Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1858: Life and death

There is a black scorpion before, and the retreat is blocked.

This time, Qin Feng several people have no way to completely, can only harden the scalp and the faucet to do a big fight.

Hong Fei seems to have really hung up. He hasn't seen any movements in the ruins for a long time, and Qin Feng and others have used the gods to look at the ruins. There is not even a little life.

Although the black scorpion was seriously injured in the palm of Hong Fei, it still had a strong desire to fight in his eyes, and no one in this gap attacked the black scorpion, because in the previous fight, everyone was injured. .

The cave was caught in a confrontation for a while, and the dark winds in the darkness, both sides are adjusting their physical state.

After a scent, the black pock suddenly leaped an axe, and his injury was considered to be the lightest.

"I will hold this animal first, and everyone will recover quickly, and then help me kill it."


The snoring fell with the axe, and the fascinating black scorpion cracked a thick crack in the thumb. The axe angered it again, and regardless of the injury, the body swept out and brought a piece of gravel.

Although he escaped the rocky offensive, the black body was too large and directly squatted on the black pockmark. The impact of the car crashed between the impacts. The black pocks vomited blood in the air and did not stand up after landing.

The black scorpion did not stop, and the body was picked up again. It was like a big mountain flying. When you saw it, it would fall on the crowd. Qi Yang’s rise was a sword. Yang Taoyu’s hand was lifted and the long whip at the waist was pulled out. Her realm is still much lower, and the offensive that she sent out is completely devoid of fierceness.

"Quickly spread the book to Pengge Feijian, let him open the hole!" Bu really screamed, in the midst of this millennium, he finally thought of Peng Peng.

Several people are bright in front of their eyes, as if they have found a lifeline, but only Qin Feng is in a heavy mood. He has doubts about the practice of keeping the pavilion in the hole. Now the fighting in the cave is so fierce. It is impossible to detect, but he has never done anything. Obviously, he is not planning to help everyone.

The offensive of Qi Yang and Yang Tao barely shook the black scorpion and took advantage of the gap. Qi Yang immediately offered a flying sword. This is to send information to the Peng Pavilion.

Qin Feng simply did not pay attention to whether the flying sword broke through the rock and flew out of the hole. He had already sat on the ground and his hands were changing rapidly.

"Joe, what are you doing?" asked the black pock.

"Several predecessors first dragged the black scorpion, I have a way to kill it!" Qin Feng is naturally in the array, he intends to arrange a five-level sleepy, when he came to Nanping Chau, Hei Yao sent him not There are fewer five-level arrays, but now it comes in handy.

In fact, when Qin Feng was in Beishazhou, he used the five-level hurricane to kill the main exhibition of Baihuafei, but Baizhanfei was only the real four worlds, and the leading black scorpion in front of him was comparable to the predecessor’s realm of the sacred god, level five. You can't trap it for too long.

However, Qin Feng did not intend to sleep for a long time, as long as it can temporarily trap it, I believe that under the combo of the true spirits of the monks, he can barely kill it. If it is really difficult to kill, Qin Feng intends to take out 100 Lie.

However, no one can understand his actions, because several people in the cave do not understand the law. When he sees this, Qin Feng does not contribute. Qi Yang shouts with some anger: "Don't delay the time, try to attack together." Blackbird."

Qin Feng didn't have time to explain. He also saw that Qi Yang couldn't hold on for too long. If several monks with the true peaks lost their fighting ability, he felt that even if they took out the hundred miles, they could not Kill the black scorpion in this narrow cave.

"You junior is really mad, if you can still go out today, I will not spare you!"

Qi Yang was angry, but he couldn’t get out of the way to deal with Qin Feng. Now both the real and the black pock are recuperating. The black man is almost entirely blocked by him.

His strength was still a little worse. After a hard time, the black and sturdy body squatted on his abdomen and almost smashed him.

Yang Tao did not go well, and was directly blown by a smoldering spurt of black scorpion. The body slammed on the hard rock wall and was unconscious when it landed.

"Hey animals, Laozi fights with you!"

Yang Tao’s life and death are not clear, and the truth is suddenly furious. He also ignores the frenzied real elements in the body.

The cave was shaking again. The power of this palm was much worse than the black umbrella attack before him, but the black body was shaking violently, and it seemed that its injury was too fast to support.

Hemp soon joined the battle. The two real spirits and the strongest team did not benefit. The attacks on both sides became weaker, but the damage caused by the fight was getting bigger and bigger. After spitting a lot of blood, he fell to the ground and fell to the side of the carambola. He simply grasped the hand of the carambola, and closed his eyes with one eye, and let the life and death die.

"Grandpa! The little man in Pengge, actually escaped."

At this time, no one came in to help, and Hemp was aware that it was impossible to come. At this time, he was already bloody, even kneeling on the ground, supporting himself with a double axe.

Looking at the whole cave, Qin Feng’s injury is the lightest. In the fierce fight just now, he has never heard of it, just like being in the world, although Qi Yang’s behavior is extremely uncomfortable, but He is amazed by this strength.


Suddenly, Qin Feng’s hands were shot, and countless flags were scattered in the black body. The black cockroaches seemed to feel abnormal. They immediately picked up their bodies and rushed toward Qin Feng, but they just rushed halfway, and a light curtain emerged out of thin air. When the black smash hit the light curtain and it made a loud noise, it stopped it.

"What is going on?" Hemp was shocked. He thought he was going to hang.

"Difficulties? This is a senior trap, have you been in the array?" Qi Yang asked questions one after another, a look of awakening.

When the black scorpion hit the moment of the formation, Qin Feng could clearly feel the fierce fluctuations of the energy of the array. Many of the energy was smashed, which made the trapping effect of the array weakened a lot. He even wanted to smash the ghost face at this moment. Let it go, but that thing is a ghost repairing sacred thing. He is afraid that when he comes out, it will cause everyone to be jealous.

"Several predecessors, I have arranged a five-level sleepy, probably can trap the time of black scent and two scent, everyone will join forces to attack, will kill the black scorpion."

The crowd is stunned!

When everyone has a dead mind in their hearts, Qin Feng brings hope to them.

Hemp has already fallen into an axe, and the fierce axe blasts the black skin. Qi Yang sees that the black cockroach is really trapped by the formation. After several collisions, he did not break through the gas barrier. He immediately supported the body. Killed, fierce swords like rain.

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