Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1527: Start again

At the time of the chaos of the mixed elements, Qin Feng had already flown to the height of dozens of miles away.

Seeing that no one was chasing after him, Qin Feng’s five hearts were long and relieved.

"Qin Feng, I don't know where Lingxianmen is now, how do we find it?"

"If you meet someone on the road, you will be able to find it. In short, it is much better than staying in the Mixed School."

"I don't know what Yingying sister is doing now. I hope everyone has found the Lingxian Gate. They are all safe and sound..."

A few women talked about the next plan, they only escaped from the mixed yuan, but found that there are more unknown risks waiting for everyone.

As several women are worried, the landforms have completely changed since the merger of the gods. The former land of Shenzhou was only a very small existence of the gods, and the Lingxian Gate did not know where it was...

Many people were asked along the way, but no one has ever heard of Lingxianmen. Even No one knows Lingxian City. Fortunately, Qin Feng always refused to give up, after half a month, finally found some piecemeal information.

According to the group of scattered repairs, not long ago, people in Luocheng heard the mention of Lingxianmen, when they also heard Lingxiancheng. This news surprised Qin Feng's five people and immediately rushed to Los Angeles.

Luocheng is a famous city in Beishazhou. It is not under the jurisdiction of the sects, but is managed by the power of several large families.

Qin Feng has been in the Shenzun mainland for nearly two months now, and he has roughly understood the distribution of forces here. There are many forces on the Shenzun Continent, and there is a mixture of fish and dragons. There are many forms in the sects, large families, business groups, and scattered repairs.

The power of a large family is absolutely not to be underestimated, and may even be stronger than a sect. Like several families in Los Angeles, it is said that there are strong stalwarts who have stepped into the Buddha's light, which is even more powerful than the sect of the Samsung sect...

When the five arrived in Los Angeles, they were stunned by the bustling here!

The main city is full of water, the shops on both sides of the street are dense, but the products sold are all ancient things, and more are related to cultivation.

Another inquiry, the five people finally came to a deserted mountain village area below Luocheng, and Lingxian City was hidden in this area.

"Who is here? This mountain has been occupied, you are best to leave quickly!"

When Qin Feng went to the familiar Lingxian Gate, several black shadows came out from all around.

The few people just shouted, all on the spot. There is a big five big three strong man screaming: "Wow! Boss! I have no eyes? Really you are here?"

Qin Feng looked at Liu Jie, who was still the same as before. He couldn’t help but smack him and said: "You are a dead fat man, you haven’t met before you have seen it for two months?"

Standing next to Liu Jie, Chang Mao, Yun Ze and others are Qin Feng’s good brothers in the world. At this moment, everyone reunited in the Shenzun mainland, and that kind of joy is hard to say.

"Several big sisters are back, it's great!" Liu Jie's excited tears are spinning. He is a tall, strong man who is just like a child at the moment. It’s funny to everyone.

Yunze smiled and said: "Qin brother, sister and several other big sisters are in Lingxianmen. Up until now, the main characters of our city hero city have come, but some brothers of the foreign martial arts hero city have not found... ..."

In the past two months, Liu Jie and others have been searching for outsiders who have been sent to the land of God. After learning the situation, Qin Feng was somewhat settled. As for the rest of the people, he will naturally continue to look for it...

Liu Jie has taken everyone into the martial art. There is no change in Lingxianmen. There are many people gathered in the empty training field. At this time, they are practicing crazy. When everyone knows the power of the Shenzun continent, they all hope to break through to a higher realm.

"Ah... I, are I dreaming? I saw Qin Feng and Ruorou them." Ren Xiaoyue suddenly stopped practicing and stood up and looked at the incredible people.

The rest of the people are dumbfounded. They hope to reunite with Qin Feng and others day and night. I didn’t expect this day to be so sudden.

It is determined that Qin Feng is really coming, and everyone has been around. The atmosphere suddenly became hot, and everyone seemed to have a lot to say.

After chatting, Qin Feng learned about the recent situation of everyone. Because they learned that Shenzun’s mainland is strong, Liu Jie and others have been hiding in Lingxianmen and dare not go out easily, so they don’t even know the existence of Los Angeles.

"Qin Feng, what should we do next?"

After the joy of reunion, everyone looked at Qin Feng with a dignified look.

Qin Feng said in a circle: "On the land of Shenzhou, Lingxianmen was the best cultivation place for me, but now the Lingxian Gate is lacking in spirit, deep in the barren hills, and even the scattered repairs are not willing to come. This place..."

"If we want to survive in the Shenzun continent, we can't wait here. I am going to take everyone to Luocheng to find a stable place to settle down, and then find the rest of the people back."

Qin Feng is now stepping into the seven layers of Xianqi, and can look at the mainland and even the North Shazhou. He is an ant-like existence. Qin Feng did not fear and give up. He is not only living alone, but also protecting these friends and family.

