Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 2017: Meet the president of Black Yao

Some words fell into the ears of Qin Huang and others, making them unhappy.

Yu Hailong said: "Don't care about those people's claims. Anyway, this deep sea city is strictly forbidden to kill. They love how to go with them. Let's do our own thing."

Qin Feng nodded and said: "I would like to thank the rest of the generation for coming, and there are five million Lingshi, I will transfer it to you now."

Yu Hailong immediately waved his hand and said: "If Qin Shaoxia is so polite again, then I will be angry. You have saved my family's life twice, and I saved the old man a while ago. Compared with the help of life, the little things in front are not enough."

Qin Feng didn't care about the five million Lingshi. He just wanted to see how Yu Hailong was. In the end, it still looks very good.

A few people came to the deep sea city mainly for refuge. According to Yu Hailong, it will take several days for the death sea spin to dissipate after each occurrence. In these few days, everyone can only stay in the deep sea city.

The deep sea city is huge, and all kinds of shops are available. Several people first find a place to live, and then stroll around the city.

"Fenger, the weapons shop here is sold with the real thing."

"I just saw a celestial stick cheat, selling for one billion Lingshi, and I need some other designated items to buy."

"There are all true and false **** monks here, and the power of the corpse can be seen everywhere. From time to time, I fly over a great power... I don't know when we can reach that height."

Qin Huang and others went to the street and were shocked by the body. In fact, even Qin Feng was shocked.

When I first participated in the genius conference in Nanpingzhou in Tiantong City, the elites of all the continents gathered together, but they were not as good as the masters in this deep sea city.

However, Qin Feng quickly calmed down. He realized that it is not just as simple as Nanping Island. It is the sea of ​​the sea of ​​the gods, the monks who gather on the four continents of the gods, and the monks who can appear here. It must be the top of the four continents, otherwise how can the average person dare to cross the sea of ​​God...

"Hey? How many people are locked in the cage over there?" Huaxianyue suddenly pointed to the big square on one side.

There are thousands of iron cages in the square. Each cage is closed with a monk. Some of the monks are human monks, but also demon, magic and even ghosts.

When I saw this scene, Yu Duo and other people's faces immediately cooled down. He and Qin Huang and Qin Shitian were both arrested, and it was clear what was the person being held in the big square.

Although Li Shanshan was not arrested as a stove, but she was forced to arrest the original Cangdao Beauty Contest, so she was very touched when she saw the people who were detained in the square and lost their freedom.

Qin Feng knew that a few people thought of the sad past, and prepared to take everyone to other places to see, but he just turned and immediately turned back to look at the big square, when the gods locked in a cage in the center of the square, Showing an incredible look.

"Qin Shaoxia, what happened?" Yu Hailong asked.

Qin Feng re-visited the position in the center of the square. A black robe man was held in the iron cage in the line of sight. The man’s eyes were dull, his body was weak, and he should have been abandoned.

"That is the president of Black Yao?" Qin Feng said to himself.

Qin Huang and others did not know Black Yao, and they saw that Qin Feng’s shocked expression was unclear.

"Qin Shaoxia, is there not your friend in it?" Yu Hailong asked.

Qin Feng has come back to God: "After the predecessors, can the stove here be bought with Lingshi?"

Yu Hailong nodded and said: "This is the largest market in Shenzhen City, as long as there is enough Lingshi, what kind of furnace can buy."

Qin Feng immediately rushed to the center of the square, just standing in the black iron cage, the guys here screamed and ran over: "Hey! This little man, need a stove? Our deep sea furnace Ding is the largest in the deep sea city The furnace of Ding Ding has been recognized by the master of the deep sea city. The quality of our home is good, the variety is many, the price is low, absolutely let you buy the rest assured, use the comfort..."

Qin Feng couldn't listen, and interrupted him: "How does the stove sell?"

The guy looked at the black-eyed cage and said with a smile: "Hey! Shaoxia is a good vision. This stove is still fresh. It took less than a month to get it back. He was originally a human monk with three layers of virtual god. Dan Tian is now abolished, but the avatars of the imaginary gods are all there, and they do not affect the use of him to cultivate."

Qin Feng heard the cold in his heart, and the strong denomination of the North Shazhou, the leader of the black glory, but fell to the present level, he did not think of the scene of black Yao sent him to Nanping Chau three years ago, at that time Fear that he will fall in Nanpingzhou, and it is expected that the situation of the two is opposite.

"You, you are Qin Feng?" Black Yao's eyes re-condensed, and looked at Qin Feng incredibly.

The buddy saw this scene, and the eyes turned a few laps. He apparently realized that Qin Feng and Hei Yao had met each other, and they calculated it in their hearts and raised the price.

