Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 967: What happened to Qin Feng?

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Dracula is also shocked!

Even Qin Feng has been shocked!

Qin Feng was also the first to see the awakening skills of the flame golden sculpture. The skill of this ‘windy giant flame’ was too strong. At that moment, the upper layer of the ice wall appeared hollow.


The flame gold carving was only the beginning. Its wings were fiercely shaken, and a fierce fire was shot from the wings. The big mouth of the gold carving was still open, and the fireball in the mouth was not stopped.

The three flames flew fiercely out. Under the gust of wind, the speed was as fast as lightning. The momentum of the flame also surged more than ten times under the wind, and it felt like the power of the fire of Qin Feng was about to catch up.



The loud noise continued, and the sound of the flames whistling in the wind.

Dracula and his party have long been dumbfounded. These people are also a rare bloodline on the earth. They also have their own unique abilities. But after realizing Qin Feng today, Dracula felt that Qin Feng was the real monster. what.

Such a powerful strange bird, Qin Feng as a pet to raise and play...


The ice wall has been intensively cracked like a net, and with a subtle crisp sound.


A whole face of the ice wall suddenly exploded, and more than 30 ice skating abilities standing behind the wall suddenly fell. Many people were directly burned by fireballs, and some suffered from internal bleeding and vomiting.

"Brothers, rush!" The moment the ice wall exploded, Qin Feng took the lead in rushing in!

Dracula and more than 20 members of the blood group followed him back, and everyone turned into a black shadow, and the breath filled the wall.

Prince William and General Bi Yangde were so dumbfounded that they didn’t even think that the ice wall would break open. The two looked at the strange bird with a big mouth on the opposite side, and they couldn’t speak.

There was a row of soldiers armed with machine guns in the room. These people also stumbled, and for a moment they would forget to shoot with machine guns.


A few white lights flashed past, and the soldiers in the row suddenly fell down seven or eight. Dracula had already fallen in the middle of the crowd. He had already angered his stomach, and the cracked axe in his hand kept moving toward the batch. The abilities are cut off.


The remaining more than 20 members of the blood group also started to act. These people are like bats. They are fast and the power is surprisingly big...

It seems that it is a few breaths of breathing, and the people of the William family have laid down large movies.

"Block them, fast, stop them..." General Bi Yangde returned to God, screaming in shock.

Prince William took General Biyangde back to the end, and the soldiers and the abilities were all back, and all went to the front to fight.

"Play! Give Laozi a slap... As long as you hold on for two more minutes, the sixth-level abilities will come out!" Prince William squinted and looked at the dead body, and he screamed.

Step on the pedal!

The soldiers on the ground were sober, and the machine gun was a sweep.

More than a dozen machine guns were aimed at the flames of gold carvings outside the door. The bullets suddenly hit like raindrops.

The golden eagle eyes fired, apparently angered by these people, the big mouth slammed open, and a flame flew out.


The fireball is huge, covering half of the space. When the bullet rain touches the flame, it melts directly into a mist and completely loses its ability to attack.

"Ah! Fire, big fire..."

"Save me, I am burned, save me!"

"What the monster is this? Escape, let's escape!"

A group of flames completely disrupted the soldiers' foot, and there were still people who dared to shoot on the ground. The dozens of soldiers were burnt and shouted. If they didn't burn, they left their machine guns and began to escape.

The soldiers are all soldiers of the Iron Tank Corps. These people are still ordinary people. After seeing the madness of this battle, they completely lost the confidence to fight.

"Mom! I will give Laozi back. Whoever dares to run away, Laozi will kill him first!"

Prince William fired and rushed to punch the two soldiers who were about to escape. The arm suddenly icy, and a cold ice thorn was spread in the blink of an eye. The long thorn directly penetrated the hearts of the two soldiers and suddenly screamed.

The rest of the running soldiers stopped suddenly and saw the **** scene. They had to lift the machine gun and continue to fire.

Step on!


This is la la!

There were all kinds of sounds in the laboratory, and the fighting was extremely fierce. Qin Feng everyone was racing against time, and there was no reservation when they shot.

The soldiers were ordinary people, and they were soon burned out by the flames of the flames of gold. There were more than fifty abilities in the house, and they were fighting with Qin Feng.

"Dracula, the last minute left, you cover me, I will destroy the lab!"

Qin Feng's face became more and more dignified. This time, because of the traitor, the time was seriously prolonged. If the experimental base could not be destroyed in the last minute, the six-level abilities would really come out.


