Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 935: you will regret

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The town of Fulga!

A remote and quiet little place in the southern United States!

The land here is vast, mainly in the breeding industry and pastures. Many Americans will come here to drive by themselves and watch the endless prairie. The mood will be wide and wide!

In the town of Fulga, there is the only 24-hour supermarket chain that is open 24 hours a day. People in the town buy daily necessities and snacks, and basically come to this supermarket chain.

At six o'clock in the evening, the sun has begun to fall, and the town of Vulga is shrouded in an afterglow. The grasslands are dyed with half a piece of golden color, and each piece of land is a picturesque landscape.

"Welcome to the public!" The sensor at the door of the supermarket speaks English.

Two men wearing black leather jackets and black leather pants came in, all of them were about one meter tall, one with a yellow explosion head and the other with a black small organ. Some feeling of fear.

"Come two packs of old captain!"

The small, dirty man was a black man, who lost some dollars to the checkout counter, chewed chewing gum in his mouth, and took a slap in the face.

Han Yingying picked up the two dollars on the table and showed a professional smile: "Sorry, not enough money!"


The man with a yellow slap in the face slaps on the checkout counter, and the fierce screaming Han Yingying: "fuck! I brought this money today, and quickly took the cigarette, and the younger one, believe it or not." you!"

Han Yingying was shocked by this sudden move. The tall and **** petite body shook a little, but she quickly calmed down. Han Yingying was also a queen who had worked hard in the mall. Today, one sentence is more than one billion. investment……

"Sorry, our supermarket is not credited!" Han Yingying looked at the man who exploded and his voice was firm.

"I am plugging in, you are very embarrassed? Do you know who we are? We are mixed with the Mafia, believe it or not, I will give up your store!" The head of the explosion man’s eyes must be pulled out, taking a look at the rhubarb teeth. Han Yingying.

The small, dirty black man suddenly pulled the companion who was going to start, and his eyes fell on Han Yingying’s bumpy figure. He felt his chin smirk: "Lyon, are you so fierce? Don't scare the little sister!"

The man who exploded the head stunned, and then seriously looked at Han Yingying, and saw the appearance of Han Yingying’s oriental beauty, but he had the majestic upper body bust of the Western woman, and the saliva that he saw had to flow out.

"Aka, or your eyes are good, I just didn't find out that this is a big beauty, haha!" Lyon also laughed awkwardly. Aka would look at Han Yingying's black silk thighs. Rushing to tear the posture of Han Yingying stockings.

Han Yingying instinctively stepped back two steps, she was somewhat scared!

Here is a remote town in the United States, Han Yingying is helpless here, she is now on night shift, the security guard in the store just left, she is alone in the store, the two men in front of me What to do, Han Yingying has no way to resist.

"You, you still go to other stores to buy cigarettes, our cigarettes are sold out!" Han Yingying said.

"Little sister, don't you lie to your brothers? Isn't that the old captain? How can it be sold out?" Lyon smiled and said, behind Han Yingying, it was a display cabinet for smoking.

"You, wait a minute..."

Han Yingying is a very smart woman. She won't offend Lyon in this situation. Even if the two don't have enough money, Han Yingying is still ready to give them cigarettes. If they take the cigarette, they will leave. That is better than anything. Say it.

"Ah! You, what are you doing? Don't come in..."

Han Yingying just got the cigarette and suddenly saw Aka ran into the cashier's area. Han Yingying's scared smoke fell to the ground, and his back was close to the cash register, watching Aka with vigilance.

"Oh! Little sister, why are you so nervous? Let me smoke the smoke, and we are still in a hurry!"

Aka and Lyon had flashed a wretched smile in their eyes. Han Yingying looked around and had nothing to defend himself. She hesitated and could only kneel down to smash the smoke on the ground. She prayed in her heart. The two men took the cigarette and hurried away.


Just under the arm, Han Yingying heard the sound of the zipper. She quickly looked up and found that Aka, who was a tall man, pulled the zipper of the trousers away and was unfastening the belt.

"You, what do you want? Get out quickly, or I will call the police!"

Han Yingying '唰' jumped up and picked up the phone on the desk to call the police. Unfortunately, Han Yingying touched the air. The original landline on the counter had been taken away by the explosive head Lyon.

"Haha! Little sister don't be afraid, my brother just wants to play with you, you can help your brother, my brother won't hurt you!"

Aka belt has been untied, and when he sees it, he will take off his pants. Lyon can't stand it anymore. When he clicks, he pulls the black leather coat on his upper body.

Han Yingying was so shivering that she did not rely on this unfamiliar place. Now she meets two tall men. Han Yingying does not say that she is resisting. She is now blocked in the checkout counter and even has the opportunity to escape. nothing.

