Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 940: Guild war

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"Yes, it is him!"

Aka stared at Qin Feng for a long time, and had already recognized Qin Feng, but Aka was half-dead, and said that it took a long time.

The Aka voice just fell, the mafia people are boiling!

The sounds of the dozens of Harley's ‘ booming rumblings’, the hybrids in the car glared at Qin Feng, seemingly driving to kill Qin Feng’s posture at any time.

The bald-headed brother vomited a sputum on the ground, screaming with a black mouth and roaring: "Huaxia pig, you dare to offend the mafia in the United States, Lao Tzu let you go to hell!"

Everyone hasn't recovered yet, and the bald head has already rushed up with a baseball bat.

The group of people behind me didn't move at all. They looked at Qin Feng with gloating, and some whistled and shouted swearing. Obviously, I felt that the bald-headed brother was enough to kill Qin Feng.

The girls finally recovered, but they didn’t know what to do. This unexpected situation hit everyone off guard, and the staff of the group of directors were at a loss.

"Don't be blasphemy, start shooting!"

Director Qin Fengchong shouted, and the next moment, he has disappeared into everyone's sight.

A muffled sound spread, in fact, accompanied by a popular!

Only the wind was too subtle, completely obscured by the muffled sound. In addition to Qin Feng, no second person found the looming white light flashing.


The bald-headed man flew out and went where he came from.

The baseball bat landed, making a sound of jingle bells, and then rolled on the ground before stopping.

The floor tiles that the bald head fell were cracked. The bald head of Zhang Zhang’s bald head was still painful to roll back and forth on the ground. Everyone stared at the bald head, but ignored the Aka in a wheelchair.

The front is just a half-dead Aka, this will have completely broken...

"fuck! You, you dare to move our big brother, I want you to squat on the streets!"

"Brothers together, this Chinese kid seems to have worked hard!"


After a while, the mafia people have come back!

More than 20 hand-held weapons all rushed to Qin Feng, and more than a dozen Harley motorcycles slammed in the back, as if they were cheering.

"Fast, snap, shoot..." The director finally returned, and he did not care about the situation, calling the cameraman to start shooting.

Han Yingying and several women were pushed by Qin Feng to the safe place behind them. Ma Xinxin and Ao Xiaoyu refused to leave. The two women stood by Qin Feng, like two female warriors. .

"American Mafia? In front of my Hua Xia Hong, you are a fart!" Ao Xiaoyu Hongmen, a young lady, grew up in a fight, this **** group of pictures, arrogant and ridiculous It is.

Ma Xinxin has the strength of the inner four layers, and does not put these confuses in the eyes. The second woman screams and rushes up behind Qin Feng.


Qin Feng has a pair of fists, and a row of mixed children can't afford it!

Ma Xinxin's fighting skills are taught by Qin Feng. Her shots are straightforward and there is no such thing as a fake trick.

Ao Xiaoyu put the hair of the lady's hair on the top of the head, and restored the feeling of a non-mainstream explosion head. He picked up the baseball bat on the ground and picked up the gangsters that Qin Feng smashed and slammed them against them. .

The cooperation of the three people is flawless, especially the joining of two beautiful women, making this fight more exciting and beautiful.

The more than 20 people of the Mafia were not enough to abuse. Qin Feng’s set of tricks had not been finished yet, and no one could beat it.


The roar of the motorcycle suddenly sounded in the ear, and a Harley motorcycle flew away and hit the head of Qin Feng directly.

"Ah! Zheng Shuai, be careful..."

Rausman and Han Yingying were scared by a few women, and the female fans shouted, and several of them were fainting.

In the eyes of Qin Feng, a sneer flashed in his eyes and jumped up. He kicked the man on the car and followed him on the Harley motorcycle. The motorcycle flew directly and disappeared at the end of the street. .

"Dare to hit Zheng Shuai, you are looking for death!"

Ma Xinxin is on fire, and the whole face is red!

Her eruption was really scary, and Qin Feng was shocked!

I saw a black mist from the hands of Ma Xinxin, shrouded the five or six Harley motorcycles that followed. The sight of the motorbike was blocked, the breathing became difficult, and a loud noise came from the black fog. The black fog dissipated, several Harley bumped together, and the wheels were still spinning on the ground.


He slammed the baseball bat on the ground and knocked on the arrogant arrogant cockroach. He looked up and saw a Harley motorcycle flying down. The two speeding wheels saw the scalp of the proud cockroach...

"Ah! Zheng Shuai... Hey, save me!"

Ao Xiaoyu was in danger. The first reaction was to ask for help with Qin Feng. The screams of Ao Xiaoyu have not stopped, and a shadow is coming. Qin Feng punches Harley’s motorcycle into two pieces from the middle. Flying out, hit the wall on the side of the street, half a wheel into the wall.

As for the car's mix, Qin Feng has been stunned for a half!

