Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 838: Poisonous body

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Huaxia foreign martial arts forces are crowded!

The location of the major sects is generally built in the uninhabited suburbs!

The poison gate base was built in a barren hill outside Kyoto City. The whole mountain was filled with various poisons. The average person did not dare to approach this mountainous area and was named poison mountain.

Today, a large group of people came to the poison mountain, and a dozen warriors protected a man and a woman from going to the poison door.

The man is in his early fifties, tall and burly, with a lot of thoughts, the woman around him is up and down, it is the age of Fenghua Zhengmao.

The woman is not very good-looking, or there is no way to tell if she is beautiful or ugly, because the woman is too fat, and it seems a little hard to walk.

The giant fat woman is Zhao Lingxian and Qin Feng's classmate Ma Cui. A few months ago, Qin Feng returned to the city and gave Ma Cui a birthday. At the birthday party, when playing the real heart adventure, he also kissed Ma Cui. .

"Dad, here are all poisonous scorpions, I am a little scared!" Ma Cui is a girl after all, seeing the poison that climbed up and down the mountain, and jumped into the man's arms.

The burly middle-aged man is called Ma Yuanshan. He is the father of Ma Cui. His face frowns and his daughter is comforted by the distressed look: "Xin Xin, there are dads, those poisons don't hurt you..."

Ma Cui still had some worries, and looked at her father with pity: "Dad, let's go back, I don't want to go to any poison door."

Ma Yuanshan sighed for a long time, and he did not want to send his daughter to the poison door. The poison door was full of poisonous monsters, but Ma Cui gave birth to a strange disease. When he was born, there was a poison gas that could not dissipate.

With the growth of Ma Cui, the poison gas in her body is also increasing. According to the inferior of Ma’s father, if this poison gas does not want to be removed, Ma Cui will live for half a year.

Ma Yuanshan has searched all the famous doctors in the world, but he has never been able to cure his daughter. Now he has only the last hope, and that is the poison door.

"Xin Xin, Dad promised you, will always be with you, let's go to the poison door to find someone to look at, I will take you home after reading." Ma Yuanshan loved his daughter's head, Ma Cui's eyes There was a trace of fear, but she nodded.

The closer a group is to the poison gate base, the more poison the mountain has become.

The little snakes, the huge scorpions, the red dragonflies, the colored moths... Every poison looks like people have the urge to vomit.

Ma Cui's body began to tremble, not to mention that she was a girl's family, that is, Ma Yuanshan saw the poison of the land full of guilt...

"Who is here? Do you dare to smother my poisonous holy land?"

An old voice suddenly came. Ma Yuanshan and the dozens of Majia guards had not seen the situation clearly. A black shadow fell on the hill more than ten meters away.

The poisonous door protects the old man from the old man, standing in a black robe and a straw hat, and the whole person transmits a cold breath.

Ma Yuanshan quickly raised his hand and everyone in the Ma family stopped.

"Predecessors, we are the foreign martial arts Majiapu people, do not intend to break into your holy place, just because my daughter got a strange disease, I want to ask for poison door to help treat it, after the event, I will be sent to Majiabao Rich rewards..."

Ma Cui’s Weijia Majia is a branch of Majiapu in the outer martial arts. Majiapu is also a small martial art in the outer martial arts. If it is placed in the secular world, it is a very powerful existence. Yuan Fu had warned Qin Feng not to easily provoke Ma Cui.

Yang Lao obviously knows Ma Jiabao, but he doesn't care at all. Compared with the poison door, Ma Jiabao is really nothing.

"Far fare, are you a medical institution when we are poisoned? Let's take your people away, and then don't take it for yourself!" Yang looked cold and his attitude was very strong.

Ma Cui nervously took his father's arm, and looked like a pleading for the father to leave, but Ma Yuanshan did not leave. This poison door is the last hope of her daughter to live. Even if he died here today, Ma Yuanshan will see it. The door of the poison door is fine.

"Predecessors, my family loved a woman from a young age and got a strange disease, there is a poisonous gas in the body can not be discharged, this gas is like growing in her body, and as the age grows, the gas becomes more and more... I have heard the poison The door is the first venomous martial art of the martial arts. I believe that if you take the shot, you will be able to save my family and love the girl..."

Ma Yuanshan pleaded with enthusiasm, and refused to change the strong old look of the old man. His body shape flashed and suddenly stood in front of Ma Cui.

"Dad..." At a close distance, Ma Cui saw the sly face under the old straw hat, and scared to drill into his father's arms.

Ma Yuanshan was also shocked. He couldn’t understand how Yang Lao suddenly flew over. Is this a matter of disagreement?

"Predecessors, you are..."

When Ma Yuanshan didn't have time to react, he saw Yang Lao grabbed his daughter's arm and looked at her daughter.

Yang Lao waved his hand, did not wait for Ma Yuanshan to finish the words, directly interrupted: "I shut up, let me look at the situation of this girl first..."

Ma Yuanshan is full of doubts, and he does not understand the temper of this strange old man. He will drive away people for a while, and he will be eager to help his daughter check the cause. However, Ma Yuanshan does not think much about it. The people who are poisonous are willing to help, which is stronger than anything else.

The atmosphere will solidify!

Ma Yuanshan and a dozen horse guards hold their breath, and they can't even breathe.

The quiet surroundings are all the sounds of the ‘Sasa’ that the poisons have, and the people of Ma Yuanshan who have listened to have a goose bump.

After a while, Yang Lao had loosened Ma Cui's arm, and his face looked unpredictable, like a surprised expression.

"Predecessors, my family loves women and saves? You must save her!" Ma Yuanshan eagerly looked at the old man.

