Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1570: Come to the store

"Elder Lu Zhibing, I have finally given you hope!"

The male and the tiger are full of spring breeze, and no one would have thought that he was still murderous in a few seconds. The family members have been dumbfounded by this scene, and they have guessed the identity of the coming people in their hearts.

Lu Zhibing stood up with his hand and looked proud. Even if he faced the owner of the hero, he just nodded, and he didn’t even have a big eye.

"I was instructed by the Danbao House General Assembly to personally come to Luocheng to deal with the following things." Lu Zhibing's voice was indifferent, and he did not give him a face.

He won't say to face, this will not want to burst into a slap in the face. Because this time Lu Zhibing got the order to close the Danbao House branch in Los Angeles, and he was too lazy to come to this small place in Luocheng...

Xiongxionghu did not know this. He had not seen anyone from the Danbao Building headquarters since he was qualified for the Kaidan Baolou branch in Luocheng. Today, I suddenly came to a small elder, and Xiongxiong even guessed whether Danbao House would like to take a look at Los Angeles. This is to vigorously develop his branch!

"What's happening here?"

Lu Zhibing swept a faint look and saw that there were nearly a hundred people gathered here, which made him feel more unhappy.

Although Lu Zhibing was very proud, no one dared to stand up and express dissatisfaction. Lian Xionghuo is a younger brother's appearance to please each other. It is obvious that Lu Zhibing's identity is not simple.

"Hey! Lu Chang, you are here. This Luocheng opened a holy pharmacy, and I secretly ran a business with my Danbao House. Today I am specially bringing people to drive away these people..."

Yan Xionghu looked strange and laughed. He believed that since Lu Zhibing had come, Qin Feng and his holy pharmacy were absolutely finished.

Because there were too many people gathered around the four, Lu Zhibing did not see Qin Feng in front of him, nor did he see the big signboard of the holy pharmacy. At this time, listening to Xiongxionghu, he suddenly changed his face.

"Bastard, who told you to deal with the holy pharmacy? I think you are okay looking for something."

Lu Zhibing suddenly became a wrath, and his cockroaches looked like a slap in the face.

As a small elder from the Dancheng General Assembly, Lu Zhibing naturally knows the Danshi assessment meeting held in Dancheng a few days ago. This year’s Danshi assessment hot figure is not a representative disciple of the four Danfang, but it is an unremarkable The hairy boy snatched away.

And the young man is Qin Feng in front of him!

Yan Xionghu didn’t know Dan’s affairs at all. He looked at Lu Zhibing with a look of silly look: “Lu Chang, you, what’s wrong with you? St. Pharmacy recently took away most of my business in Danbaolou, and Lu’s elders are not prepared. Have you taught them a meal?"

The male tiger is a little angry.

He opened this Danbaolou branch in Luocheng, and he paid a protection fee of 100,000 pieces of Shangling Lingshi to the Danbao Building Association every year. Unexpectedly, some people are now bullying on his head, and the little elders who will come from the Danbao House will still be fine.

"I teach you a grandfather!"

Lu Zhibing suddenly became a big fire, and he screamed at the hustle and bustle: "You see clearly, this Qin Shaoxia three days ago, just got the third-grade six-product Jindan division in the Dandan meeting in Dancheng, now it is the first in Beishazhou. The main Dan Shi of the Sifang Building in Danfang was accepted as an apostle..."

This speech shocked everyone!

Although many people do not know the name of the old man, but as a disciple of Beishazhou, who would have never heard of the prestige of the Quartet. And Qin Feng turned out to be the person of the Quartet, this layer of identity is really scary.

After a while, someone realized another thing. Qin Feng recently won the third-grade six-product Jindan division identity? It is necessary to know that there is not much Jindan Master in the entire North Shazhou, and that Qin Feng is so young, it is simply unimaginable.

"Lu Chang, you didn't make fun of me? Is this kid still a six-piece Jin Dan teacher? Even the Danbao House branch that I opened in Los Angeles has no Jin Dan division..." Yan Xionghu could not accept this fact.

He also expected that the arrival of Lu Zhibing could suppress the horses and the sky. This way he can get rid of the holy pharmacy. At this moment, he suddenly realized that Qin Feng’s status is higher than that of Ma Xingkong and Qi Cang...

"Family! I am a senior Dan teacher in the Tangbao Building. Is it necessary to make a joke with someone like you? The reason why I came here is to cancel your Luocheng branch on behalf of Danbaolou."

Lu Zhibing was too lazy to talk nonsense with the tiger, and he was afraid that it would cause Qin Feng’s dissatisfaction.

In fact, Lu Zhibing's position in Danbaolou was lower than Lu Yunqing's, so he was not qualified to be elected as a judge on the day of the Danhui assessment, nor did he know that Qin Feng exhibited the purple flaming flame. Otherwise, he saw Qin Feng’s first sight, fearing that he would start to **** the fire.

The amazing news came out one by one, and the cockroach was almost scared to fall.

This branch of Luocheng has been in business for five years, and the business has just gone to formality, but he did not expect the elders of the Danbao Building Association to run to cancel his opening qualification at this time.

Yan Xionghu forgot the contradiction with Qin Feng and quickly asked: "Why Lu, why did you cancel my branch in Los Angeles? I paid the annual opening fee on time."

