Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1638: Flower eyed soul snake

Seeing Qin Feng did not hesitate to agree, Xi Ping's thoughts are fast. He now believes that the psychic grass that is filled with land is definitely not the kind of ordinary spirit grass that Qin Feng said. It is a very precious kind of alchemy medicine. Otherwise, how would Qin Feng risk his life to collect these grasses?

Xue Pingzhi thought of these but he wouldn't say it. Pretending to be a okay person said: "Well, then we will temporarily join the alliance... I see that Qin Danwang’s friend has just stepped into the holy king’s territory and will fight for a while. Let him stand in the back of the crowd to help, but don't lose your life."

Xue Ping's fake reminder, Wen Yiming was very grateful to him and nodded.

Qin Feng is still a look of indifference. He has been in contact with Xue Pingzhi before, and he has seen the greed nature exposed by his eagerness. Qin Feng can't believe how kind-hearted this kind of person will be. He always keeps a vigilance against Xue Pingzhi.

The two sides have just established alliances, and a strange roar is heard in the jungle.

Xue Pingzhi and others changed their minds and immediately jumped to the big trees around them.

"Qin Dan Wang, go to the tree with your friend, and the monster will start attacking again."

The voice of Xue Ping just fell, and a giant flower that came out of the suit came out.

The body of this giant python is as thick as a human waist. The eyes are full of strange colored streamers, with a large mouth and a mouthful of fresh red snake core, which directly scares Wen Yiming on the spot.


The giant body trembled, and the scales of the body flew out, like hundreds of flying knives shot toward Wen Yiming, suddenly blasting a broken wind.

When Wen Yiming reacted, he saw that he was going to be worn by Wan Jian. Qin Feng grabbed him and jumped to the big tree behind him. When the two bodies were still flying in the air, the ground that had stood before had already exploded into a huge pit. .

"Call, good risk. Thank you Qin Shaoxia for saving the life." Wen Yiming patted his chest, and some of the shocks were still undecided.

Xue Pingzhi has already launched an offensive with his disciples toward the giant python. For a time, the island is full of swords and shadows.

"What kind of monster is that?"

Qin Feng did not rush to shoot, with the idea to communicate with the small Xiang pig.

"Master, you have to be careful, it is a fifth-order eye-catching soul-snake." The little pig voice is serious.

"The name is horrible, what is the power of it?" Qin Feng grinned.

"The eye-catching soul-snake snake lives in the land where the psychic grass appears. Because it feeds on the psychic grass all the year round, the spirit of this monster is very strong. The adult soul-snake snake eyes are colored, that is, the soul is condensed. Signs. Through these eyes, they can interfere with the enemy's consciousness and launch a spirit attack."

As a spiritual beast, Qin Feng has realized the power of this eye-catching soul snake.

In fact, Qin Feng had purchased spiritual potions from the system before, and coupled with his constant refinement of the gods, his mental strength is ten times stronger than ordinary monks. However, even so, he did not reach the point where the gods were condensed...

The eyes of this Soul Eater are condensed by the soul. Once the attack is launched, it is what the general monk can bear. Not to mention Xue Pingzhi, the peak of the holy king of the nine kingdoms, fearing that the monks in the late period of the Buddha's light will come to the middle.

"Qin Shaoxia, let's go help." Wen Yiming looked at the fierce fighting and worried.

Qin Feng quickly put away his mind and said: "Don't look at the eyes of the giant python in a fight... And, those guys are not good things, prevent them."

After Qin Feng finished flying, he joined the battle, and Wen Yiming was at the top of the tree. It was strange to the last sentence of Qin Feng. In fact, Wen Yiming’s impression of Xue Pingzhi is not bad, but since Qin Feng has explained this, he naturally believes Qin Feng.


A loud bang suddenly exploded in the battlefield.

When Qin Feng’s figure just arrived, he fell down with a knife, and the knife shadow fell on the eye-catching soul-snake snake, but did not leave a scar on the other side. The scales on this giant python are very hard, like a small piece of rock growing on it.

"Qin Dan Wang, you are a gentleman in the age of Dan, and the realm of Wu Xiu is so deep, it is really enviable."

Qin Feng returned with a move, Xue Pingzhi also recruited to jump to his side.

At the beginning of the Holy King exchange meeting, Qin Feng intentionally concealed the strength, only showing the level of the Holy King, which was scorned by other monks at that time. Now that I have seen Qin Feng’s real skills, Xue Ping’s eyes flashed a complex look.

Qin Feng smiled and did not speak, and his eyes fell on the battlefield.

He had long discovered that it was not Xue Pingzhi who led the team to attack the Soul Eater, but the two disciples of Xue. Both of them apparently stepped into the holy king's environment, and the strength is much stronger than Zhao Lei of Xianhe Mountain. As for Xue Pingzhi, it seems that he intentionally hides his strength. He only launches a trick from time to time, and the attack intensity is completely painless.


The two Xue family monks fought side by side, using long swords as weapons.

The two swords are fierce, and there are thousands of swordsmen shrouded in the waves. However, although the sword is fierce, there is no hard scale that can pierce the soul of the soul-snake snake.

"This animal is really difficult, and its scales are a good refinery baby. If you can make a set of snake scale armor, the defense must be amazing."

Xue Pingzhi was a symbolic stabbing sword and immediately returned to Qin Feng.

Although Qin Feng showed a real state, he did not attack at all. His moves are only the destructive power possessed by the ordinary saints and eight monks, and he recently killed Zhao Li, the sacred king.

"This eye-catching soul-snake is very difficult to kill. It is easy to take away the scales on his body." Qin Feng accompanied Xue Pingzhi to play.

"Qin Dan Wang said yes, we do not expect to kill this monster, as long as it can drive him away." Xue Pingzhi said.

Qin Feng fell down with a knife, and the grass suddenly split a crack of hundreds of meters long: "I don't think it is easy to shake this giant. Is there any predecessor for Xue? Is it better to show it as soon as possible and end the fight early?"

Xue Ping's face smiled: "I don't know Qin Dan Wang, I naturally have some cards, but I have seen Qin Dan Wang also have some reservations. It is better to use all the powers to scare away the monsters and pick the psychic grass together. ”

Qin Feng face does not change color, between the idea of ​​fretting, a white light shot.


The speed of wearing a cloud arrow is so fast that even Xue Ping’s capital does not see what it is.

The arrow in the belly of the soul-snake snake had a piece of scales crushed and dropped, causing Xue’s disciple to scream.

"Qin Dan Wang is really powerful, this attack can completely kill the monks in the early days of the Holy King."

"Qin Dan Wang started to move, and we can't drag our legs."

The few Xue family disciples have spirited and the offensive is even more fierce.

After Qin Feng’s arrow, Xue Ping’s smile: “Xue’s predecessor, I have unreserved shots, and you start.”


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