Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1874: Shot

After listening to the words of Yu late autumn, the silence was suddenly furious. In front of him, he was not sure that the silence was killed by Yu Qiuqiu. After all, Silence 10 has already entered the peak of the real spirit, and Yu Yuqiu is only a monk of the seven realms. How did you kill the silence?

Nowadays, the truth of the matter is plain. It turns out that the late autumn is the woman who has found a wild man to join forces to kill the dead ten. At this time, the silence is not the same as the smashing of the late autumn scent, because those can not be a reason.

"Well, you are a woman, dare to kill me, Yuan Cang, a small elder, I think you are alive and tired!"

The silence has already taken a hand, and the virtual sky suddenly has a huge palm print. The palm print comes with a hurricane. The disciples of the early days of the Tianhu faction can't breathe.

Yu Zhong frowned at the first time of the opponent's shot. He realized the power of silence. The other party stepped into the **** of the **** of emptiness. He was not an opponent at all.

Yu Zhong even thought about the idea of ​​running away, but he knew that once he escaped, the rest of the disciples would suffer in this palm of his hand. If he was injured, he would lose his life. As a result, he could not explain to the sect afterwards.

Under the helplessness, he rushed to the scalp with a punch, and when the huge punch and the palm print collided, there was a loud noise.

The silence stood still in the place, but it was a sacrifice to stop the aftermath of the shock. The rest of the clock was retired for more than a dozen steps under the explosion. Every time it retreated, it would vomit a blood.

Just under one stroke, the outcome is already divided. If it is not the silence, there is reservation. I am afraid that Yu Zhong is still alive and dead at this moment.

"Yu Zhong, I am also a monastic genius. When I was less than 60 years old, I stepped into the peak of the real spirit. I will spare you a life today and leave with others. I will only have a woman in the autumn."

The silence was cold and indifferent, although he said that he was too big, but he couldn’t wait for the clock to leave.

After all, the Tianhu School is also a five-star grand gate. If it is really necessary to kill the ring today, the Tianhu faction will not be willing to give up afterwards. It will cause a great fight between the two sects. This is something that the silence does not want to see.

Yu Zhong was beaten in public, and his heart was full of anger. He attributed his grievances to the rest of the night. If this woman is not guilty, then he will fall into the present situation.

In fact, Yu Zhong himself also had some hatred for Yu late autumn. At the beginning, he expressed his admiration to Yu late autumn, but he was rejected by the other party. Now this woman has caused great trouble, and Yu Zhong is too lazy to take care of her.

"The elders are angry and angered. Since Yu late autumn admitted to killing the dead ten, then I will hand her over to the elders."

Yu Zhonghuai just exported, Tianhu sent disciples to look at him with an incredible look, especially in the late autumn, feeling chilling.

On the Shenzun mainland, the martial art is just like a family. It is a disciple. The relationship is like a hand and foot. And Yu Zhong, as a brother of everyone, actually said this kind of disobedient discourse and had to be embarrassed.

Silence laughed: "Ha ha! Know the current affairs for Junjie, then you must leave."

Yu Zhong pretended not to hear the arguments of the disciples, and shouted seriously: "Everyone also saw that I have already shot before, but it is not the opponent of the elders. If everyone does not leave with me now, then they will die." Here, I am here for you..."

The situation was in front of me. Many of the complaining disciples closed their mouths and quietly stood behind Yu Zhong. Some disciples were hesitant, but they listened to Yu late autumn and said: "Everyone goes with Yu Zhong, I don't want to hurt you." ”

As soon as this was said, those disciples who were hesitant because of their guilty conscience also left with Yu Zhong. Soon, there was only one person left in the open space, but she faced eight fierce men.

Suddenly someone shouted: "The elders of the dead, the elders of the ten old elders also pursued this woman before, and the result was rejected. Now the woman dares to kill the ten elders. It is better for the big guys to occupy her body. I believe that the dead ten The little elders can also look at the sky."

This proposal was immediately approved by everyone.

"Yes! I heard that this woman's fashion innocence, the result of the United wild man killed the dead ten elders, let us show her prototype of the style today."

"After everyone has taken over her body, find out her wild man and kill them together!"

This group of people's ideas are also peculiar, using this method to make the lonely ten eyes? I don't know if Silence 10 will survive.

After the late autumn, the beautiful eyes showed a disgusting look. She couldn’t think of the usual sect of the Yuan Cang monk, but there was such an ugly face in the back, but there was no other person around. Yu Yuqiu knew that he was really finished.

She was still subconsciously looking around and suddenly changed her look. The line of sight was fixed on the plain hundreds of meters behind her. There was a personal figure standing there. Although it was too far away to see his appearance, it was late autumn. After sweeping his breath with his knowledge, his mood is difficult to calm down.

"Qiao Feng brother, you run fast..."

