Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 973: Come back home

The mission of the William family has been completed!

As for how the US will deal with the Iron Tank Corps afterwards? How to deal with the escape of William Hagen and Professor Mike, this has nothing to do with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng took Li Xingtian and Qin Wudao out of Hong Kong International Airport, and a row of beautiful women were waiting for Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng, you are back!"

"Qin Feng brother, want to die cocoa, come to love hug!"

Qin Feng just walked into the pick-up hall, and the girls had been surrounded. At that time, a few women who were filming with Qin Feng in the United States would be there. They were specially returned to Hong Kong and other Qin Feng.

A few women are the best beauty of the national color, they waited for a while here, and they have already attracted all the men's eyes around.

There are still a few men in the crowd who want to come up to talk to the girls, but they see the scene now, but everyone has broken the envy of Qin Feng.

Li Xingtian still boasted about finding a good son-in-law in the United States. When he first came to Hong Kong, he regretted it. Qin Feng is too expensive, right?

Because there were too many women, Zhang Keke stepped on Li Xingtian's feet as soon as he was excited. He also squeezed Li Xingtian to the side, and Li Xing's weather blows his eyes.

Qin Wudao was still a dull expression, and he did not say a word on the entire flight.

"Ah... Qin, Qin Feng, you, your face?"

Ma Xinxin suddenly grabbed the mouth of the screaming, incredulously pointed at Qin Feng, other women also came back to God, one by one staring at Qin Feng.

At this time, the sun shone on Qin Feng's side face, which is a handsome face with a clear and angular edge.

When Qin Feng came back, he restored his original appearance. It wasn't that he resolved the infuriating effect of Shenlong on his face. Instead, Qin Feng bought his own face and put it on his face.

"I know that my original appearance is so handsome, I am excited about you... or, I will change back?"

The girls were shocked, and the heads were shaking like the rattles. They still liked Qin Feng’s original appearance, because everyone knew him because of Qin Feng’s original appearance.

"I'm leaving!"

The scene of flirting and flirting here is dazzling, Li Xingtian’s lungs that are standing on one side are going to blow up, and Qin Wudao, who has been talking for a while, suddenly comes up, as if he said something to himself, then Turn around and leave.

"Where are you going?" Qin Feng took Qinwudao.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Qin Wudao cherishes words like gold.

"Why go?"

“Why stay?” Qin Wudao asked.

Qin Feng took Qin Wudao and turned and stared at his eyes and said: "You follow me back to Kyoto, Qin House needs you!"

Qin Wudao trembled and his mouth was open and closed, but he never said anything.

Qin Wudao did not say promise, but Qin Feng knew that he would not go.

"Ha ha! Qin Feng brothers, know that you are returning to China today, but I specially came to pick up the wind."

Several people from Qin Feng walked out of the airport hall and were shocked when they first came outside.

On the street, stood two rows of red Tang dynasty, then three business Mercedes-Benz parked aside, these are Hongmen people, in Hong Kong, is the site of Hongmen.

Arrogantly came in person, wearing a handsome white suit, Qin Feng went up to a hug with arrogance, when the two released their hands, the arrogant suddenly punched Qin Feng's chest.


Qin Feng reacted very quickly, and the punch was against the impermanence.

Proud and impermanently retired three steps to stabilize the body, Qin Feng stood still in the same place.

Li Xingtian and all the girls were shocked. Qin Feng and arrogance are not brothers? How did you suddenly fight?

The arrogant and hearty laughter sounded: "Ha ha ha! Powerful, the Qin Feng brothers are really amazing. It seems that I have to hurry to practice, otherwise I can't keep up with your pace."

Everyone was relieved, and the original arrogance was a discussion with Qin Feng.

"The impermanent rudder master, your progress is also very big." Qin Feng is not a customer talk, not more than two months, the arrogant strength does grow a lot.

"Go! Everyone goes to Hongmen as a guest. After a while, let's have a good time to discuss and learn. Those little rabbits are not enough for me to abuse..."

Proudly and glanced at the Hongmen disciples standing on both sides of the street, those disciples frowned and thought that they would have to make a hole in the mud tonight.

Qin Feng everyone went to Hongmen Hongmen, and the arrogance has long been set up for the reception.

Here is the site of the proud little, she and a little daughter-in-law to help Qin Feng take care of the guests, busy with the same as a diligent bee.

Proud and impermanent, when I couldn’t see my sister so well-behaved, only when Qin Feng came every time, my sister immediately became a person.

Since the Battle of Shenlongshan was abandoned, Qin Feng has not returned to Kyoto and Hero City for more than two months. Qin Feng stayed in Hong Kong for only one day. The next day he took everyone back to Kyoto.

When she left, Li Ya also came to see her off. She and Ao Xiaoyi looked at Qin Feng and left.

The two women have an impulse to go to Kyoto with Qin Feng, but now Qin Feng is still unstable, he still has a lot of things to do, so Qin Feng saw the thoughts of the two women, but did not invite them. Go to Kyoto.

Qin Feng feels that staying on the Hong Kong side, the two women are safer.

The plane landed at Kyoto Airport and stepped on this familiar land again. Qin Feng had a feeling of being separated.

Especially Li Xingtian and Qin Wudao also have this feeling, because the three are just from the US William family base, they experienced a moment of life and death in a foreign country.

Outside the airport, Qin Feng said goodbye to Rao Shiman and Zhang Keke. The two women have not returned to Kyoto for a long time. They must go home to see.

Ma Xinxin has been following Qin Feng. Her family is in Weicheng. Ma Xinxin waited a few days to return to the city with Qin Feng.

Li Xingtian also left, and went directly to the villa that Yan Wushuang rented, because Li Shanshan was there, Li Xingtian could not wait for the next second to fly to her daughter.

Outside the airport, Qin Feng, Qin Wudao and Ma Xinxin were left. This time, suddenly, Qin Feng did not say anything. Looking at the familiar streets and environment, Qin Feng and Qin Wudao were somewhat awkward.

"Wu Da, let's go home first!" Qin Feng suddenly looked at Qin Wudao.

Qin Wudao trembled, and his mind had already lost the concept of home. The word 'home' seemed to be very far away, but looking at Qin Feng’s persevering gaze, Qin Wudao seemed to find another home.

"It's time to go home and have a look!" Qin Wudao sighed.

The burdens and hatred that have been suppressed in these years are all dissipated at this moment. This feeling is very relaxed. Qin Wudao feels that the body must float.

"After going back, I told you one thing!" Qin Feng has not told Qin Wudao about his grandfather's plan. Qin Feng did not deliberately say that he wants to reconcile with Qinwudao, but he does not know the truth in Qinwudao. When the time is good.

Because Qin Feng is the big brother of the Qin family, he feels that he should carry more burdens.

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