Under the encouragement of Qin Feng, everyone also encouraged morale and agreed to go out of this mountain with Qin Feng.

On the third day, Qin Feng went to Los Angeles alone. He planned to find a place to stay in Luocheng, and then let Liu Jie and others come over.

"The treasurer, I want to buy some land."

After some inquiries, Qin Feng stood in the hall of the Luotang Qitang main office.

This Qitang is the industry of Luocheng Qijia. The Qi family is the first person in Luocheng, and the owner is the owner of Luocheng.

In the hands of the Qi family, they control the land resources of the Luocheng blockbuster. If they want to develop in Luocheng, they must look at the face of Qijia.

Behind the half-height wooden platform stood a little old man, looked up and saw Qin Feng, seeing him dressed in a normal dress, suddenly ignored and said: "Which land to buy? What to do?"

Qin Feng did not care about the attitude of the other party and said: "I have taken a fancy to the townhouse in Xinjie and the empty courtyard behind, ready to buy and do business."

The little old man changed his look and revisited Qin Feng. He sneered: "Hey! Your boy's tone is not small. The section is the central street of Luocheng. The price is high and scary. Do you think you can afford it?"

Qin Feng did not say much, a big hand waved, a hill-like spirit stone fell to the foot: "I don't know how much the house is worthy? I can pay you the full amount."

The little old man looked at the top of the earth's top stone, and the brush in his hand fell to the ground. He immediately changed his attitude and piled a smile from the back to the hall.

"Oh! That piece of land worth 500,000 top grade Lingshi, do you really want to buy it at one time?"

Qin Feng has a lot of Lingshi, especially after getting the top of the mixed dragons list, the martial art rewarded him with 300,000 pieces of top grade Lingshi, plus some of the Lingshi he collected before, almost fifty Wan's look.

Qin Feng was shocked by the price of the land. The 500,000 Shangpin Lingshi was already very expensive. Like the general scattered life, it was afraid that it would not collect 10,000 pieces of Shangpin Lingshi.

Only in this situation, Qin Feng must find a place to settle as soon as possible, and the townhouse is on the main street, and there are large empty courtyards available behind, which fully meets the needs of Qin Feng.

After some negotiations, Qin Feng cut the price to 450,000 pieces of Shangpin Lingshi. From the look of the shopkeeper's smile, this price is not lost at all.

Qin Feng delivered the Lingshi on the spot, and the shopkeeper handled the formalities such as good title deeds. At this point, Qin Feng appeared in the first place of Shenzun's mainland to belong to him.

For the next three days, Qin Feng was busy working on the purchased land.

Liu Jie and others have come one after another. Under the rules of everyone, a new residence will be completed soon, and everyone is very satisfied with it.

"Qin Feng, you bought so many houses and there are many yards, is there any plan?" Han Yingying's business mind is extraordinary, looking at such a huge land, there have been several business plans in his heart.

Qin Feng called everyone to gather in the yard and said to them: "God respects the mainland with the martial arts. If you want to survive here, you must continue to cultivate breakthroughs. And the monastic needs countless cultivation resources to assist, I intend Reopen the Holy Medicine Hall and the Shenbing Hall here, so that it can develop for a long time..."

Everyone agrees with Qin Feng's proposal. Han Yingying looked at the large-scale empty courtyard and said: "If you develop the medicinal herb industry, these vacant land can be transformed into a medicinal garden. It is believed that it is not a problem."

Yunze is a man of the Shenbingtang. He confidently said: "I am working on the weapons. I can be responsible for the development of the Shenbingtang in the Shenzun mainland."

"Then I am responsible for security work..." Liu Jie also jumped out.

The girls didn't want to be idlers, and they found their own work: "Then I am a drug salesman."

"Cocoa is the general manager of the sales of the Shenbingtang. I am selling things very well. It is not right. It is very good..."

Everyone is amused by Zhang Keke's words!

Especially when I went to the land of China to find the eight women of Qin Feng, they saw Zhang Keke’s science and technology exhibition held in Lingxian City, and they pitted those holy disciples.

The division of labor was quickly implemented, and everyone was motivated in the next few days.

Qin Feng not only can refine the Dan but also refining the device. In the past few days, he has been working day and night, refining a large number of medicinal herbs and spirits.

On the seventh day after taking the land, the Holy Pharmacy and the Shenbing Hall were opened at the same time.

The news of the best was quickly spread in Los Angeles.

“On the day of the opening of the holy pharmacy, all the medicinal herbs were sold at half price. And the customer who consumed the most on the day, gave a free return to Dan.”

“On the day of the opening of Shenbingtang, all the spirits were sold at half price. And the customers who consumed the most on the day, gave a free purpleware, and at the same time got the purchase of the treasure sword of the town store.”


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