Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 892: Li Ya was arrested


Not only is the ancient general and Guo Tao stunned, but the three women of Rasman are also stunned. This is the highest penalty that everyone has ever heard!

With Qin Feng’s ingenuity, he already wanted to understand the reason, but Qin Feng did not know whether he should be happy or angry. This is definitely the contract that Du’s own contract, and Du’s own adjustment of the breach of contract is so high... ...

Du Zongzhen is a far-sighted person. When he signed the contract, he guessed that there would be something happening today. This is his extreme distrust of Qin Feng’s appearance...

"Guru, since you insist on destroying the contract, then I will not talk to you, you accompany me to 10 billion, I will go back to the mainland to develop now..." Qin Feng suddenly changed the routine, because all the routines lead to Rome.

The ancients were scared, and this time, he said that he did not dare to default with Qin Feng.

"Cough... Zheng Shuai, I think your condition is not bad, whether it is appearance, temperament or connotation, cultivation, are in line with the requirements of the "Supreme 男" actor, I believe that under the promotion of our media, you will A hit and red..."

The ancient general has changed his attitude and talked with Qin Feng calmly, just as if nothing had happened before.

"Oh? Is this really what I think in my heart? How do I remember that you have always been abandoning me?" Qin Feng smiled.

"Which thing is there... Director Guo, do I have to abandon Mr. Zheng Shuai?" Gu Zong's stunned Guo Tao.

Guo Tao immediately came back to God, and his heart was full of blows, but he still said with a smile: "Oh! Gu always never dismissed Mr. Zheng. Mr. Zheng, regardless of his talent or appearance, has reached the standard of the first-line actor. It is an honor for our company to be able to star in "Supreme 纨绔"."

When General Gu and Guo Tao sang a sum, they followed the saying!

Ma Xinxin's several women had a bad impression on the two people, which would make them look down on them. This kind of stupid man who has no bottom line is hypocritical.

"In this case, then I will reluctantly answer the actor of "Supreme 纨绔"!" Qin Feng said proudly.

Gu Zong and Guo Tao had a smile on their faces, but they were inflated!

You are so long as a ghost, and you still reluctantly promised the actor? If Laozi was pitted by you on the contract, your role as a dead body will not be given to you...

No matter how uncomfortable in my heart, I couldn’t change the fact that the contract was pitted. The general manager simply did not think about it for the time being. He did not want to take care of Qin Feng. His eyes fell on the beautiful girl group.

"Oh! Two beautiful women, my name is ancient, you are like everyone, after calling me, the ancients are good..." Gu always took the initiative to say hello to the two women, mainly want to close.

Like the general manager of these investment and entertainment circles, the original intention of the investment was to pick up the girl, but whoever worked with Wanzhong Media did not have the ancient rules?

So that now Hong Kong's entertainment industry is popular with a sentence, want to pick up the drama of the mass media, first go to the ancient bed!

The ancients have played most of the female stars in Hong Kong, and now they are beginning to reach out to the mainland. This beautiful girl combination is very appetizing for the ancients.

"Ancient style? You call the killing horse wind more close!"

Zhang Keke talked straight and went straight, regardless of the identity of the ancient general, and pointed to his long hair and evaluated it.

Everyone was a glimpse, and the laughter came out of the room. Even Guo Tao’s mouth twitched a few times, and his neck was red.

"Guru, don't care, cocoa speaks without going through the brain. She likes to joke with others. It's a good joke..."

Although Rausman can't understand the ancient generals, it can be said that the ancients are always the bosses of the mass media. Rao Shiman and Zhang Keke are the first to switch movies. This film is very important for the future performance of the two women, Rasman Then stand out and round the field.

"Cough... Nothing is okay, cocoa, this girl is innocent and lively, I like her very much, how about accepting her as a righteous woman?" Gu always resisted anger and said with a smile.

"No, you look at the old man, you don't want to be my righteous father!" Zhang Keke refused directly.

Everyone thinks that Gu always looks old and unfair, but only Zhang Keke said it in a stupid manner.

The ancient mouth twitched, he ate at Qin Feng, I thought the bubble girl eased the mood, this time, the ancients did not want to talk.

"Guo Director, several stars just got off the plane, they should all be a little tired, you take them to the hotel, help me to entertain them..." Gu always feels a bit of a heart, he wants to be alone.


Guo Tao left the company with a few people from Qin Feng. There is a five-star high-end hotel next to the company. Guo Tao has already prepared the room and took a few people to the hotel.

Zhang Keke, Rao Shiman and Ling sister lived in a presidential suite.

Qin Feng and Ma Xinxin each opened a suite. Qin Feng wanted to open a suite with Ma Xinxin, but Ma Xinxin was very shy in front of everyone. She didn’t live with Qin Feng, so she wouldn’t be everyone. Misunderstood?

"Oh! Let's go back to the room and rest. This is my business card. If you have something to call me, I will go back to the company to handle some things."

