Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 949: Li Xingtian appeared


"Zheng Shuai brothers, this ability training base also took you to visit again, now time is not early, I will send you back." Prince William said.

"Good! Then I will go back and prepare, and after a few days I will come to this base for special training." Qin Feng promised.

The three men walked out of the underground base and returned to the castle above.

All the way to the gate of the castle, Qin Feng smiled and said: "Two, you don't need to send me, I just find a car to sit back."

Qin Feng wanted to investigate the location of the base on the way back. Prince William quickly said: "Zheng Shuai brother, you are now a member of the William family, there is no need to be polite with us, here is where you live. The star hotel is quite far away, or I will send you back!"

Prince William’s careful thinking of Qin Feng certainly understands that he is determined to send, Qin Feng does not refuse, so as not to let the two doubt.

Say goodbye to each other!

Professor Mike did not follow, it is estimated that he was busy with his own affairs. Prince William and Qin Feng were sitting on the extension of Lincoln, and returned.

Lincoln's window still fell. Sitting in the car, I couldn't see the outside. Qin Feng was too lazy to talk to Prince William. When she got on the bus, she closed her eyes and pretended to fall asleep.

"Zheng Shuai brothers, let's get there!"

Qin Feng was awakened by Prince William and stretched out. Qin Feng said: "Is it so? It feels really far away... How can I find your base next time? I haven't remembered the road."

Prince William smiled: "Zheng Shuai brothers can rest assured that if you have handled it on the other side, call me directly, I will pick you up in person."

Prince William was careful and careful, Qin Feng simply went to the hotel after a few words!


"Qin Feng, are you okay? How come back so late? The phone is also turned off!"

Qin Feng just returned to the suite, Ma Xinxin and Han Yingying greeted him. This will be in the early hours of the morning, the second woman did not sleep at all, apparently worried about Qin Feng.

"I'm fine, go to bed!" Qin Feng patted the shoulders of the two women, and there was a warm current in her heart.

When he came out from the Washington Hotel and got on the extension of Lincoln, Prince William asked Qin Feng to shut down the phone, so his phone has been unable to get through.

Han Yingying saw that Qin Feng was fine, and the frowning brow stretched out. Ma Xinxin took Qin Feng’s arm and sniffed a few times on Qin Feng’s white shirt.

"There is no woman's perfume smell? Should you wash your clothes before going out?" Ma Xinxin looked at Qin Feng with a questioning look.

"This is all the weather, clothes can be washed so fast, you don't think about it, go to sleep." Qin Feng messed up Ma Xinxin's hair, Ma Xinxin pouted Qin Feng.

The second woman was wrapped around Qin Feng for a while before going to bed!

Qin Feng was lying on the sofa and took out his mobile phone and gave it to Yu Qing.

"Zheng Shuai big brother, what's the matter?" Since three days ago, Qin Feng went to the Mafia base. Yu Qing is now respectful to Qin Feng, and even the name has been changed to big brother.

"In the Chair, I will send you a few road signs in the past. You should investigate this route and see what the final destination is in." Qin Feng will start investigating the base to go tonight.

"Well, this is fine. I am very familiar with this film."

Qin Feng hangs up the phone and sends the dozens of road signs that I have seen tonight to Yu Qing. I also sent the names of the landmark buildings near each road sign together...

Soon, Yu Qing’s call came over!

"found it?"

"Zheng Shuai Big Brother, the information you gave is very detailed. It is more convenient to find. I have roughly determined the position. It is in the northwest suburb of Washington, but the one is more mysterious. Usually no one will go there. I specialize. I asked the local friend for an inquiries. It is said that there is a military base there, and it will not let people pass..."

Qin Feng slightly raised his eyebrows, is it really a military base?

"Is there any military base to hear?" Qin Feng asked.

"It seems to be the base of the 'Iron Tank' legion..." Yu Qing’s voice suddenly became a little trembling.

He recently went to Qinfang with Qin Feng to smash the base of the Mafia. Now Qin Feng has begun to inquire about the base of the Iron Tank Corps. Yu Qing is really worried. Isn’t Zheng Shuai’s big brother to destroy the Iron Tank Corps? This is very difficult...

"Iron tank army? Is it related to the William family?"

"There is a relationship, the Iron Tank Corps is an important secret army of the United States, the leader is the current patriarch of the William family, William Hagen!" Yu Qing heartbeat faster, he feels that Zheng Shuai is really going to attack the Iron Tank Corps.

"It turns out, OK, I know!"

Qin Feng understands this. The place where he went tonight must be the base of the Iron Tank Corps. Qin Feng did not expect that the William family would train the abilities in the military base invested and built by the state. I don’t know this. Does the government know?

Qin Feng is ready to hang up the phone, and the voice came from Qing’s anxious voice: "Zheng Shuai, brother, I know that you are superb, not a mortal... But the William family is also very powerful, they have iron tanks to support, the family also There are quite a few abilities, you should never attack the Iron Tank Corps..."

