Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 970: Xuanwu shield

"come back!"

Qin Feng couldn't stand it anymore, and the idea was fretting, and Ximen Blowing Snow also returned to the system.

At one time, the help of two strong men was lost. The team at Qin Feng’s side suddenly fell into a disadvantage.


The lightning abilities who pulled out the gap began to attack Dracula, and the thunder and lightning fell. It was difficult to get up when Dracula’s outer focus was tender and fell to the ground.

Qin Feng and Ouyang Feng are left on the battlefield!

Ouyang Feng was entangled by Professor Mike and William Hagen, and it will be difficult to protect himself for a while.

The remaining three abilities are besieging Qin Feng, and even if Qin Feng is strong, he can't help such a fierce offensive.


It’s awkward!

The fire of destruction and the thunder and lightning released by the purple thunder robes are screaming around, and the rushing sword in the hand is still waving, but Qin Feng has been beaten and beaten from the Qinwudao to the other two abilities.

"Thunder?" Qin Feng did not know that it was the first time to climb up from the ground, just to release the lightning, but found that the lightning is gone.

"Master, the thunderbolt of Zilei's robe has been turned off, and it can only be turned on for half an hour every day. At the same time, the "Split Day" function of the Split Axe is also closed, and the Justice Halo Medal is also closed..."

Every bad news came, and this battle saw it and fell into the mortal world.

Without the power of lightning and the justice of the Medal of Justice, Qin Feng’s strength suddenly fell a lot, and under the attack of three powers, he was repeatedly injured.

"Small pigs, what can I buy at 80,000 points in the system? Hurry and buy them."

Qin Feng is anxious, this is not only to live, Qin Feng is fighting for honor!

Already dead more than 30 elites of the blood family, Dracula also fell down and did not know the life and death, the flames of gold carvings and Ximen blowing snow were seriously injured, this pen of bad debts, Qin Feng must be recovered.

"Master, 80,000 points can not buy the items that broke the five-level six-level abilities, but the owner also has a purple-volume extraction volume that is not used, you can take a look at luck... The master also has a trial version of the Thunder sniper. Send bullets, you can smash the enemy and kill them!"

The situation crisis, Qin Feng has forgotten a lot of items, the trial version of the Thunder sniper was forgotten by Qin Feng, the small Xiang pig lifted up, Qin Feng suddenly brightened.

"First take the roll!"

Qin Feng's idea of ​​micro-motion, purple random extraction volume disappeared in the system.

This lottery volume is a system reward that Qin Feng obtained after completing the task of “Forging Purple Gifts”. At that time, the forged purple weapon was the purple thunder robe...

- Xuanwu Shield

Equipment quality: purple top grade.

Equipment introduction: Made from the ancient sacred basal shells, the shield is indestructible!

Hidden attribute: 'Rage'. Xuanwu Shield can provoke a screaming property once a day for half an hour; after the stimuli, the shield emits sound waves, which slows down the surrounding objects!

System price: 200000 !!

The purple-decorated pump draws a shield, and Qin Feng has no time to look at the introduction of Xuanwudun. The idea is fretting, and he has a turtle-shell shield engraved with deep runes...


Dracula just fell to the ground, a thunder and lightning will fall into the air!

Qin Feng's figure flashed, holding a Xuanwu shield in front of Dracula.


Thunder and lightning, all on the Xuanwu shield, Xuanwu shield exudes a dark brown light, the electric light flashed on the shield, Xuanwu shield but nothing.

"Qin Feng, you, let's go..." Dracula was still dead, but he was dying, and he did not forget to persuade Qin Feng to leave.

Qin Feng took out a healing pill and stuffed it into Dracula's mouth. He grabbed the big hand and directly dropped Dracula to Li Xingtian.

The ice sheet is still repairing the ice wall, and Qin Feng jumps and blocks at the entrance of the inner laboratory.

He held a huge Xuanwu shield and hid the whole person under the shield. The sword in his hand disappeared and turned into a fiery fire dragon. The purple thunder robe of Qin Feng has also changed. It is the blood red blood magic armor. The blood of the Warcraft in the blood magic armor has been activated by Qin Feng.

Xuanwu shield, long gun, blood magic armor...

Qin Feng changed the suit in minutes and shocked a group of people in William Hagen.

"fuck! This kid is really a small player who can't die, Hamm, Caddy, you have to kill him!"

William Hagen screamed, and the two six-level abilities of the wind attribute and the lightning attribute rushed to Qin Feng.

Sudden lightning in the air, accompanied by gusts of wind, thunder and lightning in the wind to enhance the momentum, as if to destroy the land.

Ouyang Feng was so scared that he felt that the master could not block such a fierce offensive. Ouyang Feng wanted to come and help, but he was entangled by William Hagen, Professor Mike and Qin Wudao, and could not escape.

"Master, Ximen blows snow and asks to stand again!"


Ximen Blowing Snow and Flame Golden Eagle began to ask for a battle. Even Xiao Xiang pigs waved their claws to help out.

Qin Feng will naturally not let them out, it will only let them die in vain.

"Open the 'Rage' function!" Qin Feng screamed in his mind.


Originally, the Xuanwu Shield, which was as tall as the Qin Feng human body, suddenly began to explode, and then expanded rapidly, and finally became the size of a door in front of Qin Feng.



The wind and thunder have fallen, all on the Xuanwu shield, but the Xuanwu shield has not changed at all, and the outer runi-like runes shimmer, as if all the offensives have been absorbed.

"What? What is going on?"

"A piece of broken turtle shell, you can't believe it without wearing you..."

The thunder and wind attribute abilities stunned and then began a second storm.

The squally wind and lightning mixed attack, Qin Feng, this half of the space is completely in the end of the world.

The loud noise continues!

However, the Xuanwu Shield is unchanged. It is like a mountain that can't fall, and it can't be moved by the storms and lightning.

The look of Hamm and Kadi has changed, they are stunned by the power of Xuanwudun, and this thing is really hard.


Qin Feng was also stunned by the hardship of Xuanwudun. After a brief shock, Qin Feng waved a fire dragon gun and began to counterattack.

When the rain fell, Ham and Kaidi began to fly around. Qin Feng was finally breathing, and he said nothing, the fire gun in his hand directly turned into a sniper rifle.

The trial version of the Thunder sniper rifle appeared in the hands of Qin Feng. This is a cool sniper rifle with a length of about 1500mm. The barrel is 900mm long. The gun body emits dark blue light, showing a steady and cold danger. Breath.

The costumes produced by Star Technology are very powerful. Qin Feng has only used Starlight gloves.

At the beginning of the battle against Shenlong in Shenlongshan, even the dragons were somewhat afraid of the R-Starlight launched by the Starlight Gloves, and the trial version of the Thunder sniper in the hands, mainly launched Thunder Volt, in the attack power, more powerful than R Starlight...

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