Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 918: Otherwise I will die in front of you.

Originally this hero saved the beautiful, saved the snow, the heroine is also Xue.

As a result, the play snow did not appear at all, and the non-mainstream big sister who directly killed a Hongmen came to an end. The ancient generals had already wanted to die. He felt that his life was destined to be gray from the moment he met Zheng Shuai...


Qin Feng shouted and stopped, but Ao Xiaoyu still snuggled in Qin Feng’s arms and refused to come out.

Ma Xinxin had long since disappeared, and quickly ran up and yelled at the arrogant: "Hey! The play is finished, you are going away, as a girl, when the street is not with the man, you can’t lose it. ?"

Ao Xiao stunned, followed by Missy's temper '噌噌噌' burning: "Hey! Who are you talking to? You said that I don't check it? You are a stinky woman, I can't make you Hong Kong today. ”

The proud temper is very explosive, and the machete on the ground will be opened. Ma Xinxin is not afraid of arrogance. Since being beaten by Qin Feng Church, Ma Xinxin feels that he is invincible.

"Small sly, stop working!" Qin Feng shouted a arrogant scream, proudly slammed the horse to throw the machete, and drilled into Qin Feng's arms and began to spoil.

Qin Feng had a headache, and he was quickly made into a schizophrenia by Ao Xiaoyu: "Xiao Xiao, this is my agent, you are not allowed to make noise with her."

Ao Xiao took a look at Ma Xinxin. Obviously, she was still a bit uncomfortable in her heart, but she did not dare to dismiss Qin Feng’s words. She was wronged and said: “Xin Xin, I am sorry now.”

Ma Xinxin stunned, she really couldn't figure out which point of Qin Feng attracted the arrogant little? In a minute, I will put the Emperor Hongmen’s attire on it!

Zhang Keke also ran over, this scene did not have her role, Zhang Keke was very depressed, a depressed, and also quarreled with Ao Xiaoyu.

Qin Feng only persuaded Ma Xinxin and Ao Xiaoyu's contradiction. This will be proud and arrogant and mention that the machete on the ground is desperate to fight with Zhang Keke. Zhang Keke has always been a big brain, she also mentioned a big knife, but it is not used Fighting with the arrogant little...

Zhang Keke laboriously put the big knife on his neck, shouting proudly and shouting: "You will throw the knife in your hand, or I will die in front of you!"

Ao Xiaozhen was forced by the moment, and her character woman was defeated by Zhang Keke...

The onlookers are still watching, and a few women are jealous of Zheng Shuai’s jealousy. Everyone thinks that this paragraph is more exciting than the one just filmed. Many people are scared by Zhang Keke’s last sentence. The smile is urinating.

Many people laughed, but the ancients are crying!

He really wants to be depressed. Since he met Qin Feng, he and Guo Tao tried every means to get rid of Qin Feng.

Looking for Lu Hai, one of the four youngest people in Hong Kong, Lu Hai recognized Zheng Shuai as a big brother; then Guo Tao took a video to frame Zheng Shuai. As a result, Zheng Shuai was so angry that Guo Tao was directly beaten and beaten; now he wants to use Hongmen After driving away Zheng Shuai, Miss Hongmen took a look at Zheng Shuai...

The ancient generals have been unable to vomit. He suddenly has a deep sense of despair. He feels that he is not able to take away Zheng Shuai. This time, the "Supreme 纨绔" big movie with more than one billion investment has been thoroughly squandered.

However, the ancients quickly did not have the heart to think about these problems, because he suddenly found himself surrounded by more than a dozen people in Long Ge.

"Hey! Dragon, Dragon Brother, really, really hard brothers... You put, rest assured, I will not treat you badly, money, money double."


When the ancients just finished, Long Ge called out with a big mouth: "Lord you, grandfather, do you want to eat rice for the sake of the old man? Why do you want to use the money to make the Laozis a monkey? I will say that I will not really fight, but let the secret Zheng Shuai’s big brother squats... Surnamed ancient, you can, I haven’t found out before, are you such a person?”

"Brothers, give me a fight!"

Hongmen’s younger brothers were beaten badly by Qin Feng, and all the anger of the stomach was vented on the ancient body. The ancient pain was rolling back and forth on the ground, but no one was in charge of him...

Today's play is also finished, and some of the big stars in Qin Feng are idle, but they will not be able to go away for a while, because the fans around them are surrounded by 18 floors and 18 floors, unless Qin Feng takes the crowd. The woman stepped out from everyone's head.

"Zheng Shuai! Did you just shoot a movie or a TV series? It feels so funny, like the starless style of Xingye, I have to watch this drama, I must watch it!"

All around, I asked Qin Feng about the information about the film and television drama being filmed. This is a great opportunity for free publicity. Qin Feng and a few women are enthusiastic about introducing this movie to you.

"Haha! Dear fans, my beautiful girl and the big star of Cher are shooting the big movie of "Supreme ,". According to this progress, it is estimated that it will be released at the end of the month. At that time, please take care of you. The box office of "Supreme 纨绔" is flying into the sky..."

