Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1565: Is this your refining remedy?

"Lu Hui, I still don't apologize to the old man."

Lu Yunqing was quickly suffocated by Lu Hui. The failure of this kid's alchemy was enough to make him shameful. Is it good to find such a bad excuse?

Lu Hui has been awakened, and said with respect and respect: "The old and the old, the younger generations are gibberish, and they are still looking for nothing."

The imaginary old man took a look at Lu Hui and turned to walk in the compartment of the weather fossil. He walked and said: "Danbaolou Luhui, eliminated!"

Upon hearing this, Lu Hui suddenly felt weak and almost fell to the ground. He can be sure that there is a problem with the aura in his compartment, but he can't figure out what is going on.

If it is not the ghost of Qin Feng, in fact, even Lu Hui does not believe. The space array method in this alchemy pavilion can be arranged by several representatives of Danhui. How did Qin Feng crack it? What's more, since the failure of alchemy, Qin Feng has been holding Zhuo Xiaolan and he is also a pro, he has no time to make small moves...

At this time, the four old people have come to the compartment of the Lingdanite weathering stone.

The expression of the weathered stone is quite different from that of the Luhui. In the hand, a jade bottle is sneaked and laughed. "The old man, this is the washing of the bones of the younger generation."

The wind elders of the Ling Dan Club secretly glanced at the wind and fossils. When they saw the wind and fossils, they nodded, and the old man calmed down.

The jade bottle opened, and a thick dandelion floated around.

The old man dumped a medicinal herb in the palm of his hand, and then carefully observed it and gave the conclusion: "Three furnaces and three stagnations, the quality of the next product. Congratulations to the fossils of the lindane society. division."

Although the number of Dandandan is very small, the quality is very poor, but after all, it is refining. Even so, the weather fossils have reached the standard of assessment.

Many people have begun to congratulate the weather fossils, Qin Feng is relieved. For the first time, he participated in the Dancheng assessment meeting in Dancheng. He also thought about whether the assessment criteria of the Danhui would be too harsh. Now, after reading the fossilized medicinal herbs, he decided that his own knowledge Dan could definitely pass.

Xiancaomen summer and Sifanglou virtual white medicine also passed the assessment, the two were advanced to the three-level six-product Jindan division and five-level six-product Jindan division. Although before the start of the assessment, everyone guessed that the virtual white can pass the assessment, but at the moment when the old and the old public announced the results, it still caused a burst of exclamation.

That vain is really in his early forties, and he has already entered the ranks of the five-level six-product Jindan division. If there is no mistake, this person can become the first-class Qipin Danwang within five years.

At that time, the white is really not fifty years old. A Dan Wang who is less than 50 years old, there are only a handful of Beishazhou.

"Ha ha! Very good, this batch of Dan teacher assessment ends here, you can let the next batch of assessment disciples enter the scene..."

Seeing that the false white has passed the assessment, the old man is very happy, and the old face that has always been indifferent has a rare smile.

The crowd had already dispersed, and the four old men went to the judges' seats. No one remembers Qin Feng at all, because half of the assessment, everyone has determined that he has failed alchemy.

Zhuo Xiaoyu suddenly became anxious, and quickly shouted: "Virtual old, you have not yet evaluated Qin Shaoxia's remedy..."

The crowd was stunned and looked back at Zhuo Xiaotong.

Soon, there was a burst of laughter.

"Haha! Is there a problem with the woman's IQ? I am still imagining that the kid can pass the assessment of Jin Dan."

"The purple flaming flame is really violent in the hands of the guy. Just give it to me."

"You don't think about it, the kid doesn't know how to live and die. He shows the purple flaming flame at the Danshui assessment site. Now I am afraid that the four judges are staring at the kid."

The crowd that had to leave suddenly suddenly screamed, and the old man browed slightly: "His remedy has failed halfway, what better review? Are you going back? Don't affect the normal assessment of other Dan teachers."

The old man spoke, and the crowd began to leave again.

Halfway through, I heard Qin Feng said: "The old and the old, you haven’t even seen it. How do you know that my drug has failed?"

The look of the old and the old changed slightly, and the pair of bright eyes stared at Qin Feng. But before he spoke, Lu Hui had already jumped out.

"Bad boy, you are in front of the mess in the hall, and now dare to play in the alchemy hall? Do you want to provoke the majesty of the old man?"

Since the failure of the assessment, Lu Hui has vented her anger and nowhere to vent. Seeing Qin Feng now, I don’t know how to live and die. He finally found a way out.

This Lu Hui is also insidious, intending to pull up the hatred of Qin Feng and the old man, and the old face has been slightly cold.

It’s just that this little trick can hardly live in Qin Feng. He laughed and said: “Oh! Lu Dan, your alchemy failure is completely out of your own level. Why bother to blame everyone here, but also want to pull up the contradiction between me and the old man?”

Lu Hui’s mind was dismantled and suddenly rushed: “You, what is your kid’s nonsense, why should I target you? Are you too serious about yourself?”

"It is obvious that you failed to make alchemy, but you have to delay the time to assess your disciples outside. Do you know what you want to do?"

Lu Hui defended himself, but Qin Feng didn't care at all: "You keep saying that my alchemy failed. Did you see my Dan furnace exploding? Or did I see my medicinal condensed into waste?"

"If you don't see anything, where does the confidence say that I failed?"

Qin Feng made a speech and killed Lu Hui. He really didn't see Qin Feng failing, just relying on his own guess.

"You will close your hand in half an hour, can you become a Dan..."

Lu Hui still wants to argue, but only half of it is interrupted by the old man.

At this time, the old face has returned to normal color, but his heart is turbulent. Qin Feng’s remarks said that he did not really see the failure of Qin Feng’s alchemy, but he felt that he had failed because of his experience.

Under the eyes of everyone's surprise, the veteran went to the compartment where Qin Feng was located: "Take out the treasures of your refining."

Qin Feng has no nonsense, a big hand, a small jade bottle appeared in his hands.

At this moment, many people are nervous, thinking that the jade bottle will not really contain the knowledge of Dan?


The mouth of the bottle opened, and suddenly the crowd screamed.

A burst of rich Danxiang rushed out, instantly filled in the empty alchemy pavilion.

Although you have not seen the knowledge of Dan in the jade bottle, but from the richness of this Danxiang, it can be seen that the quality of the medicinal herbs of Qin Feng refining far exceeds that of others. Even the white and white of the Quartet is not comparable to him.

"This, is this the remedy that you have made?"

The old man has tilted the jade bottle, and a round and shiny Dan Wan fell into his palm, and even his palms were shaking.

When the sacred Dan was poured out from the jade bottle, the dandelion became more intense. Even many disciples with lower realms can't wait to sit down and practice.

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