A loud noise spread behind Qin Feng!

Dracula holds a double axe. His arms, face and body are covered with blood. He has his own, but more is an enemy.

Dracula is like a burly mountain, and the dead and dead in front of Qin Feng, the head is not cold and cold: "Go! I will help you with it..."


In an instant, more than a dozen black shadows flew over!

Originally more than 20 members of the blood family, this will only have 18 left.

Everyone stood in a row and formed a wall of people. Together with a total of 19 members of the blood group in Dracula, they were in front of Qin Feng. They were pale and look firm. They stood still and waited for the enemy to attack.


Several groups of fireballs flew from the air, and the people of the William family were not stupid. They knew that the weakness of the blood family was poor defense, fear of light, and the attack of the flame powers was the most harmful to them.

The flames are in rows, but no member of the blood group is dodging. Everyone is holding the weapon in their hand to resist the fireball. Even if they are unfortunately hit by the fireball, they have not stepped back, but stand firmly in the same place.

In a moment, the three blood members were burned to death, and Qin Feng’s eyes were red!

Qin Feng did not know these members of the blood group. He only spoke to Dracula.

However, the spirit of the blood aristocrats touched the heart of Qin Feng. These people were obscured. They were regarded as the existence of no one, but they were secretly protecting everyone. Each of them was alive, and their lives were valuable.

It is also a group of monsters, but the blood family does not know how many levels are nobler than the evils of China.

"Qin Feng, go!"

Dracula also ignited a flame on his right arm, but he did not care, let the flame spread, and the split axe in his hand waved down, killing an actor every time.


Qin Feng jumped and rushed to the innermost laboratory. Before leaving, a group of ice fell on the arm of Dracula, and the flame disappeared instantly.

There is a small compartment in the innermost part of the room, eight naked bodies lying in eight huge containers.

Those containers don’t know what they are made of, and the front is the feeling of transparent glass. These eight bodies are the eight six-level abilities who are about to come out. Qin Feng does not hesitate to wave the sword in his hand. .


The long sword swayed and brought a blue light. The whole laboratory began to shake violently. The sword fell on one of the containers. The outer transparent glass began to break, and the whole piece was blown into pieces.


The first container exploded, and the experimenter inside also exploded into pieces. Qin Feng did not stop, waving was the second sword falling.


Another container exploded, and the huge sound seemed like a bomb exploded.

Everyone outside felt the innermost movement, and Dracula looked back and glanced at a gratifying smile.

"Not good! The guinea pig was destroyed... kill me, kill it!"

Prince William suddenly went crazy, and he covered his body with a layer of ice armor. Despite the **** attacks, he rushed into the innermost laboratory.

The remaining 20 or more abilities began to go mad. Everyone released their abilities without reservation. The members of the blood group gradually fell into the wind. The number of them was originally small. Only 12 people can still stand.



The loud noise in the laboratory continued, and Qin Feng destroyed three test articles in several breaths.

When he was about to drop the sword again and destroy the fourth experimental cabin, the long sword in his hand suddenly stopped in the air, and the sword was always on the sword front, but he could not fall because of delay...


The ice thorn penetrated the air and directly hit the stagnant Qin Feng. Qin Feng rolled all the way to stop the body, but his eyes were still empty, and he could not return.

"Qin Feng, you dare to destroy three guinea pigs, I want you not to die!" Prince William's screaming, he was standing in front of the other five experimental cabins, and looked at the watch from time to time.

The **** people outside stunned, and Dracula looked at Qin Feng, who was sitting on the ground, and screamed: "Qin Feng, what are you doing? Let the old man cheer up..."

Qin Feng couldn't hear the voice of Dracula. He had already played back the scene he had just seen in his mind.

Qin Feng could not accept this fact. This feeling was a battle with the original Amethyst Dragon Palace. Suddenly, Xu Ruorou suffered a pain from the back.

How could this be? How could it develop into this?

"Qin Feng, I can't keep up with you. If you don't destroy the other five labs, you will not let go of you..."

Dracula's roars continued, the members of the blood family reached the limits of their bodies, their fighting power continued to decline, no effort, and three members of the blood family could not afford to fall forever.

More and more abilities have rushed into the innermost laboratory. Everyone is lined up in the doorway, blocking the **** people from the outside. Now it is in the final stage of the experiment, that is, after dozens of seconds, six levels. The winner will come out.

This time is the most crucial time...

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