Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 958: All women attack

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"Flower care!"

Hua Yan is now the strength of the six-layer magic repair, equivalent to the inner seven-layer warrior!

However, in the hands of Baiyun in the early nine layers, Huayan was completely vulnerable. When he saw Baiyun, he would grab the shoulders of Huayan. Huang Jinguo screamed and took dozens of darts and rushed up.

"Hey! The worm is a little skill, give it to me!"

When the darts came, the white clouds were shot with one hand, and the inside of the air was crashing, and the darts were instantly taken back.

Hua Yan grabbed the gap, and quickly took a few lashes toward the white clouds. The white clouds were again shot to the flower, and then a backspace turned back.


In the void, Hua Yan and Huang Jinguo are all shot!

The dozens of darts flew to Huang Jinguo, and tied his arms and thighs to a few blood holes.

Hua Yan is better, and was shot by a strong internal air. When she landed, she was picked up by the little demon who just arrived.

Zhao Lingxian, Lin Beibei, Bai Qing, Li Yuchen, Su Jia sister flowers, Liu Wenjing sisters are coming...

The women were screaming in a row, each posing a move, and a pair of tactics were always hard to fight with the medics.

Ren Xiaoyue handed the flower face to the cloud of one side, and jumped up in front of the women. The beautiful face was covered with hard colors, and the brows were screwed together, and they were like a big enemy. appearance.

Among the girls, they are the strongest of the demon and Huayan!

The strength of the seven layers in the demon, regardless of the flower and the face, the flower face is shot by a palm, the remaining Lin Beibei's strength in the second layer, placed in this battle, is completely to be cannon fodder of.

"Sisters, you all go back. These people are too strong, you are not opponents!"

Ren Xiaole was taken out of the house by Ren Jia. The family forced her to live in the hero city every day. If she does not have a relationship with Qin Feng, she would not want to step into the door of her family.

"Little demon, you don't have to say much, our sisters usually do not get in the way, but when they encounter foreign enemies, we must work together to protect our homeland!" Zhao Lingxian's voice is quiet and the tone is very firm!

"Yes! We won't back down, this is our home!" The always weak Lin Beibei's face is full of perseverance.

The rest of the women also expressed their views. Of course, they can see that the other side is strong, but the hero city is left to everyone by Qin Feng. Now Qin Feng is not here. As the hostess of the hero city, they will swear to defend their homeland.

In the eyes of Ren Xiaoxue, she flashed a touch of shocking color. She finally knew why Qin Feng would like these women. These women are indeed worthy of Qin Feng’s heavy responsibility and desperate efforts to give them happiness.

Ren Xiaomeng did not persuade everyone, she stood at the forefront with the crescent moon sword, and now she is the backbone of everyone.

"Sisters, you are going back soon... The battlefield belongs to men. As long as we don't die, we don't need you to play!"

Yunze was shocked, although he had some rejection of these women, because he hoped that Qin Da Ge only loved Yunxiao, but at this moment, Yunze was touched. He took a fire stick and jumped into front of the demon. With a fire stick, the girls were pushed back.

"Mom! You haven't been practicing for decades, and you are so angry? When Lao Tzu is practicing to your age, one hand can shoot you!"

Liu Jie, who was full of blood, stood up with his teeth and ran to Yunze. The burly body was like a small hill, and he was in front of the women.

Huang Jinguo also came. He gritted his teeth and pulled out one of his flying knives. No matter what the blood was sprayed, a pair of **** eyes stared at the white clouds.

The women are in a hurry, Lin Beibei is crying!

Since the establishment of the Hero City, I have encountered a lot of troubles, but this time the trouble is the most difficult. Even Huang Jinguo has some despair.

Bai Yufei looked at the group of people who were not afraid of death. His eyes were a bit complicated. His eyes suddenly fell on the face of Huayan. He always felt that this woman was familiar, but only for a while, Bai Yufei could not think of it.

Baiyun did not shoot, he has been waiting for the big brother's meaning, Bai Yufei is ironed to win the hero city, he also wants to discuss this matter in front of him, he thought that the hero city is an ordinary person, according to the Huaxia government and the foreign martial arts The regulations of the foreign martial arts are not allowed to be shot by ordinary people.

However, Bai Yufei found that the hero city is not so simple. This is obviously a base established by the military. This is a combination of Bai Yufei's mind. The battle between the foreign martial arts is not allowed by the Chinese government. Bai Yufei can open wide. Killing the ring and directly occupying the hero city is fine.

"You are not the opponent of my medicinal sect. I will give you the last chance. Now I will hand it over and hand over this city. I can open the net and accept you as a medicinal sect. I will serve my medicinal sect in the future!"

"If not, kill it!"

The foreign martial arts fight, the Chinese government does not interfere, as long as it does not affect the lives of normal people.

Bai Yufei has no scruples, and these people are in his eyes, but they are just a group of ants.

"The surname is white, you deceived the door a decade ago, killing me and spending all the people, winning me Danzong sect, today you dare to rob the hero city? Unless you step on the old man's body!"

A roar came from a distance, feeling the sound is far away, but between a few breaths, a gray robe old man stepped on the void, and left the palm.