Yu late autumn shouted, look more worried than her own trouble, she determined that the man standing not far away is Qin Feng, and at this time met Qin Feng, she did not know whether it was happy or sad.

"Lone the elders, the wild man of the woman is over there." Yuan Cang sent his disciples to scream.

Suddenly, the two monks in the early days of the real spirits stepped on the flying sword and were afraid that Qin Feng would escape.

I haven't seen how it happened. There was a loud noise coming from afar. The two monks who had just flew away were in the air, like fireworks. When everyone blinked again, even the personal shadow could not be seen.

But there was a drop of blood on the plain, looking at hundreds of meters apart, like a field full of flowers, a tall figure stepping on the blood, the footsteps calm, not too slow, just like a walk just to go It’s the same here.

"What is your kid? Dare to kill my Yuan Cang disciple?"

The snoring sounds, he does not directly touch, because he faintly smells some dangerous atmosphere.

When the figure went closer and closer, the face of the late autumn was like tears.

She didn't know how Qin Feng came here, but when the martial artists and brothers abandoned them, Qin Feng was steadfastly stepping forward. It was this action that was enough to make Yu Xiuqi feel grateful.

"Laughing late autumn, I am coming, you will not have anything."

When she walked to the side of the late autumn, Qin Feng gently put her in her arms. He didn't have any extra thoughts. He just saw the helpless tears in the late autumn, and there were some embarrassments in his heart.

The faint fragrance floated out of the late autumn collar and floated into the nose of Qin Feng. The two men were close together. Because of the body swaying when the night was sobbing, some flexible places rubbed Qin Feng’s mind and let Qin Feng produce Some feelings.

"Ah... Joe Feng brother, you are going, you are not their opponent."

Cried for a while, Yu late autumn suddenly woke up, she knows that Qin Feng is only the repair of the Buddha's seven changes, where can deal with the silence and others.

Qin Feng did not explain, he planned to use action to explain everything, and now he wants to go, and the remaining six of Yuan Cang have already surrounded them.

"The disciple who killed Yuan Cang still wants to run? When the old man does not exist!" After watching Qin Feng at a close distance, the heart of the silence was relieved. This kid is only the cultivation of the real world, in his eyes. An ant-like existence.

Yu late autumn realized that she and Qin Feng could not escape. At this time, she had forgotten to worry about her next encounter, but raised her strong emotions.

Qin Feng indifferently looked at the crowd, the highest is only one layer of the virtual god, the rest of the true spiritual monk, he completely became the air. Just broke out from the mountain of life, he is trying to find a few people to practice his hands, and now he jumped out of a virtual **** monk to die, it is his heart.

"Silent ten is also the right thing for your Yuan Cang faction. It really smells the same. I don't think there is a good thing in your entire Yuan Cang faction."

Qin Feng was shocked by everyone, and no one expected him to scream.

Yu late autumn is a big beauty, incredible look at Qin Feng, but very soon, Yu late autumn wake up, Qin Feng should know that it must die, simply passed the mouth before death.

"You really dare to speak out of the ants, and believe that I am swearing at you." A disciple of the true spirits picked up.

Yu late autumn was shocked, Qin Feng is not the Buddha's seven changes to repair? How did it suddenly become a real thing? She did not dare to think that Qin Feng used ten days to break through from the Buddha's seven to the true four. She thought that when she saw Qin Feng last time, the other party hid the repair.

However, the real four worlds are only sent to death, and the rest of the autumn has entered the seven realms of the real spirit, but she did not even have the mind to resist.

"It seems that you are the wild man in the late autumn, you joined forces to kill the dead ten." Silence waved and stopped the disciple who was ready to start: "Don't rush to kill him, this ants are just waving We can get rid of it, let us occupy the late autumn in front of him, let him know the consequences of offending Yuan Cang."

The proposal of silence made the crowd excited, and they all showed a playful look to look at the body of the late autumn. Yu late autumn scared to retreat to Qin Feng, hands behind her chest, she is still innocent, this moment even a shy thought in her mind, she wants to give the body to Qin Feng before being ruined, then In suicide, this is not a reincarnation and cast a woman.

"It’s a group of people who don’t know how to live!"

A cold voice came out, and the voice was still floating in the air, but I saw a golden mangling flashed. The two disciples in the middle of the real spirit suddenly stopped, and the wretched smile on his face remained, but the eyes were horrified and formed a A very strange visual sense.

"Silent, lonely, what's wrong with you?"

The disciple who stood next to the real spirit found an abnormality. He just asked the exit, and the two loud bangs exploded at the same time. The silence and the silence had flesh and blood.


This scene caused the remaining four people to breathe a sigh of relief, and even the eyes of the silence flashed a touch of surprise.

They don't know how the silence and the silence died. The two disciples stood in a place less than ten meters away, and they exploded inexplicably.

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