Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1793: Identifying identity

The total ranking of the genius conference has been counted. This ranking only counts the top 100 genius monks in Beishazhou. Qin Feng won the title of the first day of Beishazhou without accident, and the reputation jumped.

After Su Shi lost the game, he disappeared. He feared that he could not afford to hide his face. Qin Feng easily won five five-level transmission arrays, and there was a knives that destroyed the dark clothes. As for the one million Lingshi, He did not care.

Putting the array and the knives into the star ring, Qin Feng pressed the excitement and did not go directly to see the dark-packed knives. Jiang Feiyan presented him with a jade card on the spot, engraved with the first genius of Beishazhou.

Under the glory of Qin Feng, the rest of the monks appeared to be insignificant, even if they won the second place of Yu Yinxue, they were forgotten by everyone.

Baiyexing and Su Peng are in a relationship with Qin Feng. It is also that Su Peng does not know that Qin Feng has killed the two elders of Qixingguan. Otherwise, he does not know what reaction he will have at the moment.

Unintentional is always standing on the side with a cold face, and there is an indescribable grievance in my heart. In fact, after he saw the effect of Jiang Feiyan’s three-year-old baby Yan Dan, he would like to find Qin Feng for one, but where is he? Pulling the old face, and saying that he really wants to go, Qin Feng will not necessarily give.

"Qiao Shaoxia, my father is looking for you, can you take a trip with me."

Yunxiao walked over, the birthmark on her face disappeared completely, and now she is not wearing a veil, as if she is a pretty girl in her twenties.

Jiang Feiyan originally wanted to leave Qin Feng and ask about the matter of Lingxianguo, but he did not mention it again.

Qin Feng can naturally guess the mind of Jiang Feiyan. He not only sees that Jiang Feiyan wants to stay with him, but the louvers and Su Peng also want to find him. After all, he showed amazing performance at the genius conference, no matter the strength of the alchemy. Extraordinary, but his identity has never been heard, this is very strange.

Qin Feng is thinking about how to get out of the way, just like Yunxiao came over to invite, he almost did not think much, he promised Yunxiao.

Then it was the reward of the conference. When the black gravel steel and the star wind sand arrived, Qin Feng could not wait to try to create a real imprisonment, but he still endured it. The most important thing now is to leave this place.

"Cloud head, I have two companions, I don't know if I can go together."

The two have already walked down the high platform of the square and are walking towards Zhang Keke and Xiaoli. Qin Feng thinks that if he does not let other people go, then he will not go well.

"Of course." Yunxiao smiled, I don't know if it was because of Qin Feng's infant Yan Danzhen, except for the birthmark, she was very kind to Qin Feng.

Going to the second woman of Zhang Keke, Qin Feng introduced each other briefly. One group and four people left. Many monks wanted to keep up with the Qin Feng set, but they thought of the strong background of Yunxiao and eventually stopped.

On the road, the monks who came and went were talking about the genius meeting and Qiao Feng. Zhang Keke was excited after listening. Qin Feng had some headaches. He didn’t expect to be famous if he accidentally, and this time he even took the spirit fairy country. One, this is not in line with his original intention to establish a base in Lingxian.

However, it is now the case that Qin Feng knows that nothing is useless. Fortunately, Master Long Qianjun has stepped into the virtual god. Even if someone can find the Lingxian country, I believe that he will not dare to come.

After a full hour, I have already arrived in the suburbs of Binjiafang City, but the aura of this film has become more and more intense, just feel a refreshing breath.

"Cloud head, where is this?" Qin Feng looked at a magnificent city building hundreds of meters away.

"This is Yunzong, my site, my father is inside." Yunxiao explained.

Qin Feng did not know who the father of Yunxiao was, but later he heard other monks mentioned, and he was very interested in the immortality of the world. Before he broke through the three changes of the Buddha, he did not even listen to the WTO. The word "Xian Zun".

"Cloud head, take the liberty to ask, what is the immortality of Beishazhou? Who are they?"

Yunxiao smiled and looked at Qin Feng. If someone else asked her, this kind of secret thing would definitely ushered in a reprimand, but her feelings about Qin Feng were quite unique, perhaps because Qin Feng had cured her for more than 30 years. The birthmark is troublesome, even if Qin Feng asks such a secret, she knows everything.

"Shen Zun has four secretive monks on four continents, known as the immigrants who do not belong to the world. They do not belong to any sectarian forces. They only pursue spiritual cultivation. Because of the perennial retreat, few people still remember their names... but A small group of people truly represents the top level of monasticity in each continent. My father is one of them."

Qin Feng learned a little and immediately issued a new question: "So, the so-called Beishazhou first martial arts strong rumor is not true? It is said that the first strong deity of the gods is the virtual king of Dongyezhou. Is this also fake?"

