Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1832: Big siege

Qin Feng didn't know about the worm, but he heard about the orc disaster from the barefoot real people, and Qin Feng has always kept a question about the millennial catastrophe of Shenzun, but when Xiaoxiang pig mentioned the worm, he realized There is indeed a thousand years of disaster on the Shenzun mainland. As for this disaster, whether he is a robbery or not, Qin Feng is still not sure.

"What happened to the worm?" Qin Feng came to some interest.

Xiaoxiang pig said: "Master! You don't think that the gods respect the mainland is the territory of human rule. In fact, in this vast territory, hundreds of millions of species live, human beings are only one. And these species are likely to rule the gods, More than a thousand years ago, the gods of the mainland were almost occupied by the orcs, and for a period of more than two thousand years ago, the gods respected the mainland is the world of the spirits..."

"According to the records in the history of the development of the Shenzun continent, the entire continent was full of worms. The number of worms was counted in trillions, and the species was as high as tens of millions. They attacked the locusts in groups, and the gangs of monks attacked. Even if it is the strong respect of the true spiritual world, there is no need to even swallow the bones of the bones, and the virtual **** monks only have to escape, and a group of more advanced monks jointly resist, and eventually fall down..."

"It was later recorded that there was a descendant of the gods, which ended the huge worm."

Xiaoxiang pig said in great detail, Qin Feng listened to dumbfounded eyes. He did not expect that the worms would dominate the Shenzun continent for a while. Those fingernails were even smaller and smaller, and one palm could kill thousands of insect ants. It can be so fierce.

Qin Feng quickly thought of hunting, especially the devour ability of the little horror. If the gods of the gods also have the ability to hunt, it is really scary.

"Master, you think too much. First of all, the hunting hunter is a nine-level star beast. It is not in the scope of the worm. Secondly, the hunter does not belong to the gods, and the worms here cannot be compared with it." Xiao Xiang said.

This Qin Feng is relieved. If the gods of the gods are really as horrible as the hunting hunters, then the mainland will soon become a world of worms.

After some understanding, Qin Feng had a new understanding of the worms. He re-visited the interface of the worms and found that there were enough varieties of sacred insects on the mainland. Just turning the pages could turn tens of thousands of pages, and each The page has an introduction to hundreds of species.

Every page is gray, and the pictures of those worms are dim, but the picture of a worm on the first page is lit, which seems to be the worm that Qin Feng already has.

——Finding worms

A first-class worm, born with a keen sense of smell, is good at finding spiritual sources.

"Master, because you have opened the worm interface, the system rewards you with a low-level worm. The level of the worm is divided from level 1 to level 9. The hunter is only the first level of the worm, only the source of the source. ability."

Waiting for Qin Feng to read the introduction of the worm, Xiaoxiang pig explained it.

Qin Feng did not think of the emerald ring, the ring has the function of sensing the aura, but because the quality of the jade ring is too low, the intensity of the induction aura is limited, since coming to Shenzun mainland, Qin Feng did not sense The change of the emerald ring has changed.

Nowadays, with the search for worms, it replaces the function of the jadeite ring. Qin Feng has also checked the worm interface. He found that the price of these worms is not low, especially the higher the level of the worm, the price It is a dozens of times of tumbling.

Qin Feng did not buy other worms. He just quit the system and heard the system release a new task.

"Oh... the Supreme System releases the mission and arrives at Lingxian Country safely!"

“The task is limited to one month, and the task is successfully completed, rewarding 1 million points; if the task fails, the system will disappear!”


This task came too suddenly, and the task content was a bit strange, and the punishment was unprecedented. Qin Feng had some bad feelings in his heart. He was planning to return to Lingxian in a few days, but now it seems This time the return journey seems not so simple.

After some analysis, Qin Feng touched some clues. When he went to the Zixia Valley, he encountered the dragons Chamber of Commerce and Wumen and other forces, and those people saw his Qin Feng and Qiao Feng identity, but surrounded In the end, Qin Feng happened to bump into the entrance array of the Zixia Valley and used the Zixia Valley jade to enter the secret.

In this way, Long Aotian and others will definitely not give up, maybe he will wait for him to come out at the entrance, but Qin Feng immediately vetoed this speculation, because the entrance to the mysterious valley of Zixia Valley is randomly changed.

Qin Feng soon thought of the battle of the virtual gods not long ago. The battle almost shocked the entire northern sandbar. Others may not see the hidden secrets, but the Longteng Chamber of Commerce and Wumen probably know that he helped Ouyang. Jun broke through the matter.

Thinking about it, Qin Feng can definitely be the Dragon Force Chamber of Commerce and Wumen and other big forces want to kill him, so the system released the task of 'safe arrival to Lingxian Country' in advance, and can see the 1 million rewards for the mission success. After the punishment of the system will disappear after the failure of the mission, Qin Feng feels that things will not be so simple.