"Call! Scared the baby... Qin Feng brother, thanks to you!"

Ao Xiaoyu lay in Qin Feng's arms and patted her chest vigorously, but Qin Feng looked at her elated expression. It looked like she was scared. This Nizi likes to be excited, she is too excited.

"Small, you go to Shiman's side." Qin Feng pushed the proud little behind him, turned and rushed to help Ma Xinxin.

Ao Xiaoyu also wants to rush to help, but seeing the Harley-Davidson flying in the air, Ao Xiaozhen still resisted, she knows that she is now dragging her legs.



The onlookers have long looked dumbfounded, and they are surrounded by silence!

Only the thunder of the Harley-Motor engine, there are bursts of loud noises from time to time.

More than a dozen cool Harley motorcycles were scattered on the streets, and the mafia's gangsters were lying around. Some of them broke their hands and feet, and some of their heads blossomed. No one is better anyway.


After a brief silence, a sudden shot was heard.

Qin Feng jumped and jumped directly to Ma Xinxin, who was surrounded by God.

Ma Xinxin just stood in a position, the ground fell into a small hole, and half of the warhead leaked out.

call out!

The wind is blowing!

Qin Feng is completely fire!

First, a white light flashes, followed by dozens of light and shadow flying.

That shot was secretly launched by the bald head, and the white light was all thrown at his position. The ground suddenly became hell, the blood flow, and the figure of the bald head could not be seen. There were some pieces of meat in the pool. I don't know what it is.


The white light fell, followed by a fire that appeared out of thin air!

There was an exclamation around, whether it was the sudden white light or the fire floating on the ground, which exceeded the common sense of everyone.

The flames came quickly, and the speed of the trip was fast. There was a smell of scorched blood around, and many people were vomited.

Wind blows!

The surrounding area has recovered quietly!

The position where the bald head was just empty was empty, the whole bald head disappeared, the blood on the ground disappeared, the fireball was gone, and the white light was gone, as if nothing had happened.

"Big, big brother? Big brother?"

"It’s gone, big brother seems to be running!"

"Run your mother, big brother just broke his leg, how to run?"

The mafia people gradually came back to God. They found that the bald brother was gone, and the bald brother could not escape. Where can he go in such a short time? But the bald brother is gone, disappearing out of thin air.

"Zheng Shuai, you, are you okay?"

Rao Shiman’s daughters have already rushed to Qin Feng’s side. They are rushing to see the body of Qin Feng, and they are all worried about death.

"I blame me, I blame me..." Han Yingying kept blaming himself. Qin Feng looked distressed and pulled Han Yingying into his arms and held it: "Yingying, nothing, I don't have anything at all."

Qin Feng comforted Han Yingying, and the directors and the crowds of the directors gradually returned.

"I rely on! Didn't you shoot? Didn't that shot be taken?" The director once replied, patted his thigh and jumped up. The interruption of the previous paragraph was so wonderful. It was more than a special effect synthesized in the American blockbuster. Hey.

Several cameramen suddenly woke up, quickly flipped through the photographic records, and then nodded excitedly: "Photographed, all shot!"

"Just, what happened just now? I seem to be sleepwalking!"

"Husband! You are great, I want to kiss my husband!"

"You are a dead little three, Zheng Shuai is my husband, the old lady is fighting with you!"

"No, it’s not alright. Zheng Shuai’s husband is coming over. Everyone’s clothes are taken off. You are strong and violent.”

I saw the mighty side of Qin Feng's overbearing, and all the female fans on the scene lost their senses.

None of the Mafia people could stand up, and it was painful to break the lungs with a little movement.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit suddenly ran over and said to Qin Feng: "Mr. Zheng Shuai, introduce myself, I am Yu Qing, chairman of the Chinatown Association of Chinatown."

Qin Feng looked at Yu Qing and asked: "What are you looking for?"

Yu Qing’s attitude towards Qin Feng is very respectful, and there is still a hint of jealousy in his eyes. It seems that Qin Feng’s powerful hand is scared.

"Mr. Zheng Shuai, we are all Chinese compatriots. I am standing on your side, but you have just offended the American Mafia people. I advise you to leave Watson quickly, otherwise there will be big troubles."

Yu Qing is kind to remind Qin Feng, after all, everyone does not know the true identity of Qin Feng, even if I just saw Qin Feng's skill, but Yu Qing is still worried about Qin Feng.

In the United States, the Mafia is as strong as Hong Kong's Hongmen. There are members of the Mafia everywhere on the street. Yu Qing knows that Qin Feng is very powerful, but one person is more powerful and can't fight a long-established underground power organization.

"Zheng Shuai, do you want to go back to China, the drama here is almost the same, the next few games are simply not to be replaced, and a few new games in Huaxia are replaced." Han Yingying also began to persuade Qin. Feng, Qin Feng is because she offended the Mafia, Han Yingying is very self-blame.

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