Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 910: Strange snow

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Is there any other system owner?

How many systems exist on Earth?

How powerful are these systems? Is there a strong system of your own?

For a moment, Qin Feng’s mind exploded, and countless thoughts came to mind, but he could not answer a question.

"Little Xiang pig, give me the owner of the supreme star system!" After returning to God, Qin Feng quickly said to Xiao Xiang pig.

"Master, each system has its own protection and hiding function. There is no way to directly locate the owner of the system. Today's Supreme System can only determine the existence of a system within one kilometer..." Xiao Xiang’s anxious voice also carries A little excited.

"There is no way to determine the host? The owner of the Extreme Star System can't determine me?" Qin Feng immediately realized another serious problem.

Since the Supreme System has just released the devour mission, will other systems also want to devour their own systems? This is really a person to eat people... wrong, the system eats the system of society!

"The owner can rest assured that the Supreme Star system is much weaker than the owner's system. Although it can recognize us, the range should be reduced to within 100 meters, and the Supreme Star system cannot locate the owner. As long as the owner pays more attention, Don't expose yourself."

The words of Xiao Xiang pig let Qin Feng settle down, this will be Rao Shiman's all women are staring at Qin Feng strangely, because Xue asked Qin Feng several times, Qin Feng does not answer people.

"Mr. Zheng Shuai? Have you listened to me? I appreciate your songs and I can exchange more in the future!"

Qin Feng slammed back. When he saw Cher, the system suggested that there was a system within one kilometer. Just as Cher is a big star, then the owner of this supreme star system is not Cher?

"Oh! Cher's big star will pay attention to my song, which makes me flattered and shocked!"

Qin Feng quickly calmed down and restored the usual casual temper.

In the beautiful scenery of Xueer, there was a strange light shining. He smiled and said: "Mr. Zheng Shuai is really polite. Your popularity is much higher than that of everyone we are present. We are your fans and it is a matter of course. ""

Cher’s speech is very polite, and his words and demeanor also have the feeling of being a demeanor.

Her smile is like a spring breeze, Qin Feng almost indulged in.

"Since Miss Cher is really a fan of me, I will be sitting next to you tonight, and I can communicate more when I eat!"

Qin Feng was sitting on the side of Xue, and there was no objection to Cher. His face always had a sweet smile.

Rao Shiman's three women did not know the intention of Qin Feng. In their view, Qin Feng's romantic illness was committed again.

"Oh! Everyone is sitting and sitting, can eat with a few Chinese stars, it is an honor for me to be someone." Gu always laughed and greeted everyone, everyone has taken a seat.

Ma Xinxin seems to be in a temper, sitting with Rao Shiman, Zhang Keke and Ling sister, the ancient always sitting on the side, Qin Feng and Xue Er sitting in the top seat, I feel that the two are a couple.

"Guru, what time is it for tomorrow? Let's go early!" Zhang Keke was filming for the first time today. He was addicted to one shot. The actors of other people were lazy as far as possible. Zhang Keke completely reversed and fought. Chicken blood is as exciting.

The general manager was depressed and depressed. I thought you would spare me if you were a grandmother, but on the surface, he said with a smile. "Cocoa star, still come by old time, you have to consider other people's work. No, not everyone can get up so early."

Zhang Keke thinks that the ancient generals also have a reason, and they screamed at the ancients, but they did not refute them.

When Qin Feng sat down, he chatted with Xue Er. Xue Er is the biggest object suspected by Qin Feng. He wants to investigate further and see if Cher is the owner of the Supreme Star System.

"Xueer beauty, you are really as powerful as me. We are all new stars who have become famous overnight. I heard that you only suddenly fired half a year ago. Have you been a student of the Film Academy before?"

Cher did not expect Qin Feng to suddenly ask this, obviously stunned: "I am not! I am actually amateur, but also thanks to director Ang Lee, he is my Bole, he found me, take me into the line ......"

Cher said that it is vague, and some feel evasive.

"Snow beauty is not a graduate of the professional film and television college? Then you are born to play, your play is very real, even better than the people born in the class!"

"You don't praise me, people will be shy... I actually play the same general, mainly the script is good, I believe that you can fire for the individual."

Xue is very modest, Qin Feng wants to ask questions are not answered, but Qin Feng is more curious about Cher, this woman seems to be quite mysterious, suddenly fired all over the country six months ago, not even out of the film academy.

"Don't just talk about me, talk about you... You didn't seem to be famous before, you are better than me, that is, this month, you are suddenly hot!" Xue suddenly dragged the topic to Qin Feng. .

"Oh! I am also fortunate. I was fancy by Yang Can, a star of the Star Media. He is willing to support me. It is difficult to think of it." Qin Feng casually edited the dice.

