Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 2071: Water source

"Bad boy, do you know who the old man is? The seven-star array method is the old man who is the deputy head of the three-line squad. If you listen to me, the old man can consider letting you join the three-level battle, and focus on training. But if you don’t obey, it’s okay for you to go out after you’ve gone out.”

Zhou Naishan was patiently exhausted and wanted to hold down Qin Feng.

However, seeing Qin Feng’s indifferent saying: “Since you don’t want to say it, then I don’t force it. If you can’t kill you, continue to look for the upper reaches of the river.”

Zhou Shoushan glared at Qin Feng with an incredible gaze: "What do you say? Just rely on your ants to kill the old man? Don't think that the old man is trapped by the worms here, so you want to destroy you. The thing between the breaths, not to mention the old man's layout of the six-level defensive array, even if you let the attack, you can not break."

When she learned that Qin Feng had the idea of ​​working on Zhou Shoushan, the red dust dance was shocked. Although she knew that Qin Feng had killed Gao Tianxiang and Gao Mingxi, she was not present at the time. It is impossible to intuitively see the power of Qin Feng.

"Who said that I want to break the line." Qin Feng has an indifferent attitude, it seems that the six-level defense array in front of him is ineffective for him.

Zhou Suishan couldn't understand the confidence of Qin Feng, but he looked at the calmness of Qin Feng's eyes and did not seem to be loaded, which made him feel a little uneasy.

"If you can't break it, then quickly get out, otherwise wait for the old man to endure patiently, and you and the stinky girl don't want to live alive." The old mountain roared to hide the anxiety in his heart.

Qin Feng smiled and said: "We can't walk two, not only do not go, but also continue to look upstream along the river. If you really want to start, then hurry, don't be like a mother-in-law."

"..." Zhoushan.

As the deputy head of the three-star squad of the Snowy City, the first time, I saw that some people dared to say that he was like a girl. If this is passed to other populations, it must be Qin Feng. The daring arrogance is shocking.

Qin Feng is indeed daring, but not at all arrogant. He is very aware of the situation of the age-old mountain at this time. If there is no protection of the six-level defensive array, the old man does not know how many hundred times he died.

Zhousui Mountain is completely trapped in the six-level defensive array that he has set up. He can’t get out of it. He can’t walk away. He can only watch the ice spirits crawling full of masks, and then wait for others to come. Rescue.

"I don't know the tall and thick ants ant junior! You really can't kill you as an old man?"

Qin Feng was unmoved and said indifferently: "Then I will give you three seconds. If you don't do it again, I will start."

Zhou Shengshan has lived for a lifetime and has not been so arrogant as he is now. He can see at a glance that Qin Feng has only the cultivation of the four bodies. This kind of ants ants usually shoot a group of dead people, but they are now helpless by the ice spirits. To live, you must put all your energy on the resistance to the ice spirit, and you have to think about it with Qin Feng.

"The old man has no time to take care of your grandchildren. If you see you in the future, it will be fine to kill you a hundred times." Zhoushan is full of resentment.

Qin Feng sneered aloud: "Oh! Do you think you have a chance to go out? Since you don't dare to do it, then I am welcome."

When the words fall, Qin Feng circled around the week of the mountain, as if he was observing something.

The age of the mountain is unknown, but his state of mind has gradually calmed down. In his eyes, Qin Feng is just a scorpion ant, even if it is really hands-on? Even the defensive array he arranged could not be broken...

Even after a while, the mind of Zhou Shoushan is no longer in the matter of Qin Feng’s work on him, but why is the ice worm not attacking Qin Feng?


When the age of the mountain was puzzling, Qin Feng suddenly jumped in the air, and the flag in his hand was scattered like a celestial woman. When it landed, it was connected into a white aperture.

The age-old mountain stayed on the spot, stupidly looking at the six-level array formed in an instant, revealing a look of a living ghost. He didn't even see what this is, what is the role?

"You can arrange a six-level big array? Who are you?" Zhoushan is full of shock.

But before Qin Feng replied, his look changed greatly. He already understood the effect of the arrangement of Qin Feng. It turned out to change the structure of the six-level defensive array he arranged, and directly let the defensive array break.

At this moment, the mountain is like lightning in the body, and he is stunned.

As a six-level tactical master, he knows the deep mystery of the formation more than anyone else, especially when he reaches the sixth level, he will form his own system of formation. That is to say, different masters of the array, even if they are arranged in the same array, there will be countless array structures...

However, Qin Feng just walked a few laps around him, and saw that he had broken out the six-level defense array he had arranged, forcibly changing the structure of the array and letting the defensive array burst.


At the moment of the bursting of the array, tens of thousands of ice spirits rushed in. The age-old mountain was still immersed in the shock of Qin Feng's break. When he returned to God, his body was frozen into ice sculpture.

Subtle ruptures came out.

At the next moment, the body of the Zhoushan Mountain cracked a little, and eventually the cracks were covered with stalks, and the glass fragments were scattered.

The power of a squad of the sect of the sect of the sect of the squadron is ruined. Even if it is seen by the eyes, the red dust dance is somewhat unacceptable.

"It seems that the repair of the realm of Ding is also difficult to resist the attack of the ice spirit. I don't know if Wang Liuzhongming can survive the robbery of God." Qin Feng was also shocked by the picture in front of him, muttering in his heart.

After a few seconds, the broken body of the mountain fell into the river and washed away with the river. The water temperature was obviously zero, and the ice melted and disappeared at the end of the river.

"Let's continue on our way." Qin Feng returned to the world and has already left the age-old mountain behind.

The two continued to fly high above the river, and after half an hour, they finally came to the end of the river.

"Qin predecessors, this underground river seems to be over." The red dust dance tone is a little excited.

Qin Feng stopped the flying sword and landed. The gods had already swept out. Two hundred meters in front of him was a huge water source, and the water source was a floating ice layer.

The ice layer does not know how high it is, even the knowledge of Qin Feng can not be worn, and the river water in the underground river channel is actually formed by the ice layer melting and dripping. Don't underestimate the melting water droplets. When they get together, they will fall like waterfalls and set off waves of water.

"Qin predecessors, where are the ice layers leading to?" The red dust dance also tried to sweep away with the gods, but it did not sweep through the space above the ice.

"My knowledge is not clear, but I guess it is likely to be the harsh environment of the nine days of snow." Qin Feng said.

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