Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 2024: Over the hero city

After feeling the true meaning of the sea without a knife, Qin Feng blinked sharply, and the eyes were flashing.

The mad face of the sea is close at hand, and the mountain knife in the hand squats, pulling a fierce real yuan in the void. The knife gas has already fallen on the top of Qin Feng, as if he will split him in half in the next second.

The crowd screamed.

Even Lin Beibei and others are instinctively nervous at this critical moment.

However, the sound of the explosion did not sound, and when the imaginary line looked at the battlefield again, a pair of old eyes suddenly fell to the ground.

"This, what is going on?"

Not only is it vain, but everyone who sees the scene at this time in the battlefield is shocked.

The sea-free body floats in the air, and the face is stunned. He still keeps the action of the knife. It is just a simple movement that can be completed in this moment. It seems that the sky is fixed and the long knife is not falling.

Even the knife gas on the top of Qin Feng was sealed, forming a cloud-like knife mark that made people feel incredible.

"I know, Qin Shaoxia also understood the situation, and the understanding of the situation is deeper than without the sea." A disciple of the Sifanglou screamed out.

Everyone doesn't know if his guess is right, because North Shazhou can understand the power of the world, and even a top monk like the imaginary line. Many of them have never heard of it.

However, only Lin Beibei knows that Qin Feng’s display is not a realm, but a higher level venue. At the beginning, Qin Feng used the field to kill the six-layered giant dragon ear. Later, when everyone was chased by Long Bin and Long Cheng, they were also the place where Qin Feng was performing. live.

"Hey? You also understand the situation... How is this possible?"

When I didn't have Haydn, I found myself unable to move, and even talking was extremely hard. In his eyes, Qin Feng is still a buddant in the early days of Buguang or Zhenling. He can't believe it when he killed him. How does this cultivation really understand the situation?

In fact, Beishazhou is not only behind the level of monasticism, but the monks are even more backward in their understanding of the situation and the field, so that the group of imaginary gods like Black Yao and Dragon Soul cannot understand the edge of the environment. The reason why no sea touched the situation is entirely because of the invincible martial arts time and space. The essence of this martial arts cheat is to use the knife to change the environment.

"This is not the situation. If you say it, you won't understand it. Go to **** and ask the king to go."

Qin Feng’s words fell and he rushed to the void.

Suddenly a huge real handprint fell, and the handprint quickly became larger, eventually covering the twelve invincible sects.


After a loud explosion, on the battlefield, except for Qin Feng, no one else could be seen.

The disciples of Sifanglou couldn't return to God for a long time, and they shot 12 strong men in one hand? How do you feel unreal?

"Qin Shaoxia, are they all dead?" The illusion came back to God, and the aftershocks in the eyes did not disappear.

"All are dead." Qin Feng opened the topic: "What is the current situation in Beishazhou? You are a disciple of Sifanglou, why did you come here? How is the hero city?"

Qin Feng repeatedly thrown out many problems, and immediately returned to the imaginary line: "Qin Shaoxia, half a year ago, Beishazhou suffered a beast wave. Now the demon repairs and monsters are rampant on the mainland, and many martial arts houses are occupied. Even our square building is also a Failed a month ago..."

"The virtual elders of the virtual Baidan fell in the battle, and many small elders and disciples were killed in the hands of the demon. In the future, the landlord and the virtual elders of the moon and the moon rushed to kill the enemy, and fled the Quartet with the remaining disciples, but on the way to escape After the attack, more than a dozen of us were dispersed in the attack and finally fled to the outer islands of the Shenshen Sea..."

"For Qin Shaoxia, the hero city has not fallen, and it has become the last stop of the North Shazhou monks to counter this beast tide. Many sects and seniors have gone to the hero city to support, and swear to death to hold the last piece of pure land. ""

After listening to the vain, Qin Feng was in a dignified mood.

He did not expect that the virtual Baidan predecessors of the Sifang Building had fallen. At that time, he had been in close contact with the virtual Baidan and Xuanfei.

However, soon Qin Feng was awakened from this sorrow. If even the forces of the Quartet were to escape, then other forces of the North Shazhou will only face a more difficult situation.

"I only left for half a year, North Sands has already fallen into such a dilemma?" Black Yao alarmed.

The illusory line was originally due to the arrival of the black glory, and a hope was ignited in his heart. He even thought that after he had blacked out the invincible sect, he followed him to the hero city. But now I know that Dan Yao of Black Yao has been abolished, and these thoughts have already disappeared in my mind.

"The president of Black Yao, the current North Shazhou is already in dire straits. I am afraid that it will not be three months, and the whole continent will be completely occupied by the orcs."

False behavior is by no means an exaggeration. Even the three months he said are conservative estimates. He thinks that time will only be shorter.

