While Yerre's learning and having a fun time with Sir Aloit till evening, Alda is the exception. She's having a hard time thinking about how to take a step in planning to dispatch the fortune teller while still stuck in the bed.

The night is speaking; the wind is knocking, and the moon is glimmering, waving throughout every corner and spots that darkness rules.


A knock on the door disturbs Alda, circling deep thoughts as she replies.

"Yes, who is it?" Alda asks in her annoyed voice. She does not like someone interrupting her while figuring things out inside her brain.

"Is your mother and father, can we come in?" Duchess Aerwen mentions, which made Alda shocked for a bit, then relaxed as she replies.

"Yes, come in, mother and father," Alda answer as Cathlen chamber door then open showing two people who wear a genuine smile, striding to sit beside Cathlen bed.

"How are you feeling?" Duchess Aerwen asks in her soothing, calm tone of voice.

"I am good," Alda answer.

"That's a blessing to hear," Duke Thranduil mentions.

"Yes, the physician said my rest days are over tomorrow," Alda tells them the things that the physician mentions to her earlier with Angela whose listening in full ears.

"Your recovery is doing good," the physician mentions with a thankful smile.

"That's great! Where can I go out and do some activities again?" Alda asks.

"Oh, you can do anything tomorrow. Your rest day is over tomorrow," the physician answer with a gentle smile, which made Alda eyes light up from gratefulness.

"You mean..."

"Yes, congratulations on your good recovery. But, I must remind you. Take it slow when you do some heavy activities, understand? Do not do some activities that you have not done before," the physician mentions with advice.

"Yes, thank you for advising me." Alda felt thankful for her physician.

"Your welcome. I need to go now. I see you tomorrow for the last checkups, okay?" The physician responds with a reminder.

"Okay, thank you again," Alda replies with a grateful smile while the physician nods at her reply, then Angela escorts him out to Lady Cathlen chamber.

"That's wonderful starting tomorrow. You can do anything you want," Duchess Aerwen mentions.

"Oh." Alda's curt reply has no interest.

"Yes, you can tour around the town or anywhere without guards," Duke Thranduil mentions, which made Alda stunned and felt unbelievable. She sat to her bed with eyes wide open from surprise, which made Duchess Aerwen giggled.

"Are you for sure?" Alda asks for assurance.

"Yes, your mother and I already talk about some things related to you. And we figured that is our fault that you got sick," Duke Thranduil mentions, making Alda look at them with lost eyes and expression.

"Ha? But how did you conclude that? In what base?" Alda ask.

"Well is true that we have been strictly for the past months because of Lady Vendia. But upon seeing you get sick because of our overprotective nature. We let you roam around full of freedom but in one condition," Duke Thranduil mentions, making Alda brows twitch from curiosity.

"What is it," Alda ask.

"Your father and I decided for you to take knight training to protect yourself in any danger you might come across when you go out alone," Duchess Aerwen mentions, making Alda eyes light up from excitement and happiness.

'A training for a knight? Now that's more even better!' Alda thought, super excited.

"FOR SURE?" She asks in her excited voice.

"Yes, we are sure," Duke Thranduil responds.

"Yas! Thank you, mother and father," Alda reply, hugging Lady Cathlen's parents with a satisfied and free feeling.

'Well, what do you know? Being sick for four days helps. Now I can go out without a tail and eyes. Yas! I can be with Yerre with no disturbance and threat now, jeje,' Alda thought, full of happiness and excitement.

"Whose going to train me?" Alda asks.

"Sir Fiero will," Duke Thranduil answer, making Alda eyes glim in excitement.

"Okay, on what day does my training start?" Alda asks again.

"Next week will be your training, but for now. You rest and roam around wherever you want but don't stay outside for too long, understand?" Duchess Aerwen responded to her daughter's question.

'Nice, nice. I have more time for Yerre and my plan,' Alda thought, full of relief and gladness.

"Yes, mother, father. I understand. Thank you for your permission," Alda answer with a genuine smile.

"Your always welcome," Duke Thranduil reply with a gentle smile.

On the other side of the location, inside the Astrod kingdom. Prince Adam keeps walking back and forth while waiting for Sir Ken to arrive from the Marquis residence.

