Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1815: Terrorist scheme

After the age of Hu, he has already flew into a battle, and then arranged for others to enter.

"Elder Jiang Fei, you are next to me."

"Zhang Baishan, you go to attack the West Point."


"The three men of the cold ginseng are arranged in the south corner. The little man, you go to the North Point. The energy of the eye is the weakest. You are attacking with all your strength."

Soon seven people were arranged in a position, Qin Feng was pulled alone to the northernmost array of eyes, and when everyone stood in front of their respective arrays, they can find that their ranking is a shape of a Big Dipper.

It is difficult for ordinary people to see the mysteriousness of this seven-star array, but as a master of the four-level array, Qin Feng soon discovered the catty. This seven-star array is composed of a six-level defensive array and a six-level killing, and that The killing is hidden in the eyes of the North Cape. Once the defensive array is broken, the killing is activated.

Qin Feng suddenly understood a lot of things, it is no wonder that the cold ginseng team came to the team, but in the secret to find the seventh squad, because this seventh person is a mortal person, used to make a sacrifice.

"Is everything ready?" See everyone, everyone, Hu Sheng shouted.

These six people obviously know the mystery of the Seven Stars array. At this time, they are pretending to look at each other. After looking at each other, and regardless of Qin Feng’s thoughts, they have already attacked the eyes.

Although Qin Feng discovered the conspiracy of six people, but it was not easy to say it at a time, otherwise he faced the offensive of six people, and he was afraid that there would be no chance to escape.


The loud noises were shocking, and all seven people made full efforts. The swords and swords overlapped and exploded, and the seven-star array struck a layer of waves. While Qin Feng was attacking the formation, he was refining the flag in the dark, although he could not arrange it. Six-level big squad, there is no way to crack the six-level array by one's own strength, but he can change the array, at least to the eyes of the immediate killings to other arrays.

Qin Feng’s first thought was to transfer the killing to the eyes of the old man, because this guy arranged him to the northernmost position, but he quickly dismissed the idea. Master, this little action is easy to find him.

With these concerns, Qin Feng also dismissed the idea of ​​transferring the formation to two other Nanpingzhou monks. The realm of the two is elusive, and it is better to be cautious.

After attacking for more than three hours, Qin Feng's flag refining is almost the same, and his goal is completely settled. Let the cold ginseng die first. This old guy also let him join the team.

The powerful Qin Feng of a six-level defensive array knows best. He even used a six-level defensive array to escape a robbery. However, under the combined attack of seven people, there is a clear crack in the front six large array. The three monks from Nanping Chau are in high realm.

"The seven-star big array will be broken. Everyone will retain some strength now, listen to my password for a while, and then break out with all strength, and break the array once."

As Qin Feng expected, when the formation is about to break, Hu Nian reminded him.

His remarks were obviously to say that a few people listened to the cold ginseng. They wanted to tell them five people. The killings will soon be activated and they will be prepared.

"Hu predecessors rest assured, we listen to your command." Cold ginseng quickly stated.

"Everyone knows nothing about the law, don't be willful, or it will harm everyone." No Limo echoed a sentence, a kind of goodwill reminder, Qin Feng is very clear, this is a deliberate statement to him Hear.

Seeing that these six people are better than one acting, Qin Feng decided to accompany them.

"Every seniors can rest assured that the younger generation must obey the passwords of Hu's predecessors. When the battle is broken, everyone will rush to Bailingshan. The seniors can divide one or two treasures of the younger generation."

When the six people heard the words of Qin Feng, they suddenly let go of their hearts. At the same time, they flashed a sneer in their eyes. The heart said that you will die soon, and you still want to divide your baby.

It seems that I realized that Qin Feng was hooked, and Hu Sheng suddenly shouted: "Everyone is going to attack with all strength and break the battle in one fell swoop!"


With his shouting, all six people broke out. Qin Feng has stood in the most remote position, but still feels the three powerful and incomparable momentum, which is naturally the atmosphere of the three monks in Nanpingzhou. It is definitely the cultivation of the late stage of the true spirit.

“Hey? Zheng Shaoxia, what are you doing?”

Just as everyone tried to break through the formation, Hu Sui turned over Qin Feng and immediately screamed.

The other five people immediately looked and found that Qin Feng did not attack the eye, he lost it, dozens of flags landed.

Until then, the six talents realized that Qin Feng was actually a mage, but for a while, he did not know what he had done on the Seven Stars, but he did not use Qin Feng to answer, because there was a shocking array in the formation. The sound of cold screams screams and falls to the ground.

"What is going on here?" No Limo was shocked, and he was so murderous that he couldn't help but quit.

He also wants to leave, but he is one step late. He is hit by the sword shot from the killing line and falls to the ground and spits blood.