The black glory is extremely dignified. The land of Beishazhou is the home where he was born and raised. Even if he left here to go to Nanpingzhou, it is to get a better breakthrough opportunity, and then kill it to save the North Shazhou.

But now he is even abolished in Dantian, and he can only watch the home being occupied by the orcs.

"Qin Feng, what do we do now?" Lin Beibei asked, and Qin Qin several people looked at him.

A few people were still in retreat. They heard the sound of fighting outside and came out. They learned that they had reached the waters around Beishazhou, and the mood of several people was dignified.

"If the disciples of the Sifanglou are willing to kill me with the hero city, then go to our spaceship. If you don't want to go back, I won't stop you."

After returning to God, Qin Feng made a decision and took the lead in the aircraft.

Qin Huang and others naturally followed him. As for the disciples of Sifanglou, they first saw a surprise. After they saw the black Yao, they always thought of letting Black Yao take them back, but they ignored the fact that Qin Feng is the real one. The strong man returns.

The aircraft re-launched and rushed toward Beishazhou.

Three days later, Qin Feng and others officially flew into the Beishazhou area, and just after entering the border area, they could see many orcs on the land.

"It seems that the animal tide is more fierce than I thought." Qin Feng looked at the scene outside the spacecraft and muttered to himself.

There was a fierce momentum in the vain line, and said to Qin Feng: "Qin Shaoxia, let's go on and kill."

Qin Huang and others have prepared for the battle. They know that the reason why Qin Feng rushed back to Beishazhou was to calm the beast.

"Now the entire North Shazhou is invaded by the Orcs. If it is easy to kill all these tens of millions of Orcs, we must first rush to the Hero City, where the first battle will be started, and the orcs will be resigned. Qin Feng said his plan.

The disciples of Sifanglou showed a difficult color. They escaped from the North Shazhou. They personally experienced the fierceness of this animal tide. Even the immortal barefoot real people and the Mingyue landlord have no animal tides. I want the orcs to know. Hard to retreat? It's like a fantasy.

Qin Feng is not joking, but he has not explained too much.

The speed of the intercontinental aircraft is extremely fast, as if a meteor is empty, and it passes through hundreds of cities and towns in half a day. Every city of Chiba is basically attacked by beasts. In some places, monks are still confronting the orcs. More places have been completely occupied. Those human monks are either destroyed or captured as captives...

Qin Feng was going to kill a few times, but he finally calmed down. If he went to a place to kill it, he was afraid that he would not be able to catch the hero city in a few months. Moreover, this fragmented killing has no effect at all, and will only make the situation in other regions deeper and deeper.

"Qin Shaoxia, we are in the hero city."

After a few more days, the black Yao voice was solemnly opened.

The crowd immediately raised their vigilance and went to see the current status of the Hero City.

Around the city, there are a large number of orcs that are innumerable, and the cities and towns that pass through this road are simply small compared to the orc forces outside the hero city.

Everyone suddenly numbs, how do so many orcs fight? I am afraid that everyone will be torn apart in a moment.

Just when they didn't have the idea to look at Qin Feng, they found that Qin Feng was not in the cabin.

The imaginary line suddenly screamed: "Not good! Qin Shaoxia has already played, let's go and help, and strive to rush into the hero city."

His voice fell, and the people in the cabin did not have any movements. Even the imaginary ones were squatting in the hatch.

There was a blue light in the sky outside, and the light and the original blue sky were somewhat different. The light was covered with sky, as if the sky of the entire hero city was shrouded. When the big light fell, everyone finally saw the light.

It turned out to be a piece of flame. It was like a fire in the sky. The flame was in the shape of two sunflowers. The temperature was hot and the air was burnt into a state of illusion. Everyone stood in the cabin as if standing. In the hot sun desert...

"Tianhu Lingkui, that is the twentieth day of the gods in the mainland, the fire of the sky!" Quartet has a disciple screaming out.

"North Sands has long been rumored that Qin Shaoxia got the fire of the sky, I did not expect to see the spirit of the spirit of the sunflower today, this is not one of the fire, just watching its flame, it gives a feeling of heart."

"It is a good idea to use the skyfire to deal with the animal tide. It’s just that there are too many orcs in this beast, even if it burns for three months."

Qin Feng's foot flying sword is hanging over the hero city.

He quickly shot his hands, and suddenly there was a fire in the sky above the hero city.

The fire of the sunflower was just upgraded to a second-level skyfire. The flame intensity was fierce and violent. The sky was burning deep blue, and several vacuum areas appeared in the air.

"Hey! There are personal monks in the sky, catch him."

"Hey! The ignorant human beings in the hero city are just dying and struggling. It is ridiculous that some flames in the district want to scare off our orcs."

"There is still a spaceship in the sky over there, and the spaceship is destroyed, killing the human ants inside."


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