Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 513: Was dissected again

On the first floor of the hall, the yin and yang two old couples broke out all the strengths, and it was difficult to distinguish them with the ghost face mountain people. Qin Feng would have leisurely and came to the third floor of the amusement city.

After the Fengyun Amusement City was seized, it was reopened now, and the distribution of the pattern inside has not changed. As before, the first floor is the gambling hall, the second floor is the bathing center, and the third floor is a small room separated by a small room. The room is equipped with simple medical equipment, which gives people the illusion of being in the ward.

Although he has not climbed to the fourth floor, Qin Feng can also think of the fourth floor as a large monitoring room and several small offices.

Qin Feng guessed that Hua Yan was locked in an office on the fourth floor, but he would not rush to the fourth floor to save people, but carefully look at the situation on the third floor.

The task of the branch of the cloud province is to find out the real action of the cooperation between Lijia and Yunmen in Yunhai City. Qin Feng always feels that this Fengyun Amusement City is not as simple as the surface. At the beginning, Qin Feng and Liu Bingbing seized it here. Just on the third floor, the anatomy room was discovered. Qin Feng has a kind of hunch. This third floor is probably the secret base of cooperation between Li Jia and Qingmen.

"Ha ha! Qin Feng... don't come innocent!" Qin Feng is seriously studying the situation on the third floor. A cold laugh suddenly sounded from behind, Qin Feng turned and looked, and the earthquake struck.

"Is it you? You didn't die?" Looking at the opposite side, Li Shaojie, who was bloodless, Qin Feng slammed his arm, and the pain told Qin Feng that this was not a dream.

"Ha ha ha! Dead? Why do I die? Do you think that a shot pierced my heart, I will die? Qin Feng, there are too many magical powers and spells in the world, you will not understand." Li Shaojie Seeing Qin Feng, his face was angry and excited, and he looked very weird.

"Hey! I didn't expect you to be alive... but it doesn't matter. I am killing you once." The shock of Qin Feng's heart has not dissipated. He used to pierce Li Shaojie with a fire dragon gun in the Amethyst Dragon Palace. Heart, how can this kid be resurrected?

"Ha ha ha! Qin Feng ah Qin Feng, who do you think of yourself? Want to kill me to kill me? Now you, in the eyes of Laozi is a cockroach ant, Lao Tzu can slap you at any time!" Li Shaojie from When I started, I laughed and laughed. He laughed and his tears came out and couldn’t stop.

Qin Feng’s heart is very vigilant. Li Shaojie’s death and resurrection is strange enough. He is now a vowed person. Is there any cards in hand?

Li Shaojie did not have any cards. He just stood behind the two six-story Qingmen warriors. In Li Shaojie's view, Qin Feng is also the inner three-layered warrior. Even if this time breaks through, the death is also the inner four layers. Li Shaojie will naturally not put Qin Feng in his eyes.

"Look at you so arrogant, then we are singled out!" Qin Feng smiled at Li Shaojie, he also found that Li Shaojie seems to have no strength, but only relying on the two inner six-layered warriors behind him to dare to arrogant.

"Ha ha ha! Qin Feng, I haven't seen you for more than three months. Have you got water in your head? Why are you singled out with you... You two, give me a live catch of Qin Feng, I have to personally dissect him and let him Life is better than death!"

It is a miracle that Li Shaojie can be resurrected now. He does not have combat power now, and his body is still very weak. Naturally, he is not an opponent of Qin Feng.

With one order, the two young disciples behind him suddenly rushed to Qin Feng. Qin Feng’s mouth was slightly raised. He was confident that he would kill the two disciples in three strokes, but Qin Feng did not start, and raised his hand to smash.

"Li Da Shao, other, you are the two masters of the six inner layers. Where are my opponents? We are also alumni before, you give me a face, let me go!" Qin Feng hippie smile Li Shaojie, Li Shaojie suddenly smiled and bent.

"Haha! Qin Feng, you have something special today, you beg me, continue to ask Laozi, you just kneel on the ground and ask me, the attitude is sincere enough, Laozi will consider letting you go."

The two young disciples grabbed Qin Feng’s shoulders from the left and right. Li Shaojie thought that Qin Feng was completely controlled. This would be unscrupulous.

"Li Da Shao, you are not enough in this way, we are also equal in school, you let me beg you, my heart is more difficult." Qin Feng said with a bitter face.

"I want to hit your face, the more you are shameful, the more happy I am in my heart... Hurry up, squatting to the old man!" Li Shaojie squinted at Qin Feng, feeling the humiliation of the past. I have to go back.

"Then you kill me, forget, can kill can not be humiliated!" Qin Feng looked like a stubborn look at Li Shaojie, Li Shaojie laughter stopped, a bit dumbfounded: "Hey! I said Qin Da Shao, before Why didn't I see it, what are you so special about?"

"This big and the young have always been like this, you are now down in the black trousers of the uncle, but still have time!" Qin Feng proudly laughed.

"You are a fool, I will give you a face. You really climbed up... Give me to the anatomy room. I have to personally dissect this kid. When your internal organs are dug out by the old man to feed the dog, I see if you still have such a strong spirit, hahaha!" Li Shaojie laughed into a room, and Qin Feng was also taken in by the two Qingmen disciples.

The room was not big, there was a bed inside, and there were some simple medical equipment next to it.