Lu Zhibing is actually very puzzled. How did a branch in Los Angeles attract the attention of the headquarters? He also specifically ordered him to run a small elder to personally seal it. However, Lu Zhibing did not think much about it. However, Lu Yunqing’s elders personally ordered it, but he only managed to do so.

"Don't say so much nonsense, I have already sent you orders, and you will be closed to the store within one day. After that, you will not be allowed to appear in the store of Danbao House in Los Angeles. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

Lu Zhibing's tone has no room for negotiation, and everyone in the family stays on the spot, feeling like a dream.

Sitting in a wheelchair, he was gnashing his teeth. He had been at home since Qin Feng interrupted his legs. It’s hard to come out today and want to see how Qin Feng and Sheng Yao Tang were killed. The result turned out to be the current situation.

"Dad! This old man is an idiot that comes out. Here is Los Angeles. Let's talk nonsense with him. If he dares to speak out, he can make a direct fight."

Qiankun was spoiled from childhood and developed a temper.

Lu Zhibing’s old face suddenly became cold, shouting and shouting: “Little chop, who are you talking about?”

Yan Xionghu scared a cold sweat, but had not had time to stop his son, Qiankun continued to shout: "Smelly old man, you dare to blame the big and small? Believe it or not, I call you to kill you."


The shouts just fell, and a loud bang exploded.

Lu Zhibing is the senior Dan and the elders of the Tangbao Building, even if he is the strongest of the Holy King, he must respect him. Now he is threatened by the fairy-tale boy of Qiankun. Half mad at him.

Lu Zhibing’s simple palm fell, but it caused a huge movement. The Qiankun, who was still in a wheelchair, disappeared, but the ground was full of flesh and blood, and there was a wheelchair that was smashed into slag.

Suddenly quiet around, the air seemed to solidify.

The disciples of the family have a big eye and a small eye, and they are completely scared by this scene. The male tiger looked at the missing son, and he only came back after a long time.

"Lu Zhibing, you, dare you kill my baby? Laozi fights with you!"

The cockroach is like a person, like a wild beast. The breath on his body skyrocketed, and the body made a loud bang, and the huge iron fist in the blink of an eye had fallen.


The air in front of it swayed, and the blue bricks on the ground were broken.

It’s just that Lu Zhibing has already jumped off. It’s very light and falls on one side of the open space. The cold face screams and shouts: “Do you dare to do it to me? I think you are tired and tired.”

The cockroach is in the pain of losing a child, and there is still a sense of reason. He didn't care whether Lu Zhibing was a small elder of the Danbao House, and it was a punch.

"I will not only do it for you, but also kill you with your own hands!"


The movement brought by this fist is even more intense. It can be seen that the heroes are not hidden and they have all their strengths.

The onlookers retreat and look awkward.

Even Qin Feng and Zhuo Xiaolan frowned, and they were still preparing to fight with the sturdy tigers. Now that they have seen the explosive atmosphere of this person, it is inevitable that they will be afraid. This guy is really too fierce.

The open space outside the holy pharmacy suddenly became a battlefield!

This is a battle of the Seven Kings. In addition to Lu Zhibing, no one dares to stay in it.

However, Lu Zhibing looked indifferent, and he did not care about the fierce fists that the Xiongxiong quickly flicked, but only a few sideways actually avoided it.


Another set of fast punches fell, and the look of the male tiger changed.

He calmed down a little at this moment and finally realized the power of Lu Zhibing. The atmosphere of this little old man was strong and steady, and even made him somewhat incomprehensible.

"Hey! The seven kings of the Holy Land are also dare to scatter in front of the old man. I think you are looking for death!"

Lu Zhibing, who had been retreating all the way, suddenly stopped and patted the fierce fist of the male tiger.

Lu Zhibing’s palm was thin, and the action of clapping was slow and soft, like the old man who played Tai Chi in the square in the morning.


But between the fists and the palms, the earth-shattering bang blasted on the ground.

The crowd stood hundreds of meters away, but still felt the earth shaking a few times. When they look at the battlefield again, Lu Zhibing is wearing a black robe with the wind and his hands are at the center of the venue. And Xiongxionghu has no idea where to go...

After half a minute, a disciple screamed.

"Ah... Hey, my family is being beaten. He is on that big tree."


For a time, dozens of pairs of eyes immediately pointed at the man's direction.

On the top of a large tree more than two hundred meters away from the holy pharmacy, the collar of the cockroach hangs on the branches, swaying in the wind like a hanged ghost.

Everyone sucked a cold breath and looked at Lu Zhibing incredibly.

The sturdy tiger was the strong sage of the Seven Kings, and was defeated by the other party. What is the realm of the old man?

Qin Feng also failed to see the realm of Lu Zhibing. At this time, he has gone up: "Lu Danshi, thank you!"

Lu Zhibing did not know that Qin Feng had offended Lu Yunqing. He only heard that this person had obtained the status of a three-level six-product Jindan division. Lu Zhibing himself is only a seven-level six-product Jindan division. Although he is a little higher than Qin Feng, he will not pose with Qin Feng.

Because Qin Feng is only in his early 20s this year!

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