Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 2062: Counterattack

Gao Mingxi gave a slight glimpse. After returning to God, he laughed: "Ha ha! The old man did not hear it wrong? You want to kill me? Are you crazy?"

Qin Feng said with a serious face: "I am not crazy, you are just taking the lead, what can't you kill?"

Gao Mingxi stopped laughing and looked at Qin Feng with a suspicious look. He wanted to see the flaws from Qin Feng's subtle expression or his eyes, but the other side looked grim, not like a joke.

But this is obviously a big joke, a mid-term monk in the middle of the body wants to kill the late power of Ding? No matter which continent you are on the mainland, no one will believe it.

And the monks of Ding Ding have already counted as a top rank in the Shenzun Continent. Even if there is a catastrophe, a sacredness, or even the power of the true God, how many such strong esteems can there be? However, in Qin Feng’s mouth, it’s worthless to say that it’s worthy of repairing it. It seems to be arrogant in Gaomingxi.

"I don't know the cockroaches who are tall and thick, and the old man will let you see the horror of the monks."

Gao Mingxi was too lazy to talk nonsense.

This scene is exactly the same as that in the martial arts field. However, Qin Feng did not know that he had experienced dozens of such scenes in the martial arts field. His look did not change at all, and he was able to play the venue with ease and then fell to the edge of the field.

The loud noise exploded.

The action of Qin Feng goes through the clouds and flows in one go.

When the raging knife gas burst on the body, Gao Mingxi’s old eyes were about to lie on the ground, and the incredible stare at Qin Feng shouted: “How is this possible? Do you know that I want to burn the blood and force the venue?”

Qin Feng laughed and said nothing, followed by another knife.

Although he found a way to break the armor of Gaomingxi's Xuanhuo armor in the Wushu, it is also extremely difficult behavior. He must grasp every minute and every second, and a little mistake will be killed.

As Qin Feng expected, Gao Mingxi was irritated and screamed out after a long bang.

In the storm, there was no way to see the knife. Qin Feng immediately displayed the venue and found that there was a raging knife in the snow.


The knife fell, and Gao Mingxi was shocked.

Since he cultivated the Gaojia illusion knife to Dacheng, no one under the same level can escape his knife. Even if he stepped into the power of Ding, he would suffer, but he did not expect a mid-term. The ants were actually cracked.

"How did you do it?" Gao Mingxi even forgot to continue the attack.

Qin Feng mouth sneaked a sneer, everything is in his grasp: "You have not used a high-profile knives in front of you, I have learned."

"This is absolutely impossible! Gaojia illusion knife is unpredictable. The old man has been practicing for decades in Dacheng. You can only understand the essence when you read it again. Are you a three-year-old boy?"

Gao Mingxi did not believe that he was killed. Qin Feng said with care: "If you practice for decades, your qualifications are too bad... You don't believe it, then you can see it clearly."


Qin Feng’s words fell, and the feet were cut out.

The purple knives of the original cockroaches did not appear, and there was not even a smoldering atmosphere in the snow. The whole person in Gaomingxi stood in the snow, as if he had been taken away by the soul.

When Qin Feng came out of the knife, he realized that Qin Feng did not lie. This ants had only seen him play a magical knife, and he could understand the essence of the knife technique.

Just between the breath, the loud noise has already exploded in Gao Mingxi. He could have escaped the knife, but he was gone because of the incomparable shock.

Qin Feng did all the best, and did not cause too much damage to Gaomingxi. The latter spit out blood and stepped back two steps, and then stood in the snow like a nobody.

However, Qin Feng was not concerned about Gao Mingxi's injury. He used the knowledge of God to sweep over the Xuanhuo armor worn by the other side. He found that there were many cracks in the armor, and his heart could not help but be overjoyed.

"I really looked down on your cockroach ant, the repair of the four districts, but it can hurt the old man. Even if it is the whole Xihaizhou, you are the top genius monk among the peers. Unfortunately, you have no eyes and you are offended. Old man, there is only one death in the end!"

Gao Mingxi re-shot the fine mans in a pair of old eyes, but also with infinite murder.

Where is Qin Feng waiting for him to talk nonsense, the hands of the feet quickly smashed dozens of knives, followed by a few shots of the spirit of the sunflower, but also took out the hundred miles of light and bombed.

The three strong and fierce offensives fell at the same time, and the snow was blown out of countless potholes. Today, the hundred miles of light are powered by supernova stones, and the power is endless.

When Qin Feng’s cards were all thrown out, the fierce offensive shocked Gao Mingxi. He couldn’t even use his knife skills, and his body was constantly bumped, like drunken drunkards, stumbling all the way.


After a full fragrant time, the sound of the explosion finally subsided.

Gao Mingxi’s robes were ruined, and the cloaks were scattered. They looked extremely embarrassed and no longer had the demeanor.

But his mouth opened and his face showed a crazy smile: "Haha! Say you are an ant, don't you refuse, even if the old man is standing here to let you attack? How can you kill the old man?"

As early as in the Wuyu area, Qin Feng knew that it was difficult to kill each other with his current cultivation. His gods swept the sacred fire armor of Gaomingxi, and the armor was covered with dense cracks of spider silk, along with Gao Mingxi’s body. The breath has soared and turned into pieces flying around.

"Oh! Who said that I am killing you, I just want to break your armor." Qin Feng felt a long sigh of relief, his first step has been completed.

Gao Mingxi's look changed greatly, and immediately looked at the body. When he realized that the Xuanhuo armor broke and blew up, the old man shook his anger and nervous look.

Without the Xuanhuo armor, Gao Mingxi's body was immediately covered with snow and snow, and there was a layer of ice on his face. He could not see the appearance.

"Oh, ah... you don't know the ants and ants who live and die, but dare to swear by the old man. If the old man does not kill you today, he will return to farming."

Gao Mingxi was angry and burned, and his body suddenly burst into raging fire. He has become a fireman, walking in this snow and ice is extremely weird, but the flame is quickly extinguished, and some are even frozen in the snow.

The flames were frozen in the ice, and the scene looked very magical.

Gao Mingxi gas bites his teeth, he also wants to kill Qin Feng by burning blood, the result is still a small look at the ice cold weather of the fifth layer of snow, completely not the place where people should come.

"Gao Mingxi, today is your death!"

Qin Feng immediately discovered the abnormality of Gaomingxi, and his hands fell.

Waiting until the purple knives of the scorpion are now bursting in the body of Gaomingxi. After he has no Xuanhuo armor, he feels that he has fallen sharply.

"This guy's change is too big?" Qin Feng was surprised.

Xiao Xiang pig quickly said: "Master! We are all small and strong for nine days of snow. The bad weather here is extraordinary. If there is no Lingkuo Tianhuo body, the owner is afraid that it will have been frozen to death."

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