Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 2039: Hunting breakthrough

Since the last hunting hunter swallowed the bloodthirsty worm at the bottom of Wanhu, it was in a state of slumber. Xiaoxiang pig said that the time it was sleeping could not be determined. It may be a few months, maybe several years, or even decades. .

Qin Feng now finds that he and Xiao Xiang pig are too underestimated the phagocytic ability of the hunting scorpion. This little belly is simply a bottomless pit. The hundreds of thousands of blood-sucking worms have been digested by it, and this food has woke up and smashed. I want to eat.

It was this short gap time, Zhang Sanhe actually broke through the venue and flew to Qin Feng. At this time, he completely became a fireman, and the madness of burning blood broke out in the real element, and a pair of people who want to go with Qin Feng.

But before he rushed to Qin Feng, his body suddenly paused in the air. This time it was not the effect of the formation of Qin Feng's exhibition site, but the hunting hunter had already penetrated into his body.

"What the **** is this? You ants dare to play sneak attacks..."

Zhang Sanhe's look changed. He felt a strong death crisis. What seemed to enter the body, he was madly swallowing the real yuan in his body.

Qin Feng immediately took out a few knives, but this is a great power, he is afraid that the power of hunting a person is difficult to win Zhang Sanhe.

The void immediately emerged as a purple awn, like the glory of the wilderness, but Zhang Sanhe did not appreciate the beauty of the scenery. He was very clear about the horrible murder hidden under the beautiful purple awn.

While blocking the offensive of Qin Feng, while also curbing the attack of hunting hunters in the body, Zhang Sanhe has felt powerless, and the explosion of the body from time to time.

"No! What the **** is this? Is it actually consuming my Yuan Ying?"

Zhang Sanhe screamed, and it was only at this moment that he really felt fear.

Once the monk stepped into the realm of Ding Ding, the former Yuanshen will be condensed into a Yuan Ying. As long as the Yuan Ying is not destroyed, the Ding can be used forever, but now Zhang Sanhe feels that the Yuan Ying is damaged. He is still listening for the first time. Say something can devour Yuan Ying.

Although I can't believe this fact, Zhang Sanhe's Yuan Ying is rapidly decreasing. He realizes that the biggest enemy now is not Qin Feng, but the strange thing that flies into his body.

Yuan Ying is a lifelong repair of a monk. Once the Yuan Ying weakens, it means that the monk's repair is greatly reduced. When the Yuan Ying disappears completely, it proves that the monk has completely fallen.

Zhang Sanhe immediately condensed all the real elements and tried to force out the hunting. The real power was extremely fierce, and the hunting hunts could not bear it and flew out of him.

Only Zhang Sanhe’s Yuan Ying has been swallowed up by the hunters, and he has been repaired for a rapid decline. Qin Feng has already sensed the weakness of the other party and launched a storm on desperation.


The loud noise shook the sky.

For a time, all kinds of strong offensives such as swords, swords and fires fell on Zhang Sanhe's body like rain. Zhang Sanhe's body was no longer bearable, and it was completely destroyed after a violent explosion. However, an object wrapped in white light quickly flew into the distance, and even the speed of Qin Feng did not react.

"Not good master, the other's Yuan Ying wants to escape." Xiao Xiang pig eagerly shouted.

Qin Feng has already learned about the power of Ding Ding. If Yuan Ying is not destroyed, as long as he wins the body and spirit of other monks, he can quickly recover to the peak period. If Zhang Sanhe’s Yuan Ying escapes, it will become a huge hidden danger. .

However, when Qin Feng followed the Feijian to catch up, another golden light flashed away. In the distance, Zhang Sanhe’s screams came from the sky, and when Qin Feng rushed to the scene, the screams had disappeared. What he saw was The hunting hunter is consuming a picture of a huge ball of light.

"This little guy is too fierce, even the Yuan Ying who took the trip to Ding is dare to eat?" Qin Feng was shocked.

Yuan Ying stores the life-long cultivation of the Ding Dian, and the energy is endless. Even Qin Feng does not dare to take it for cultivation, let alone directly swallow it, so that it must be killed.

However, these conditions did not occur in the hunting scorpion. It only used a fragrant time to swallow a Yuan Ying, who was born with a big sensation, and then took a full look, showing a satisfied look.

Qin Feng soon discovered that the body of the hunting scorpion had changed. At the speed visible to the naked eye, the skin faded from the original golden skin to purple black.

And in the belly of the hunting scorpion, there seems to be a night jewel, which reveals the looming light. Qin Feng thought it was the Yuan Ying who had not yet digested it, but listened to Xiao Xiang said: "Master! It is not Yuan Ying, it is The beast of the hunting falcon - the hunting hunter has broken through, and now it is a secondary star beast."

Qin Feng has been hunting for a few years. He has always seen it eat wildly, but he has not seen any changes. As a result, after the hunter swallowed a Yuan Ying, who was born with a big power, it automatically broke through, which made Qin Feng very surprised.