"Haha, give me to press him on the bed." Li Shaojie looked at Qin Feng with a burning gaze. Qin Feng had some guilty conscience: "Hey, what do you want to do, I warn you, don't touch me, I am against men." not interested!"

Li Shaojie’s mouth slammed, and I didn’t know that there was nothing else in Qin Feng’s mind except for ‘sex’. He took a look at Qin Feng, and Li Shaojie was busy with himself. After a while, he took a large syringe and smiled at Qin Feng.

"Ah! What kind of thing is this special thing, you don't mess around, be careful that I bite my tongue and kill myself. At that time, you can only **** the corpse." Qin Feng was a nervous and scared look.

Li Shaojie rolled his eyes and quickly calmed down. He smiled and said: "Qin Da Shao, don't be afraid, you said, but we are alumni, how can I be against you? This is a powerful anesthetic. For a while, I will open up your stomach and take out your internal organs. If you don’t do this, you will be sore and want to die. You see, our classmates, how much I take care of you! ”

Li Shaojie smiled on his face and had already used needles to plunge into Qin Feng's body. Qin Feng was struggling to resist, but there were two inner-level six-door disciples, and Qin Feng could not get away. Li Shaojie liked this feeling. He saw that Qin Feng was angry but not guilty. He was not happy in his heart.

"Hey, this powerful anesthetic will soon produce results. After five minutes, I will start dissecting you... You can rest assured that when I completely dissect you, it happens that the anesthetic effect disappears. At that time, you will wake up and see my masterpiece, right, then you will also feel the feeling of being unwilling to die, hahaha!" Li Shaojie took out the scalpel, a schizophrenic Crazy look.

Qin Feng listened to Li Shaojie's words, and the eyelids began to fight, slowly falling asleep.

"Look at him in a coma." Li Shaojie said to the two young disciples.

One of them inspected Qin Feng and said: "Brother, he is already in a coma."

"Hey! You can go out, let me give you a big hand here." Li Shaojie jumped excitedly. The two young disciples retired and took the door. Li Shaojie looked at Qin Feng, who was sleeping on the bed, and his mouth was cracked.

"Qin Feng, Lao Tzu has what you want today, thanks to what you have given. The people you make with Lao Tzu are not ghosts, and Lao Tzu wants you to taste this feeling." Li Shaojie smiled suddenly and his eyes spurted a strong flame.

The last time Qin Feng came to Fengyun Amusement City to save Bai Qing, Li Zhaojie was transferred to the doctor, and the doctor gave Li Shaojie an anatomy. When he thought of this, Li Shaojie vomited blood. However, Li Shaojie was even more angry. Qin Feng was shot by a heart. Because of that shot, Li Shaojie’s current body is not a ghost. Every time he thinks about it, he feels sick.

"Ah? You... how are you awake?" Li Shaojie grabbed the scalpel, was about to cut through Qin Feng's belly, Qin Feng suddenly woke up, his face raised a bad smile, scared Li Shaojie trembling.

"Hey? How do I wake up? I am also very surprised. You are not saying that this medicine needs to wait until I am dissected to be invalid. It is not an anesthetic that has expired." Qin Feng said with a smile.

Where is the anesthetic expired, but before Qin Feng was injected with anesthetic, the system was exchanged for the agent to relieve the anesthetic, and it took Qin Feng 200 points.

"Impossible, you can't wake up, the narcotics can't expire, come..." Li Shaojie has already felt that something is wrong, just calling out the guard outside, Qin Feng fell to the palm of his hand, and easily took Li Shaojie to stun. It is.

"Hey! What's the special thing to dissect Laozi, I said that you have an anatomy. Is it strange, how is this guy resurrected?" Qin Feng looked at Li Shaojie who was lying in bed, how did he think? do not understand.

Aside from those messy thoughts, Qin Feng directly found a black cloth to put Li Shaojie's head on, and then put on the blue ice magical armor, and changed into the appearance of Li Shaojie to get out of the room.

"Senior brother, have you dissected so quickly?" The two six-layered Qingmen disciples were kept outside the door and saw Qin Feng coming out and asking.

"Cough! I haven't started dissecting yet." Qin Feng imitated Li Shaojie's voice.

The two young disciples did not see the flaws: "What is the command of the brothers?"

Qin Feng turned his eyes and said: "I can't do it alone, you can call the doctor, I need his help."

"Okay, brothers wait!" One of the Qingmen disciples went out to call people. Qin Feng went back to the ward and waited. After a while, a middle-aged man wearing a white coat walked in: "Li Shao, there is whats the matter?"

Qin Feng faintly swept the eye on the bed of Li Shaojie, said: "Go to dissect the kid!"

Middle-aged doctors are not nonsense. Lisuo’s gloves are worn by Li Shaojie. It is obviously a matter of anatomy: “Li Shao, where is the anatomy?”

Qin Feng screamed: "Is the whole body anatomy not?"

"of course can."

"Okay, then dissect his whole body." Qin Feng ordered, the middle-aged doctor nodded and took out some of the equipment needed for surgery and alcohol gauze hemostatic agent, and began to work.

Qin Feng stood on the side and looked a little disgusting, but Qin Feng did not stop it, because he had shot the heart of Li Shaojie at first, and now I want to see, what is the heart of this kid?

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