Yang Lao did not rush to open his mouth, thinking about it. After a while, Yang’s cold voice sounded: “The body of this girl is unique. I want to take her back to see our head. You can leave...”

Yang Lao said that he would take Ma Cui, Ma Cui scared and quickly grabbed his father's arm: "Dad, I, I don't want to go to the poison door alone, I, I want to go home!"

Ma Yuanshan's thick eyebrows are tight, and he does not trust his daughter to Yang: "Predecessors, I let other people go back, how can I accompany your daughter to see you?"

Yang old brows a pick, impatiently shouted: "Hey, what I said will not change, what are you worried about? I am afraid that I am not good for your hoe? Tell you, if Laozi really shot, you have long turned into a bone The corpse is still used to waste this time with you?"

When Yang Lao spoke, he released the smell of a seven-layered magical repair. That was the same as the atmosphere of the inner eight-layered warrior. Everyone in Ma Yuanshan who was instantly pressed could not breathe.

Ma Yuanshan, however, has the strength of the six-story, and this group of Majia escorts has only been in the four layers. In front of Yang, they really have no room for rebellion.

"Predecessors, then please be sure to cure my family and love women, we will retire!"

After feeling the atmosphere of Yang Lao, Ma Yuanshan decided to take people away. He was not greedy and afraid of death and wanted to leave his daughter. As Yang Lao said, it is his hand to kill Ma Yuanshan with his strength.

Ma Yuanshan had no choice but to pin his hopes on the poison door.

"Dad... you, don't go, me, I am afraid!"

Ma Cui heard that his father had to take someone to leave, and quickly rushed to grab his father's arm.

The far-sighted look of Ma Yuanshan flashed in tears and touched her daughter's head and said, "Xin Xin, this is the last hope of your life. Don't worry, believe that this predecessor will not harm you, you will go with him. A poisonous door, my father will pick you up in a few days!"

Ma Cui apparently disagreed, but Ma Yuanshan no longer spoiled the hoe, and resolutely handed Ma Cui to Yang Lao.

Ma Yuanshan has left with all the horses. The mountains around the barren mountains are poisonous. Ma Cui is afraid to move around, and nervously stands on the ground and scares the tears.

"Are you called Ma Cui?" Yang old voice sounded, but it was not as cold as before.

Ma Cui did not speak, she did not dare to look at the old face of Yang.

"Your body is very strange. I suspect that you are a poisonous body. This is the sacred body in the once-in-a-century poison. You have to go back to the poison door with me... Is it that I am tied to you, or is it yours? Go back behind me?"

"I, I am going to go..." Ma Cui was tight, and the scared voice was shaking.

Yang Lao looked at Ma Cui's nervous appearance, shook his head helplessly, and turned and walked toward the mountains.

Ma Cui did not dare to violate the meaning of Yang Lao. She was afraid that the old man would be cruelly tortured. Along the way, Ma Cui’s vigilantly followed Yang’s body, she was surprised to find that the poison on the ground seemed to understand. If you are old, all of them are scattered to other places.

Without the entanglement of poison, Ma Cui’s heart was finally relieved. She felt that Yang was not a bad person.


The two have been walking to the foot of the mountain. It has become a plain. A huge base has been built on the plain. It is surrounded by walls, with only one entrance, and two rows of guards guarding at the door.

"Yang Huo Law!" The guards saw Yang Lao, and they all respectfully said hello.

The old man looks dull and coldly said: "I want to bring the woman to see the head."

Yang old opened his mouth, the guards did not dare to stop Ma Cui, watching Ma Cui and Yang old into the poison door.

There are a lot of wooden houses built in the poison door. The house is not lavish, and there are some feelings of ancient architecture. After Ma Cui and Yang Lao, all the way curiously looking left and right, they forgot to worry about fear.

"The poison door protects the old man, ask for the head!" In front of the tallest wooden house, Yang old stopped.

"Come in!" The voice of the poisonous king came from the house.

Yang Lao looked at Ma Cui, Ma Cui nervously followed the Yang old into the house.

The facilities in the house are very simple, a wooden bed, a square table, and a medicine stove in the corner. The room is full of rich Chinese medicine.

"Ah...well, a lot of bugs!" Ma Cui just screamed when she entered the house. She found that the house was full of poison.

The versatile poison king is sitting on the bed and feeding the old man. When he hears the voice of Ma Cui, he frowns and looks over: "Where is this woman? Why bring back the poison door?"

Yang Lao felt that the breath of the head had changed dramatically. He knew that the poisonous king was angry. The scared Yang immediately said: "He is the head of the Majiapu. She has a strange disease. It’s hard to get rid of gas in birth, I suspect she is a poisonous body...”

"The body of poison?"

A hundred poisonous kings screamed, and the next second, his figure was already standing in front of Ma Cui.

Ma Cui was shocked and screamed constantly. The venomous king did not hear the shouting. She was clutching Ma Cui's arm to check her physical condition.

After a while, the catastrophic king was shocked!

Yang Lao only suspected that Ma Cui was a poisonous body, but he was not sure. After the change of the poisonous king, it is certain that this girl is really a million-year-old body...

"What is your name?" The venomous king stared at Ma Cui with his eyes as if he had picked up the treasure.

Ma Cui scared and shivered: "Ma, Ma Cui!"

"Well, Ma Cui, are you willing to join us? I will directly give you a deputy lord. In the future, your position in the poison door will be lower than me. Even the yin and yang will listen to your instructions."

Yin and Yang two old listened to the words of the poisonous king, the look of a huge change, the two have already had a number of hearts, this girl is really a poisonous body!

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