Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 938: Which district are you in?

"everybody! Hello..."

Qin Feng thought for a while, in what way should I say hello to everyone? In the end, he feels that he is in the United States, and the way to speak English and Chinese should be very high. Xs520.

Just finished greeting, Qin Feng is cold, no one cares about him!

It’s not that everyone doesn’t want to take care of Qin Feng, but all the members of the League of Heroes are shocked. They just heard Long Xiao and Feng Ming, and now they are ringing the voice of Qin Feng in their minds. Is it going to go to the hospital for inspection?

"Qin Feng?" Liu Bingbing first came back to God, and then she carefully and nervously returned.

"Ah? Who, who is talking in my mind? Is it a girl? You have to stand up, don't pretend to be a ghost, your grandfather Liu Jie, a king of tyrants will die!"

"Your uncle, who are you? You are still in the head of the old lady, you have planted it out, who is it?" Liu Bingbing is a temper, where he is threatened by Liu Jie.

"Hey? Your voice is familiar, who are you?" Liu Jie asked.

"Lao Yan Liu Bingbing, a woman of Qin Feng, is performing a task in Kyoto Pedestrian Street. You are rolling around and the old lady is waiting for you." Liu Bingbing was so angry that since the Qin Feng Family Wuhui announced the triple identity, Few people dare to offend Liu Bingbing.

Liu Jie suddenly fell, and the scared teeth were trembled: "Hey! Originally, it was ice and ice, I am Liu Jie, Qin Jie’s younger brother Liu Jie..."

Liu Jie is wiping a cold sweat while apologizing, and the sound of grievances sounds: "I am the woman of Qin Feng, what is it called ice, you have to wait in the pedestrian street, I am now killing from Weicheng." You, dare to talk about it."

"Wait, I can ask what is going on here?" Zhang Ye carefully opened his mouth.

Yan Wushuang had a sigh of anger, and she was too embarrassed to admit that she had a relationship with Qin Feng like Liu Bingbing and Hua Yan. Now I caught Zhang Ye’s words: "Can’t ask, you shut me up. !"

Zhang Ye heard the unparalleled voice of Yan, and he was so scared that he wanted to cut his head off.

"Master, are you here? What is going on here?" The voice of the little demon screamed, and she felt that the three women who had just spoken were so fierce that the little demon would not dare to offend them.

Everyone was quiet. Everyone found that it was not a problem with their heads. This is obviously a problem with the nerves. Is it that everyone’s nerves are screwed together? Otherwise, how can they talk in the mind, how is this high-tech popular? ? It is too bad!

"Haha! Are you happy?"

Qin Feng laughed at all, he also opened the communication function of the League of Legends, Qin Feng feels too fun.

"Qin Feng, you are a dead man, where are you?" Liu Bingbing complained.

"I am in the United States, I will go back later."

"Qin Feng, what is this high-tech? Why can we use the brain to communicate? I don't have to talk, it's all my idea exchange..." Huayan soon discovered an abnormality.

"The people who just talked about are the people who joined the League of Heroes. As long as they join the League of Legends, they can communicate with all members at any time. Without talking, the ideas can be carried out... This is not a high-tech, it is a way of making a thousand miles. ""

Qin Feng has long thought about the rhetoric. The high-tech is too mysterious, because the high-tech of the earth has not yet reached this level. It is said that everyone will not believe it. As for the thousands of miles, this method really exists and is easy to be mixed. Pass.

Sure enough, everyone has heard thousands of miles, but they have never seen it. Now, after using the League of Heroes to exchange ideas, everyone really thought that this is a thousand miles.

"Wow! Boss, you are so too forked, in order to play lol, I also made a magical way to make a thousand miles. Which area are you in? I am the black diamond number, the big gods ask for it..." Liu Jie shouted excitedly, Qin Feng's nose was discouraged.

"Death! I am a League of Heroes, a big sect who will dominate the martial arts in the future. Whoever dares to mention lol, I will remove him from the sect now..."

Qin Feng screamed and was about to report his own theater. Several people who were ready to open the black immediately closed their mouths...

"Qin Feng, are you so powerful? Thousands of miles of sounds are said to be the ones that can be done by the strongest period of time! Are you breaking through the real period?" Hua Yan was excited.

When the voice of the flower fell, everyone was exclaimed!

The strongest in the real period, does China really have it? Anyway, everyone has never seen alive!

"I really haven't broken through during the infancy, but I have used a few methods to make a thousand miles. Everyone can communicate with each other in an emergency. Those who are nearby will immediately rush to support... The hero League is a family!"

The Brass League upgraded to the Silver League, Qin Feng found a lot of effects.

This communication function is equivalent to the positioning function. After the hero League joins more and more members, when there are women and brothers in danger, even if Qin Feng is not nearby, there will be other League members to help. This makes Qin Feng very satisfied.

Qin Feng talked with you for a long time and the atmosphere was very active.