Aka has slowly approached Han Yingying, and he will go to Han Yingying's hair. Han Yingying sat down on the ground and buried his head in his knees and helplessly burst into tears.

Han Yingying came to the United States for more than two months. He thought that changing a strange city could gradually forget Qin Feng and forget the crimes he committed. However, Han Yingying found himself wrong. In this foreign country, Han Yingying missed Qin Feng even more. And Huaxia's relatives and friends, she sleeps every night, often when she goes to work.

Han Yingying knew that she was going to die this time. She thought that as long as the body was touched, she would die.

Han Yingying was so big that he was only touched by Qin Feng. The two were still on Qin Fengqiang, but Han Yingying and Qin Feng, she also swore that in this life, no other men would touch her. Qin Feng can't forgive her crimes, she is like a present, hiding in a place where Qin Feng can never find, lonely and old...

call out!

The wind is blowing!

But it was covered by Aka's evil laughter!

But the white light that has nothing to do with it has actually appeared!

Aka’s laughter suddenly stopped. He looked at his hands in amazement. The pair of hands that had to catch Han Yingying’s hair would suddenly disappear.

At that moment, Aka did not feel the pain, his expression of dementia, watching a pair of hands falling on the ground.

Much like my own hands, still twitching on the ground, but this is a horror from the common sense, let Aka's heartbeat stop for a few seconds.


After a few seconds, there was a sound of blood jets. The blood was like a water jet, and the whole floor of the checkout was instantly reddened. Aka stood in a pool of blood, and called the heartbreaking lung. He finally understood this moment. My hand is cut off by people!

"Ah, Aka... You, what are you doing? You, don't call!"

Lyon just took off his shirt and was about to rush to play with Hanka to play Han Yingying. He saw a scene of hell, and the scared Lyons were shaking.

Aka did not respond, he could not speak at all!

The whole supermarket was a ghost of Aka’s ghost, and Han Yingying was shivering.

This happened too fast, Han Yingying did not return to God!

She just felt that she was hugged by a warm and strong embrace. She even thought that it was the disgusting man who hugged herself, so that Han Yingying was still struggling with instinctive rebellion.

It’s just that the arms are too powerful, and Han Yingying can’t break away.

"Ying Ying, nothing, it will be fine!"

The familiar and unfamiliar voice sounded in Han Yingying's ear, or Huaxia.

Han Yingying’s struggling body froze, and she finally got the courage to blink and saw an ugly and strange face.

Han Yingying did not know the man in front of him, but he always felt that the man was very familiar. There was an inexplicable sense of security lying in his arms, but he was not Qin Feng after all.

"You, you let me go..." After a short period of loss, Han Yingying began to struggle again.

Qin Feng released Han Yingying. He had already hugged Han Yingying from the checkout counter to the shelf: "Yingying, don't go, wait for me here!"

Qin Feng pushed Han Yingying to the chair on the shelf and sat down. Then he walked towards Aka and Lyon. Aka was still screaming. Lyon finally came back and picked up an iron shelf. Come over.

"fuck! You dare to break our good deeds, I will let you go to hell!"

Qin Feng did not stop, his face was colder than the ice.

He strode to Lyon, and Lyon flew to Qin Feng...


The hard iron shelf lingered on Qin Feng's head, Qin Feng did not evade, and the iron frame changed shape, and Qin Feng was caught on the side.

Han Yingying was shocked and screamed. Although she was the first to see Qin Feng, but seeing Qin Feng being beaten, Han Yingying was still very worried.

Lyon slammed, and he stared at Qin Feng's head for a while, and found that there was no blood, and there was no trace of injury. Could this man practice the iron head of the Chinese legend?


Lyon’s attack is over, and Qin Feng’s offense has just begun.

Qin Feng swung out, as if there were tigers and dragons, this fist was in Lyon's abdomen, directly infiltrated Lyon's stomach, a large mouth of blood spurted out of Lyon's mouth.

"Ah!" Han Yingying was another scream. She looked at Qin Feng's back in an incredible way. She found that this man is very violent and overbearing. It is a very familiar taste.

Lyon took a punch but didn't fly out because Qin Feng's other hand was holding Lyon's collar.

Lyon is like a chicken, and he is held high in the air by Qin Feng.

"Dare to move my woman? You will regret it!"


A roar fell, Qin Feng was another punch, this punch hit the chest of Lyon, suddenly heard the sound of sternal fracture.

The pain of Lyon’s screams could not be heard, and his mouth kept spurting blood, his head hangs down, as if he was going to be mad at any time.

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