Cher's twin-eyed scorpion turned and smiled: "Light is not useful, mainly because you sing well... Yes, I haven't heard of you before? Your voice and breath are obviously From the class, where did you graduate from the music school?"

Qin Feng asked Xue's question in front of him. Now the woman has all asked back. Qin Feng knows how difficult his problems are. He doesn't know how to answer.

"Oh! I am also amateur. When I didn't have a fire, I moved bricks on the construction site. Every day I moved bricks and sang. The workers felt that my song was good. I made me a singer. I didn't expect Yang Can to see it. In the middle, I am a natural good guy..."

Cher didn't seem to believe in Qin Feng's words, suddenly silent.

To say that Tuen Mun is born in such a way, but the song of Qin Feng is very stable, the conversion of true and false sounds and the sudden rise of the control are perfect, this is definitely a singer who has trained specifically to breathe.

Cher suddenly did not speak, Qin Feng did not speak, the two people chatted in the past one second, this moment just like two strangers sitting there.

Ma Xinxin and the three women were eating while watching the situation of Qin Feng. When I saw this scene, the three women’s hearts cursed Qin Feng. It must have been said that this guy and Xue Er’s sloppy words directly ignored the family’s anger. He is...

It was a bit weird to eat a meal. When the second half didn’t talk, they bowed their heads and ate their meals.

"I have eaten, Mr. Zheng Shuai, what about you?" Xue suddenly put down the table and stood up.

"I am also full." Qin Feng smiled.

"Is Mr. Zheng Shuai going to sit in my room? Actually, I like music very much and want to talk to you more." Xueer invited Qin Feng.

"Okay!" Qin Feng did not think much, the two have already bid farewell to everyone to take the first step.

Looking at the back of the two, Zhang Keke sneered: "Cut! The entertainment circle is also a pure jade girl. I think it is a young woman. I am also a professional music student with Shiman. They are still women. Why don't you find us? Communicating music? Eighty percent is communicating to the bed to study the body."

The sound of Zhang Keke’s complaints is not small. Everyone can hear clearly. Rao Shiman did not take the chopsticks and took a chop on her hand: "If you have more words, hurry and finish with me!"


Zhang Keke is not a lot of words, she said it makes sense, Qin Feng also thought of this, so Qin Feng feels that Cher is a woman who is not right, this will come to Cher with her room.

Entering the house is a scent of aroma, the same as the body fragrance of Cher.

"I just suddenly met Mr. Zheng Shuai to visit the guest on the first day. It is a bit abrupt, but Cher really likes your song. I hope that Mr. Zheng Shuai will not think too much."

As soon as he entered the house, Xue took off the red Nizi coat and hung it on the hanger. He wore a white sweater and showed the bumpy figure.

"Xueer beauty is more concerned, I am also adhering to the mentality of music exchange." Qin Feng is also welcome, take off the shoes and go to the sofa to sit.

After Cher changed shoes, he sat down opposite Qin Feng and poured a cup of hot tea to Qin Feng.

"Mr. Zheng Shuai, do you have a baby?" Xue said that he wants to exchange music, but an opening is not the case.

Qin Feng stunned and looked down on his legs subconsciously: "Yes!"

Cher did not care about Qin Feng's eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes: "Can you show me your baby?"

Qin Feng’s cockroaches were all shy by the direct character of Xue, and he said with a red face: “Now?”

"Of course, I usually love to collect baby, what kind of baby likes to look at it." Cher said seriously.

Qin Feng did not expect Xue to be so unrestrained, he stood up to prepare the belt, Xue Zhang mouth, incredulously looked at Qin Feng: "Stop! You... what are you doing?"

Qin Feng quickly sat back: "Don't you look at the baby?"

Cher was stunned for more than ten seconds, and finally recovered, and there was a disgusting color in his eyes: "I, I am not talking about that baby, I, I am talking about a more powerful baby."

Qin Feng was confused by Xue: "Do you mean Africans?"

"What Africans?" Cher heard the clouds in the fog.

"It's like the Terran, it's even more powerful..." Qin Feng said in a serious way.

Cher supported the bright forehead and resisted the urge to take Qin Feng out. He explained it again: "Mr. Zheng Shuai, I usually like to collect treasures like antiques. I don't know if you have this hobby?"

Qin Feng quickly returned to normal color. He just played in the snow, because Qin Feng entered the house and asked Xiaoxiang pig for the first time. Xiaoxiang pig said that he could sense the star system within one kilometer. The presence……

Qin Feng is very skeptical that the owner of the Supreme Star System is Xue Er, Qin Feng is the idea of ​​deliberately disrupting Cher.

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