Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1731: Trapped

"Bai Zhanfei, you dare to hurt my sheep big brother, today I want you to die!"

I thought that Qin Feng would be scared and beg for mercy, but he did not even show any fear.

Bai Zhanfei's face is cold, like Qin Feng, the Buddha's two ants who dare to scream in front of him? This is a shame for him.

There was a gust of wind on the wasteland, and the white exhibition disappeared in the blink of an eye. An unprecedented sense of crisis rushed to Qin Feng’s heart. He didn’t want to throw a flag to go out.


The flagship landing, seemingly chaotic, but the position of each flag is very particular, a burst of energy fluctuations suddenly emerged, in the open space in front of Qin Feng, four glazed curtain walls appear, as if straight through Tianfu.

Bai Zhanfei was trapped inside the curtain wall, but he looked at it and even laughed: "Ha ha! I want to say that your little grandson is good. It really is a ant-like existence. I want to use the battle to trap the old man? At the age of the most, there are two levels of trouble-ridden arrays. This kind of garbage array is even unstoppable for the monks in the early days of the Holy King. Are you trapped me?"

Qin Feng seems to be unable to hear the ridicule of Bai Zhanfei. He has not stopped in his hand, and he has been rushing into the seal of the Lingshi, and then thrown into the circle.

This is the second-level array method, but the five-level trapped by Qin Feng at the Lizhou auction not long ago, but this is only a battle, and it needs Qin Feng to perfect it.

Seeing that Qin Feng was still struggling to die, Bai Zhanfei sneered and came flying. It is expected that Qin Feng will be caught in the next second, and then he will be taken back to Honghuatang like a chicken, but he will see the curtain wall. Didn't knock open, even flew him to the ground.


The movement caused by this impact was extremely fierce, as if the galloping train collided.

Bai Zhanfei spit out his blood, his eyes covered with incredible looks, regardless of his own injuries, muttered and said: "Five levels of trouble? This turned out to be a five-level sleepy?"

Qin Feng did not answer the question of Bai Zhanfei, and began to refine the new flag.

This five-level sleepy is perfected by him, so his sensitivity to the formation is very sensitive. Under the impact of Bai Zhanfei, the five-level sleepy situation has appeared a little loose, showing how strong the mid-term monks are.

"I know, this five-level sleepy is what you got at the Lizhou auction. Otherwise, depending on your age, how can you arrange a five-level array?"

Bai Zhanfei suddenly realized that the next moment, his look became dignified. In the face of the five-level sleepy, even if he is in the realm of today, there is no way to get out of the moment.

The reason why the look is dignified is that Bai Zhanfei saw that Yang Botian flew over, otherwise only Qin Feng was alone. He wouldn’t care about this trap. It would be a big deal to spend some time breaking the formation. Even if Qin Feng took the opportunity to escape. Bai Zhanfei also has the confidence to catch him back.

The smell of Yang Botian was obviously weaker. It seemed that the injury was not light. He fell to Qin Feng and his eyes flashed brightly. He wondered why Qin Feng had to lead Bai Zhanfei alone. Now he sees the fifth level. Everything is clear.

In fact, Qin Feng originally intended to use the four-level sleepy, he knows that the fourth-level trap is difficult to trap the real spirit, but he can arrange more. Later, after attending the Lizhou auction, I got the current five-level sleepy.

Qin Feng couldn't help but rejoice, but fortunately, she got a five-level storm. Otherwise, she couldn't stand Bai Zhanfei with the four-level array. This is not to say that the number of superpositions has any effect. It is just the idea of ​​Qin Feng's ignorance.

"Madam, how is your injury? Do you want to take a break?"

Qin Feng continued to refine the flag and throw it into the circle of the law. The five-level sleepy circle became more and more perfect, and the four roads were brighter.

Such a great opportunity, which can be missed, has already launched an offensive.

"My injury is not a problem. Qin's younger brother is really powerful. Even the five levels of trouble can be arranged."

A loud noise blasted in the trapped array. The space of the five-level sleepy space was extremely small, and it was only the space of the general family toilet.

Bai Zhanfei couldn't escape at all, and his body was constantly being recruited. His arrogance was broken up a lot, and his head was distracted.

The trapped people are all able to attack the inside, but the people trapped in the array can't attack the outside. Bai Zhanfei only has to be beaten. On several occasions, he is forced to shoot a few palms and try to counterattack. The bounce went back, but instead hit him...


For a time, there was a loud bang in the array, and Bai Zhan’s mouth began to scream, and his body was bloody, and there was a majesty of a true spiritual environment.

However, this fierce attack, the sheep Bo Tianyuan consumption is serious, the moves in the hands are also weakened a lot, Qin Feng would like to help attack Bai Zhanfei, but he also has to refine the flag to maintain the five levels of trouble. In addition, even if Bai Zhanfei was seriously injured, he is a true spiritual realm after all, and Qin Feng’s attack is afraid of not playing any role for him.

"You two ants, there is a kind of buddy to go out and fight again, this kind of play is what it is? I despise you." Bai Zhan eagerly awkward.

Yang Botian's old face is red, and he feels a little shameful in his heart. After all, he is a strong esteem who has stepped into the real spiritual environment. Even if this style of play is finally won, it seems that it is not very glorious.

However, listening to Qin Fengqiang said: "You are still very embarrassed to say? You are a strong spiritual esteem in the middle of the real world, and come to the strength of the early stage of my Buddha's light, this is what you call the ability?"

Bai Zhanfei suddenly paused, but quickly said: "Well, as long as you let me out, I promise not to deal with you... I fight with Ye Botian. If he loses, you will go back with me. If he can win, I will Let's go both, it's fair enough."

Qin Feng sneered: "The old man of the sheep has entered the early stage of the real spirit. How can you really have a strong life? Why don't you find a strong respect in the late period of the real spirit, but I am fair to tell me fairness..."

"There is no nonsense here. God respects the mainland and is the place where the weak meat is strong. The one who can finally survive is the real strong. You are not as good as people, or you can die with peace of mind."

Qin Feng’s words made Yang Botian wake up, and the traces in his heart suddenly dissipated, and the offensive in his hands became fierce.

In the trapped array, there was another loud noise. From time to time, there were several screams of Bai Zhanfei. Seeing that Bai Zhanfei could not last for a long time, he saw him suddenly whispering, and I did not know where to make a huge bronze bell on the ground.

"The surname Qin, Lao Tzu wants you not to die!"

Bai Zhanfei took a big shot, and there was a high bronze bell in front of him. The huge bell was facing the curtain wall of the battle. Bai Zhanfei took a palm to the bottom of the bronze bell. The loud noise seemed to destroy the earth. .


The fierce real element seems to have been enhanced several times by the bronze bell, and the five-level sleepy violently shakes a few times, and some feels crumbling.

(End of this chapter)

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