Yunxiao smiled and said: "How do you say it, it’s true and false... In fact, those rumors are naturally not groundless. Maybe the **** of the gods is the first strongest **** in the mainland, but the whole **** respects the mainland as a strong cloud. Everything is changing in the wind, and who is the first strongest now is really hard to say."

"But there is one thing I can be sure of. The highest realm of the North Shazhou monks you heard is definitely not true, because few people know the realm of immortality. In the case of Beishazhou, everyone rumors that the virtual state is the highest. Realm, but is there a **** that exists in the true state of God? I can’t guarantee this..."

Qin Feng was shocked. North Shazhou may have a true deity. How powerful is that power? Is it a wave of shaking hands and shaking the clouds?

"Qiao Shaoxia, we are here... I will arrange for your two friends to take a break and go in."

Unconsciously came to the door of a house, Yunxiao had left with Zhang Keke and Xiao Li, and she did not mean to enter the room herself.

Qin Feng throws away the cluttered thoughts and pushes the door. He is not afraid of the woman who harms her, because the cloud head has stepped into the middle of the real spirit, and wants to destroy him on the way he came.

"The younger generation Qiao Feng, I have seen barefoot real people!"

As soon as I entered the house, a white-haired old man stood on the main hall. The old man seemed to be like a fog, giving a feeling of embarrassment. Qin Feng first guessed that this was only a avatar of barefoot, but it was here. The strong breath made him feel pressured. He didn't think about it. If he stood in front of the virtual god, he would have a lot of pressure.

"Oh! Qin Shaoxia is not polite, sit down." Barefoot smiled.

Qin Feng sat nearby and just jumped up and jumped up: "Barefoot real people, what did you just say? Did you admit the wrong person?"

"Haha! You and I are both in the house, and the soundproofing method I arranged. You don't have to pretend. You are the Qin Feng who made the rushing Ling Dan."

Qin Fengyi was on the spot. For a time, he didn't know whether he should admit it. He was only the first time to meet with barefoot real people. He couldn't understand the thoughts of this old guy. Was it the idea of ​​rushing to Dandan Danfang?

"You don't have to think about it. If I really want to harm you, you don't know how many hundreds of deaths from entering Yunxiaozong to going to this house."

Barefoot is full of arrogance in his speech, but Qin Feng has no other ideas. He knows that the other party is telling the truth. This is a virtual god. Once he is shot, Qin Feng is afraid that he will even hide into the space of the astral space. nothing.

"I don't know what advice the seniors came to me?" Qin Feng simply admitted.

"I don't dare to be a teacher. You made the rushing Ling Dan come out a while ago. Today, you have refined your baby Yan Dan. In the alchemy, you are a wizard of the millennium, and the martial arts are also very talented. They are also proficient in the arrangement. Ten years, achievements must be above the old man..."

The barefoot real person is not arrogant, and Qin Feng does not dare to relax. He does not believe that this non-Wen Xianzun is looking for him to say good things.

Sure enough, halfway through, the barefoot real person turned his head and his tone was serious: "A few days ago, there was a dramatic change in the sky over the Jiangbei area. Do you know this?"

Qin Feng’s heart is tight: “The younger generation does not know.”

The barefoot real person looked suspiciously and said: "You really don't know? Isn't that the robbery that you caused?"

Qin Feng’s palms began to sweat, and he finally realized why the barefoot real people were looking for him. Eighty percent of them were rushing to the real thunder, and the monks who were able to trigger the thunder and robbery naturally had no merits. This old man is mostly Grab the heavens and the earth.

"You don't think about it, I said earlier, if you are malicious to you, you don't know how many times you die, and I can kill you first, then crack the seal of your storage ring to get your exercises." Why bother to pay a lot of money here?"

See Qin Feng has not answered yet, barefoot real people open again.

Qin Feng was completely confused, and I don’t know what the old man wants to do?

"The younger generation is dull, please tell me what the seniors have."

"You don't have to be nervous. I am looking for you to ask, is it true that the robbery of the day is triggered by you?"

"Yes, it is the younger generation that caused the nine reals." Qin Feng is also going out, anyway, life and death are already in the hands of barefoot real people.

Although I have already guessed this, when Qin Feng personally said it, even the world’s immortal barefooted real people have changed dramatically.

"Sure enough, it is a must to kill the thunder, you are causing the nine real changes, but there is no death, miracle! This is a miracle!"

Qin Feng mouth slammed, how old is this old man talking? But when I thought of the cultivation of others, Qin Feng had nothing to pretend.

After a sigh of sigh, the barefoot real person resumed the normal color: "Qin Feng, you can know that there has been a thousand years of catastrophe in the Shenzun mainland. Before each disaster, there is a world-famous strong deity. This time, the world is strong. It's you."

The words came too suddenly, Qin Feng looked awkward, he even thought of the "Kung Fu" filmed by the star on the earth. At this time, the barefoot real person and the old **** stick sold to the star of the gods, how do you feel? Then fake.

(End of this chapter)

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