The bang is blown up!

Bai Yufei did not move, but his look changed dramatically, his eyes sparkling with an incredible look.

Baiyun also stunned, followed by the sword, a dozen or so swords flashed, and the internal air shot with the old man blasted in the air, feeling the ground began to sway slightly.

The bang is constant, and it is the aftermath of the explosion!

The members of the Maple Group who stayed around the Hero City all retired. It was not that they were greedy and fearful of death. It was this battle that was beyond their acceptance.

After a few clouds of white clouds, they fell to the ground, and the old man in the gray robe also fell to the side of Huayan.

"Is it you? Flower louvers?" Bai Yufei returned to the gods, but the shocking look in his eyes has not yet receded.

Hua Yan slammed his mouth and screamed at Bai Yufei. "You dare to call my grandfather's name, he is your master!"

The person who came here is the grandfather of Hua Yan. Ten years ago, he was also the master of Bai Yufei.

Ten years ago, Flower Baiye took a fancy to Bai Yufei’s alchemy qualification, and he received Bai Yufei as a disciple of Danzong. He personally taught Bai Yufei’s ability to make alchemy. However, when Bai Yufei had a small achievement, he secretly framed the flower family and took away Dan Zong. The martial art was renamed the medicine sect.

Everyone in the flower blinds was poisoned. In order to save everyone from going out, they spent a lot of money on their own work, forcing them to take the flowers and the late grandchildren.

Ten years are fleeting!

Nowadays, when the mentor and the apprentice meet again, they have completely changed their tastes. They all say that the teacher is the father for the rest of the day, but this is an incomparable enemy of the past masters and apprentices.

"Yan Yan, the animal is the number one enemy of the flower family, not my apprentice, my relationship with his mentoring, as early as ten years ago, the grace is broken!" Flower blinds said coldly.

Bai Yufei suddenly laughed. He really didn't expect the flower louvers to be alive. This decade, Bai Yufei has been searching for the whereabouts of the flower louvers. This is a worries in his heart. Now the hero city encounters the flower louvers, and Bai Yufei is very happy. It is.

"Good! Your old life is really a big life. You should have killed you ten years ago, but you have lived for ten years, but the result is still the same. Today, the flower family can't escape..."

Bai Yufei’s voice just fell, and Baiyun went to the sword!

The flowers and louvers leaped again, fighting with the white clouds.

In the past ten years, Huabaiye used the refining of medicinal herbs to restore the strength to the inner nine layers. This matter is not even known.


The battle over there was fierce, and there was a thunderous bang in the ear.

Bai Yufei’s eyes showed a strong murderousness. He originally wanted to occupy the hero city, but he did not expect the heroic city to be the land of the flower family. What Bai Yufei did ten years ago is also a devastating thing. He does not want this kind of thing. Spread out, he will wash the hero city today.


A subtle sword sounds!

The white sword that Bai Yufei has been holding in his hand suddenly comes out of the sheath, and the sword light flashes and the blood is shining!

"Little demon... are you okay?"

Ren Xiao Yao is a warrior in the inner seven layers. The shame of the sword is wonderful. Before Qin Feng used the solitary sword to fight against her, he was marveled by the sword of the little demon.

However, under the long sword of Bai Yufei, there was no chance for the little demon to make a move. The crescent moon sword in her hand was too late to be sheathed. The man was already lying on the ground a dozen meters away.

Hua Yan quickly went to see the injury of any of the demon, the girls cold face flutter toward the white feathers.

Huang Jinguo, Yun Ze and Liu Jie scared the screams. In the event that there was something big, they just took the head and went to see Qin Feng.

The three figures flashed quickly and took the lead in the white feather flight.

"Hey! A group of ants!"

Bai Yufei sneered, and the long sword in his hand was lightly stroked. The speed looked very slow, but in the next second, Yunze three people all flew out and landed on the ground dozens of meters away.

At the gate of the hero city, the blood flows into the river!

The Hongmen disciple fell down. At this time, he stood outside the gate of the hero city, leaving Zhao Lingxian's daughters!

The flowers and the venetian blinds are quite similar to the white clouds. Two people beat you to live and die. The flowers and louvers looked at this side, and the anxious neck was red.

"You are not an opponent, run fast!"

The flowers are screaming at the women, but these women simply don’t listen!

The beautiful women are usually divided into teams. When they meet, they will fight and fight. When the argument is serious, they will meet each other.

But in the face of foreign enemies, the beautiful women have long put down the infighting, they will be like a biological sister, look at each other, their eyes are shining with a firm look.

"Sisters! Let me live, and Miss Ben will continue to quarrel with you and have a lifetime!"

Zhao Lingxian Jiao Jiao, the first to mention the sword stabbed to Bai Yufei.

Lin Beibei quickly followed, the Su family sisters jumped up, Bai Qing and Li Yuchen looked cold, Liu Wenjing waved a long whip, even the smallest Liu Xiaojia shouted and punched to catch up with your sister.

The women attacked, as if the goddess was down!

Only their strength is too weak, Bai Yufei is even lazy to look at the women, and swipe the long sword...

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