For a time, everyone was in a mess, and the Nanping Island three people also stopped the offensive and landed in a safe area hundreds of meters away.

"Hus old, what happened?" Jiang Fei shot cold, and the gray robe creaked.

Hu Nian looked at Qin Feng and glanced at him. He shouted: "The kid has stunned us. He secretly changed his position and changed the murderous eyes to the cold ginseng."

In a word, let everyone **** in the cool air.

Everyone looked toward Qin Feng. The six of them discussed the Bailing Mountain expedition and then searched for a ghost on the way. I thought the plan was seamless. I expected the six people to join hands and finally got a teenager.

In their eyes, Qin Feng's realm is like an ant, and anyone can stand up and kill Qin Feng, but they have a look of jealousy in their eyes. The scheme of this kid and the city are really terrible.

"No, the kid is going in."

Hu is also a scream, but also wants to stop, but found that it is too late.

When they were defeated by the killing, Qin Feng actually broke the seven-star burst and immediately flew to Bailing Mountain.

In addition to the cold ginseng lying on the ground and not knowing the life and death, the other five immediately rushed to Bailing Mountain. They were still amazed at Qin Feng’s strategy and the city, and it was even more shocking.


Jiang Fei first fell to the top of the mountain, and his speed of climbing was as smooth as he was, not worthy of the name of the floating river family.

Just arrived at the top of the mountain, Jiang Fei's face was cold: "That kid has pitted us!"

The other four people fell successively and looked at the snow-capped mountains. The mood fell into the bottom of the valley. The Bailing Mountain in front of them was not the real Bailing Mountain. Nothing could be found except for the white snow that never changed.

"Who is that kid, there is such a superb calculation skill." Zhang Baishan, the elder of Taiyimen, looked at the snow and muttered.

When Hu was just on the top of the mountain, he immediately flew back to the mountain, but after a while, he went up the mountain again and said: "The seven-star big array has been closed. Waiting for the next formation is five years. The guy named Zheng Shuai is too wicked, let us be in vain. Waited for five years."

Five years ago, six people came to Zixia Valley to explore and discover the Bailing Mountain Holy Land. At that time, Hu was aware that the Seven Stars method required seven people to break, and one of them would die.

At that time, the seven-star array had been broken into the Bailing Mountain by others, and the time for the automatic repair of the array was five years. The six people came back after five years, and the situation became the current situation.

"There is no time to repair the truth, but the five years is not short, let alone the thief surnamed Zheng enters Bailing Mountain. I don't know how many treasures to take away. How many more can we have in the next time?" Jiang Fei complained.

Zhang Baishan suddenly shouted: "Huai old brother, is this Bailing Mountain's export specific?"

Several people immediately understood the meaning of Zhang Baishan, and they looked at Hu Sui, and Hu Shou first shook his head and quickly nodded in surprise.

"Export is not specific, but I can change the order and assign the exit to a position. When the surname Zheng comes out, we will immediately take him down."


Qin Feng rushed into the entrance of the array with the power of killing. Fortunately, he eventually survived, but his body was covered with blood marks and suffered some internal injuries.

He was in a valley, surrounded by snow-capped scenes, and the head was still covered with snow and snow. The temperature was at least minus 50 degrees. He wore a thin robe and came to shudder. .

“Here is the real Bailing Mountain?”

Qin Feng ate a few healing pills and walked around in the snow-capped mountains. Looking at the boundless snow without life, he had doubts in his heart.

According to a few people in the cold ginseng, there seems to be a lot of treasures in the Bailing Mountain. At that time, there was no mention of Limo: "There are gods on the Bailing Mountain, and there are no fairy holes in the gods!"

However, Qin Feng walked for a long time, let alone the **** bird, and even the hare did not see it.

The temperature in Bailing Mountain is too low. The ordinary monk stayed here for a few days and was afraid that it would be frozen to death. Qin Feng reminded him of the spirit of the sunflower, and suddenly felt the body warm.

In this extremely cold place, he did not think of the millennium hail he had conquered in the Snow Beast Canyon in the ice city of Shenzhou, and is now called suffocation.

"Master, this Bailing Mountain is too big. If you look for it, it is not a way. It is better to release the hunting scorpion."

Qin Feng immediately looked into the system, but it was not anxious to let the scorpion help him find the fairy hole, but after the last breakthrough, the hunter had been unconscious and did not know what it was.

The idea is fretting, a black shadow flies out, the hunting scorpion has regained its vitality, and the moving speed is getting faster again, just like lightning strikes the void.

When it fell on the surface of Qin Feng, Qin Feng was shocked. The color of this little guy changed from black to black. The original golden color is pretty good, but the shape of the hunting falcon is like a small pimple. Coupled with the golden color, it has become a climbing gold.

(End of this chapter)

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