When Qin Feng’s mouth slammed, how did he say that he wanted to attack the Iron Tank Corps?

"Reassured, I won't be in trouble!"

Qin Feng comforted Yu Qing a few words and then hung up the phone!

After some inquiries and investigations, Qin Feng has roughly figured out the situation of the William family. The William family is even stronger than Qin Feng imagined. Not only do the abilities of the family cultivated, but also control the Iron Tank Corps.

The most important thing is that the people of the William family are very smart. They even put the base of the powers in the base of the Iron Tank Corps. In this way, it is even more difficult to prevent the plan of the William family. I haven’t figured out yet, what is the plan of the William family?

Hanging up the phone, Qin Feng was thinking on the sofa, but there was no clue.

"anyone there?"

A sound suddenly sounded in Qin Feng’s mind, followed by several voices.

"Yes!" Yunze said.

"Who are you? Why haven't you heard you before?" Liu Jie asked.

"Qin Feng is there? People think of you a little!" The voice of Hua Yan.

"Qin Feng is my man, you have nothing to think about him? You woman made a sigh?" Liu Bingbing's cold voice.

"Who said Qin Feng is your man? He is obviously my man!" Hua Yan retorted.

The two women here are fierce, and Liu Jie, Yun Ze, Zhang Ye and Huang Jinguo, who are scared, are afraid to speak.

Yan Wushuang squatted with a stomach, she also wanted to have a fight with Liu Bingbing and Hua Yan, told the two women that they were better with Qin Feng, but Yan Wushuang still did not have that confidence.

"Master, have you been okay recently?" asked the little demon carefully.

The voice of the beginning of the speech has been gone, it is estimated that it is scared by everyone, or else it is suspected of schizophrenia.

Qin Feng stunned and suddenly woke up: "Li Xingtian? Is that you?"

The sound of Qin Feng sounded, everyone was quiet, Hua Yan and Liu Bingbing did not quarrel.

After a while, Li Xing genius said: "Yes, it is me... Qin Feng, this, what is going on? I have a problem with my mind."

Li Xingtian was really frightened. He felt his head creaking a few days ago. He could hear some strange voices from time to time. At the time, Li Xingtian did not dare to speak, but recently, for some urgent reasons, Li Xingtian tried tentatively. Shouting in the League of Heroes, the result is so many people shouting out...

The reason why Qin Feng upgraded the Brass League to the Silver League is to talk to Li Xingtian. Now Li Xingtian has finally appeared, but Qin Feng is not excited.

"Lee seniors, don't be afraid. Before you were taken away at Kyoto University, I asked you to join the League of Legends. All League League members can exchange ideas. You don't have to talk, you can communicate with you with your thoughts..."

Qin Feng and Li Xingtian explained it briefly. Li Xingtian said: "Is the idea to be able to communicate? This is amazing... To Qin Feng, my daughter is okay, I can help you when I am leaving, my daughter's second half. Entrusted to you, you have to be good to her!"

Li Xantian’s only concern is Li Shanshan. When he just finished speaking, the voices of two women’s angry voices sounded.

"Dead old man, what age is this, how do you still give people a blind date? Qin Feng has been with me, you are not involved in your daughter and Qin Feng." Hua Yan was a little angry.

Liu Bingbing is even more fiery: "Well, you Qin Feng, why didn't I hear you say Li Shanshan, this woman, you are going to say... How many women are you hiding in the back?"


Qin Feng was speechless for a while, and Li Xingtian was scared to speak. This Qin Feng’s girlfriend is so many, all of them are fierce!

Qin Feng quickly used his ideas to communicate with Li Xingtian alone!

"Li's predecessor, Shanshan has been very good now. I arranged for her to start school in high school. When I have time, I will go see her. What are you doing now? Where is it closed?"

Qin Feng is looking at how to investigate the plan of the William family. Li Xingtian suddenly appeared, which is simply a gift in the snow.

"Cough... We don't mention Shanshan's business first." Li Xingtian spoke a little carefully.

"Lee seniors, don't be afraid, now we are two separate exchanges, others can't hear." Qin Feng understands Li Xingtian's concerns.

Li Xingtian’s voice suddenly improved by a few decibels, and changed his personal appearance: “Really? Is there a function of the League of Heroes? It’s just too humanized... How is your development with Shanshan? You are not squatting. I am not here, have you played with me? If there is a relationship, then you have to be good to her for a lifetime. If you dare to abandon my hoe, I will fight for you!"

Li Xingtian wow said a lot, Qin Feng will be depressed and dead.

"Li's predecessor, Shanshan is really good. Now is not the time to talk about these things. I am in the United States..."

"Ah? You are in the US? What happened?" Li Xingtian seemed to realize what, the tone became serious.

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