After arranging the room, Guo Tao rushed back to the company.

Just entering the ancient office, I heard the sound of something.

"What's special, Starlight Media's people are fat, dare to be so ugly? Looking for an ugly blame to perfuse me, call the past to ask, but also special care about Laozi..."

No wonder the ancients are so angry. He just called Yang Can. Originally, Yang Can was very polite to chat with him. As a result, when General Gu said that he would change the position of Zheng Shuai’s No. 1 position, Yang Can’s attitude changed immediately. .

The two sides finally did not talk, Yang Can hung up the phone and shut down...

"Ancient, ancient, ... you, you must eliminate the fire!" Guo Tao carefully walked into the office.

"Firefighting? Can Laozi fire? If it is not Starlight Media in the Mainland, Laozi is now looking for someone to give up his company." Gu always smashed a glass ashtray.

Guo Tao jumped up scaredly, avoiding the splattered glass slag, and quickly persuaded: "The ancient general, but it is a ugly country, his starlight media dare to play yin, we can also play, then again, here is Hong Kong , is our site..."

Guo Tao hurriedly rushed back, is to talk to the ancient generals, not only the ancient hate of Qin Feng, Guo Tao than the ancient always hate Qin Feng.

After the general anger and anger, the mood was a little calmer: "What do you do? Quickly!"

Guo Tao was so scared that he could not go to hang the appetite of Gu, and quickly said: "The ancient general, there is now a limitation of the contract, we can't take the initiative to open Zheng Shuai, but we can find a way to let Zheng Shuai violate The contract of the contract, so that you can justify the contract."

It’s a good idea to have a flash of light in the eyes of the ancients.

Guo Tao saw Guo Zong’s interest and continued: “If you want Zheng Shuai to take the initiative to violate the treaty, or let him take the initiative to terminate the contract, then the method will go more... What I want now is to call Lu Hai at night and let He helped scare Zheng Shuai's meal and directly scared Zheng Shuai out of Hong Kong. He would not dare to come again later."

Guo Tao is obviously thinking about plans all the way, and the plan is simply blurted out.

"Looking at Lu Hai will definitely scare Zheng Shuai, but the guy is one of the four youngest in Hong Kong. He is born with a sigh of relief and let him come forward. He will definitely look at the beauty of the Chinese and American girl combination..."

Gu always felt that Guo Tao’s plan was generally good, but some details were hesitant.

"The ancient general, it is because of the **** of the land and sea, it is more important to look for him to come out... According to my inquiries, that Rasman has a very large back in the mainland, and the ancients are not very good at directly moving her, if let Lu Haixian Go and try the water. After that, the ancient woman always wants to play the woman. It is the hand to come. If the land and sea are lost, the ancients don’t have to call her again."

Guo Tao followed the ancients for so many years, of course, knowing what hobbies there are.

The ancient general analysis of Guo Tao's words, more and more feel very reasonable, this is simply a wonderful strategy for two birds.

"Not bad, your kid's ghost ideas are more, just follow what you said, you can arrange it now..."

Guo Tao has left the company to contact Lu Hai. Li Ya, who is in Nakagawa City, has been busy recently.

In the interrogation room of the General Administration of Public Security, Li Ya stayed here for three days and three nights, almost 24 hours of uninterrupted interrogation of the batch of caught gangsters.

Li Ya was wearing a panda's eye, his face was pale, his eyelids began to fight, and he couldn't hold it when he saw it, but the group of people kept their mouths shut, and no one has confessed yet...


The door of the interrogation room was suddenly opened!

Li Ya didn't have time to look back, and suddenly she was rushed up by two policewomen to press on the table.

"Who are you doing? What are you doing?" Li Ya was so tired that she immediately disappeared and struggled to start rebelling.

"Li Ya, the director of the Central Public Security Bureau of Zhongchuan City, now we suspect that you abuse the lynching, the communion is private, please cooperate with our investigation..."

A group of people walked into the interrogation room. When they saw the posture, they knew that it was not too small. Li Ya looked at them with a difficult look. This is the special inspection team set up by China.

"Why are you arresting me? I have not abused the lynchings, and I have never done anything illegal." Li Ya often saw in the news which big tiger was caught again, but did not expect that one day he would Was arrested for investigation.

Li Ya thought of what Qin Feng had said before. The black gesture behind the scene of the disappearance of the population was very strong. Li Ya suddenly understood that these people were estimated to be the people who shouted behind the scenes.

"Comrade Li Ya, please don't resist, we also received a report to investigate you. Before the outcome comes out, you are first detained at the local police station..."

The people did not listen to Li Ya’s explanation. The man standing at the forefront waved his hand, and the two female police officers took Li Ya to the prison.

Li Ya has calmed down. She has not struggled to resist any more. Even the explanations are not mentioned. Li Ya’s hands behind her hands carefully grabbed the mobile phone and sent a message to Qin Feng.

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