Even if the Longteng Chamber of Commerce and Wumen are even stronger, they will not threaten the system to release such a task. Is there any other fierce force hidden in the dark? Qin Feng will not really think about it for a while.

However, since the system has released a new task, Qin Feng is definitely highly valued.

He did not think about cultivation. These days, he has been secretly investigating the trends of the major forces such as the Longteng Chamber of Commerce. When he started the investigation, he suddenly discovered that his current connections and forces are almost all over the North Sandbank, and he only came to God. Respecting the mainland for two years, it is incredible to have today's achievements.

It was only after three days that many of the martial art families in Jiangchuan had come to the Feijian Biography. After watching their Feixin, Qin Feng looked dignified. He encountered the biggest siege since he came to Shenzun.

It is not only the Longteng Chamber of Commerce and Wumen, but also the five-star sect of the Seven Stars, the first sect of the North Shazhou, the first sect of the Thunder, the first city of Jiangcheng, the Third Chamber of Commerce of the North Shazhou Chamber of Commerce, and the Aohai Chamber of Commerce. The four Danfang Lingdan Clubs in Beishazhou, the Xiancaomen Gate... There are also many small and famous martial art forces. They have appeared outside Zixia City, but they are not visiting other places like Ouyang Jun to visit Ouyang House. .

They only stayed outside the city of Zixia. From time to time, some disciples appeared to be inquiring about intelligence. The strange behavior of these forces immediately caused Qin Feng’s idea. He realized that this group of people was afraid to unite and want to ambush halfway.

Qin Feng is not sure why these forces suddenly alliance, but he suspects that 80% of the Longteng Chamber of Commerce and Wumen have revealed his identity as Qin Feng and Qiao Feng. I know that after he came to Shenzun, he did not know how to use these two layers of identity. How many sects are now, and their identity is now exposed. It is also very likely that those sects will be revenged collectively under the leadership of the big forces.

After a short period of tension, Qin Feng calmed down. He detailed the alliance forces one by one and found that there are more than 30 forces in the alliance. However, the strength of these family sects is uneven and can really threaten. His is only five or six.

Qin Feng also focused on the most threatening martial arts families, Longteng Chamber of Commerce, Wumen, Invincible, Thunder, Seven Stars, a total of five giant Zongmen, as the first city of Beishazhou represented by Jiang Feiyan The forces, as well as the other forces of the four Dandans, the Pantheon and the Xiancaomen, are not counted among the most threatening forces.

Because of this Zixia Valley expedition, Qin Feng all the way to the Buddha's seven changes, the true spirit of the monk has been difficult to bring death threats to him, he is now afraid of the virtual god, but because he conquered Bai Lingshen Birds, if they meet a single **** monk, he will not be afraid.

The five most important sects listed by him, there is the possibility that there is a big force of the **** of vain. The dragon soul of the Longteng Chamber of Commerce does not need to say more, and the imaginary **** is strong.

Although Wumen, Invincible, and Thunder are not sure whether there is a virtual god, but Qin Feng guesses that 80% is there. As for Qixingguan, Qin Feng knows that this martial art does not exist, so it is listed as the most threatening. The five major sects, because the rumors that the first master of the North Shazhou is in the seven-star view, and Qin Feng knows the power of a five-level spiritual master.

After a detailed analysis, Qin Feng has been a virtual **** in the four major forces. This is the four virtual gods sitting in the town, plus a seven-star statue of a five-level spiritual strategist, and the rest of the forces. There are countless real spirits and masters of Buddha's light.

Looking at the statistics, Qin Feng was shocked. He did not expect that the roaring lineup was so fierce. It is no wonder that the Supreme System will issue a task reminder in advance and reward up to 1 million points.

At the same time, Qin Feng also understands the punishment of the system. If his mission fails, it means that he will die in the wilderness. At that time, the system will disappear.

For the monks of the true spirit and the Buddha light, Qin Feng does not mention it for the time being, but the four vain gods at the moment really make him feel a headache. He counts the situation on his own side. The white spirit **** bird is a virtual god. The strong, plus Ouyang Jun who just stepped into the virtual god, and Qin Feng fight to kill a virtual **** under the full force of the card, full of calculations, and only three virtual gods respect the strength.

Qin Feng is more dignified. He found that this cofferdam seems to be difficult to resist, and he knows that this war must be faced. If he has been hiding in Ouyang, waiting for the patience of the group, he is afraid to directly enter. When Zixia City comes, it will harm the monks of Zixia City and Ouyang House.

In the trouble, Qin Feng suddenly brightened.

He took out a flying sword and, after engraving a line on it, spurred the flying sword.

This is not a sword of the Star Flying Sword, but a flying sword dedicated to the letter of the letter, and this is the flying sword left by the barefoot real person to Qin Feng, let him encounter difficulties that are difficult to resolve, use Feijian to pass Book for help.

(End of this chapter)

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