Qin Feng discovered that the League of Heroes is very human, not only able to communicate with all, but also to talk privately. Qin Feng can control the idea and talk to one of the women alone, so it is much more convenient to talk about some things.

Through exchanges, Qin Feng learned that Liu Bingbing, who is in Kyoto, has been very good for both the demon and the geese.

Since Qin Feng announced his identity, the Kyoto Qin family has soared and is now prosperous. Those women who have passed the rumors with Qin Feng are afraid to offend them. That is the woman of Huaxia Qinglong, who is not to be killed with Qin Feng. Grab a woman?

Hua Yan’s experience in the hero city is also very good, but Hua Yan did not say that the medicine is going to cause trouble, mainly because he is afraid that Qin Feng will worry.

Yunjia is also developing very well now. He is a close partner with Qin family. Liu Jie’s family is the oldest of the five small families in Kyoto. However, because he is the relationship of Qin Feng’s younger brother, Liu’s family is now promoted to five. The head of the small family.

Zhang Ye is also a mixed wind in the Longmen. He usually follows the two big shackles of Liu Bingbing and Yan Wushuang. As long as there is hard work, Zhang Ye will rush to help the big men to complete.


I talked until late at night, everyone was a little sleepy, and then went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Keke ran to Qin Feng's room and learned that the room was sleeping by Han Yingying. Zhang Keke did not dare to chase Qin Feng on the sofa. In the middle of the night, two women came out to the toilet, which would not leak. Now!

However, Zhang Keke still satisfied Qin Feng, she was kneeling under the sofa, let Qin Feng lying on the sofa, and then tried the first time to eat popsicles.

Zhang Keke feels that it is not very delicious, mainly because the popsicle is too big, but Qin Feng feels very good, especially with a kind of scent of love, it is even more exciting!


"Ah... you, you, last night? What are you doing?"

Qin Feng and Zhang Keke were awakened in a scream!

After waking up, Zhang Keke’s exclamation instantly overshadowed Ma Xinxin’s scream, and the scared Ma Xinxin almost fell.

"Oh, ah... I, how can I be here? My sleepwalking has been committed again? Ah? Qin Feng brother, how do you sleep on the sofa, how did you not take cocoa last night?"

Zhang Keke scared heart disease to commit!

She remembered that she was too tired to eat last night. She finally fell asleep on the carpet. As a result, she was caught by Ma Xinxin. Zhang Keke was worried that this would not be leaked.

Qin Feng felt that the eardrum had to be shattered, and Han Yingying heard that the movement had already ran out.

Han Yingying and Ma Xinxin are all wearing only a bath towel, and the two pairs of long legs flashing Qin Feng are dazzled.

"You, what are you doing?" Han Yingying was also shocked by the picture in front of him.

Qin Feng was lying on the sofa, and Zhang Keke was lying on the carpet next to him in a suspender skirt. Would you like to talk about the night between two people? What special deceit is yours?

"Ah? No, nothing, I talked to Coco last night, and then fell asleep unconsciously!" Qin Feng smiled a little guilty, Ma Xinxin and Han Yingying both licked their mouths, apparently not believe.

"This, what is this?" Ma Xinxin pointed his eyes, suddenly squinted at a position on the side of the sofa, and then looked at Zhang Keke's mouth in surprise.

"Ah? This, what is this? I don't know what it is... ah! Hurry, let it go..."

Zhang Keke looked at a smudge on the sofa and jumped up in shock.

Then, under the shocking eyes of everyone, Zhang Keke lifted the kettle on the coffee table and splashed it on the sofa.

Qin Feng did not have time to react, Zhang Keke poured a water.

Qin Feng jumped up in anger and pushed Zhang Keke to drive her out of the door: "You died in the early morning, you don't come to me in the middle of the night, I don't have the spirit of you, you It’s a mental illness. If you have nothing to do, go to the hospital and see if there is any rescue?”

Zhang Keke ran out of the room and did not forget to go back to Qin Feng at the door and cast a grateful look. Qin Feng turned his eyes and turned his eyes on Zhang Keke’s second act.

When the door was closed and returned to the living room, Qin Feng was almost scared and fell.

Ma Xinxin and Han Yingying are on the sofa, their faces are stuck in the area where Qin Feng has slept, and they are carefully checking what is the same.

"Cough! You two are going to wash, then go to the movie after breakfast!" Qin Feng rushed over and took the sofa cushion and threw it directly into the washing machine to wash it off.

Han Yingying and Ma Xinxin all looked at Qin Feng with a strange look. The woman’s instincts told the two women that Qin Feng and Zhang Keke had something to do last night, and it was still the kind of unspeakable activity...

After washing, Qin Feng sneaked to the room of Ma Xinxin to kiss.

Under the daily kiss of Qin Feng, Ma Xinxin found that the poison gas in the body was in short supply. Before going to sleep, the next day, it was necessary to restore obesity. Now, it is almost three days for Ma Xinxin to complete the poison gas in the body. Go back to the state of obesity before...

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