Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1546: Golden leaf grass

When the black star rock appeared, the original boiling crowd calmed down more than half, apparently not interested in this top refiner material.

Qin Feng is bright in front of him. He has seen the materials needed to build artifacts in the system. Black Star Rock is one of the main materials.

Qin Feng was amazed at the fact that such a scarce top refiner material had a starting price of only 100,000 pieces of top grade Lingshi? And the price shouted out for a while, but did not see a person to increase the price.

"Hey! This rare refiner material is really precious, but how rare the refiners on the mainland are, and even the average person does not have access to this material. It is equivalent to a scrap iron on the body..."

Sitting next to the longevity groaning, a word made Qin Feng's doubts in mind.

Qin Feng is excited, so it seems that he can shoot very valuable black star rock materials with ultra-low prices.

"One hundred and ten thousand!"

But did not wait for Qin Feng to open the price, the sound of the last row of a ya.

Listening to the voice is like a middle-aged man, and people in the public area have heard the voice of men.

"This is the high leveling of the forged sect. I am afraid that only their refining martial art will shoot black star rock."

“Forgings are also considered to be the more famous refining sects on Beishazhou. The purple knives I use today are bought from the forgings.”

“It seems that the forged sect is a big bargain today, and the eleven thousand Lingshi buys the black star rock...”

The crowd whispered, and these words fell into the ears of Qin Feng. When I learned that the other party was a large school of refining, Qin Feng’s heart was somewhat dignified. However, such a thing as Black Star Rock can not be met, Qin Feng can meet at the Flower City auction, how can easily let go.


A young voice came out, causing the crowd to boil.

"I rely! Since there are still people who want to buy black star rock?"

"I was the young man who was racing with the Qitian small elders and the monkeys to bid for the flying sword. Was this person not scared by the Qi monkey? Why did you jump out of the forging sect?"

"This young man is very young and financially amazing, and the background behind him must not be small."

The addition of Qin Feng, the original silent venue once again restored the previous noisy.

At this time, from the middle of the southwest corner of the back row, walk out of the middle-aged man. The man was in a gray robe, his face was cold and he was staring at Qin Feng.

"Kid, I am a graduating disciple Gao Xiaoping, that black star rock is useful for my forging, what do you bid for him?"

Qin Feng did not look at Gao Pingping, and said faintly: "It is natural for me to bid for Black Star Rock."

Gao gradually flattened his eyes and he did not believe that this black star rock had any effect on Qin Feng. Is it difficult for Qin Feng to be a young or refiner? It’s a big joke.

"Hey! I see your kid is not happy, this time I put the words here, if you dare to bid, in the future, the forging will be against you."

Gao Pingping’s words are more than the previous monkeys. The strength of the forged sect is comparable to that of a normal four-star sect. In addition, they are mainly refiners, but they also make a lot of scattered and high family. people.

This kind of big family is placed in Beishazhou. Very few people will go to provoke. Everyone looks at Qin Feng. They have already thought that Qin Feng will soon retreat.

"If this is the case, then I would also like to advise you. If you raise the price again, I will take advantage of the 10 million homes, and I will definitely take this black rock."


The meeting place was suddenly quiet, and everyone stared at Qin Feng incredulously.

This man was scared back by a Qi monkey, but now he dares to touch the person of the forged sect. What is in his mind?

The words of Qin Feng are even more domineering. In a rage, they must find ten million Lingshi. This guy is young, how can you get so many?

The three disciples in the Central Plains were stunned, and the longevity was scared to return to God. Even the matter of persuading Qin Feng was forgotten.

Gao Pingping stayed in the same place, and it looked very embarrassing at this time.

He thought that Qin Feng would not give in, and he was ready to fight with Qin Feng. It’s just that Gao Pingping’s family is only five million, and he simply can’t beat Qin Feng.

As for Qin Feng, there are 10 million pieces of Lingshi, but no one will question it. In front of him, when he competed with the monkey for the flying sword, he raised the price to eight million, and Qin Feng’s look was very indifferent.

"Kid, are you sure you want to do this?" Gao gradually flattered him coldly, and his eyes flashed a murderous murder.

Qin Feng seems to have not seen it. He said indifferently: "If you don't believe it, you can try it. I am afraid that if you report 10 million and you are scared away, then it will be boring."

Gao gradually flattened his forehead and began to sneak up in the background direction. If he is not worried about guarding the red sister here, he must fight against Qin Feng on the spot.

"Oh! Well, then a broken stone, you use 10 million to shoot it, and only the idiot will do this, Laozi withdraws..."

Gao gradually calmly returned to the elegant room, and the discussion in the venue was raging. They all said that Qin Fenghua had purchased 10 million black rock.

After a long time, no new bidders appeared. Qin Feng said that he would have to pay ten million, and who would fight with him.

"Since no one has bid, the black star rock can be priced." Qin Feng said on the stage of the demon.

The demon screamed awkwardly!

Looking at Qin Feng in a complicated look, he finally said: "Congratulations to this gentleman, he bought a black star rock with 200,000 Shangpin Lingshi."


The voice fell and the venue was boiling again.

"I rely on! Isn't it 10 million? How is it 200,000?"

"I remembered, when the young man shouted 200,000, and then no one added the price..."

"So high-leveling is being pitted? In fact, the young man does not necessarily have to pay ten million."

When Gao Pingping heard the facts, he almost stunned in the room.

Qin Feng is not in a hurry to go through the formalities in the background. He plans to look at the auction items afterwards, and if there is any eye-catching thing, he will go through the formalities together.

The next few items are ridiculous, with scorpions, Dan furnaces, sweaty horses, and even the spirits of the cubs are auctioned.

Qin Feng is not interested in these things, and has never played. But he is always the focus of the audience. So that every auction, everyone will unconsciously think of him, I am afraid that he suddenly jumped out to bid.

As of the last item, Qin Feng finally got some interest.

This is a golden leaf grass, the main grass for refining the golden soul.

Jinshen Dan is a kind of Liupin Jindan, which is more potent than Jinshengdan. It is the best auxiliary medicine for breaking through the four kings.

The atmosphere of the auction house has once again heated up, especially those in the Sanwang and the Three Kingdoms. The golden leaf grass on the stage is like a treasure in the desert.

However, the starting price of the golden leaf grass is not as high as that of Jin Shengdan, only 500,000. Because this is just a kind of spirit grass, can not compare with the six products Jindan that has been refining.

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