Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 2035: Sengoku

The collapse of the small cave house has become more and more intense, and half of the space has been filled with gravel.

Although Qin Feng took away the main pieces of the treasure, but the Lingjing of the land has not been enough, which makes him somewhat distressed.

When Dongfu collapsed completely, Qin Feng flew out. He tried his best to get rid of the Lingjing of the small half of the cave, but when he found the opportunity to breathe into the space of the star, he was also filled with the land. The number of Lingjing is stunned.

"Developed! This is really developed!" Even the local monk such as Qin Feng, it is difficult to suppress the inner excitement at this moment.

It was just that he had just been excited for a while, and more violent vibrations spread from his feet. Qin Feng immediately realized that this Bailing Mountain was afraid to collapse, and it was probably related to his destruction of the Tianqu.

When this thought rose, Qin Feng immediately became a dignified person. The reason why he rushed to Bailing Mountain was to find a way to prevent the spread of the misplaced space. If Bailing Mountain collapsed, the misplaced space may expand. Big, and what if he finds more resources for cultivation? At the end of the day, the entire North Sands is not there.

Qin Feng immediately swept out the knowledge and found that his thoughts were not wrong. The dislocation space over the Zixia Mountains was getting bigger and bigger, and the speed of exaggeration was still accelerating.

The monks who waited outside the Zixia Mountains had long been scared to escape, fearing that the news would be passed on to other people. If the North Shazhou monks knew that there was a misplaced space in the Zixia Mountains, they would be afraid that the entire North Sands would fall into the hearts of the people. Situation.

"The host is watching, there is a new stage!" Xiao Xiang pig suddenly screamed.

When the small cave house collapsed completely, there was a huge array of rises in the ruins. Qin Feng had never seen the real stage before, but he saw it in the "Dan Yao Daquan". The record of the station.

Generally, only the senior array will use the array, and the array is the basis of the extremely resource-consuming array. Qin Feng’s front is full of hundreds of square meters. Don’t underestimate the array of more than 100 square meters. It takes a lot of material to make a successful refining.

There are nine crystal columns on the stage. The nine pillars are actually made of Lingjing. Each of the nine columns has a bucket thickness, which seems to be straight through the sky. It is hard to imagine how many Lingjings can be formed.

Qin Feng was completely shaken by the sights in front of him.

This array and the nine Lingjing Tong Tianzhu's handwriting is too against the sky, even if he adds all the cultivation resources of his body, it is not the tip of the iceberg.

However, these are just a few of the auxiliary resources in front of the array. In the center of the stage, there is a gossip-like thing suspended in the air. The eight gossips have the size of a billiard table, and a bright round stone is placed on the eight square corners. The eight stones are incomparably bright, and the original dark space shines like a glare flashlight hitting the sky.

"What kind of spar is this? The aura is so rich?" Qin Feng was instantly attracted by the eight stones, and even the array of Taiwan and the nine Lingjing columns were ignored.

The aura released from the eight stones is fierce like the sea. It is even more pure and pure than the aura in the six elite spirit pools. The breath is very mysterious and holy. Qin Feng is sure that he is the first to feel this breath. .

"Master! You are really developed here, as long as you get the eight stones, the gods will respect you in the mainland." The small pigs actually gave out the dolphin sound.

Qin Feng was shocked: "What stone is that?"

"Master! That is Xianshi!"

Qin Feng’s mind exploded and there was even an illusion of dreaming.

He knows that Shenzun is only a comprehension plane. It is reasonable to say that there will be no fairyland things, but God respects the mainland but there are really fairy objects, such as the fairy stones he got, and the tree of life...

And there are eight pieces of sacred stones in front of you. It is no wonder that the atmosphere in those stones is 100 times purer than the Lingshi, and the concentration of the aura is rich and bursting. Where is the aura, obviously the fairy.

Qin Feng suddenly had a feeling that if he absorbed the scent of the eight sacred stones in front of him, he would at least break through the late stage of the condensate, and even break through the ding in one fell swoop. The reason why Xiaoxiang pig said that Shenzun will be respected by Qin Feng is not because of the eight fairy stones, because the thing that resembles a compass is simply spelled out with Xianshi.

A billiard table size fairy stone puzzle? Qin Feng is difficult to accept the facts at hand.

There are at least a hundred sacred stones on this gossip plate. If all of them are used for cultivation, it is not a problem to break through to the catastrophe.

"No! If these things are true, why did the old guy who was sealed in the cave not take it?" Qin Feng suddenly woke up, he never believed in the good things in the sky.

The small pigs are gradually calming down from the shock and excitement, but a closer look at the front of the array and Lingjing Tongtianzhu is not a illusion, but a real object.

"I know, is this big array of battles to control the integration of planes?" Qin Feng suddenly came up with a bold idea.