"Small pig, after the breakthrough, the hunter has a new ability, what is it now? Can you single out a monk?"

The little pig turned his eyes and said: "The owner thinks more. The hunting hunter has only one phagocytic function regardless of the level of blasting. It has no fighting ability now, but the defensive ability is enhanced. If you encounter a Buddhist monk, you should be able to Self-protection."

"..." Qin Feng.

In this way, there is not much difference between hunting and upgrading.

Xiao Xiang pig can read Qin Feng's mind and smiled: "Master, can't say no difference. After the upgrade, the appetite's appetite is bigger. The owner should give him more food. The breakthrough is to eat, wait for food. To a certain extent, it will automatically break through."

Qin Feng took a black line, and where he raised himself was a ferocious superstar beast, which was completely a food.

After the hunting hunts swallowed the Yuan Ying of Zhang Sanhe, the eyelids began to shrugged down, and a pair of sleepy postures, Qin Feng was planning to let it not sleep, so that the power transmission array over the Zixia Mountains appeared. Passed over, but before he could open his mouth, the hunting hunter had already slept.

Qin Feng mouth slammed, but the hunting hunter was put back into the system. He released his knowledge and swept around the Zixia Mountains, and found no traces of other monks.

According to the report of the monk of Beishazhou, many foreign monks came from this transmission gate. Qin Feng only met five people from the Zhangjia family in the snowy city of Xihaizhou. It seems that other outsiders have left the Zixia Mountains and went to the north. Other areas of Shazhou.

Qin Feng is still not sure about the situation of this transmission array. He does not know where the monks who were sent from are coming from, whether it is from Zhang Sanhe and others, from Xihaizhou, even from the secrets of the snowy holy land. .

If it really comes from the secrets of the snowy holy land, Qin Feng’s heart can’t help but worry. The concentration of aura in Xihaizhou is comparable to that of Nanping Island. Even the famous name surpasses Nanpingzhou. The monks from the sacred land are naturally extraordinary. Powerful.

Qin Feng once again felt that the level of monasticism in Beishazhou was too backward. Apart from him, the realm of illusory gods has become the identity of the strongest people who have not entered the world. As for the late real spirits and the peaks of the peaks, they have reached the ranks of the top strong people in Beishazhou. The second Qin Feng killed many unsuccessful immortals, and destroyed many five-star factions. It also caused the level of monasticism in Beishazhou to fall down several levels.

Such a continent, I am afraid that it is a strong stalwart that can be dominated by a strong body. If there are a few more powerful powers, Qin Feng does not know whether he can kill the other side.

Three days later, Qin Feng did not meet other monks in the vicinity of the Zixia Mountains. As for the transmission array of the void, no monks were sent. Qin Feng realized that this transmission array was not so easy to come in. Zhang Sanhe was afraid that it would be misunderstood and passed from Xihaizhou to Beishazhou.

On the fifth day, Qin Feng rushed back to the Hero City. He ordered the North Shazhou monks to start a carpet search for foreign monks. When the search was launched three days later, they found a wave of five-person foreign troops.

When Qin Feng saw these five people, his heart was puzzled. The highest of the five men was only the early stage of the condensate, and there were two middle periods of the virtual **** and two late real spirits.

"Where did you come from?"

Qin Feng has a strong and fierce real thing. Although he only shows the realm of a layer of condensate, the tumbling momentum of the body is comparable to that of the peak of the condensate, and even the power of the dynasty.

The predecessors of the five people who took the lead immediately replied: "The ancestors were angry, we also inadvertently entered a formation, and then sent here, we do not know where this is, and have been looking for a way back recently. If the seniors can help a few seniors, the younger generation is willing to provide rich cultivation resources in return."

These five people are obviously shocked by the strong performance of Qin Feng. Qin Feng said coldly: "You have not answered my question yet. Where did you come from, who is it?"

The old man immediately replied: "Predecessors, we are the disciples of the magical capital, my name is Fang Wuji. Originally we were exploring the snowy holy land, and after passing through a secret gate, we were transferred to this place, if we bothered Wherever, I hope that my predecessors will forgive me..."

There are some speculations in Qin Feng’s mind. It seems that the transmission array appearing over the Zixia Valley is a directional transmission. It can only be transmitted from a secret entrance to the holy land of Xihaizhou. He also realizes that the snowy secret is not too A big danger, otherwise it is impossible to go to death in vain by the repair of a few people.

"Where are the devils?" Qin Feng suddenly asked.

Fang Wuji and the four disciples behind him all showed an incredible look. Fang Wuji said: "Predecessors, you, you don't know the devil?"

Qin Feng realized that the magic is estimated to be a well-known place in Xihaizhou, and he has never been to Xihaizhou, how can he know those.

"When you ask what you answer, I will be welcome if you talk nonsense." Qin Feng's face was cold.

The four disciples at the gate of the road were frightened and frightened. Only after a moment, his eyes shot an incredible light, and the instinctive shouted out: "Predecessors, is this not the boundary of Xihaizhou?"

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