"Black Yao, the president, I will say later, I will buy you first." Qin Feng cast a reassuring look at Hei Yao, and then looked at the man and said: "How much?"

"Hey! I just said, this stove is fresh, and it is still a three-layer repair of the virtual god, the price is definitely much higher than other stoves..."

Qin Feng interrupted him impatiently: "Directly, how much."

"One thousand..." The buddy just opened his mouth and immediately shouted and shouted: "Fifty million top grade Lingshi."

Qin Feng knows that the man originally planned to shout for 10 million, and he must have seen him know the black Yao and sit on the ground.

"What? A three-layered human **** of the virtual **** asks for 50 million Lingshi? Why don't you grab it?" Yu Duo was arrested as a furnace, and he knows this line well.

The buddy also feels that he has shouted too much, and his look is awkward, but since he said that he can only reduce the price, he is not likely to reduce the price again: "I am sorry, this stove is a very good variety. You said that the price of 10 million is the best." Also, or I will take you to see."

I was so angry that "What is the best quality stove, in fact, it is the same. Do you see Qin Shaoxia knowing the friend of the furnace, and deliberately sit on the ground?"

The buddy was shocked. The matter of sitting on the ground was strictly forbidden in the deep sea city. If it was discovered by the city owner or the big law in the city, it would be severely punished.

"What are you talking about, I don't think you are sincerely buying a stove, do you want to make trouble?" The man immediately slammed.

Yu Hailong’s body is really rising, and he said with awe-inspiring eyes: “We naturally sincerely buy the stove, but you are eager to benefit... even if you want to pour money, you must see the object, even our money will dare to pit, are you not? Are you tired?"

How fierce the majesty of a great power, suddenly scared the man shivering. Some of his regrets did not see the object and shouted the price. In front of him, he really did not see Yu Hailong.

“What happened here? Anyone dare to make trouble in the deep sea furnace business?”

Seeing the atmosphere stale, but seeing a middle-aged old man striding forward.

Seeing the arrival, Yu Hailong’s momentum is soaring a lot. The original is the dragon ear that wants to grab the flying cone in the deep sea city entrance.

"Hey? You are this group of idiots... Well! I can't find you guys. I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself. Isn't there a monk who took the trip, when we are eating dry rice?"

Long Er has recognized several people in Qin Feng, and this deep sea furnace Ding firm is the industry of Longhai Gang.

Seeing the appearance of the dragon ear, Qin Feng was in a dignified mood.

He was not afraid of the ear, and he was able to deal with a mid-level monk in the middle of his field. Qin Feng is afraid that he will not take the black Yao this time. How did he say that he had helped him in his most difficult time, and he could see death.

I don't know if the dragon ear secretly sent a flying sword to the book. After a scent, two black shadows flew from the far air, and they all had a strong and strong atmosphere.

Yu Hailong saw the arrival, and the look was dignified. These two were the three-layered demon repairer. The other, like him, stepped into the fourth floor.

When the two just landed, they asked about the situation of the dragon ear.

"Dragon ear brother, what happened?"

Long Long immediately hugged his fist and said: "Long Bin brother, Long Cheng brother... Someone is making trouble in our furnace business."

When they heard the anger, they suddenly angered, and the real thing was soaring. It seemed that there was a tumbling wave behind them. The powerful power was so strong that Qin Huang and others could not breathe.

"Dare to make trouble in the deep sea city? Are you all impatient?" The demon dragon, who was on the fourth floor of the trip, shouted.

Even Qin Feng was somewhat stunned under his pressure, and Yu Hailong immediately propped up a group of real yuan shields to protect everyone.

"We are sincerely interested in buying the stove, and your buddy is sitting on the ground. Now you still want to spurt the blood? Then I have to ask the big law in the city to preside over justice." Yu Hailong is not the first time to come to Shenzhen City. The performance is very calm.

Long Bin discovered that Qin Feng had a master in the middle of the trip, and he put some momentum on his body. In fact, for the deep sea furnace Ding commercial bank, they are only doing business in the deep sea city, and do not want to provoke the big law and the city owner in the city.

"Hey! This is a broken thing to find the big law in the city. Do you think that the big guards are usually idle?" Long Bin shouted.

Yu Hailong also wants to refute, Qin Feng first said in his first step: "Good! Just follow the price just now, 50 million top grade Lingshi to you, give that person to me."

Qin Feng doesn't want to provoke any more troubles. If it is too big, it will definitely be his own.

What's more, Hei Yao is the president of the Black Yao Chamber of Commerce, the second largest chamber of commerce in North Shazhou. The most indifferent thing in his life is Lingshi. Now, for the quarrel of 50 million Shangpin Lingshi, this is an insult to him.

"Qin Laodi, thank you this time!" He Yao Yao understands Qin Feng's mind and casts a grateful look.

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