There was a lot of noise around, but Qin Feng’s voice seemed to have penetrating power and fell clearly in everyone’s ears.

Zheng Shuai is the biggest star that everyone has ever seen, and as a female fan of Zheng Shuai, it is a very proud and safe thing. Not long ago, the deputy director was not a bully to teach female fans? How is the result? Was taken away by Zheng Shuai.

"Zheng Shuai Zheng Shuai! You are the perfect one for the male one who starred in "Supreme 纨绔"!"

"I am looking forward to this drama. I have also read the novels of "Supreme 纨绔". I really like this novel with depth and connotation. Zheng Shuai also fits the image of the handsome male character in the book..."

"I will send a circle of friends now, let everyone around me know about this movie."


There is a kind of fan called brain powder!

There is also a more crazy and destructive fan than the brain powder, called ‘Zheng Shuai Powder’!

Although Qin Feng debuted for only a month, there are a number of wild passion fans in the Huaxia entertainment circle. These fans can insert two other fans’ fans for Zheng Shuai. Other star fans see Zheng Shuai powder. Hiding far away...

Rao Shiman, Zhang Keke and Xue Er were all shocked by Zheng Shuai, and the cohesiveness and secondary skills of such fans are simply beyond the reach of others.

The crowds all bowed their heads and took out their mobile phones one by one to start sending friends to help Qin Feng to promote. Don't underestimate the power of these fans. They pass on to friends, friends and new friends. This is to set off another ‘Zheng Shuaifeng’ posture.

"Qin Feng, almost, let's go back soon. After a while, these fans are excited, and the scene can't be controlled!" After Ma Xinxin returned to God, he quickly posted a message in Qin Feng's ear.

Ao Xiaoyu saw this scene suddenly unwilling, and rushed up to a momentum to fight with Ma Xinxin.

Qin Feng is not afraid of these crazy fans. He is even more afraid of the two girls, Ao Xiaoxiao and Zhang Keke. Just now, Zhang Keke forced him to death. The next time who knows she will do something stupid. ......

"Miss 皖, the hair of the stupid fork has been cut off by us, do you want to pack him up again?" This will lead Long brother with a group of Hongmen's brothers to come to Pride.

Everyone quickly looked at the ancient generals on the side, and suddenly he was shocked.

The long hair of the ancient wind that was pulled by the wind was directly cut into a bald by the dragon brother. It is not a complete bald head. Because the dragon's cutting technique is limited, the ancient head is bald and left, and the dog is smashed. same.

The ancient nose is swollen and swollen, and all of them are footprints!

However, he would not care about the pain in his body. He looked at the tears with a mirror. The girls who laughed at this scene bent over. Everyone found that the ancient master after the bald head was nowhere to go.

"Zheng handsome brother, or else that guy again beat him up?" Proud consult with small Wan Qin Feng meaning.

Qin Feng looked at the ancient general who changed himself. I felt the viciousness of these women in my heart. Everyone was tortured like this. Ao Xiaoyi still wants to beat him. It is really a trick to provoke a woman.

Qin Feng did not take care of the ancient general, with a group of women left!

The fans are completely boiling, and where Qin Feng goes, they will follow!

Many fans have rushed to take photos with Qin Feng, or to take advantage of Qin Feng's cheap, but Qin Feng seems to have an invisible air wave, and those fans can't move forward when they are close to five meters. It is.

Under the repeated persuasion of Qin Feng, Ao Xiaoyu followed the Longge and his party back to the Hongmen base. Qin Feng returned to the Hong Kong International Hotel with a few women.

Those fans were stopped by the security guards of the hotel, but the fans were too crazy, and the hotel forced the hotel to finally close the door and not do business.

Fans have been outside for a long time and refused to leave. Qin Feng and the girls have gathered in Rausman’s room, but Cher returned to the hotel as soon as she returned to the hotel. She is solitary and not very love these days. They are mixed with Qin Feng.

In the room, Zhang Keke jumped on the sofa and kept talking about the filming today. The sofa was stepped on by the Nizi.

Qin Feng three people do not take care of Zhang Coco, sitting on the other side of the sofa watching TV.

"Wow! Zheng Shuai, you are on fire again!" Rausman was looking at the phone and suddenly screamed.

Ma Xinxin seems to realize what, and quickly took out his mobile phone to open Weibo.

"Ah! This, are these fans crazy? The video of our filming at the scene was sent up, the number of hits was broken, the number of hits was hundreds of thousands, and millions of comments were made. This is a big fire..."

Both Rausman and Ma Xinxin were shocked by the influence and madness of Qin Feng fans. Zhang Keke did not jump, and took out his mobile phone and began to brush.

In the house, the screams of the three women continued one after another, and the roof was shouted by them.

"Outside the number! Today, I met Zheng Shuai, the beautiful girl group and the Xueer star in the pedestrian street. I was filming a live video, super funny, not regretting life..."

"Zheng Shuai starred in the big movie "Supreme 纨绔" and started shooting. It is expected to be released at the end of the month. Everyone will support Zheng Shuai at the time!"

"This movie is all about the star lineup, a new way of shooting, only you can't think of it, there is no film that can't be done..."

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