Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1575: Three thunders

"Qin Shaoxia, you are still a second-level mage, really surprised the old man!"

Looking at the gathering of the spirits has been formed, Yan Xianhai excited old face rose red.

Yan Shaoming also made a big difference. She knows the preciousness of a sect, even rarer than the alchemy.

Qin Feng is not very familiar with the classification of the gods on the mainland, and he does not know what level of the second-level mages Yan Yanhai said. However, Qin Feng knows that he is definitely more powerful than the second-level actor, because he has just arranged a simple poly-matrix, and has not played his true level.

But this simple polyling array has made Yan Xianhai's father and daughter incredible. After a while, the two finally woke up.

"Good! Great, there are help from Hua Yuan Dan and Ju Ling, I believe that this impact on the Buddha's light will be successful." Yan Xianhai is full of confidence.

After the gathering of the spirits, Qin Feng came up with an idea: "Yancheng Lord, I don't know if I can stay and see you break through? The younger generation has no other thoughts. It is definitely going to break through the Buddha's environment in the future. I want to know in advance. The situation is well prepared in the future."

Qin Feng knows that it is not easy to break through to the Buddha's light environment. It is absolutely not wrong to accumulate more experience.

He said this, the red sister also came to the interest: "Father, or I will leave with Qin Feng. We promise not to make a sound, it is to protect you."

Although Yan Xianhai only knows Qin Feng for less than a day, he has completely regarded him as his own. Even after learning that Qin Feng was a second-level actor, Yan Xianhai had an idea. He looked at Qin Feng and looked at his daughter again, revealing a hidden smile on his lips.

"Good! You will stay in the house. But the breakthrough of the Buddha's light will cause thunder, and when you can't stop, you will go out immediately."

Yan Xianhai confessed a bit, Qin Feng and Red Sister seriously nodded and understood.

Yan Xianhai re-sitting in the middle of the wooden house, where it happened to be the location of the gathering place of Qin Feng. In the house filled with Lingshi, the gathering of the spirits has already started, and the aura in Lingshi is automatically gathered in the array. Even the aura of several kilometers outside the house is slowly coming to the wooden house...


I don't know how long it took, Yan Xianhai body uploaded a burst of muffled sound. His body was infuriating, sitting on the floor with his knees and his body spinning automatically.

Qin Feng and the red sister looked at the shock, the two realized that Yan Xianhai had reached the key point of the breakthrough, and at this time the Lingshi on the ground actually all hung in the air and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. The Lingshi has been transformed into aura. Under the action of the gathering of the spirits, the concentration of the aura in the whole cabin has increased by dozens of times, as if falling into a heaven and earth cave.

Not only is the Lingshi in the house being quickly consumed, but at this time the gathering of the spirits has been run to the maximum effect, and the aura outside the wooden house is also surging, gathering in the direction of the wooden house.

“Hey? How do I feel that the aura around me suddenly becomes less?”

Liu Jie, who is practicing in the pavilion, blinks sharply, and the rest are aware of this problem. Everyone got up and looked in the direction of the wooden house hidden in the dense woods.

"Aura has all gone in there, I don't know what is going on?"

"There should be the place where the masters of Huacheng City practiced. Qin Feng and the red sister went there."

"Ah... look at it, the sky is dark and dense, and there is lightning."

It’s awkward!

Lin Beibei just screamed and everyone was shocked by the thunder.

Originally, the top of the head was a blue sky, but at this time, the dark clouds were sealed, the thunder nets were intertwined, and a pair of scenes were destroyed.

It’s awkward!

Qin Feng and the red sister who are in the wooden house are even more shocked.

The two saw a long electric light on the roof, and the wooden roof shed suddenly burst into a big mouth. The sawdust flew, and the thunder finally blasted behind the Yanxian Sea, and the bluestone on the ground was blown up.

However, I saw that Yan Xianhai was sitting still in the same place, as if nothing had happened. There was an old voice in the ears of Qin Feng and Red Sister.

"You are not afraid, you must endure the thunderstorm when you break through the Buddha's light. The thunder has three times. This is only the first time. Because the first thunder is the weakest, I can directly resist the flesh, and the thunder will be gradually stronger. But I have already prepared."

After learning the situation, Qin Feng and Red Sister took a slight relief. Just looking at the thunder net hanging over the roof, the two people became heavy again.

Some of Qin Feng was glad that they had come out to watch the breakthrough of Yan Xianhai. If they did not experience the breakthrough of Yan Xianhai, Qin Feng would definitely know nothing when he broke through the Buddha's light. If he doesn't even have a little preparation, it is hard to catch the three thunders.

It’s awkward!

The thunder rose again.

This time directly dropped three lightning lights.

Although the three Lei Guang are squatting on Yan Xianhai, Qin Feng and the Red Sister have already run the internal air defense, and the thunder of the lightning is the two people feel oppressed.

However, Yan Xianhai was sitting in the thunder sea, and there was no response to the lightning beating. Although his long hair fluttered, the white robe on his body was smashed. But there was a layer of protective condensate on him that even blocked the fierce offensive of the first batch of thunder.

Suddenly, the thunder disappeared.

The grid in the dark sky doesn't know where to hide.

Just as Qin Feng and Red Sister breathed a sigh of relief, a loud bang broke apart, as if the sky had been blown up a big hole.


It turned out that the second batch of thunder robbery fell. Almost seamlessly connected to the first batch of thunder.

This time, Yan Xianhai blinked sharply. He gazed his head and looked at his head. His look became more dignified.


Seeing the purple thunder of an arm thickness will blow up on his head, Yan Xianhai waved a hand, a defensive device rushed to the sky, blocking the roof of the wooden house being shattered.

The defensive instrument is a compass. It was originally only the size of the palm, but it became bigger and bigger at the moment of the lift. Finally, the ceiling of the entire wooden house was closed.


The thunder fell on the compass and the loud noise was deafening.

This compass is a good implement, and it is still intact under several lightning bombardments. However, the wooden house has not been able to withstand the violent lightning strike, and it has been broken into slag.


The loud noise continued, and Yan Xianhai always sat in the center of the array without moving.

The red sister looked worried, and Qin Feng’s heart was not at all. Both of them were the first to see the thunder of the Buddha's light, and they did not expect it to be so powerful.

And both of them are aware of a very serious problem, this is the second batch of robbery. Yan Xianhai said that there were three thunders in front and one was stronger than once. I don't know when the third thunderbolt fell, the compass can still resist.

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