He immediately tried to throw some Lingjing on the stage. Those Lingjing just fell into the stage and turned into aura. The nine spirits were absorbed by the Tianzhu, but in a few seconds, the aura in Lingjing was completely absorbed.

Qin Feng was stunned by the picture in front of him. Of course, he clearly understood the powerful aura contained in Ling Jing. Even if he is now repairing, it takes several days to absorb a crystal, and the front of the stage and the aura absorb the bottomless hole. Similarly, the ability to devour aura is even more terrifying than a scorpion.

However, when the dozens of Lingjing were absorbed, the floating fairy stone flashed a golden light, and Qin Feng immediately found that there was a crack in the middle of the compass, which seemed to have been damaged.

"Is it because the sacred stone compass is damaged, which caused a big mistake in this shocking array, so the space is confused?" Qin Feng suddenly thought of many problems.

In order to confirm his own conjecture, he immediately lost more than 100 Lingjing to the stage. The Lingjing was instantly absorbed into the rich aura, and the fairy stone flashed a golden light again. The crack is more pronounced.

Qin Feng can be sure that this Xianshi big array did have damage. Now it should not be able to operate normally. Even if there are countless energy sources in the nine Lingjing Tianzhu, but it does not move at all, it cannot provide the floating Xianshi compass. energy.

At this time, Qin Feng also realized another problem. The more than one hundred crystals he had thrown in did not play any role. It was not repairing the broken sin stone compass, but only showing the direction of the crack in the compass. It seems to be The person prompts to fix the position of the array.

Qin Feng does not think that he can repair this singular squad. The current array does not know what level he has reached. It may even be a fairy tales. But when he uses his knowledge to sweep over the Zixia Mountains, he is surprised to find out. The misplaced black hole stopped spreading.

"This is indeed the case, this Xianshi big array is the array method of controlling the plane fusion." Qin Feng was shocked.

He has found a way to prevent the spread of black holes, but he is not happy at all, because only by completely repairing this large array of celestial stones can he really remove the black hole space, but the front of the sacred stone array is not what he can perfect.

"Master, this kind of ancient array is arranged, the power of the array will be arranged to repair the array method, the Xianshi big array in front of it must have automatic repair method, but now the entire array can not run, resulting in repairing the array method Can't be used..."

"The owner is better off trying to get this stalwart to work, maybe you can find a breakthrough." Xiao Xiang pig gave advice.

Qin Feng realized that he was anxious to lose his thoughts. He had studied some ancient arrays in the "Facade of Dafa" and naturally knew that those super-matrix methods had a repairing array.

Qin Feng couldn't think too much. He immediately dumped Ling Jing, who had been searched from Xiaodongfu, into the stage. Although Qin Feng collected only half of the Lingjing of Jingfu, the number was amazing and they all piled up into a hill.

However, the speed at which the array absorbs the crystal is even more amazing. So the aura of the multi-linger crystal is catching up with the aura of the middle-class spirit. However, under the mad absorption of the stage, it is just a short fragrance time. Crystal Hill has disappeared.

Qin Feng said that it is a fake. He has been collecting so many Lingjing for the first time since he was sent to the Shenzun Continent. Those Lingjing are not used for cultivation, and it is not a problem to break through to the middle of the condensate.

When the Lingjing was absorbed, the nine Lingjing Tianzhu suddenly shone, and the original dazzling light was now extremely dazzling.

Qin Feng felt that the land under his feet began to shake. The floating sacred stone compass slowly turned, and the sacred stone inlaid on the compass was as bright and colorful as if it were a colorful cloud.

"Move! Master! The fairy rock is moving!"

Xiao Xiang pig excitedly shouted, Qin Feng has also realized that he succeeded, as long as the Xianshi big array is running, I believe that the repairing array will start on its own.

Just before he was happy for a while, the light of Jiu Lingling’s Tianzhu and Xianshi compass began to dim. Qin Feng’s heart was a dark-hearted colleague who was eating a reiki machine. He gritted his teeth from the small hole house. Three soul pools were thrown out.

The aura in the soul pool is more turbulent, but it is also absorbed after the two musk time.

The light of Lingjing Tongtianzhu and Xianshi Compass was once again strong. This time, the rotation speed of the fairy stone compass was obviously accelerated, and finally rose to the upper sky.


A series of strange arrays of fluctuations spread, Qin Feng looked at the beautiful disc rotation, there is a illusion of being in a fairyland. From the array method, the rich aura is overflowing, and it is richer than the space of the astral space.

"Master! The repair method has started!" Xiao Xiang pig is excited.

Qin Feng immediately looked up and found that there was a small floating array above the fairy stone compass. The array of Qin Feng was completely invisible, and even the first contact with this type of formation.

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