The light of the moon is reflecting some light and shadows inside his room. He didn't light any candles, lamps, or flashlights to clear the image of his chamber.

Prince Adam is in front of his guess room door, still striding back and forth while wearing an impatient expression.


A knock outside his chamber made a loud sound inside, making Prince Adam surprised and startled for a second. Then relax as he replies to the knock outside his door.

"Who is it," Prince Adam ask within his firm tone of voice. 

"Your highness is Ken," Sir Ken responds outside the door. 

"Come in," Prince Adam demand as Sir Ken then opens the door and gets inside in haste. 

"So, what did you see?" Prince Adam asks. 

"I went inside the Marquis residence as your command," Sir Ken responds. 

"Okay, is it possible for me to get in and talk to Lady Vendia in peace inside her chamber?" Prince Adam asks in his impatient voice. 

"It is possible but also not possible," Sir Ken answer with a dim expression at the end of his words, which made Prince Adam confused and curious. 

"What do you mean by that?" Prince Adam asks. 

"I saw a way on how to get inside, but as I got in, I caught into a trap, and I fight with Lady Vendia's servant," Sir Ken explains the things that happened to him inside the Marquis residence.

"WHAT? You mean to say that Lady Vendia's servant can fight?" Prince Adam asks in astonishment and shock. 

"Yes," Sir Ken brief reply. 

"That's a wise move. But back to the first matter. So you mean to say that we can get in but traps already planted hidden, so we still going to be caught?" Prince Adam asks. 

"Yes, but if we plan things out and create a passage move. We can get ins without meeting up the traps and some people inside their residence," Sir Ken mentions. 

"Okay, I understand. Wheres Sir Ben and Sir Roy?" Prince Adam asks for his two trusted and friend knights. 

"They're still inside the knight grounds," Sir Ken answer, making Prince Adam surprised. 

"What do you mean? Why they're inside the knight grounds?" 

"Ahhh, they are filling in the days they could not take part," Sir Ken answer, full of honesty. 

"I see..." Prince Adam responds.

"But, later call them over to my office. We will discuss my plan involving them," Prince Adam mentions. 

"As you wish, your highness," Sir Ken replied, vowing. 

"Thank you, now go take a break for thirty minutes," Prince Adam mentions as Sir Ken nod then leave the room. 

Back to the Nipa village, Yerre, alongside Sir Aloit, is now inside the Nipa livelihood house, where every young woman's trained to cook.


Sir Aloit knocks on the door beside the entrance, signaling everyone that Yerre's already arrived for her lesson too.

"Oh, Vendia," Elaine mentions as she looks to where Yerre and Sir Aloit, standing with a relief and glad smile.

"Sorry, I'm a bit late," Yerre apologizes.

"Aiyo, there's no need for an apology is fine. You go wash your hands first and wear these disposable gloves for the safety of the food you were going to make later," Elaine mentions with a warm smile.

"Okay, thank you for reminding me, Elaine," Yerre responds with a grateful smile.

"Your welcome. Now go wash your hands," Elaine replies with a demand.

Yerre then went to the sink, washing her hands while Sir Aloit waits for her inside the room.

"Aloit, you want to join us?" The other middle-aged woman asks Sir Aloit, who's sitting beside their workstation.

"Man may take part in this kind of training too?" Sir Aloit asks in shock.

"Of course," Elaine joined in their conversation as they continue making more kakanin.

"Aigo, who says a man can't cook and do this thing too?" The other elder woman asks.

"Oh, then..." Sir Aloit gazes at them with indecisive eyes and feelings.

"Well? Want to join?" Elaine asks with a wistful smile.

"Aiya, don't force him, Elaine," the middle-aged woman mentions, making Elaine confused and surprised.

'Ai? I didn't force him though, but, aiya…' Elaine thought.

"Okay, but Aloit, are you sure you won't join us?" Elaine asks again for assurance, making Sir Aloit felt even more indecisive.

"I..." Sir Aloit is about to answer a denial, but Yerre's words made him think of another answer.

"It's okay, uncle, no one going to judge you here."

Sir Aloit turned to his back and saw Yerre with a sincere and warm smile as she continued, blurting out a comforting word to him.

"Remember, this is the place that made you feel at ease and peace," Yerre added, which made Sir Aloit surprised.

To be continued.

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