe, they can only stay in this fairy island for the time being. If they want to go out again, they can only appear on the piece of molten slurry.

"Small pig, what is the melt? Is it worse than my polar ice?"

Qin Feng's heart is inextricably solved. The extremely ice magic core in his body is the true ice of the beast. The general flame can't melt the ice evenly. Even if Qin Feng is in the fire, as long as there is a very ice body, it is the same as nothing.

The sound of the small pig became dignified: "Master, according to the judgment of the system, the molten slurry is the fire of heaven and earth. It can be melted in the heavens and the earth, melting all things, and is higher than the true ice of the beast... ”

Qin Feng thought of the division of the flame intensity in the world!

From low to high are natural fires, magical flames, infuriating fires, real fires of the beasts, and fires in the world.

The natural fire is ordinary fire, such as the kind of cooking for home cooking. The magical flame is the fire that the magic repairs form through the magic. The raging fire is the flame that is released from the strong temperament of the true atmosphere. The beast of the beast is the fire of the magical nucleus that is condensed in the body of Warcraft or Spirit. The most powerful flame belongs to the world, and Qin Feng is the first to encounter such fires...

Knowing that the flame in the melt is a kind of fire in the world, Qin Feng accepted the fact that it can melt the ice. He also figured out why this poisonous day city is hot all year round, fearing that it is because of this underground world. The fire is at odds.

For a time, Qin Feng was very incomparable. In the face of this powerful fire, he could not think of a way to confront.

"Masters, the fires of heaven and earth are more advanced than the real fires of the beasts. They are fires with spiritual thoughts. The master can even understand them as a kind of creature...so the fires in the heavens and the earth can also be conquered."

Xiaoxiang pig said that the focus, Qin Feng suddenly came to the spirit: "How to conquer the world?"

"In fact, the truth of the service of the Orcs is in common. As long as you capture the idea of ​​a different fire in the heavens and the earth, crushing his ideas into the mind of the master, you can conquer."

Xiao Xiang pig said it is simple, but Qin Feng knows it is not so easy.

First of all, he must be able to persist in the melt to the point of engulfing the idea of ​​different fires, but this place is really strong, and Qin Feng is afraid that he can't hold it.

Xiao Xiang pig naturally understands the difficulties at present, and he suggests: "Master, if you really want to conquer the fire in the world, you can buy a million years of ice from the system and go to the test. If you really can't conquer, the owner will return. Go to Immortal Island."

Xiao Xiang’s suggestion was not bad. Qin Feng looked in the system’s inventory and quickly found the Wannian ice armor it said.

- Wannian Ice Armor

Caused by the heavens and the earth, the ice is boundless.

System price: 300,000 points.


Qin Feng saw the mouth of the mouth slamming, the price of this million years of ice armor is not low. He now has only 369,000 points left. He bought a million years of ice, and he really became a poor man, and he still owes the system 1 million points. Think about Qin Feng.

The most important thing is that Qin Feng is the first time to conquer the world, he is not clear how strong the fire under the ground is? If you buy a million years of ice, there is no way to conquer the fire, it is really a bamboo basket to fight water...

Qin Feng suddenly got entangled. This is a huge adventure, but he knows that opportunities and risks coexist.

"Master, there is no fire in the system of supreme ,. If the owner successfully conquers this world, it will help the system to be perfect, and the system will give a generous reward!" Xiaoxiang pig suddenly said.

Qin Feng’s eyes lit up and immediately stood up. At the same time, the system’s prompt sound came from his mind.

"Hey... Host Qin Feng spent 300,000 points, successfully purchased Wannian ice armor; the total balance of the host's defect is 69,000 points, and the host still owes a system of 1 million points. Please work hard to complete the task and earn more. The flaw..."

Qin Feng has made a decision. He has a dark blue ice armor. When the ice armor is worn on the body, the earth under his feet begins to freeze, and the surrounding air has ice. Some of the sun was frozen at the moment of the injection, showing a rare sight.

The whole island of Shenxian became a snow and ice, and everyone and the beasts were shocked and looked at it.

"Qin Feng... How do you...what?" Xu Ruorou’s anxious voice came, but the sound was frozen and the speed of transmission was several times slower.

Qin Feng has been stunned by the mighty ice-cold armor. This stuff is simply a walking freezer. When you wear it on the street in the summer, you have to kill a group of people.

"I will go to the ... the melt of the bottom... you... don't... run around!"

Qin Feng’s voice was also frozen, and when the sound reached the ears of the three women, he was not in the fairy island.

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